Star Federation
Star Federation is a global real-time MMO space strategy to be played by genre fans. Build your own Empire with dozens of Colonies and Spacebases. Become a Warrior, Pirate, Merchant in any way you like! Eight unique races, billion Worlds in various Galaxies. Evolution of Planets, Asteroids & Artifacts research. War, bombing & planets annihilation, Battle Management in real-time, Piracy, Sabotage, and Espionage. Create unique spaceship projects, tons of configuration options. Advanced Economics & Diplomacy, unlimited research.
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Borg Military Patrols11.02.2025
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Added the ability to set the percentage of the trade fee refunded to the alliance member. The percentage is set for all members of the alliance, as well as at the position level. The final percentage returned to the player is equal to the product of the percentage set for the entire alliance and the percentage set for the position.

Attention! for the position of "private", the percentage is zero.

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 356 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 5pcs.
Corvette - 4pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 3pcs.
Light Cruiser - 3pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 4pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 7pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Flagship - 299pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 4pcs.
The Federation's Deep Space Exploration Service has noticed that in some cases, when anomalies of unknown nature disappear, artifacts appear on planets and fields that fall within their range, and in very rare cases, devices of the ancients.
Borg Military Patrols05.02.2025
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 302 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 3pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Flagship - 6pcs.
Raider - 279pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 558 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 277pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Flagship - 279pcs.
DDOS Attack01.02.2025
Borg Military Patrols30.01.2025
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 53 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 3pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 3pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 4pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 6pcs.
Hephaestus - 2pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Flagship - 17pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Added the ability for players who are newbies to leave the Guild of Independent Worlds ahead of schedule.

Added the ability for all players to leave the Mercenary Guild ahead of schedule.
Borg Spaceships28.01.2025
Federation got 10 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Purchase of IG26.01.2025
Reduced the cost of buying IG for USD and EUR
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 252 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 6pcs.
HT-3 - 10pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 7pcs.
Strike Fighter - 11pcs.
Corvette - 14pcs.
Frigate - 10pcs.
Destroyer - 10pcs.
Light Cruiser - 8pcs.
Cruiser - 7pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 15pcs.
Battlecruiser - 12pcs.
Battleship - 7pcs.
Leviathan - 19pcs.
Hephaestus - 15pcs.
Mercury - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 10pcs.
Flagship - 69pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Raider - 16pcs.
Borg Military Patrols21.01.2025
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols15.01.2025
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 59 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 4pcs.
Corvette - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 3pcs.
Battlecruiser - 3pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 6pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 4pcs.
Flagship - 17pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 4pcs.
Borg Military Patrols12.01.2025
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols10.01.2025
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols08.01.2025
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols06.01.2025
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 264 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 4pcs.
HT-3 - 9pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 10pcs.
Corvette - 6pcs.
Frigate - 9pcs.
Destroyer - 9pcs.
Light Cruiser - 8pcs.
Cruiser - 7pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 14pcs.
Battlecruiser - 14pcs.
Battleship - 8pcs.
Leviathan - 24pcs.
Hephaestus - 16pcs.
Mercury - 5pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 12pcs.
Flagship - 83pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Raider - 20pcs.
Borg Military Patrols04.01.2025
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols02.01.2025
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols31.12.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Happy New Year!31.12.2024
Dear space explorers and players of the Star Federation!

Happy New Year! May this year be filled with exciting space adventures and incredible victories in intergalactic battles. We wish you good luck in colonizing new planets, wisdom in managing resources, and courage in facing your opponents!

Let the starships strive for new heights, and each decision brings us closer to the creation of a great space empire. Let the challenges and enemies become an incentive for growth and development!

With new achievements, new galaxies and new friends in interstellar travel!

With best wishes,
Your PO
Borg Military Patrols28.12.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 33 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Hephaestus - 2pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Flagship - 11pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Borg Military Patrols24.12.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols21.12.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 29 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 2pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 4pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 9pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Borg Military Patrols16.12.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Commanders & Robots15.12.2024
Added the ability to reset basic skills and remove additional skills from fleet commanders.

Added the ability to remove skills from neural robots.

Ships of the Borg race13.12.2024
The order of accrual of remuneration to the player for the project created by him during the purchase (exchange) has been changed The Federation has another player of the Borg race ships of this project:

The amount of remuneration is rounded down. If the purchase was paid for with a certificate, then the reward will be paid for the bonus certificate.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 20 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Flagship - 7pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
A new device of the ancients "Subspace stabilizer" has been added (see the reference). All players who have independently built at least one Anomaly Detector have been given this device.

A new module for ships "Research Module" has been added (see the reference).

A new command has been added to the Expedition fleet (see the reference guide).

The functionality of the Tachyon modulator (see the reference book) and the skill of the commander of the fleet "Excavation" (see the reference book) has been expanded.

Borg Military Patrols07.12.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Tasks of the Federation05.12.2024
Only the players performing this task and the Borg will have access to the coordinates where the Borg fleets are located, with which players must interact on the Federation's instructions. All other fleets arriving at these coordinates will automatically switch to the "Escape from the battlefield" mode.
Added the ability to enable (disable) the ancients' devices in the fleet at any state of the fleet. The changed fleet parameters with enabled (disabled) devices will be applied only when executing the next command (the next battle cycle).
Borg Military Patrols03.12.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Artifact Research02.12.2024
The level of Borg components and ammunition that can be obtained when examining an artifact will depend on the level of the archaeological center and is calculated as the geometric average of the artifact level and the level of the archaeological center and rounded up, but cannot be less than the artifact level.
Shopping centre02.12.2024
The radius of influence of the shopping center no longer depends on productivity.
Archaeological Center02.12.2024
Added the ability to customize the automatic improvement of the Archaeological Center.

Server failure01.12.2024
The administration apologizes to the players for the server failure that occurred after 00:00 on 12/01/2024.

All players have been paid 25,000 IG for a bonus certificate.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 17 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 3pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Borg Military Patrols28.11.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
An active Outpost increases the parameters of other nearby active Outposts of the same player or alliance located in neighboring quadrants by 25% of their own parameters, provided that the Outpost is located in a quadrant controlled by the alliance in which the player is a member or a Federation, if the player is not a member of any alliance.

The cost of the Outpost has been changed:

Slightly increased cost at low levels, significantly reduced cost at high levels.

For example:

Level 100 : 50,355 IG -> 50,675 IG
Level 1,000 : 238,453 IG -> 238,453 IG
Level 100,000 : 1,312,094 IG -> 1,015,202 IG
Level 1,000,000 : 4,762,484 IG -> 2,711,893 IG

You can use the difference in cost (if it is positive) to build new Outposts or improve existing ones.
Borg Factories26.11.2024
The cost of the Borg Industrial Center and the Borg Standardization Center has been changed:

Slightly increased cost at low levels, significantly reduced cost at high levels.

Increased resource requirements for the construction of the Borg Industrial Center and the Borg Standardization Center
Icons have been added to the hints to the buttons for building on the planet:

"Build the maximum possible number" - builds the maximum possible number of buildings of the current level.

"Disassemble everything" - disassembles all buildings of the specified type.
Navigation Center26.11.2024
The navigation center now increases the maximum number of ships in the mall by a certain percentage, depending on the level.

The research requirements for the Navigation Center have been changed.

The requirements for materials for the construction of the Navigation Center have been changed.
Ship sales26.11.2024
The maximum number of ships that can be sold (Transferred) in one transaction is now equal to the maximum number of ships in the mall.
Planet improvements.25.11.2024
Increased the maximum value of improvements for intergalactic systems to 250%.

The algorithm for "dropping out" improvements from artifacts has been changed. The value of the increase in improvement depends on the current value of the planet's improvement. The higher the improvement values, the smaller the increase will be, all other things being equal.
The Citadel25.11.2024
An active Citadel increases the parameters of other nearby active Citadels of the same player or alliance located in neighboring quadrants by 25% of its own parameters, provided that the Science Center is located in a quadrant controlled by the alliance in which the player is a member or by the Federation, if the player is not a member of any alliance.

The cost of the Scientific Center has been changed:

Slightly increased cost at low levels, significantly reduced cost at high levels.

For example:

Level 100 : 64 225 IG -> 64 633 IG
Level 1,000 : 238 453 IG -> 238 453 IG
Level. 100 000 : 1 312 094 -> 1 015 202 IG
1,000,000 : 7,919,748 IG -> 4,509,728 IG Level 5,000,000 : 4,762,484 IG -> 2,711,893 IG

You can use the difference in cost (if it is positive) to build new Citadels or improve existing ones.
Sale of the Federation24.11.2024
Due to the lifting of restrictions on the security status, the calculation of the limit for the sale of goods of the Federation has been changed

"The maximum amount depends on your security status: the higher the status, the more you can earn by selling Federation goods. Each positive security status unit increases the maximum amount by 50 IG for a security status less than 100 and by 1 IG for a security status exceeding 100 (but not more than 25,000 IG), and a negative one decreases by 50 IG (but not more than 5,000 IG). With a zero security status, you can sell an item worth 5,000 IG."
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 7 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Flagship - 2pcs.
The interplanetary (intra-system) speed of ships has been increased by 100 times. The combat speed of the ships did not change.
Scientific Center24.11.2024
An Active Science Center increases the parameters of other nearby active Science centers of the same player or alliance located in neighboring quadrants by 25% of its own parameters, provided that the Science Center is located in a quadrant controlled by the alliance in which the player is a member or a Federation, if the player is not a member of any alliance.

The cost of the Scientific Center has been changed:

Slightly increased cost at low levels, significantly reduced cost at high levels.

For example:

Level 100 : 95,477 IG ->

96,083 IG Level 1,000 : 420,730 IG -> 420,730 IG Level. 100 000 : 2 205 244 -> 1 706 255 IG Level 1,000,000 : 7,919,748 IG -> 4,509,728 IG
5,000,000 : 21,867,423 IG -> 10,043,862 IG

You can use the difference in cost (if it is positive) to build new Research Centers or improve existing ones.
Tasks of the Federation24.11.2024
The rating of the Federation, given as a reward for completing Federation tasks, has been increased 5 times.
Cultural Center23.11.2024
The cost of the Cultural Center has been changed:

Slightly increased cost at low levels, significantly reduced cost at high levels.

For example:

Level 100 : 12,589 IG -> 15,151 IG
Level 1,000 : 47,416 IG -> 56,844 IG
Level 100,000 : 261,773 IG -> 242,948 IG
Level 1,000,000 : 950,669 IG -> 649,397 IG
Level 2,500,000 : 1,688 752 IG -> 1,018,587 IG

You can use the difference in cost (if it is positive) to build new shopping centers or improve existing ones.
The Altar23.11.2024
The cost of the Altar has been changed:

Slightly increased cost at low levels, significantly reduced cost at high levels.

For example:

Level 100 : 231 004 IG -> 232 469 IG
Level 1,000 : 1,043 575 IG -> 1,043 575 IG
Level 100,000 : 5,493 722 IG -> 4,250 638 IG
Level 1,000,000 : 19,744 549 IG -> 11,243 104 IG

You can use the difference in cost (if it is positive) to build new Altars or improve existing ones.
Borg Military Patrols21.11.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
The Altar20.11.2024
Cultural artifact, increases the altar parameter of the Efficiency of buildings +(%).

An active altar increases the parameters of other nearby active Altars of the same player or alliance located in neighboring quadrants by 25% of their own parameters.
The Altar20.11.2024
Adjustments have been made to today's alterations on Altars.

An active altar increases the parameters of other nearby active Altars of the same player or alliance located in neighboring quadrants by 25% of its own parameters, provided that the Altar is located in a quadrant controlled by the alliance in which the player is a member or a Federation, if the player is not a member of any alliance.
Security status19.11.2024
The hourly increase in the security status has been increased 10 times.

The accrued negative safety status per unit rating of the destroyed ship has been reduced by 10 times.

The calculation of the cost of zeroing the security status has been changed.

When using the attack command in the quadrant that controls the player's alliance or in the Federation quadrant, if the player is not in any alliance, the security status decreases only when their ships are destroyed.

The coefficient of the difference in player ratings has been reduced when calculating the decrease in the security status.
Changes have been made to the calculation of increasing (decreasing) loyalty and productivity of colonies and bases for the paradigms of alliances "Form of government", "Social structure" (see the corresponding descriptions).

Attention! Check loyalty and performance on your planets, bases.
Security status18.11.2024
The limit on the security status value of 100 ( -100 ) units has been lifted.

The 'Increase loyalty %' parameter of the Security Center has been changed to the `Decrease negative loyalty (%)` parameter, which reduces the negative loyalty caused by the security status by a certain percentage.
Security status18.11.2024
The algorithm for calculating the hourly growth of the security status has been changed:

0.005 / ( 1.0 + W ) units are added hourly to each player's Security Status, where W is the number of players and alliances with which the player or his alliance is at war.

Previously, in a state of war, the security status was not added.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the changes in the calculation of increasing (decreasing) loyalty and productivity of colonies and bases for the paradigms of alliances "Form of government", "Social structure" (see the corresponding descriptions).

Changes in the calculations will be made tomorrow during the day.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 43 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 3pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 3pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 2pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 4pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 12pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Borg Military Patrols16.11.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 3 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Orbital bases16.11.2024
A week after the creation of the orbital base, with a shortage of workers to maintain the orbital base (including those associated with revolutionary sentiments), the orbital base is gradually damaged until its complete destruction. It is possible to reduce the level of such damage with the help of the spaceport (the greater the orbital potential of the spaceport, the less damage the base receives).

For bases built before 11/16/2024 at 17:00, this rule will take effect from 05/01/2025.

This is done in order to prevent the rampant and thoughtless capture of orbits by players, without further development.

Added a button for instant destruction of the colony and/or base.
It is located in the Planet management - management - other - advanced window.

Attention, this action cannot be canceled.
Recycling Center13.11.2024
The cost of the Recycling Center has been changed:

Slightly increased cost at low levels, significantly reduced cost at high levels.

For example:

Level 100 : 835 IG -> 1086 IG
Level 1,000 : 5767 IG -> 7,653 IG
Level 100,000 : 31,594 IG ->
32,526 IG Level 500,000 : 75,568 IG -> 63,048 IG
Level 1,000,000 : 114,592 IG -> 86 864 IG
Level 2,500,000 : 203,486 IG -> 136,212 IG
Level 5,000,000 : 317,903 IG -> 203,486 IG

You can use the difference in cost (if it is positive) to build new CPUs or improve existing ones.
Matter Converter13.11.2024
Reduced the cost of the matter converter at high levels:

For example:

Ur. 10 00 : 485,804 IG -> 457,353 IG
Ur. 100,000 : 1,255,991 IG -> 971,794 IG
Ur. 500,000 : 3,007,245 IG -> 1,884,968 IG
Ur. 1,000,000 : 4,561,751 IG -> 2,597,590 IG
Ur. 2,500,000 : 8,103,623 IG -> 4,074,349 IG

You can use the difference in cost (if it is positive) to build new PM or improve existing ones.
At the beginning of the battle, no more than 125 fleets can enter the battle in the `Defense` position.
Added to the parameters of the cosmobase:

Increase in culture - increases the culture of the cosmobase by a certain percentage.

Increasing the efficiency of buildings:

Recycling center, Matter Converter, Orbital Casino, Radar station.
Borg Military Patrols10.11.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 36 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 4pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 2pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 7pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Attention, messages about the danger of revolution before 11/30/2024 are informative in nature so that you know which colonies of the base are problematic.

The calculation of the cost of calling the federal police to suppress revolutionary sentiments has been changed (the cost has been significantly reduced for colonies with a large population).

The algorithm for reducing loyalty by agents has been changed. Agents reduce loyalty not by a fixed 5% loyalty per mission, but by 5% of the current loyalty, but not less than 5% loyalty. (i.e. if you have 10,000% loyalty, then the agent for the mission reduces it by 500%, if 90% loyalty, then by 5%).
GNM & Pacifism

Members of the Guild of Independent Worlds and members of alliances with the pacifism paradigm can declare war on the Borg with all the consequences that follow from this (Attacks by Borg war fleets on any player's objects, regardless of their location, according to the rules of Borg behavior during the war)

Home Planet

The maximum size of the home planet is set at 21,000 sites, but the "5 percent" rule does not apply to it. Regardless of which artifact level increases the number of sites to a maximum, there will not be more than 21,000 sites.

Congress of the Colonies

The parameter "Loyalty of the population (%)" for the Congress of colonies increases in direct proportion to the square root of the number of colonies.

The mechanism for calculating loyalty has been changed depending on the colonial administrations and the Congress of Colonies (see their description in the handbook).

The base and colonies during the week after colonization (base construction) will not take into account the decrease in loyalty from moving away from the colonial centers.

In order to avoid revolutions, due to new calculations, revolutionary sentiments in the colonies and bases will not spread until 11/30/2024.

Race Bonuses

From 08.11.2024 00:00, the Racial bonus "Resource Extraction" will affect the processing cycle time. The bigger the bonus, the shorter the cycle time. The smaller the bonus, the longer the cycle time.

From 08.11.2024 00:00, the racial bonus "Espionage" will affect the minimum time of the excavation cycle and the interval for searching for artifacts in the search operation. The larger the bonus, the shorter the cycle time (interval). The smaller the bonus, the longer the cycle time (interval).

Added the ability to change the color scheme to another one. This can be done in the account settings window -> advanced -> interface.
A new color scheme has been added to display digital values. You can change the digital scheme in your account settings.
Tasks of the Federation04.11.2024
The order of calculation of the reward in the form of Borg components has been changed.

The level of the components of the Borg race issued as a reward corresponds to the maximum studied level of the player (only the player's own research is taken into account, excluding the alliance), but not less than 10,000, rounded up. The number of components issued depends only on the complexity of the task, but not on the level of the component. Thus, as the complexity of the task increases, the cost of Borg components per 1 unit decreases.
Borg Military Patrols03.11.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Spaceships03.11.2024
Federation got 11 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 97 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 5pcs.
Corvette - 6pcs.
Frigate - 4pcs.
Destroyer - 4pcs.
Light Cruiser - 3pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 6pcs.
Battlecruiser - 5pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 8pcs.
Hephaestus - 7pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 5pcs.
Flagship - 28pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 4pcs.
Borg Spaceships28.10.2024
Federation got 35 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Fixed a bug where the anti-laser coating and energy deflector did not reduce damage by more than 99%.

The formula for calculating the efficiency coefficient of weapons in battle has been adjusted.

( 1.0 + Rank Bonus / 100 + Alliance Paradigm Bonuses / 100 ) * ( 1.0 + Ancient Device Bonus to Weapons / 100) * ( 1.0 + Commander Bonus to Weapons / 100) * ( 1.0 + Outpost Bonus to Weapons / 100 ) * ( A coefficient specific to each weapon can be calculated in the organizer ) * ( 1 - Damage Reduction / 100 )

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 2111 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Flagship - 2108pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
The "Ads" tab of the trading window has been upgraded.
The altar increases the effectiveness of the cultural center (see the reference book).

The calculation of the increase in scientific potential has been changed depending on the number of laboratories (see the reference book).

Cultural Center23.10.2024
The restriction on the number of cultural centers on one planet has been lifted.
Borg Military Patrols22.10.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
A map of the universe21.10.2024
The operation of the Universe map has been optimized. Refresh the [F5] page to display it correctly.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 8 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 2pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Flagship - 1pcs.
Descriptions of the types of anomalies that are currently known to Federation scientists have been added to the reference book in the Description of the Game - added section. Be careful, the appearance of anomalies is not predictable.
A map of the Universe17.10.2024
The display of gravitational anomalies, hyper traps and tachyon fields on the map of the universe has been changed, now they are displayed as translucent circles of the appropriate color.
To display the map correctly, refresh the game page [F5]
Federation shares15.10.2024
The regulations for the "Artifact Hunting" and "Federation Assistance" campaigns have been changed. You can get acquainted with it in the description of the promotion.
Borg Military Patrols15.10.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 1 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 16 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 4pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Borg Military Patrols05.10.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols01.10.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 2 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 2 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Frigate - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
The forum has been fully restored.
Borg Military Patrols28.09.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 3 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
When dismantling buildings, the construction of which requires IG, 30% of the funds spent will be returned, rounded down.

The rules of the actions `Hunting for Borg`, `Hunting for artifacts`, `Federation Assistance` have been changed:

The awards for the I, II, III places in the nomination have been reduced to 100,000 and from 100,000 to 10,000,000 rating (military rating). The awards for non-prizes in the categories from 100,000 to 10,000,000 rating and from 10,000,000 (military rating) have been increased.

This is done in order to encourage players to develop.

Borg Military Patrols23.09.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 527 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Corvette - 1pcs.
Flagship - 526pcs.
Borg Military Patrols20.09.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Sale of colonies (bases)18.09.2024
The procedure for calculating taxes on the sale (transfer) of colonies (bases) has been changed:

When transferring a colony to another player, the Federation charges a tax from the Transferring Player in the amount of ( 0.001 * colony value at Federation prices ) 0.8 , but not more than 50,000 IG and not less than 10 IG + the amount of taxes for each commodity item in the warehouse of the planet. And the amount of taxes for each device of the ancients that is in control of the planet.
Borg Spaceships17.09.2024
Federation got 3 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 526 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Flagship - 526pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 530 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Raider - 528pcs.
A new spacecraft component has been added:

Tachyon field generator (see the reference)

Generates a tachyon field. Which causes failures in the electronic systems of ships, affecting the calculation of the exit point from subspace when performing jumps using a jump engine or a singularity generator.

Added a new command to the fleet

Tachyon field generation

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 792 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 263pcs.
Flagship - 528pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 539 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 2pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Flagship - 529pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols12.09.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols04.09.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
All new messages related to espionage on your planets will be placed in the Counterintelligence Center folder in the message window.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 8 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 264 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Orbital Fortress - 264pcs.
In Borg military fleets (WAR, RAIDER, HORROR-X) with a high combat rating, the higher the combat rating, the higher the probability, the military commander of the Borg fleet may be present. If the fleet is destroyed, with a small degree of probability, the commander can enter the service of one of the players who participated in the battle.
Technical works31.08.2024
Today, 08/31/2024 at 12:00 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 3 hours.

Attention! All current battles will be stopped. Please don't start fighting.
Fleet processing has been optimized
Battle processing has been optimized (it is in test mode, report any errors you notice to the umbrella).

The limit on the maximum number of ships in the fleet has been lifted, now it is determined by the command center, the corresponding modules and devices of the ancients.
The limit on the maximum number of ships in the fleet has been lifted, now it is determined by the command center with the appropriate modules and devices of the ancients.
Borg Military Patrols29.08.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 3 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Frigate - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Flagship - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols19.08.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 3 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 2 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Corvette - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Borg Spaceships17.08.2024
Federation got 1 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
A Global Anomaly14.08.2024
A global anomaly of unknown nature has occurred in the universe today. The effect of the anomaly resembled the effect of a black hole on a fleet flying past it, which confused the commanders and they sent a message about the anomaly near the hole. More than 3,000 fleets fell under its influence and were scattered in different parts of the universe.

The Federation sent rescue expeditions to the fleets caught in the anomaly. The vast majority of the fleets were returned to the home planet. All fleets that were attacked by the Borg have been restored after falling into the anomaly.

The federation transferred 100,000 IG to all players whose fleets fell into the anomaly for a bonus certificate, and 25,000 IG to the rest of the players for a bonus certificate.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 12 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 2pcs.
Hephaestus - 3pcs.
Flagship - 2pcs.
Borg Military Patrols07.08.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols04.08.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 11 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 2pcs.
Flagship - 4pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Military rating03.08.2024
Changes have been made to the calculation of the military rating:

Ships lost in battle will no longer affect the calculation of the military rating.
Tasks of the Federation02.08.2024
The difficulty of the task to destroy the Borg anomaly generator is now calculated based on the military rating.
Protection from attacks01.08.2024
Added an attack protection mode:

The Attack Defense mode restricts attacks on the player and some of the player's actions as if that player were a member of the Guild of Independent Worlds.
The attack protection mode is activated automatically in cases when the player leaves the alliance or the player is excluded from the alliance, the action of the Guild of Independent Worlds ends. The regime is valid for one day. At the same time, if at the time of exclusion from the alliance or the end of the Guild of Independent Worlds, the player was not online, then the protection begins to take effect immediately, and the expiration date of the protection is counted from the moment the player enters the game, but only if less than a month has passed since the last activity of the player.

The attack protection mode is automatically disabled if the player joins an alliance or guild of independent worlds. The player can also disable the protection mode himself.
Borg Military Patrols30.07.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 3 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
The Citadel29.07.2024
The cost of the Citadel has been reduced.

Players who have already built Citadels can use the difference in cost to improve existing Citadels or build new ones.
The increase in the signature with an increase in the level of the ion cannon has been reduced by about 20%.

The effectiveness of the anti-laser coating has been slightly reduced.

Combat ratings of ships with annular coating and ion cannons have been recalculated.

In order to avoid misunderstandings in battles with Borg, the penalty for exceeding the combat rating in battle is not valid until 07/29/2024 00:00 Moscow time.
Be careful.

From 07/29/2024, fleets of alliance members with the pacifism paradigm will no longer ignore Borg fleets in their quadrants in Attack all mode. That is, Boron patrols will be able to attack fleets arriving at patrol coordinates. Players will be able to complete Federation missions to destroy the Borg even in the quadrants of their alliances.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 533 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Raider - 526pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 181 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 4pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 3pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Flagship - 3pcs.
Raider - 158pcs.
The announcement27.07.2024

Signatures will be reduced depending on the level of all types of beam weapons (lasers, less significantly, guns, more significantly).

The effectiveness of the anti-laser coating has been slightly reduced.

This is mainly due to the introduction of lowering signatures by a neutron modulator.
Borg Spaceships26.07.2024
Federation got 8 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
From 08/01/2024 domain It won't work anymore
In the research window, the ability to sort current studies by the addition queue and the time of the study has been added.
The requirements for the number of captured Borg colonies for the study of "Borg Technology" have been relaxed.
Borg Military Patrols21.07.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 3 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 35 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 4pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 7pcs.
Hephaestus - 2pcs.
Mercury - 4pcs.
Flagship - 6pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Construction and production18.07.2024
For players who are not members of the alliance, there will also be a penalty of up to -95% to the speed of QC production, the speed of construction and design of ships, the speed of construction of orbital modules and planetary structures, depending on the level of technology studied by the alliance member and the level of products (buildings) produced (under construction) and calculated using the formula: pmin + (pmax - pmin ) * max( 1.0, min( player_level, build_level) / max( 1.0, build_level). Where: pmin = -99 , pmax = 0 is the minimum and maximum maximum percentage, player_level is the technology level studied by the player, build_level is the level being produced (under construction).
Reduced energy consumption at high levels for RPU-X1, RPU-X2.

The need for levium for a planetary destroyer has been significantly reduced.

Increased the maximum reduction in the accuracy of guns and lasers to 50%.
All ongoing studies that require more than 365 days to complete are automatically suspended. At the same time, the accumulated progress is saved.
All timers are set to four digits

D - days
HH - clock
MM - minutes
SS - seconds

In order for the changes to take effect, press F5.

We remind the players that today is the last day of the action:

Increasing the capacity of orbital docks

Free ship upgrades if they have the same hull level.

Return of 100% of materials during disassembly of ships.

Increasing the project potential.

Exchange of ships of the Borg race with a 250% discount.

100% tax refund in the form of a trade fee.

Added a fleet message about the completion of the command sheet.
Borg Military Patrols12.07.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 7 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Spaceships11.07.2024
Federation got 2 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Search operation11.07.2024
The number of high-level artifacts appearing per day has been doubled.
A new galaxy11.07.2024
Deep space surveillance tools recorded the appearance of a new eleutherogalaxy at coordinates [ 74880 - 74880 ] : 0. The galaxy was named "Octopus".
Improved the operation of tooltips.

A button for setting the maximum level for the selected module, building, and housing has been added to the materials calculator.

In the Research window, when you right-click on the research level in the research list, the level value will be copied to the clipboard.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 32 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 3pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 3pcs.
Hephaestus - 3pcs.
Mercury - 4pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 5pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
A training video has been added to the task `Conduct the first geological exploration`, which briefly describes how to create and launch a fleet.
Torpedo tube09.07.2024
As an experiment, a new principle for calculating the firing of torpedo tubes will be introduced. Either all torpedoes or none of the torpedo tubes of the same type (race, level) fired at the target will hit the target. The probability of a hit will be calculated based on the accuracy of the device. The accuracy of the devices cannot be more than 50% and less than 0.01%. The calculation of accuracy will not change.
Fixed a bug in the handbook regarding mine activation in the Security Restrictions section:

The activation of mines is subject to the same safety rules as the attack of fleets. The player's fleet, which arrived at the coordinates where the minefield is installed, ignores mines if this fleet cannot be attacked at these coordinates.

We apologize.
10 years of the Star Federation07.07.2024
Dear residents of the Star Federation!
Today we celebrate the 10th anniversary of our fascinating game world. Over the years, we have built, explored and developed this universe together, filling it with new unforgettable moments every day.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts on this special occasion! Your loyalty, dedication and creativity have made the Star Federation the brilliant and unique galaxy that we are proud of today - full of intellectual challenges, warm friendships and exciting adventures.
We are eternally grateful to everyone who has been with us from the very beginning, sharing our inspiration and vision.
We also express our sincere gratitude to the new players who have joined our large gaming family.
Together we create a cohesive community where every contribution is valuable and every achievement is a reason to be proud.
The rapid development of the Star Federation has been made possible by your passion, intelligence and dedication. Your contribution makes the game better and more unique.
Thank you for your dedication and passion! Together we will continue to make the Star Federation better every day!

All players have been issued a certificate for an amount equal to 100,000 IG for every 365 days spent in the game, but not less than 100,000 IG.

From 07/08/2024 to 07/14/2024, the Trade fee (tax refund) will be 100% +-1 IG.

The minimum batch of ships sold has been increased to 1,000.
Borg Military Patrols07.07.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 7 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Spaceships03.07.2024
Federation got 10 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Technical works02.07.2024
Technical work will be carried out on the server today at 13:00 on 07/02/2024. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
The signatures and combat ratings of ships with a neutron modulator have been recalculated in accordance with the previously published announcement.

A new building "Standardization Center" has been added, see the reference book.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 18 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Mercury - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 3pcs.
The Federation's Deep Space Exploration Service has recorded the expansion of the universe. Now the size of the universe is 81920x81920. Refresh the game page (F5) to display it correctly.
The maximum possible number of ships in the fleet has been increased to 5,000.
Attention, starting from 07/01/2024, the rules of the actions "Hunting for Borg", "Hunting for artifacts", "Assistance to the Federation" will be changed:
Prizes will be given in nominations:

up to 100,000 rating (military rating)
from 100,000 to 10,000,000 rating (military rating)
from 10,000,000 rating (military rating)
Neutron modulator26.06.2024
The parameters of the signature reduction for the neutron modulator have been changed.
The neutron modulator reduces the signature only for the specified types of enclosures to the values corresponding to each enclosure (see the reference).

The accelerated ship construction and modernization regime will be extended until 07/14/2024 inclusive.

Borg Military Patrols25.06.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 3 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 14 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Hephaestus - 2pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Flagship - 2pcs.
Borg Military Patrols20.06.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 53 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 5pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 7pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 13pcs.
Hephaestus - 6pcs.
Mercury - 5pcs.
Flagship - 7pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols16.06.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols12.06.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 133 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 6pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Frigate - 5pcs.
Destroyer - 3pcs.
Light Cruiser - 6pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 7pcs.
Battlecruiser - 9pcs.
Battleship - 10pcs.
Leviathan - 30pcs.
Hephaestus - 8pcs.
Mercury - 4pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 32pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Borg Spaceships03.06.2024
Federation got 35 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Military Patrols02.06.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 83 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 3pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 3pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 7pcs.
Battleship - 7pcs.
Leviathan - 18pcs.
Hephaestus - 3pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 22pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Technical works31.05.2024
Today, 05/31/2024 at 09:00 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. the duration of the work is up to 3 hours.
Expansion modules increase the efficiency of the components installed in them.

The method of calculating combat speed has been changed. Combat speed does not depend on the level of the ship, but depends on the initiative of the hull (now the value is constant and does not change from the hull level) and engine power in linear proportion (previously, the proportion of engine power was not linear).

The parameters of the ships of the Borg and Quasaara races have been recalculated. Players can count the race ships themselves using the "recalculate" button in the project information window.

Until 30.06.2024

The shipbuilding potential has been increased 10 times.

Upgrading ships will not require materials, provided that they have the same hull level.

When disassembling the ships, 100% of the materials will be returned.

The project potential has been increased 10 times.

Added the ability to exchange ships of the Borg race purchased from the Federation before 05/31/2024, inclusive. On the ships of the Borg race, the projects of which were created from 06/31/2024 to 30.06.2024. When exchanging, the cost of the ships that you change (ships of the Borg race purchased from the Federation before 30.06.2024) increases by 2.5, but not more than the cost of the ship that you change to (the ship project must be created no earlier than 06/31/2024). Such ships are marked with the "x2.5" icon in the exchange window. The hull types of the exchanged ships must match.
The announcement30.05.2024

Changes will be introduced:

Expansion modules will slightly increase the efficiency of the components installed in them from 0.1% to 20%, depending on race and level.

As a result of the analysis of the discussion of the players caused by the announcement of changes in the gravitational beam. It was decided to make changes to the calculations of the combat speeds of ships: it is not correct when heavy ships move at fighter speeds. The approximate speed according to the new calculation can be viewed in the information window about the ship's design. In the new formula, engines will be more important in calculating speed.

There will be no changes in the gravitational beam.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 108 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 6pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 3pcs.
Frigate - 6pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 6pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 11pcs.
Battleship - 7pcs.
Leviathan - 22pcs.
Hephaestus - 5pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 5pcs.
Flagship - 23pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols28.05.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Tasks of the Federation25.05.2024
A new chain of unique tasks has been added:

Perform 10, 25, 50 "Installation work" tasks for completing each of the tasks, the prize is the Device of the Ancients: A Planetary Initiator, a Gravitational converter, a Gravitational Initiator, respectively.

The chain is activated after completing the "Installation work" task.
Borg Spaceships25.05.2024
Federation got 3 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Added the ability to set the visibility of notes to the star system:

Visible only to me - only you can see the note.

Information exchange agreement - the note is visible only to you and those players with whom you have an information exchange agreement.

Visible to everyone - the note is visible to all players.
A neural robot23.05.2024
A neural robot can increase the productivity of a cultural center.
Tasks of the Federation21.05.2024
Added tasks:

Complete 100 missions to "Destroy Borg Fighters"
Complete 100 missions to "Destroy Borg Frigates"
Complete 50 missions "Destroy Borg Cruisers"
Complete 25 missions "Destroy Borg battleships"
Complete 10 tasks "Destroy the Borg War Fleet"
Complete 10 tasks "Destroy the Space Base"

For completing each, the reward is a personal military device of the ancients

Each of the tasks activates the field for completing the corresponding quest.
Tasks of the Federation21.05.2024
A new chain of unique tasks has been added:

Complete 5, 10 tasks "Destroy the Borg military patrol" for completing each of the tasks, the prize is the Device of the ancients: A phase accelerator, a Gravitational ray, respectively.

The chain is activated after completing the task "Destroy the Borg military Patrol".
Borg Military Patrols20.05.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 62 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 5pcs.
Battleship - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 17pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 13pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Tasks of the Federation17.05.2024
The conditions for completing the task "Destroy the Borg Anomaly Generator" have been changed - the Borg fleet, in between the generation of the anomaly, becomes a patrol with the option "Attack all".

A new chain of unique tasks has been added:

Complete 5, 10, 25 tasks "Destroy the Borg Anomaly Generator" for completing each of the tasks, the prize is the Device of the ancients: A zero field generator, a Gravitational screen, a Hyperspace Analyzer, respectively.

The chain is activated after completing the task "Destroy the Borg Anomaly Generator".

The timeout for a failed task has been reduced to a week (it was a month).
The timeout for canceling a task has been reduced to one day (it was a week).

Tasks of the Federation16.05.2024
A new chain of unique tasks has been added:
Complete 25,50,100, 250 tasks "Deliver materials to the Federation" for completing each task, the prize is an ancient device that increases the storage capacity, for completing the last of the chain of tasks, the prize is an Ancient Energy Converter device.

The chain is activated after completing the task "Deliver materials to the Federation".
Tasks of the Federation16.05.2024
A new chain of unique tasks has been added:
Complete 25, 100, 250 Galaxy Exploration tasks for completing each task, the prize is Ancient Devices, Tachyon Detector, Zero Field Detector, Tachyon Scanner.

The chain is activated after completing the Galaxy Exploration task.
Tasks of the Federation16.05.2024
A new chain of unique tasks has been added:
Complete 50, 100 tasks "Move the Federation Fleet" for completing each of the tasks, the prize is the Device of the ancients: the transition point Generator, the Singularity Generator, respectively.

The chain is activated after completing the task "Move the Federation Fleet".


Added bonuses to protection modules (Steel plate, Composite armor, Titanium plate, Nanoplast, Fiber Concrete, Energy Deflector) for military buildings.

Planetary Destroyer:

Increased damage bonus for combat platforms.
Increased the attack power bonus from the Leviathan Corps.

The survivability and combat rating of all ships will be recalculated during the day.

In order to avoid misunderstandings when attacking Borg, the penalty for exceeding the combat rating will not be applied until the end of the day.
Technical works14.05.2024
Today, 05/14/2024 at 15:00 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. the duration of the work is up to 30 minutes.
The survivability and combat ratings of the ships have been recalculated.
No more than 50 fleets of one player can participate in the battle at the same time. If 250 or more fleets are active in the battle, then only one fleet and only a player who is not participating in the battle can join the battle.

A battle is considered a battle with the Borg if it was started by the player and the Borg, (if a god joins the current battle, then such a battle is not considered a battle with the Borg). Only players with whom the player who started the battle or his allies participating in the battle have an active mutual assistance agreement can join such a battle (excluding xeno-galaxies and xeno-fogs). In xeno-galaxies, xeno-mansions, any players can join the battle and can attack (with the help of the attack command) both the participants of the battle and the Borg.
Added the ability to disable the animation of the buttons "Federation", "Umbrella", "Messages", "Battles".

You can disable animation in the account settings in the "Advanced" tab -> "Interface".

If there is activity associated with a button that requires your attention, instead of animation, a static marker of the appropriate color will be displayed next to the icon.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 87 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 5pcs.
Destroyer - 3pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 7pcs.
Battlecruiser - 6pcs.
Battleship - 4pcs.
Leviathan - 15pcs.
Hephaestus - 6pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 7pcs.
Flagship - 17pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Tasks of the Federation11.05.2024
The order of increasing the complexity of Federation tasks has been changed:

The number of successfully completed tasks increases the complexity of subsequent tasks, regardless of the corresponding rating.

The rewards have been increased and the interval for issuing the next tasks has been reduced with increasing difficulty of the task.

So, for completing all tasks of minimal complexity, you can get up to 78,000 IG per month. And for completing all tasks of minimal complexity, you can get up to 250,000 IG per month.
Victory Day09.05.2024
Dear friends,

Congratulations on Victory Day, May 9th! Today we remember and honor the feat of our ancestors, thanks to whom we live.
May the memory of the victory of the Great Patriotic War always be in our hearts, and peace and prosperity will live in our every home.

Happy holiday, happy Victory Day!
Borg Military Patrols08.05.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Tasks of the Federation07.05.2024
A new chain of unique tasks has been added:
To complete 10,25,50 tasks "To deliver the components of the QC to the Federation" for the completion of each task, the prize is the Device of the ancient production complex.

The chain is activated after completing the task "Deliver CC components to the Federation".
Tasks of the Federation06.05.2024
A new chain of unique tasks has been added:
Complete 5,10,25,50 tasks "Transport Federation goods" for completing each task, the prize is an ancient device to increase the speed of fleets.

The chain is activated after completing the task "To transport goods to the Federation".
Tasks of the Federation05.05.2024
A new chain of unique tasks has been added:
To complete 5,10,25,50,100 "Geological Exploration" tasks for the completion of each task, the prize is the Device of the ancients for the Mining complex.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 65 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 5pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 3pcs.
Battlecruiser - 5pcs.
Battleship - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 12pcs.
Hephaestus - 3pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Flagship - 13pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols01.05.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Spaceships01.05.2024
Federation got 1 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
When a new fleet enters the battle, the cycle time will increase.

The "do not use" option has been added to the gravity beam, the name of the "no target" option has been changed to "automatically".
Borg Military Patrols28.04.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 3 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Anomaly Detector28.04.2024
The radius of anomaly detection has been reduced with increasing levels.
The demand for materials for the construction of an anomaly detector has been increased.
A positive pirate rating is required to investigate the Anomaly Detector.

Pirate Rating28.04.2024
The pirate rating cannot be less than zero.
All players who have a negative pirate rating as of 04/27/2024 have been awarded a positive pirate rating at the rate of 400 units of positive pirate rating per one unit of negative pirate rating.
Players who have been credited with a pirate rating can reset the pirate rating to 10.05.2024 (inclusive).
Borg Military Patrols25.04.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 84 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 4pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 7pcs.
Frigate - 5pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 4pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 6pcs.
Battlecruiser - 4pcs.
Battleship - 6pcs.
Leviathan - 13pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 5pcs.
Flagship - 14pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
The announcement23.04.2024
The following changes will be introduced in the near future:

In connection with the preparation for the introduction of time-spatial anomalies and the mechanism of expeditions to them

, the anti-piracy rating will be abolished.
The conditions for investigating the anomaly detector have been changed. It will depend on the pirate rating. The detector parameters will also be adjusted.

Gravity beam:

The gravitational beam will reduce the speed of the fleet not by 10 times but up to 0.01.
Borg Military Patrols21.04.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 68 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 4pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 3pcs.
Frigate - 4pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 4pcs.
Battleship - 4pcs.
Leviathan - 9pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 4pcs.
Flagship - 13pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Added the ability to specify multiple quadrants (separated by commas) to search for systems in the Search for Systems and Asteroid Fields window
Added the ability to "stretch" the window for viewing other players' battles. Added filters by the types of fleets involved in the battle.
Borg Spaceships13.04.2024
Federation got 9 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Added to the "Fleet Management" window:

Information about the affiliation of the quadrant in which the fleet is located.

Information about the possibility of joining the battle (red circle in
the name of the fleet column).

Information about the relationship with the owner of the fleet (green circle - "Peace treaty" "Blue circle" - mutual assistance agreement).

In the "Other people's projects" tab of the "Ship Projects" window, the ability to filter projects by alliances has been added.
space day12.04.2024
Dear space travelers of the Star Federation game,

Congratulations on the Cosmonautics Day holiday! Today we celebrate the great achievement of mankind - the first human flight into space. This day reminds us of the endless possibilities and great discoveries that await us in the unexplored expanses of space.

Your participation in the Star Federation game brings you closer to the world of space, allowing you to explore, fight and fulfill your dreams of space adventures. We appreciate your passion for exploration and your commitment to new horizons.

May this holiday inspire you to new feats, open up new horizons for you and fill your life with cosmic magic. Thank you for being with us, conquering the starry expanses together!

All players have been issued a certificate for 100,000 IG

Happy Cosmonautics Day!

With best wishes,
Administration of the Star Federation game
Borg Military Patrols12.04.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Battle Management11.04.2024
1. Added the ability to change the height of the battle logs window.
2. Added the "set firing method for selected" button sets the firing method for all guns of selected ships, if a weapon is installed in the filter, then sets the firing method for selected guns of selected ships.
3. Fixed a bug where the "collapsed" - "deployed" status for ships was not remembered.
4. Added buttons "collapse all", "expand all" - collapses (expands) all the guns of the ships.
5. Added the "apply position changes" button - applies position changes to all ships.
6. If the position where the ship should move has not changed, then the "apply" button is not active.
7. The log of the current cycle is automatically updated every 5 seconds if new fleets appear in battle.
8. Fixed an error where the log of the updated cycle was not scrolled.
Fleet Commanders11.04.2024
The mechanism of behavior of commanders in case of a shortage of IG to pay for their maintenance has been changed:

In case of a shortage of IG for the maintenance of the commander, the commander stops working. To resume the normal work of the commander, it is necessary to pay the entire debt for his maintenance.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 222 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 4pcs.
HT-3 - 10pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 11pcs.
Frigate - 11pcs.
Destroyer - 8pcs.
Light Cruiser - 13pcs.
Cruiser - 8pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 13pcs.
Battlecruiser - 17pcs.
Battleship - 10pcs.
Leviathan - 38pcs.
Hephaestus - 9pcs.
Mercury - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 10pcs.
Flagship - 46pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Raider - 4pcs.
After 06.04.2024 18:00 Moscow time, military patrols and military Borg miners are expected to appear. Most fleets may have a gravity beam, so be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Military Patrols06.04.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
The interface of the battle management window has been changed.

Battle management is now always in a separate window.

The height of the battle control window can be changed.

The end cycle button has been added. You can complete the cycle ahead of schedule, provided that the fight takes place with borg (quasaar) and there are no other participants in the battle except you and borg (quasaar).

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 197 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 14pcs.
HT-3 - 8pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 11pcs.
Strike Fighter - 4pcs.
Corvette - 16pcs.
Frigate - 9pcs.
Destroyer - 7pcs.
Light Cruiser - 7pcs.
Cruiser - 6pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 8pcs.
Battlecruiser - 14pcs.
Battleship - 8pcs.
Leviathan - 28pcs.
Hephaestus - 9pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 9pcs.
Flagship - 33pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Borg Military Patrols29.03.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
After 00:00 hours 29.03.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Fleet 26.03.2024
Added an option in the battle settings:

"Do not move if the battle is taking place on your own bases and the fleet is in a defensive position"

When this option is enabled, the fleet will always remain at position 25 if the battle takes place at its own base and the fleet is in the defense position. At the same time, you can manually order the fleet to move.
Borg Military Patrols25.03.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 3 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Inertial laser25.03.2024
The research requirements for an inertial laser have been changed
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 388 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 15pcs.
HT-3 - 16pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 14pcs.
Strike Fighter - 15pcs.
Corvette - 20pcs.
Frigate - 14pcs.
Destroyer - 13pcs.
Light Cruiser - 18pcs.
Cruiser - 10pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 24pcs.
Battlecruiser - 28pcs.
Battleship - 15pcs.
Leviathan - 60pcs.
Hephaestus - 22pcs.
Mercury - 6pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 15pcs.
Flagship - 71pcs.
Ghost - 5pcs.
Raider - 7pcs.
After 00:00 hours 25.03.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Three new training tasks have been added:

Increase the population of the main planet to 100,000
Increase the population of the main planet to 1,000,000
Increase the population of the main planet to 10,000,000

They are issued after completing the task "Increase the free population to 10,000".

The reward for these tasks is the device of the ancients associated with the population.

Since there are no requirements for the deadlines for completing these tasks, all players who previously completed the task "Increase the free population to 10,000" will also be given the opportunity to complete new tasks and receive ancient devices.
Borg Military Patrols18.03.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
After 00:00 hours 18.03.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Planet Management15.03.2024
In the quick access toolbar in the planet management window, the icons of the planets (bases) will display not a colored dot, but the first three letters of the name of the planet (base), in the color specified in the settings of the planet (base).
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 172 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 7pcs.
HT-3 - 7pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 9pcs.
Strike Fighter - 17pcs.
Corvette - 9pcs.
Frigate - 5pcs.
Destroyer - 12pcs.
Light Cruiser - 7pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 11pcs.
Battlecruiser - 11pcs.
Battleship - 5pcs.
Leviathan - 20pcs.
Hephaestus - 9pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 7pcs.
Flagship - 26pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Cultural Center 10.03.2024
The basic productivity of the Cultural Center has been increased, and the productivity gain has been reduced depending on the level.

The basic demand for currency materials and building potential for the Cultural Center has been increased, and the increase in demand has been reduced depending on the level.
The cost in IG has not changed.

The need for currency materials and building capacity for the Control Center has been increased.

The cost in IG has not changed.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 159 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 6pcs.
HT-3 - 9pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 4pcs.
Strike Fighter - 7pcs.
Corvette - 7pcs.
Frigate - 6pcs.
Destroyer - 5pcs.
Light Cruiser - 8pcs.
Cruiser - 4pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 8pcs.
Battlecruiser - 11pcs.
Battleship - 7pcs.
Leviathan - 23pcs.
Hephaestus - 13pcs.
Mercury - 4pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 6pcs.
Flagship - 27pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Borg Military Patrols08.03.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
March 8th08.03.2024
On behalf of the administration of the Star Federation game and our entire community, I would like to congratulate the beautiful ladies on the upcoming wonderful holiday - March 8th!

We sincerely wish you, dear women, to always remain a source of joy with your smiles and positivity! Your presence makes the world brighter, more fun and better. Thank you for what you are, for your tenderness and care, for your uniqueness, which makes our lives more flourishing.

From the bottom of our hearts we want to express our love, respect and congratulations on this special day! May your every day be filled with joy, smiles and attention that you deserve.

With best wishes and warm emotions,

Administration of the Star Federation game
Home Planet07.03.2024
The starting size of the home planet has been increased to 1000 sites.
All home planets smaller than 10,000 have been enlarged by 500 sites.
Trading operations07.03.2024
Added information about the seller when buying a trading bid. You can also view the seller's name in the list of trading machines as a popup hint when you hover over the icon or the name of the planet where the trading rate is located.

The list of your planets where you want to deliver the purchased goods contains only the main planet by default. You can select another planet using the "..." button next to the list. After the transaction is completed, the selected planet will be saved in the list. Up to 25 planets can be stored in the list. This is done because with 50+ planets, the list becomes not convenient for choosing a delivery planet and seriously slows down the opening of the purchase window.
After 00:00 hours 08.03.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
The maximum step for a single study has been increased to 500,000
Added a button to accelerate selected studies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 143 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 4pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 5pcs.
Corvette - 11pcs.
Frigate - 7pcs.
Destroyer - 7pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 5pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 8pcs.
Battlecruiser - 9pcs.
Battleship - 6pcs.
Leviathan - 26pcs.
Hephaestus - 6pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 6pcs.
Flagship - 31pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 3pcs.
Borg Spaceships29.02.2024
Federation got 150 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Military Patrols28.02.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Heavy Combat Platform27.02.2024
The cost of a Heavy Combat Platform has been significantly reduced depending on the level. The difference between the new and old cost of already built combat platforms can be used to build new heavy platforms and improve existing ones.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 97 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 7pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 8pcs.
Strike Fighter - 10pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 5pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 6pcs.
Battleship - 4pcs.
Leviathan - 16pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Flagship - 20pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
After 00:00 hours 28.02.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Cultural Center26.02.2024
The productivity of the Cultural Center has been increased
The need for materials for the construction of a cultural center has increased.
Borg Military Patrols23.02.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
After 00:00 hours 23.02.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Spaceships21.02.2024
Federation got 133 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Has navigation by levels of components and buildings been added to the directory? agents.
A calculator of building levels has been added to the organizer depending on the occupied sites (the "Advanced" tab).
Artifacts & Sites19.02.2024
The mechanism of dropping sites from artifacts has been changed:
The effectiveness of artifacts decreases in direct proportion to the ratio of the current size of the planet and the initial size of the planet.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 120 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 7pcs.
HT-3 - 4pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 5pcs.
Strike Fighter - 10pcs.
Corvette - 9pcs.
Frigate - 5pcs.
Destroyer - 4pcs.
Light Cruiser - 6pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 10pcs.
Battleship - 5pcs.
Leviathan - 16pcs.
Hephaestus - 5pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 5pcs.
Flagship - 19pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols17.02.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
After 00:00 hours 17.02.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Training videos from players who previously participated in the VKontakte contest have been added to the video section.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 239 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 5pcs.
HT-3 - 6pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 7pcs.
Strike Fighter - 11pcs.
Corvette - 17pcs.
Frigate - 15pcs.
Destroyer - 11pcs.
Light Cruiser - 8pcs.
Cruiser - 7pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 13pcs.
Battlecruiser - 14pcs.
Battleship - 9pcs.
Leviathan - 37pcs.
Hephaestus - 12pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 10pcs.
Flagship - 48pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Raider - 4pcs.
Borg Spaceships12.02.2024
Federation got 133 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
A new planetary structure has been added: Bunker - reduces the damage caused by bombs (see the reference.)
In alliance-controlled quadrants, alliance fleets increase productivity by % of the quadrant's productivity in the processing, excavation, construction, planet creation (atmosphere, asteroid field, star system), loading, installation, repair work modes.

In Federation-controlled quadrants, fleets of non-alliance players increase productivity by % of the quadrant's productivity in processing, excavation, construction, planet creation (atmosphere, asteroid field, star system), loading, installation, repair work.

Borg Military Patrols10.02.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
A new device of the ancients has been added: A gravitational converter - allows you to create asteroid fields in free orbits in a star system (see the reference book).

Added a new command to the fleet: "Create an asteroid field" (see the reference)
After 00:00 hours 10.02.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Spaceships07.02.2024
Federation got 133 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Military Patrols05.02.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Ship designs05.02.2024
The "Projects of other players" tab has been added to the "Ship Projects" window. This tab displays previously viewed ship designs of other players, provided that the surveillance tools, when viewing the project, allowed you to see the full contents of the project. The ship designs viewed by the players with whom you have an information exchange agreement are also displayed.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 70 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 4pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 5pcs.
Corvette - 4pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 3pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 5pcs.
Battleship - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 11pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Flagship - 11pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Added a fleet option that prohibits other players from putting the fleet in ship hangars. This option is disabled by default. You can enable it in the Fleet management window in the settings tab.


The right of the alliance position "Loading fleets of alliance members into ship hangars" has been added.

After 00:00 hours 05.02.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 174 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 8pcs.
HT-3 - 8pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 10pcs.
Strike Fighter - 16pcs.
Corvette - 10pcs.
Frigate - 8pcs.
Destroyer - 6pcs.
Light Cruiser - 7pcs.
Cruiser - 5pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 9pcs.
Battlecruiser - 12pcs.
Battleship - 6pcs.
Leviathan - 22pcs.
Hephaestus - 9pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 7pcs.
Flagship - 24pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Hunting for artifacts30.01.2024
The rules of the "Artifact Hunting" campaign have been changed, you can get acquainted with the new rules by clicking the details button in the campaign name window.
Borg Military Patrols29.01.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Spaceships29.01.2024
Federation got 133 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
The Galaxy29.01.2024
The Deep Space Exploration Service of the Federation recorded the appearance of a new xenogalaxy at coordinates [ 4992 - 3584 ]. The galaxy was named Nemesis.

During the research of the new galaxy, it was found that, unlike the Minax galaxy, there are remote systems in the galaxy.

The appearance of huge planets with a Nitrogen atmosphere has been noticed in xenogalactics, known data about these planets are included in the Federation database (directory). An expedition sent to one of these planets was suddenly attacked by a previously unknown race. It has been established from ancient sources that this race is Quasaars. The known data about this race are included in the federation database (directory).

Asteroid systems29.01.2024
A significant increase in red and blue asteroid systems has been observed in eleutherogalaxies and xenogalaxies.
After 00:00 hours 29.01.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 213 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 10pcs.
HT-3 - 11pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 10pcs.
Strike Fighter - 18pcs.
Corvette - 12pcs.
Frigate - 8pcs.
Destroyer - 8pcs.
Light Cruiser - 8pcs.
Cruiser - 6pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 14pcs.
Battlecruiser - 13pcs.
Battleship - 9pcs.
Leviathan - 24pcs.
Hephaestus - 13pcs.
Mercury - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 8pcs.
Flagship - 33pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Borg Military Patrols21.01.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 171 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 8pcs.
HT-3 - 7pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 7pcs.
Strike Fighter - 14pcs.
Corvette - 9pcs.
Frigate - 7pcs.
Destroyer - 8pcs.
Light Cruiser - 6pcs.
Cruiser - 4pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 9pcs.
Battlecruiser - 11pcs.
Battleship - 6pcs.
Leviathan - 24pcs.
Hephaestus - 10pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 6pcs.
Flagship - 29pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
After 00:00 hours 21.01.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Spaceships19.01.2024
Federation got 133 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Added new standard icons for fleets.
In honor of the end of the New Year holidays, the administration issued a second New Year's certificate to all players in the amount of 100,000 IG.

For New Year's greetings to the players: MURRR, Log_7, Gerych, Moon_God, Ramir, Arckadius, Gonzik, AlexandrN7, Hulahup, a neural robot was issued.
Borg Military Patrols15.01.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
After 00:00 hours 15.01.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Spaceships12.01.2024
Federation got 61 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 274 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 11pcs.
HT-3 - 10pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 12pcs.
Strike Fighter - 23pcs.
Corvette - 14pcs.
Frigate - 11pcs.
Destroyer - 10pcs.
Light Cruiser - 9pcs.
Cruiser - 8pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 15pcs.
Battlecruiser - 18pcs.
Battleship - 11pcs.
Leviathan - 43pcs.
Hephaestus - 13pcs.
Mercury - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 14pcs.
Flagship - 43pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Raider - 3pcs.
Borg Military Patrols06.01.2024
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 3 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Spaceships06.01.2024
Federation got 57 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
After 00:00 hours 06.01.24 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 166 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 5pcs.
HT-3 - 7pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 5pcs.
Strike Fighter - 10pcs.
Corvette - 10pcs.
Frigate - 7pcs.
Destroyer - 6pcs.
Light Cruiser - 6pcs.
Cruiser - 5pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 7pcs.
Battlecruiser - 9pcs.
Battleship - 6pcs.
Leviathan - 30pcs.
Hephaestus - 12pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 7pcs.
Flagship - 29pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols28.12.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 9 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Spaceships27.12.2023
Federation got 66 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
After 00:00 hours 28.12.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 21 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 5pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 3pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
1. Fixed a bug that prevents the cosmobase from jumping to a distance closer than 100 st. years from the black hole.

2. A button for creating a component delivery task has been added to the organizer.

3. Members of the merchant guild can create up to 10 tasks at the same time, without waiting for them to be accepted for execution.
Borg Military Patrols24.12.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 3 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
After 00:00 hours 24.12.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Military Patrols21.12.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
After 00:00 hours 21.12.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Spaceships19.12.2023
Federation got 27 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale

Added the ability to save settings of non-reduced balances to other colonies and upload from another colony.


Added the ability to set a note for the colony, which will be visible to other players when hovering over the colony image.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 24 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 4pcs.
Hephaestus - 3pcs.
Flagship - 7pcs.
Borg Military Patrols15.12.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
After 00:00 hours 15.12.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Changes 13.12.2023
Added mechanisms for the current update of fleets and planets when the player is online, regardless of the open windows for fleet management, fleet management, and planet management.
New server11.12.2023
Today, the game was moved to a new, more powerful server.

Domain it won't work anymore.

By the end of the day there will be promotions +25%, Hunting for Borg, Hunting for artifacts.
Technical works11.12.2023
Unfortunately, the game database was not imported correctly during the server migration. We were forced to re-import. The database currently corresponds to 04:00 on 11.12.2023 Moscow time.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused. All players have been given 100,000 bonus IG (For a bonus certificate).
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 78 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 14pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 12pcs.
Strike Fighter - 22pcs.
Corvette - 4pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 3pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 3pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 4pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 3pcs.
Borg Spaceships10.12.2023
Federation got 19 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
An error in the operation of the radiation detector has been fixed (the spectral analyzer did not increase the parameters of the radiation detector).
The percentage of reduction in the processing cycle time from 10 to 8 for the Mineral Detector and particle catcher has been reduced.
Borg Military Patrols07.12.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Boarding, Setting a hyper trap, Setting gravitational interference, patrol with the option to attack everyone are available in xenogalactics and xenotumanness to all players.
A neural robot07.12.2023
The Space base modules Matter Converter and Recycling Center have been added to the skills of neural robots.
The level of the outpost studied by the Borg has been reduced to 600,000.

The distribution of the outpost level in galaxies has been changed (see the reference guide). The specific level of an outpost in a battle depends on the combat rating of the Borg fleets.

The approximate outpost level for the Borg war fleets can be calculated in the organizer in the Borg section.
After 00:00 hours 07.12.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Spaceships03.12.2023
Federation got 19 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Commanders and Robots03.12.2023
The algorithm for calculating the requirements for the psi factor has been changed. Reduced requirements at high levels, increased at low levels.

The current requirements of all commanders and robots have been recalculated.
The Borg and the outpost 03.12.2023
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 145 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 22pcs.
HT-3 - 5pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 21pcs.
Strike Fighter - 31pcs.
Corvette - 5pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 4pcs.
Light Cruiser - 8pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 9pcs.
Battleship - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 10pcs.
Hephaestus - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 16pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols27.11.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Neural Robot27.11.2023
The scientific center of the Federation began to receive reports about the discovery during the study of artifacts of a previously unknown bio-cybernetic organism that is able to connect to the main control networks of any colony and optimize control processes in accordance with the programs embedded in its neural network.

After a detailed study, Federation scientists found out that the robot is able to optimize the operation of most planetary structures and modules of the orbital and space bases. The mechanism by which the robot's abilities can be improved and developed has also been investigated. Since the robot is a bio-cybernetic organism, psi implants are ideal for this. All the results of the studies carried out at the moment are presented in the corresponding section of the handbook.

Research on neural robots continues.

After 00:00 hours 27.11.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Spaceships26.11.2023
Federation got 19 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 55 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 5pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 3pcs.
Battlecruiser - 3pcs.
Battleship - 5pcs.
Leviathan - 10pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Flagship - 7pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols20.11.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 2 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Mercury - 1pcs.
Flagship - 1pcs.
Borg Spaceships19.11.2023
Federation got 19 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
After 00:00 hours 20.11.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Matter Converter17.11.2023
The efficiency of the matter converter has been increased by 4 times
Sectors of influence16.11.2023
Increased the maximum possible increase in quadrant productivity, depending on their location:

+10% for quadrants located in eleutherogalactics, eleoterotumannies.

+25% for quadrants located in xeno-galaxies, xeno-fogs.

The changes will take effect after the daily recalculation of the quadrants.
Xeno-galaxies, Xeno-fogs16.11.2023
From 01.12.2023 In all xeno-galaxies, xeno-fogs for all, without exception, players will be able to carry out the bombing of planets without declaring war. Also in xeno-galaxies, xeno-fogs, GNM members and members of alliances with the Pacifism paradigm will be able to use the attack command.

All members of the GPM or members of alliances with the pacifism paradigm who have colonies in xeno-galaxies, xeno-fogs have been compensated for the cost of buildings + 10%.
Borg Military Patrols15.11.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
The maximum number of ships in the fleet has been increased to 4000.
Recycling 14.11.2023
A new asteroid recycling mechanism will be introduced today (see the description of the recycling command in the handbook).
A new asteroid recycling mechanism has been introduced (see the description of the recycling command in the reference book). For
avoiding stopping fleets due to lack of fuel, fleets will not consume fuel in the recycling mode until 11/14/2023 23:59:59
After 00:00 hours 15.11.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 13 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 3pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Fixed a bug with resource allocation in asteroid systems.
Borg Military Patrols10.11.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Borg Spaceships09.11.2023
Federation got 19 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
After 00:00 hours 10.11.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Military Patrols04.11.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
After 00:00 hours 04.11.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 57 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 4pcs.
Corvette - 3pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 3pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 5pcs.
Battleship - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 8pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 4pcs.
Flagship - 7pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Spaceships01.11.2023
Federation got 19 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Military Patrols30.10.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
Geological exploration station30.10.2023
Added new functionality for the exploration station:

No more than once every 12 hours and no less than once a week (the interval depends on the parameters of the planet and the level of the Exploration Station), exploration of the planet can be carried out at the exploration station using ancient devices (Ore Cleaner, Mineral Detector, Particle Catcher and Spectral Analyzer), increasing the maximum reserve of resources and their replenishment. The field of geological exploration used devices of the ancients become unusable and are destroyed.
After 00:00 hours 30.10.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Geological exploration station27.10.2023
Added the ability to update the composition of resources on the planet in accordance with the latest changes. To do this, use the exploration station.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 95 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 3pcs.
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 4pcs.
Strike Fighter - 6pcs.
Corvette - 8pcs.
Frigate - 6pcs.
Destroyer - 6pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 9pcs.
Battlecruiser - 6pcs.
Battleship - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 11pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Flagship - 17pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Technical works26.10.2023
Today at 17:00 on 10/26/2023 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of work is up to 1 hour.
Resources have been initialized on uninhabited planets and planets inhabited by Borg in accordance with the distribution given on the forum

Added geological and archaeological coefficients to the planets reflecting the complexity of processing, excavation, depending on the type of galaxies (nebulae)

Ethnogalactics from 1 to 2.5.
Eleutherogalactics, eleoterotummanities, intergalactic systems from 2 to 5.
Xenogalactics, xeno-clouds from 3 to 10.

The higher the coefficient, the more difficult and longer it is to carry out processing, exploration and excavation. The coefficient associated with recycling will be taken into account in the recycling team from 10/27/2023

The composition of resources on the planets inhabited by players has not changed, in the near future, players, if desired, will be able to do it on their own.

The current asteroid fields have not been altered.
Updating the bonus (penalty) to the loyalty of colonies from military objects in orbits (for some military paradigms) will be updated once a day (previously it was once an hour).
Borg Spaceships23.10.2023
Federation got 19 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Military Patrols22.10.2023
Borg war patrols have appeared in all galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 5 of the day. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethno-galaxies.
A restriction has been introduced on the minimum size of the planet, depending on its location. see the description of the game - universe.

You cannot create a planet smaller than the minimum size.

During the bombardment, the planet also cannot become smaller than the minimum size.
Added the ability to destroy ships in the orbital dock.
After 00:00 hours 22.10.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Due to a significant increase in the load on the server when calculating the dependence of radar power on distance. The following changes will be made today:

The dependence of radar power on distance has been removed.
The dependence of the viewing radius of colonies on performance has been removed.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 122 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 7pcs.
HT-3 - 4pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 7pcs.
Strike Fighter - 12pcs.
Corvette - 8pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 8pcs.
Light Cruiser - 5pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 7pcs.
Battlecruiser - 7pcs.
Battleship - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 16pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 4pcs.
Flagship - 20pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
The dependence of radar power on distance has been removed.

The parameter of the viewing radius at observatories and orbital observatories and the parameter of increasing the viewing radius have been adjusted:

Increased the increase in visibility at low levels, reduced the increase in visibility at high levels.

The dependence of the viewing radius of colonies on performance has been removed.

Members of the alliance who are frozen are not participants in intra-alliance relations (Mutual Assistance Agreement, Information Exchange Agreement, Peace Agreement, etc.)
The requirements for ratings for special studies have been changed depending on the level:
The requirements for ratings for low levels have been reduced, the requirements for high levels have been increased.
The attack power of some X1, X2, X3 missiles has been slightly increased.

The bonus to the Ship's Radar at the ghost hull has been increased by one and a half times.

Borg Spaceships16.10.2023
Federation got 31 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Military Patrols15.10.2023
Во всех галактиках появились военные патрули боргов. Срок нахождения патрулей около 5 суток. Будьте внимательны при полетах на координаты, где они находятся, большинство флотов оснащены гравитационным лучом. Вступать в бой с военными патрулями в квадрантах новичков могут только игроки с максимальным военным рейтингом менее 100 000. Вступать в бой с военными патрулями в этногалактиках могут только игроки с максимальным военным рейтингом менее 1 000 000.
After 00:00 hours 15.10.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Researches 13.10.2023
The requirements for scientific potential and necessary research for missiles and torpedoes have been adjusted. This is done in order to smooth out the difference in levels of different types of missiles (torpedoes) of the same class.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 83 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 3pcs.
Corvette - 7pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 4pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 5pcs.
Battlecruiser - 8pcs.
Battleship - 4pcs.
Leviathan - 13pcs.
Hephaestus - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 4pcs.
Flagship - 17pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Added the ability to customize the background image
in the account settings (Account Settings - Advanced - Interface)

No - there is no background

3D Star system - 3D animation of the selected planet and the star system in which the planet is located

Image - display as the background of the uploaded image.

Galaxy - a static image of the selected galaxy. in which there is at least one colony (base).
Added the ability to customize the quick commands panel for fleets.
An error was found in the parameters of increasing the mass of the ship in the anti-laser coating and energy deflector, which led to a significant increase in the mass of the ship when installing these high-level modules in the ship. The masses of all ships have been recalculated, taking into account the correction. In a ship with the above-mentioned high-level components, the mass has significantly decreased and, as a result, the speed has increased and the combat rating has slightly increased.
Added the ability to save and load fleet icon and color settings from other fleets (to other fleets).

Added the ability to use preset icons for the fleet. To do this, hover the pointer over the icon in the fleet composition tab.
Borg Military Patrols04.10.2023
Borg war patrols appeared in all galaxies. The duration of patrols is about 5 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in battle with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethnogalaxies.
Added the ability to save and load fleet message settings from other fleets (to other fleets).
After 00:00 hours 04.10.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 47 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 5pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 3pcs.
Frigate - 5pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 3pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 6pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 5pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols30.09.2023
Borg war patrols appeared in all galaxies. The duration of patrols is about 5 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in battle with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethnogalaxies.
Borg Military Patrols30.09.2023
Borg war patrols appeared in all galaxies. The duration of patrols is about 5 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in battle with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethnogalaxies.
After 00:00 hours 30.09.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Military Patrols23.09.2023
Borg war patrols appeared in all galaxies. The duration of patrols is about 5 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in battle with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethnogalaxies.
Planet Management22.09.2023
Added the ability to set the color with which the name of the colony (base) will be displayed.
After 00:00 hours 23.09.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 166 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 5pcs.
HT-3 - 4pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 8pcs.
Frigate - 10pcs.
Destroyer - 5pcs.
Light Cruiser - 9pcs.
Cruiser - 4pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 10pcs.
Battlecruiser - 13pcs.
Battleship - 7pcs.
Leviathan - 28pcs.
Hephaestus - 8pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 7pcs.
Flagship - 38pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 3pcs.
Planet Management21.09.2023
Quick access buttons to planets have been added to the Planet Management window. To display correctly, press F5.
Fleet Management20.09.2023
Buttons for quick access to a specific fleet have been added to the "Fleet Management", "Fleet Management" window. To display correctly, press F5.
Sale of colonies18.09.2023
Due to the frequent cases of the creation of "cartoons" for the purpose of colonization and subsequent transfer of colonies (bases) in the quadrants of newcomers to more developed accounts, a ban is imposed on the sale (transfer) of such bases (colonies) to players who could not independently build such a base (colony) due to game restrictions in open ethno-galaxies:

In the beginner quadrants, only beginners whose home system is located in the same galaxy or players whose home system is located in the same quadrant as the base under construction can build bases.

In remote systems and in free quadrants, only players whose home system is located in the same galaxy can build bases.

PRS & Accuracy16.09.2023
From 09/18/2023, restrictions will come into force on increasing the PRS and the accuracy of the RPU when installing several modules of the PRS, RPU in a ship, a combat platform. (see the reference guide).
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 110 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 6pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 5pcs.
Light Cruiser - 3pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 6pcs.
Battlecruiser - 9pcs.
Battleship - 6pcs.
Leviathan - 19pcs.
Hephaestus - 6pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 5pcs.
Flagship - 27pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Surveillance Service13.09.2023
The Deep Space Observation Service recorded incomprehensible phenomena near black holes. Instability in the appearance of new asteroid systems has been detected. Scientists of the Federation are trying to find out the reason and establish a new pattern of the appearance of such systems. At this stage of observations, a significant increase in artifacts in such systems has been recorded.
Borg Military Patrols12.09.2023
Borg war patrols appeared in all galaxies. The duration of patrols is about 5 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in battle with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethnogalaxies.
After 00:00 hours 12.09.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Improvement of planets.

The bonus of the planet "Population" increases not only the housing stock, but also the parameters: culture, loyal population and protected population of buildings on the planet and orbital modules on the orbital base.

The maximum value of planet improvements for intergalactic systems has been increased to 150%.

From 11.09.2023, the maximum birth rate of the population on the planet will not be able to exceed the number of people on the planet.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 80 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 3pcs.
Corvette - 5pcs.
Frigate - 6pcs.
Destroyer - 3pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 6pcs.
Battleship - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 12pcs.
Hephaestus - 8pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 6pcs.
Flagship - 13pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 358 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 11pcs.
HT-3 - 20pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 9pcs.
Strike Fighter - 26pcs.
Corvette - 23pcs.
Frigate - 11pcs.
Destroyer - 16pcs.
Light Cruiser - 18pcs.
Cruiser - 10pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 27pcs.
Battlecruiser - 27pcs.
Battleship - 10pcs.
Leviathan - 45pcs.
Hephaestus - 19pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 15pcs.
Flagship - 59pcs.
Ghost - 4pcs.
Raider - 6pcs.
Bonus certificate04.09.2023
The automatic conversion of the bonus certificate has been canceled. The bonus certificate is perpetual.
Borg Military Patrols03.09.2023
Borg war patrols appeared in all galaxies. The duration of patrols is about 5 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are, most fleets are equipped with a gravity beam. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 100,000 can engage in battle with military patrols in the beginner quadrants. Only players with a maximum military rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in ethnogalaxies.
Due to the failure of the network infrastructure at the provider of the server and temporarily unavailable.
The operability of the domains, restored
Safety rules03.09.2023
We remind you that the updated security rules will come into force tomorrow. read them again in the section of the reference book 'Description of the game' - 'Safety rules'.
After 00:00 hours 03.09.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
A description of the security rules has been added to the directory (Section: Description of the game - Security restrictions). The described rules will come into force on 04.09.2023.
The requirements for NP for high-level research have been reduced.

The need for NP for current research has been recalculated.
Commanders 27.08.2023
Added the commander's skill "Pilot" - Allows you to detect mines and avoid undermining the fleet by maneuvering. For a detailed description, see the reference section `Fleet Commander'.

To the Ataman player, as the first one who partially offered this skill in our VK group ( ), the commander of the Federation with the maximum skill `Pilot` was transferred, the second player who partially offered this skill, unfortunately did not indicate his name in the game.
Added the commander's skill "Logistics Master" - Increases the capacity of holds, the number of cabins, the volume of hangars and the capacity of fleet hangars.

EvilDeil, Rokk9 players as the first to partially offer this skill in our VK group ( ), the commander of the Federation with the maximum skill `Master of Logistics' was transferred.
School of Commanders26.08.2023
Updated the interface of the school of commanders. The minimum training time of one skill or commander is 1 minute.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 77 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 6pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 6pcs.
Strike Fighter - 12pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 4pcs.
Light Cruiser - 3pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 4pcs.
Battleship - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 7pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Flagship - 13pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Added an additional skill `Marauder` - increases the percentage of dropped components and devices of the ancients from ships destroyed in battle. For a detailed description, see the reference section `Fleet Commander`
Psi implants23.08.2023
The growth of the `psi-factor` parameter has been increased depending on the level.
Home system21.08.2023
Due to the introduction of new rules for transferring home systems and generating fields in it, the transfer counters have been reduced by 1 and the date of the last transfer has been reset.
Fleet Commanders21.08.2023
Added a new additional skill for fleet commanders: `Scanning Range` - increases the range of scanning objects with radar and tachyon scanner. For a detailed description, see the reference section `Fleet Commander`

To the ElGen player who was the first to offer this skill on our VK page ( ), the Federation handed over the commander of the fleet of the Federation race with the maximum developed skill `Scanning Range' (150%)
Home Systems20.08.2023
Added the ability to transfer only the home planet, the transfer conditions are described in the corresponding dialog.

When creating fields in the home system within 48 hours, flights to the corresponding orbits are available only to the player for whom this system is home.
Borg Military Patrols19.08.2023
Во всех галактиках появились военные патрули боргов. Срок нахождения патрулей около 5 суток. Будьте внимательны при полетах на координаты, где они находятся, большинство флотов оснащены гравитационным лучем. Вступать в бой с военными патрулями в квадрантах новичков могут только игроки с максимальным военным рейтингом менее 100 000. Вступать в бой с военными патрулями в этногалактиках могут только игроки с максимальным военным рейтингом менее 1 000 000.
After 00:00 hours 19.08.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 48 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 3pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 4pcs.
Leviathan - 10pcs.
Hephaestus - 2pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 9pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Technical failure13.08.2023
We apologize for the technical glitch. The problems have been fixed, the server is working normally. For those who did not have time to buy IG for the +25 promotion, the promotion will be continued until 08/13/2023 23:59:59. The "Borg Hunt" and "Artifact Hunt" promotions with 500,000 IG bonuses will also be activated.
Sunday 1313.08.2023
Today is the rarest and not a good day for the universe of the Star Federation. The explosion of hundreds of supernovae in all galaxies caused the collapse of fleet management systems. Scientists of the Federation managed to correct the consequences by moving the time continuum to 08/13/2023 04:00. Fortunately, we managed to save all IG purchases made after 08/13/2023 04:00.

In commemoration of this event, the Federation has replenished the 250,000 bonus certificate to all players.

Home system 13.08.2023
Added the ability to transfer the home system for all players. The description of the transfer conditions is described in the corresponding dialog box. You can open this window: The Planet Management window - Management - Summary information - Planet parameters - the button "Move the system to another quadrant".
Fixed an annoying oversight in the calculations of the hulls of ships of the Frigate category:

Reduced volume gain from the level.

Why it was done:
The ghost hull belonging to the Frigate class was gaining volume faster than the Raider belonging to the Cruiser class.

The hulls of the Borg ships recalculated will be recalculated automatically. Players can count their ships on their own.
Added the ability to teach additional skills to commanders, see description of the fleet commander in the directory.

The list of additional skills is not final. Players can offer their ideas of additional skills. To do this, a theme will be created in VK. Players whose ideas will be implemented will receive a Federation commander with fully upgraded basic skills and fully upgraded additional skill that they offered.
From 12.08.2023, the minimum time for the construction of bases, space bases will be increased to 10 minutes.
The Borg Hunt11.08.2023
!!!Attention to the players participating in the "Borg Hunt" campaign, from today the nominations will be distributed relative to the military rating.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 268 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 14pcs.
HT-3 - 17pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 11pcs.
Strike Fighter - 21pcs.
Corvette - 8pcs.
Frigate - 8pcs.
Destroyer - 14pcs.
Light Cruiser - 12pcs.
Cruiser - 5pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 18pcs.
Battlecruiser - 14pcs.
Battleship - 12pcs.
Leviathan - 29pcs.
Hephaestus - 22pcs.
Mercury - 6pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 10pcs.
Flagship - 38pcs.
Ghost - 6pcs.
Raider - 3pcs.
Buying IG11.08.2023
Failures during the purchase of IG have been eliminated.
Home Systems11.08.2023
Added the ability to create asteroid fields in home systems in free orbits. You can do this in the planet management window - Management - Other - Summary information, the `add asteroid fields' button.
Radars 08.08.2023
We remind the player that from 01.07.2023 the radar power decreases inversely proportional to the square of the distance to the observation point (see the reference guide).
Borg Military Patrols06.08.2023
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 5 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
After 00:00 hours 06.08.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 22 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Corvette - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 3pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 8pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 4pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
From 02.08.2023, the salary of the commanders will be paid daily. The amount of daily payments can be viewed in the Empire Overview - Commanders window.
Fixed an error with the calculation of the average speed, if there is a Command processor.
The maximum time for generating anomalies and hyper traps is 1 hour. You cannot use the command `Supply of gravitational interference` and `Generation of a hyper trap` during cyclic execution.
Reduced the damage penalty for all types of weapons in battles to -25% (it was -50%)

In battles with the Borg in the Alliance quadrants and Federation quadrants, all fleets of alliance members are neutral (excluding xeno-fogs and xeno-galaxies). This option will take effect from 30.07.2023.
The requirements for the levels of necessary sciences for high-level research have been reduced.

The requirements for the levels of necessary sciences for the study of `Thermonuclear fusion` have been reduced
Statistics - Research29.07.2023
Players and alliances with maximum levels will no longer be displayed in research statistics. Borg research levels will be displayed instead.

From 30.07.2023, the Borg will conduct research independently of the players. The speed of Borg research depends on the number of Borg colonies. The more colonies there are, the faster the research is carried out. The current research levels are displayed in the statistics window in the research tab.

For more information, see Handbook - Description of the game - Borg - Borg Research
Taxes of the Federation27.07.2023
The formula for calculating the trade tax of the Federation has been changed:
From each trade transaction, the Federation levies a tax of 1% of the transaction amount, but not less than (0.001 * the value of the goods at Federation prices) 0.8, but not more than 50,000 IG and not less than 10 IG.
As an experiment, the maximum possible number of ships in the fleet has been increased to 3000.
Orbital Dock25.07.2023
The addition of x10 to the shipbuilding potential, which was turned on on 01.06.2023, has been disabled.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 3 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 2pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 5 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Flagship - 2pcs.
All players were issued a Federation Day certificate for an amount equal to 100,000 IG for each year spent in the game, but not less than 100,000 IG.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 3 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 183 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 9pcs.
HT-3 - 9pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 10pcs.
Strike Fighter - 20pcs.
Corvette - 13pcs.
Frigate - 7pcs.
Destroyer - 9pcs.
Light Cruiser - 5pcs.
Cruiser - 4pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 9pcs.
Battlecruiser - 11pcs.
Battleship - 6pcs.
Leviathan - 22pcs.
Hephaestus - 11pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 7pcs.
Flagship - 25pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Borg Military Patrols06.07.2023
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
After 00:00 hours 06.07.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 187 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Flagship - 187pcs.
We remind the players that tomorrow, 01.07.2023, the grace period for the construction of ships, introduced in connection with global changes in the characteristics of hulls and modules, ends:

A 10-fold increase in the shipbuilding potential.
Free (if the difference in materials required for construction is less than 10%) modernization of ships

100% return of materials when disassembling ships

10-fold increase in project potential.

Free exchange of ships of the Borg race (if the cost of previously purchased ships that you change does not exceed more than 2.5 times the cost of the ships that you change)

At this point, the period of global adjustment of the parameters of the enclosures and modules is over.

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 44 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 3pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 6pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 6pcs.
Hephaestus - 2pcs.
Flagship - 9pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Gravity Calculator26.06.2023
Significantly reduced fuel consumption by the gravity calculator, depending on the level.
The capacity of the Orbital Hangars has been temporarily increased by 10 times until 06.30.2023.
Technical works23.06.2023
Today at 10:00 on 06/23/2023 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. the duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
The parameters of carriers and ships with ship hangars have been recalculated in accordance with yesterday's changes.

To avoid hanging fleets, all fleets that are currently performing any actions are disabled checking the required fuel when executing a command and the control parameter will be equal to 100%, until the end of the execution of the command sheet or any change. Also, a return to base button has been added to the management of such fleets, when clicked, the fleet is automatically transferred to the home planet.

The work on the global rebalance of the ship parameters has been completed. We remind you that until 30.06 there is a preferential regime for the construction and modernization of ships, as well as a preferential exchange of old Borg ships for new ones.
Changes have been made to the work of the boarding team:
The restriction on the number of Boarding commands in the command sheet has been removed.
After the boarding is completed, the fleet that was boarded goes into flight mode from the battlefield and flies away from the boarding site for 5-10 St. L.

Command Processor23.06.2023
Averaging of fleet jump accuracy has been added to the additional functions of the command processor.
Hangars & Carrier22.06.2023
The 'Volume' parameter for the Carrier hull and Ship Hangars has been increased (the hangar volume parameter has been adjusted).

Added the `Hangar Capacity` parameter for the Carrier hull and Ship Hangars. This parameter shows the fleet of what mass can be loaded into the hangar.

The other parameters of the hangars and the carrier did not change.

Recalculation of the "Volume" parameter for ships with the "Carrier" hull and ships with hangars will be performed tomorrow morning.

The parameter `Hangar capacity` when loading ships into the hangar will be taken into account starting from 01.07.2023.

Added an efficiency bonus for neutron masking installed in the Carrier housing.
Technical works21.06.2023
Today at 7:30 on 06/21/2023 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
Technical works21.06.2023
Fleet storage in aircraft carrier hangars has been optimized. Fleets are now stored similarly to cargo, not in every ship of the fleet, but in every project.

No changes were made to the gameplay.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 268 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 3pcs.
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 4pcs.
Strike Fighter - 6pcs.
Corvette - 4pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 5pcs.
Light Cruiser - 3pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 5pcs.
Battlecruiser - 6pcs.
Battleship - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 11pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 4pcs.
Flagship - 201pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 374 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 373pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 218 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 4pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 191pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols16.06.2023
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Grace period for the construction of ships

x10 to the orbital dock
x10 to the design potential
100% return of materials
New calculation when jumping with jump engines

extended until 30.06.2023 inclusive.

As an experiment, the minimum excavation time on planets and fields has been changed. Now it is 10 min.
After 00:00 hours 16.06.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 49 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 3pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 5pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 3pcs.
Battlecruiser - 3pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 3pcs.
Hephaestus - 3pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 14pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Technical works14.06.2023
Today at 9:30 on 06/14/2023, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
Increased, by approximately 25%, the increase in the parameters of Missile Deflection (%), Shield power depending on the level.


Added parameters to the efficiency of components:
Ship's radar, Astroscanner, Mine Lock, Hyperspace Trap, Gravity Jamming Director.

Added parameters:
Increasing fleet camouflage, Countering the enemy fleet (see the handbook).

Increased requirements for materials and resources for construction.


Added parameters:
Increase in fleet parameters (%) - The accuracy of the RPU, the accuracy of the torpedo tube (see the reference).

Increased requirements for materials and resources for construction.

The parameters of the ships on the ghost hull belonging to the Borg have been recalculated. Players can recalculate the parameters themselves, if necessary.

The parameters of the raider hull and the fleet parameters have been adjusted downwards.

These parameters will be applied in battles starting from 06/17/2023.
Altar & Cultural Center10.06.2023
Significantly reduced the cost in IG for the altar and Cultural Center. The requirements for resources and materials for the altar and the cultural center have been increased.

Players who have built an altar and a cultural center previously receive a discount equal to the difference between the previous cost of all altars and cultural centers built by them and the current cost of all altars and cultural centers built by them. That is, these players will be able to build or improve an Altar or cultural center within the specified amount for free (1IG for each construction or improvement). a center on any colony (base).

You can view the amount for which you can build in the account settings in the Improvements- Construction tab.
Control compartment10.06.2023
Added the ability to install a Gravity calculator in the control compartments.
Borg Military Patrols09.06.2023
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 5 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg ships08.06.2023
Added the ability to exchange ships of the Borg race purchased from the Federation before 06.06.2023, inclusive. On the ships of the Borg race, the projects of which were created from 07.06.2023 to 16.06.2023. When exchanging, the cost of the ships that you change (ships of the Borg race purchased from the Federation before 06.06.2023) increases by 2.5, but not more than the cost of the ship that you change (the ship project must be created no earlier than 07.06.2023). Such ships are marked in the exchange window with the icon "x2.5".

You can exchange ships in the trading operations window in the Federation tab - Buy from the Federation - Ships of the Borg race, the exchange ships button.

Attention all player projects created between 06/07/2023 and 06/16/2023 will be removed from sale on 06/17/2023.
After 00:00 hours 09.06.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 1 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Corvette - 1pcs.
Technical works07.06.2023
Today at 11:00 07.06.2023, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.

Yesterday, when recalculating ships, as a result of a small error in some ships with modified slots, the capacity and mass were incorrectly recalculated. The mass should have been less, the capacity more.

At the moment, a correct recalculation has been made. The capacity and weight of the command module have also been reduced with increasing levels.
Borg ships07.06.2023
Added the ability to design sS Borg ships with increased levels of components affected in the latest update (engines, drills, command module, archaeological modules, reactors) and increased hull levels. This feature will be valid until 06/16/2023.

In the near future, the possibility of free exchange of Borg ships purchased before 06.06.2023 for other Borg ships will be added, subject to the following conditions:

The hull types of the exchanged ships must be the same.
The cost of the ships received as a result of the exchange should not exceed the cost of the exchanged ships by more than 2.5 times.

Technical works06.06.2023
Today at 10:00 06.06.2023 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of work is up to 2 hours.
The parameters of all ships have been recalculated in accordance with yesterday's changes.

All players were given 100,000 IG for a bonus certificate.

To avoid hanging fleets, all fleets that are currently performing any actions are disabled checking the required fuel when executing a command and the control parameter will be equal to 100%, until the end of the execution of the command sheet or any change. Also, a return to base button has been added to the management of such fleets, when clicked, the fleet is automatically transferred to the home planet.
Search operation06.06.2023
Due to the change in speeds and archaeological potential, the parameters of the search operation have been adjusted (see the reference book).
Project potential06.06.2023
Due to changes in the parameters of ships and to accelerate the redesign of ships, the design potential has been increased by 10 times up to and including 06/16/2023.
Changes have been made to the following parameters:

Enclosures and modules

Increased power and reduced engine weight.

The capacity has been increased and the mass of transport buildings has been reduced.
The mass of military buildings and protection modules has been adjusted.
The increase in the parameters of the command module has been significantly (by more than an order of magnitude) reduced with the increase in the level and corresponding parameters of the Flagship

The parameters of the gravity calculator have been changed (see the help)
Fuel consumption has been reduced and the radius of anomalies in the director of gravitational interference and hyper traps has been reduced.

Commands to the fleet:

Jump - reduced the minimum preparation time for the jump to 1 min. From 17.06, the jump accuracy using jump engines will be calculated as the geometric mean of the fleet jump accuracy and distance. When jumping using the singularity generator, the jump accuracy will be 15 sv. years.
When jumping through a black hole, the accuracy of the jump will be 10 sv. l. + the accuracy of the fleet jump.

Reduced initiative parameters:
Battleship -1,
Flagship -8 and increased the growth of the initiative with a level of about 2 times. Made in connection with weight loss. And, so that the Flagship was the fastest of the battleships in battle and a little slower than the cruisers.

The flagship's heavy weapons bonus has been increased by 12.5%.

A limit on the maximum boarding time has been introduced (see the description of the boarding command to the fleet).
Technical works31.05.2023
Today at 10:00 on 05/32/2023 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of work is up to 2 hours.
The increase in weapon bonuses for military corps and combat platforms has been significantly reduced, depending on the level.

The basic damage bonus for certain components, hulls and combat platforms of rocket, torpedo and beam weapons has been increased and the bonus increase depending on the level has been removed.

Added a damage bonus for the planetary destroyer for the Leviophane corps.

The reduced efficiency parameter for the anti-laser coating and energy deflector has been reduced. When installing several modules in a ship (combat platform), the efficiency reduction parameter is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the parameters of all deflectors (coatings)

The increase in the fleet parameters of the Flagship has been reduced.

The combat ratings of the ships have been recalculated.

To avoid misunderstandings. All players who are at war with the Borg, the war is canceled.

The shipbuilding potential has been increased by 10 times until 16.06. Upgrading ships will not require materials. When disassembling the ships, 100% of the materials will be returned.
In the near future:

The parameters of bonuses to the fleet from the command module will be significantly reduced, depending on the level. There will also be a racial bonus to the module parameters.

The capacity of transport buildings will be significantly increased.

The Hephaestus bonus to archaeology and loot will be reduced depending on the level.

The mining bonus of the exploration module will be reduced depending on the level.

The jump mechanism has been revised: the accuracy of the jump will depend on the gravity calculator and distance.

Tomorrow, during the day, the following changes will be made (see the post on the forum /):

The increase in weapon bonuses for military corps and combat platforms has been significantly reduced, depending on the level.

The base damage bonus for certain components, hulls and combat platforms of rocket, torpedo and beam weapons has been doubled and the bonus increase depending on the level has been removed.

Added a damage bonus for the planetary destroyer for the Leviophane corps.

The reduced efficiency parameter for the anti-laser coating and energy deflector has been reduced.

The increase in the fleet parameters of the Flagship has been reduced.

In connection with the changes, the combat ratings of the ships will be recalculated.

To avoid misunderstandings. For all players who are at war with the Borg, the war will be canceled.

In connection with these and subsequent upcoming changes, players may need to rebuild some ships, so the shipbuilding potential will be increased 10 times by 16.06. Upgrading ships will not require materials. When disassembling the ships, 100% of the materials will be returned.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 379 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 18pcs.
HT-3 - 17pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 18pcs.
Strike Fighter - 36pcs.
Corvette - 24pcs.
Frigate - 15pcs.
Destroyer - 19pcs.
Light Cruiser - 16pcs.
Cruiser - 10pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 23pcs.
Battlecruiser - 26pcs.
Battleship - 13pcs.
Leviathan - 41pcs.
Hephaestus - 21pcs.
Mercury - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 16pcs.
Flagship - 51pcs.
Ghost - 5pcs.
Raider - 7pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 197 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 3pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 3pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Hephaestus - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 181pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 178 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Flagship - 178pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 964 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 4pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 6pcs.
Strike Fighter - 9pcs.
Corvette - 6pcs.
Frigate - 4pcs.
Destroyer - 3pcs.
Light Cruiser - 3pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 181pcs.
Battleship - 179pcs.
Leviathan - 535pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 4pcs.
Flagship - 13pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Added server time display (Bottom panel on the left)

Added the ability to quickly view your ratings.

Refresh the page to display the changes (F5)
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 118 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 3pcs.
HT-3 - 7pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 4pcs.
Strike Fighter - 8pcs.
Corvette - 8pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 6pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 7pcs.
Battlecruiser - 9pcs.
Battleship - 4pcs.
Leviathan - 13pcs.
Hephaestus - 8pcs.
Mercury - 5pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 4pcs.
Flagship - 18pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Updated the star map interface:

Added a "legend"
Added a grid of quadrants.
Added map center display.
Added the "forward" button

Added the ability to reduce ( increase ) the selected area of the map. To select an area, use the right mouse button and hold it down to select an area. When the pointer moves down-to the right, the area will be enlarged. When moving left-up, it is reduced.

In order for the changes to take effect, press F5.
Borg Military Patrols07.05.2023
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 5 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
After 00:00 hours 07.05.23 Moscow time, the appearance of Borg military patrols is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 90 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 6pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 6pcs.
Strike Fighter - 10pcs.
Corvette - 4pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 4pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 5pcs.
Battleship - 5pcs.
Leviathan - 6pcs.
Hephaestus - 3pcs.
Mercury - 11pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Flagship - 10pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Added the ability to declare (conclude) the following relations between the alliance and the players:

Trade embargo, War, Peace Treaty.
Neutral fleets that are in the "defense" position do not move around the battlefield, regardless of commands and settings.
Guild of Independent Worlds03.05.2023
To prevent attacks of bases standing in the attack all mode. Members of the Guild of Independent Worlds are prohibited from any combat operations on orbital bases, space bases and in the orbits of inhabited planets, both their own and others (with the exception of Borg bases and colonies, xenogalactics, xeno-entities)


The battle will not start if one of the participants is a member of the Guild of Independent Worlds. At the same time, the initiator of the battle fleet will switch to the flight mode from the battlefield.

If a guild member's fleet gets into the current battle, it will be neutral and leave the battle.


Alliance member fleets with the Pacifism paradigm ignore gravity and hyper traps in alliance quadrants.

Guild of Independent Worlds

Thanks to the discussion with the players, the previous change has been canceled and the following changes have been introduced:

Independent Worlds Guild member bases can use the "Attack All" option. This option is ignored only for Fleets in patrol mode.


The options for the distribution of science in the positions of alliance members are divided. One option distributes research levels (For paradigms with general research), the second distributes scientific and project potential (for paradigms with common potentials)
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 100 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 9pcs.
Corvette - 4pcs.
Frigate - 3pcs.
Destroyer - 4pcs.
Light Cruiser - 5pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 7pcs.
Battlecruiser - 19pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 7pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 7pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 4pcs.
Flagship - 12pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Radar stations and fleets on patrol will no longer send messages about fleets flying through their coordinates if the fleet masking is greater than the radar power.

Increased parameters of loyalty and culture at the Congress of Colonies
Added the ability to set for each position of the alliance the percentage of science that the owner of the position receives from the alliance. It acts on the maximum research of the alliance and on the scientific and project potential.


For the position of `private`, the percentage of science 0% will be set tomorrow.
From 04/20/2022, the formation of Borg military fleets (WAR, RAIDER, HORROR-X) will change, depending on the combat rating, the duration of the war, and Borg's discontent, the number of ships in each of the fleets will be increased. The calculation of the total combat rating of military fleets (WAR, RAIDER) will not change (fleets with a higher total combat rating will not arrive to you than they could have arrived before the change, with the exception of Horror-X fleets). The parameters of the fleets can now be viewed in the organizer.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 208 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 6pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 2pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 176pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 412 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 4pcs.
HT-3 - 31pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 9pcs.
Corvette - 22pcs.
Frigate - 28pcs.
Destroyer - 5pcs.
Light Cruiser - 33pcs.
Cruiser - 15pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 22pcs.
Battlecruiser - 36pcs.
Battleship - 34pcs.
Leviathan - 63pcs.
Hephaestus - 26pcs.
Mercury - 6pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 6pcs.
Flagship - 58pcs.
Ghost - 10pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 174 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 171pcs.
Flagship - 1pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 33 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 3pcs.
Battlecruiser - 7pcs.
Leviathan - 3pcs.
Hephaestus - 2pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 6pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Updated videos for training tasks
Borg Military Patrols12.04.2023
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 5 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
In honor of COSMONAUTICS DAY, all players were issued a certificate for 100,000 IG.
Planet Improvements:

In the display of the percentage of improvements of the planet, only the percentage of increase with a + sign is shown. (Previously 150% was displayed, now +50%, which is equivalent). If there is no increase, the value is not displayed.

Increased the maximum percentage of planet improvements for planets in remote systems, planets in intergalactic systems and the home planet to 100% (see the reference book "Description of the game" - "Universe" - "Planets"). The value of each bonus can exceed the maximum values for the planet type, but not by more than 5%. After the maximum bonus value for the planet is exceeded, it will not be possible to increase it. Bonus values for planets with bonuses of exactly +50% can also be increased.


The calculation of productivity gains from loyalty has been changed. ( see the reference book "Description of the game" - "Glossary" - "Loyalty" )

Cultural Center

The productivity growth has been increased approximately twice, depending on the level. The `loyal population` parameter has been increased. Increased credit consumption growth and the need for materials for construction, depending on the level. The cost in IG has not changed.

After 00:00 hours 12.04.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 2 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Frigate - 1pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Members of the Guild of Independent Worlds are now able to regulate the Scientific and Project Potential provided to other members of the Guild of Independent Worlds. The additional potentials received from the guild will be directly proportional to the amount provided to the guild in accordance with the general formula (give less - get less). The potentials are adjusted in the 'Research` window and the `Ship designs'.

When entering numeric values, it is allowed to enter characters:
`T`, `t`, `T`, `t` - replaced by 12 zeros (trillion)
`M`, `m`, `M`, `m`, `M`, `m` - replaced by 9 zeros (billion)
Updated the interface for setting priority targets in battle. Goals can now be grouped by projects. For the changes to take effect, press F5.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 5 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Flagship - 1pcs.
Creating an atmosphere02.04.2023
From 05.04.2023, it will be prohibited to create an atmosphere on the planets on which the colony is built.
The interface of the window for viewing battles of other players has been updated. for the changes to take effect, press F5.

In the `Participants' filter, you can enter both the names of players and the names of alliances. You can enter multiple names using `;`. The drop-down list will show up to 20 last entered names (titles) starting from the last entered one.

In the `Position` filter, you can enter coordinates or names of objects (Planets, Stars). When entering the coordinates of black holes (for example ^ Pandora : 0) all battles in the corresponding galaxy will be shown. You can enter multiple coordinates (names of objects) via `;`. The drop-down list will show up to 20 last entered coordinates (names) starting from the last entered one.

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 48 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 5pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 3pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 3pcs.
Battleship - 4pcs.
Leviathan - 8pcs.
Hephaestus - 2pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 9pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Added the ability to distribute ship projects into groups. You can configure groups of ships in your account settings.

Fixed the error of calculating the military rating when deactivating combat platforms.
Colony and base performance23.03.2023
Colony loyalty increases productivity gains if an increase in productivity gains gives more productivity than an increase in productivity. The maximum increase in productivity is 10%, the maximum increase in productivity improvement (including increases from culture, control center, quadrant) is 10%.

The Federation title increases productivity gains if an increase in productivity gains more productivity than an increase in productivity. The maximum increase in productivity is equal to the percentage specified in the title description, the maximum increase in productivity improvement (including promotion from culture, control center, quadrant) is equal to the percentage specified in the title description.
The Altar22.03.2023
Significantly increased the performance of the altar depending on the level. The need for materials for the construction of the Altar has been increased. The cost in the IG of the altar has not changed.
Added grouping of ships in the hangar by category and sorting by hull type and alphabet in the "Fleet Composition" tab of the fleet management window.

Fixed a bug where in the list of destination coordinates in the flight, hypertransfer and jump commands, coordinates were displayed in alphabetical order regardless of their affiliation. Now your home planet is displayed first, regardless of whether it is present in the list of coordinates or not. Next, a list of your colonies and bases that have been added to the list is displayed in alphabetical order. Then all the other coordinates are in alphabetical order.

We remind you that the list of coordinates is set in the account settings tab "Lists" -> "Coordinates". You can also set the automatic addition of coordinates when they are "manually" entered in the commands "flight", "hypertransfer", "jump" (previously, automatic addition at any addition of these commands, for example, using the buttons to quickly fill in the command sheet and automatic calculation. You can enable or automatically add in the account settings window in the "Advanced" tab -> "Other" option "Automatically add coordinates".

Why it was done: Previously, all your colonies and bases were added to this list automatically, without your participation. At the same time, manual input was used for 1-5 colonies of bases at most. There is no point in displaying a complete list of all colonies and bases, this only creates inconvenience when searching for the right base (colony) in the list, especially if you have more than 10 colonies and bases, and you don't have to talk about 50+ colonies and bases.

Why is the page-by-page output of the command sheet made: With the advent of the automatic compilation of the command sheet, the number of automatically added commands has greatly increased. And many players faced a problem when the fleet window "hung up" due to the fact that the entire command sheet of 300 teams was loaded.

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 15 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 1pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 2pcs.
Battleship - 1pcs.
Hephaestus - 1pcs.
Flagship - 4pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Borg Military Patrols18.03.2023
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
After 00:00 hours 18.03.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Technical works16.03.2023
Today at 16:00 on 03/16/2023, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of work is up to 30 minutes.
Added the "Universe - Favorites" window
The window is available in the submenu of the Star Map button in the left control panel.

The window displays the coordinates you added, your colonies, star systems with your notes. Also, buttons for quickly filling in the fleet's flight list have been added for each coordinate. And buttons for group operations with the fleet Unloading by list, loading by list.

By default, all coordinates from the coordinates list are added to favorites.

In the list of coordinates, when you add the commands 'Flight', 'Hyper-Transition' and `Jump`, all your colonies will no longer be automatically displayed (When there are many of your colonies, this list loses its meaning). Also added the ability to add destination coordinates from favorites.

Technical works12.03.2023
Today at 11:30 on 12.03.2023 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of work is up to 1 hour.
The operation of the holds of fleets has been optimized. The goods in the holds are stored according to projects (previously it was on ships) and are distributed evenly. In battle, when destroying ships, part of the hold falls into the wreckage in proportion to the number of destroyed ships destroyed.
The fleet command sheet will now always be displayed in page-by-page mode.
The minimum execution time of the commands `Load into the hold`, `Load all`, `Unload`, `Unload all` is calculated based on the number of ships in the fleet (1 sec. for 500 ships) or real-time execution of the command.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 158 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 4pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 3pcs.
Corvette - 3pcs.
Frigate - 6pcs.
Destroyer - 7pcs.
Light Cruiser - 8pcs.
Cruiser - 5pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 6pcs.
Battlecruiser - 18pcs.
Battleship - 13pcs.
Leviathan - 23pcs.
Hephaestus - 11pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 5pcs.
Flagship - 38pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
The "Fleet Ships" tab in the "Hold" tab of the fleet management window has been abolished. The contents of the fleet hold will now be displayed only for each project.
Recycling Center06.03.2023
The productivity of the Recycling Center has been significantly increased. The need for an increase is caused by the fact that at high levels, the cost of the center is much higher than the cost of planetary buildings for the production of materials to achieve a similar output.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 183 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 4pcs.
HT-3 - 12pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 8pcs.
Frigate - 15pcs.
Destroyer - 4pcs.
Light Cruiser - 9pcs.
Cruiser - 8pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 18pcs.
Battlecruiser - 17pcs.
Battleship - 9pcs.
Leviathan - 21pcs.
Hephaestus - 12pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 8pcs.
Flagship - 31pcs.
Ghost - 4pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
The principle of operation of the device of the ancients has been changed: "Energy converter" (see description).

Additional parameters have been added to the "Altar" cosmobase module (see description).

The description of the cultural center has been updated.
Asteroid systems01.03.2023
The number of asteroid systems in black holes has been reduced by about 2 times.

Asteroid Recycling28.02.2023
Added a description of the command to the fleet "Recycling".
The work of the Recycling team has been optimized.
Asteroid systems28.02.2023
Increased the number of resources on asteroid systems A_*****, AF_*****.
Asteroid systems28.02.2023
The number of fields in the asteroid system has been increased, the number of rare minerals in the "blue" asteroid systems has been increased.
The composition of resources in eleutherogalactics is brought into line.

Borg Spaceships27.02.2023
Federation got 90 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Technical works24.02.2023
We apologize to the players for the prolonged technical work. Today, around 16:00, the database server crashed. The performance of the game has been restored, All non-blocked players have been credited with 10,000 IG for a bonus certificate.
Borg Military Patrols23.02.2023
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
After 00:00 hours 23.02.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 640 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 18pcs.
HT-3 - 29pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 22pcs.
Strike Fighter - 31pcs.
Corvette - 54pcs.
Frigate - 32pcs.
Destroyer - 40pcs.
Light Cruiser - 20pcs.
Cruiser - 21pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 41pcs.
Battlecruiser - 53pcs.
Battleship - 29pcs.
Leviathan - 55pcs.
Hephaestus - 49pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 31pcs.
Flagship - 92pcs.
Ghost - 14pcs.
Raider - 9pcs.
Borg Spaceships20.02.2023
Federation got 102 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Orbital bases19.02.2023
Adjustments have been made to limit the number of sites at orbital bases:

The level of the built base can be any. Only the number of construction sites is limited.
A restriction has been introduced on the number of commodity items that can be transported by one fleet (not to be confused with the quantity).

No more than 1000 items of goods can be loaded into one fleet. The number of each name can be any (as far as the capacity of the fleet allows)

Buying IG17.02.2023
Due to the failure of the yookassa service, the acceptance of payments in rubles temporarily does not work, with the exception of purchase methods through mobile operators. The current promotion will be extended until the end of the weekend.
Buying IG17.02.2023
The youkassa service has been restored. Payments in rubles from the Russian Federation are accepted normally.
The interface of the percentage selection drop-down list has been changed.
Planet Search15.02.2023
A quadrant filter has been added to the planet search.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 701 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 36pcs.
HT-3 - 16pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 40pcs.
Strike Fighter - 76pcs.
Corvette - 42pcs.
Frigate - 49pcs.
Destroyer - 32pcs.
Light Cruiser - 37pcs.
Cruiser - 20pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 46pcs.
Battlecruiser - 71pcs.
Battleship - 19pcs.
Leviathan - 37pcs.
Hephaestus - 21pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 37pcs.
Flagship - 102pcs.
Ghost - 8pcs.
Raider - 12pcs.
Right-clicking (pressing and holding on mobile devices) on the coordinates, copies them to the clipboard.

Right-clicking (pressing and holding on mobile devices) on the fleet number in the fleet list copies the number to the clipboard.
Adjusted the requirements for the necessary studies for the following studies:

Light laser
Heavy Laser
Inertial laser
Plasma Cannon
Kinetic Cannon
Ion Cannon
Planetary Destroyer

Anti-laser Coating
Magnetic Shield
Gravity Shield
Neutron Shield
Energy deflector


Scientific Laboratory
Research Center
Academy of Sciences
Orbital base10.02.2023
A limit has been introduced on the size of orbital bases depending on the location of the planet. see the reference book - (galaxies, intergalactic systems, nebulae).

Also, information about the maximum allowable base size for a planet can be found in the planet management window in the Management tab - Summary Information.
Planetary Initiator10.02.2023
It is forbidden to create planets in any asteroid systems (A_*, AN_*, AF_*).
Interface changes:

The displayed coordinates in space are now an active link, clicking on which opens a star map.

Added the ability to search for alliance trading rates.

Removed the default zeros in the qty field for fleet commands `Load into the hold`, `Load all`, `Unload into the fleet', `Unload`.
Technical works08.02.2023
The administration apologizes for unscheduled technical work, all players have added 5000 IG to the bonus certificate.
Changed descriptions of:
Cultural Center, Control Center.
Paradigms of the Innovative Economy Alliance,
Paradigms of the Technocracy Alliance.

At 09:00 on 09.02.2023, the described changes will take effect:

The basic performance of the Cultural Center and the Control Center for non-alliance players will be increased by half the performance of the Federation of the quadrant where they are located. The quadrant does not have to be controlled by the federation.

The basic performance of the Cultural Center and the Control Center for the players of the alliance members with the "Innovation Economy" paradigm will be equal to the performance of the alliance in the quadrant where they are located. The Quadrant does not have to be controlled by the Alliance.

The basic performance of the Control Center, the Colonial Administration and the Congress of Colonies for players of alliance members with the `Technocracy` paradigm will be equal to the performance of the alliance in the quadrant where they are located. The Quadrant doesn't have to be controlled by the Alliance.

Also, after 04:30 on 09.02.2023, the increase in the effectiveness of the Cultural Center will be increased by 50%, depending on the level.

Added the possibility of multiple construction, improvement, dismantling of buildings (base modules) in the Empire - Buildings Overview window.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 4 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Bonus certificate 05.02.2023
When buying IG, the conversion period increases by a period that depends on the amount of IG purchased, but no more than 365 days from the current date.
Search operation05.02.2023
Updated the description of the search operation command.
By next week:
The productivity of cultural centers will be increased.

Players who are not members of alliances will have the performance of the Control Center, the Cultural Center increased by a percentage equal to half a percent of the increase in performance in the quadrant.

In the paradigm, the Innovation Economy will increase the productivity of the Control Center, the Cultural Center by a percentage equal to the percentage of productivity increase in the quadrant.

In the paradigm, Technocracy, the productivity of the Control Center will be increased by a percentage equal to the percentage of productivity increase in the quadrant.

The "Put all buildings in the organizer" button has been added to the construction tab of the planet management window
Borg Spaceships03.02.2023
Federation got 10 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Added a new right to alliance posts:
"Sale and transfer of colonies and bases to non-Alliance members"

Alliance members whose positions do not have this right will not be able to transfer colonies to other players who are not members of the alliance and put colonies in the mall for sale.

Trading bets with colonies and bases made before 03.02.2023 20:00 remain valid.
Generation of a star system02.02.2023
The generation of a star system in ethno-galaxies is prohibited for players who do not have a colony in the quadrant where the star system is located.
Fixed a bug where high-level artifacts were not found by the search operation.
Matter Converter30.01.2023
The performance of the matter converter has been increased by 2 times, the performance gain has been increased by 75%, depending on the level. The need for materials for the construction of a matter converter has been increased.
Matter Converter30.01.2023
Added the ability to convert CC components and Artifacts into resources.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 365 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 13pcs.
HT-3 - 4pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 13pcs.
Strike Fighter - 31pcs.
Corvette - 26pcs.
Frigate - 25pcs.
Destroyer - 20pcs.
Light Cruiser - 17pcs.
Cruiser - 12pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 23pcs.
Battlecruiser - 36pcs.
Battleship - 13pcs.
Leviathan - 21pcs.
Hephaestus - 6pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 25pcs.
Flagship - 67pcs.
Ghost - 5pcs.
Raider - 8pcs.
Renaming planets27.01.2023
Renaming of planets and systems is prohibited if there are current tasks or merchant fleets flying to the planet (planets in the system).
Borg Spaceships26.01.2023
Federation got 59 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 452 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 16pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 18pcs.
Strike Fighter - 46pcs.
Corvette - 36pcs.
Frigate - 33pcs.
Destroyer - 27pcs.
Light Cruiser - 21pcs.
Cruiser - 16pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 36pcs.
Battlecruiser - 49pcs.
Battleship - 12pcs.
Leviathan - 23pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 19pcs.
Flagship - 80pcs.
Ghost - 7pcs.
Raider - 9pcs.
The "New Year holidays" of the Administration have been completed.
All players have been given another New Year's certificate.
All applications to the Umbrella will be processed in the near future.
Due to the delay, the awards for the demotivator contest have been doubled.
Borg Spaceships18.01.2023
Federation got 71 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Military Patrols15.01.2023
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
After 00:00 hours 15.01.23 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 319 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 13pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 11pcs.
Strike Fighter - 24pcs.
Corvette - 23pcs.
Frigate - 24pcs.
Destroyer - 21pcs.
Light Cruiser - 17pcs.
Cruiser - 11pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 23pcs.
Battlecruiser - 34pcs.
Battleship - 12pcs.
Leviathan - 18pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 11pcs.
Flagship - 64pcs.
Ghost - 5pcs.
Raider - 8pcs.
Borg Spaceships08.01.2023
Federation got 53 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Bonus certificate04.01.2023
The date of Automatic conversion of the bonus certificate has been increased by 1 month for all players.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 47 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 7pcs.
Corvette - 6pcs.
Frigate - 4pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 6pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 6pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Excourt Class Fleets30.12.2022
Due to the appearance of the Borg technology of the tachyon interference generator, which can block the control systems of enemy fleets. The Borg no longer see the expediency of using the EXCOURT class fleets.

If the sum of the combat ratings (BR) of ALL fleets (at the time of their entry into battle) attacking in the battle of Borg (Borg's enemies) exceeds the sum of the combat ratings of ALL Borg fleets (at the time of their entry into battle) by two times and the BR of Borg fleets is less than 100, then Borg will use a tachyon interference generator blocking control systems of fleets involved in the battle and hostile to the Borg. The effectiveness of the fleets in this case will be significantly reduced, depending on how many times the BR of the Borg fleets is exceeded.
Borg Military Patrols28.12.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg military patrols28.12.2022
Explanations on military patrols

Borg military patrols are placed similarly to simple patrols, i.e. a military patrol can only be located where a simple Borg patrol can be located.

If in eleutherogalactics, xenogalactics, nebulae and intergalactic systems Military patrols are in orbits where there is a base or colony of Borg, then in such patrols there are no personal devices of the ancients.

In Military patrols located in the novices quadrants and in open ethnohalachtics, the number of non-personal devices has been increased.

The commanders of the Borg race may be:

In two fleets located in closed ethno-galaxies.
In one of the fleets located in each open ethno-galaxy.
In one of the fleets located in the newcomer quadrants in each open ethno-galaxy.
In one of the fleets located in the nebula of the same species.
In one of the fleets located in the intergalactic system.
In one of the fleets located in each eleutherogalaxy, in xenogalaxy.

Merchant fleets27.12.2022
Added the ability to view merchant fleets that deliver your purchases.

To a=view merchant fleets, select "Merchant Fleets" in the status filter.
After 00:00 hours 28.12.22 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg military patrols27.12.2022
Changes have been made to the mechanics of engaging in combat with Borg military patrols:

Only players with a maximum rating of less than 100,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in the beginner quadrants.

Only players with a maximum rating of less than 1,000,000 or players whose home system is located in the same galaxy where the military patrol is located can engage in combat with military patrols in closed ethno-galaxies.

Only players with a maximum rating of less than 1,000,000 can engage in combat with military patrols in open ethno-galaxies,

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 417 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 19pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 17pcs.
Strike Fighter - 38pcs.
Corvette - 30pcs.
Frigate - 30pcs.
Destroyer - 28pcs.
Light Cruiser - 21pcs.
Cruiser - 14pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 32pcs.
Battlecruiser - 42pcs.
Battleship - 14pcs.
Leviathan - 20pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 17pcs.
Flagship - 79pcs.
Ghost - 7pcs.
Raider - 9pcs.
Alliance Warehouse26.12.2022
Fixed a bug where the increase warehouses parameter did not work on the Alliance Warehouse space depot module.
Alliance Warehouse26.12.2022
We apologize, the alliance warehouse was working fine. All parameters have been returned to their previous values. As compensation to all players, the technology of increasing warehouses +100 will be added%
Borg Spaceships22.12.2022
Federation got 10 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
The conditions for setting gravitational interference and hyper traps have been changed.

The Federation prohibits generating a gravitational funnel (hyper trap) in the Novices quadrants and in the Federation quadrants (excluding xenogalactics and xeno-fogs).

The gravity funnel (hyper trap) does not work on fleets in the Novices quadrants and in the Federation quadrants (excluding xenogalactics and xeno-fogs).
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 28 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter - 2pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 3pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 2pcs.
Cruiser - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 5pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Borg Spaceships16.12.2022
Federation got 10 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 11 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 2pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Added the ability to load components from notes and text into the calculator.

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 120 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 5pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 5pcs.
Strike Fighter - 9pcs.
Corvette - 8pcs.
Frigate - 8pcs.
Destroyer - 8pcs.
Light Cruiser - 6pcs.
Cruiser - 4pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 9pcs.
Battlecruiser - 15pcs.
Battleship - 4pcs.
Leviathan - 4pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 6pcs.
Flagship - 23pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Raider - 3pcs.
The interface of the organizer has been changed, a button has been added to add selected components to production in the colony opened in the planet management window. Removed the buttons associated with the Borg modules.

Multipliers have been added to the loading/unloading command window interface.

Added a button for loading missing materials, resources, components during construction into the hold of the fleet.

An additional window has been added to indicate the number of materials, resources, and components loaded from the planet's warehouse.
The interface of messages about the lack of materials (components) during the construction (improvement) of structures, ships has been changed.

Build (improve) button it is active regardless of whether there are enough materials or components to build (improve).
Restoration of ships27.11.2022
The cost of restoring ships in the services of the Federation has been reduced by five times.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 49 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 2pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 6pcs.
Corvette - 3pcs.
Frigate - 4pcs.
Destroyer - 4pcs.
Light Cruiser - 3pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 3pcs.
Battlecruiser - 3pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 10pcs.
Raider - 2pcs.
Borg Spaceships22.11.2022
Federation got 1 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
The operability of the domain has been restored
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 242 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 3pcs.
Corvette - 3pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 3pcs.
Battlecruiser - 4pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 1pcs.
Flagship - 214pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
Fixed a bug where it was impossible to "knock out" the UD from the planet's warehouse when bombarded with bunker bombs.
Borg Spaceships14.11.2022
Federation got 8 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 13 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Flagship - 6pcs.
Miners Guild07.11.2022
The bonus to the exploration potential for exploration stations has been changed.
Destruction of planets06.11.2022
Only players with a "home" system in this quadrant can destroy planets in the beginner quadrants
Changes have been made to the work of the Jump team:

If, when executing the jump command, the singularity generator or jump engine is not charged, the fleet will switch to the "Jump Preparation" mode. The preparation time will be equal to the time until the dump engine (singularity generator) is fully charged + the preparation time for the jump (for the singularity generator - 0). Fuel consumption in the "Jump Preparation" mode is similar to fuel consumption in patrol mode.

In advance, put more fuel in the ships that move with the jump command.

Changes related to calculations of jump accuracy are postponed to take into account the wishes of the players in the final calculations. Most likely, they will be introduced simultaneously with the expansion of the universe. In any case, when designing new "jump" ships, try to use the maximum possible calculators and fast engines for normal flights, the accuracy of the jump is expected to vary from 100 to 1000 sv. years, depending on the distance of the jump.
Federation Tasks05.11.2022
The values of the prize ratings (commercial, industrial, pirate, military) awarded for completing the task now also depend on the corresponding rating of the player. The higher the player's rating, the higher the prize rating.
Borg Military Patrols04.11.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Tomorrow, changes will be made to the work of the gravity calculator and the jump command:

The Jump Accuracy parameter will be reduced.
The accuracy of the fleet jump using jump engines will be calculated as the geometric average of the maximum accuracy of the gravity calculators installed in the fleet ships and the jump range.
The accuracy of jumping through a black hole and using a singularity Generator will be equal to the maximum accuracy of gravity calculators installed in fleet ships, but not less than 15 years.

If, when executing the jump command, the singularity generator or jump engine is not charged, the fleet will switch to the "Jump Preparation" mode. The preparation time will be equal to the charging time of the dump engine (singularity generator) + the preparation time for the jump.

In advance, put more fuel in the ships that move with the jump command.
After 00:00 hours 04.11.22 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected. In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Exchange of Borg ships02.11.2022
The mechanism for exchanging Borg ships has been changed, now you can exchange several different ships for one and pay for the exchange with a bonus certificate.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 398 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Battlecruiser - 196pcs.
Battleship - 202pcs.
Electric power stations02.11.2022
The productivity of nuclear and thermal power plants has been increased.
Reduced science requirements for thermal power plants.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 4 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 2pcs.
The mechanism for calculating the Scientific potential of the alliance added to the Scientific Potential of the player has been changed. Now the added potential is calculated once a day and does not change during the day.

From the frozen and blocked members of the alliance, the daily alliance tax will no longer be automatically deducted.
Guild of Independent Worlds29.10.2022
The mechanism for calculating the Scientific potential of the guild, added to the Scientific potential of the player, has been changed. Now the added potential is calculated once a day and does not change during the day.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 11 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Corvette - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 4pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 3pcs.
Raider - 1pcs.
It is forbidden to change military doctrine without revolution if the alliance or its members are at war.

Admission to the alliance with the military doctrine of "Pacifism" of new members who are at war is possible no earlier than a day after the application is submitted
The beginning of the battle24.10.2022
Changes have been made to the mechanism of joining the battle.

If fleets of hostile players meet at the coordinates, but none of the fleets can be attacked by another fleet, due to security restrictions, then the battle does not begin, and the fleets that should have been in the battle in the "attack" position switch to the "Flight from the battlefield" mode.
The organizer has added a function to check the possibility of joining the battle by the player's name and position in the universe. In the battle logs, it is also indicated in the current cycle with which players participating in the battle it is possible to join the battle.

When a colony base is destroyed, up to 100% of the agents on the colony (base) are evacuated to the main planet of the owner of the agents.
Borg technology18.10.2022
Reduced requirements for the study of Borg technologies.
Changed the conditions under which the colony is considered to have been recaptured from the Borg see Handbook - Science - Fundamental - Borg Technologies.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 10 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Corvette - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Flagship - 3pcs.
Reduced cost and requirements for sites for:
Borg Standardization Center, Borg Industrial Center.

The production capacity has been increased and the restriction on the number of buildings for the Borg Industrial Center has been lifted.
The interface of the Alliances tab of the Empire Overview window has been updated.
Bonuses for Borg fleets14.10.2022
The amount of bonuses for the destruction of Borg fleets has been adjusted depending on the military rating, the lower the military rating, the greater the amount, the higher the military rating, the smaller the amount, all other things being equal.
Updated the interface of the "Ships" tab, "Commanders" of the "Empire Overview" window.
Updated the tabs "Colonies", "Buildings", "Products" of the "Empire Overview" window.
Paradigms of alliances11.10.2022
Changed, paradigm parameters:
Innovative economy,
Technical works11.10.2022
Today at 17:30 on 11.10.2022 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of work is up to 30 minutes.
The method of calculating the impact and productivity in the quadrants has been changed.

The impact and productivity in the quadrants are recalculated.

Members of the Guild of Independent Worlds are allowed to enter into a mutual assistance agreement with each other.
Borg Base Defense Fleet09.10.2022
The composition of the Borg base defense fleet has been recorded. The types of projects in the fleet turnover will not change throughout the life of the base (except in special cases, which players will be notified in advance). When rebuilding the database, it is possible to change the levels of projects and their quantitative composition. New project types will appear only in newly created databases.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 291 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Corvette - 291pcs.
Fixed a bug that leads to zero mass for some high-level QC components.
Introduced differentiation of the level of the Borg outpost, depending on where in the universe the battle takes place.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 813 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Corvette - 293pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 101pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 104pcs.
Flagship - 310pcs.
Deflector station07.10.2022
The mechanism for adding shields and ORS for each combat platform has been changed. The final value added to each type of combat platforms depends on the base volume of the platform (volume at level 0), the smaller the volume, the fewer shields and ORS are added.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 115 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 1pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 1pcs.
Strike Fighter - 2pcs.
Corvette - 1pcs.
Frigate - 2pcs.
Light Cruiser - 1pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 1pcs.
Leviathan - 101pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 2pcs.
Flagship - 3pcs.
The levels of ships in the defense fleets of Borg bases have been reduced by about 2-3 times. The changes will take effect as the databases are rebuilt.
Borg Military Patrols04.10.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Sale of the Federation04.10.2022
From 09/24/2022, the sales limit is determined based on the amount of sales for the last 30 days from the current date.
Command Processor03.10.2022
The device parameters of the "Command Processor" module have been changed.
Added new functionality to the device - "Command processor".
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 106 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Flagship - 106pcs.
После 00:00 часов 04.10.22 по Московскому времени ожидается появление военных патрулей и военных майнеров боргов. В большинстве флотов возможно наличие гравитационного луча, будьте внимательны при раскопках и переработке полей.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 4151 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 398pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 398pcs.
Strike Fighter - 898pcs.
Corvette - 695pcs.
Frigate - 586pcs.
Light Cruiser - 677pcs.
Cruiser - 393pcs.
Raider - 106pcs.
Changes to Borg patrols have come into effect.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 1757 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Corvette - 592pcs.
Frigate - 584pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 581pcs.
Borg Spaceships02.10.2022
Federation got 4 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Bonuses for Borg fleets02.10.2022
The procedure for awarding bonuses for destroying Borg fleets has been changed:

For the destruction of patrols and fleets of the WAR, RAIDER, HORROR-R, HORROR-P, HORROR-X classes and Borg orbital bases, the Federation charges players an amount of IG for a bonus certificate. Accrual occurs at the end of the battle if all Borg fleets that participated in the battle are destroyed. The amount of bonus IG depends on the difference between the doubled sum of the battle ratings of the Borg fleets and the sum of the battle ratings of the fleets of the players who participated in the battle against the Borg...

For more information about the procedure for awarding bonuses, see the reference book in the section "Glossary" - "Borg" - "Borg behavior in different galaxies"
Borg's orbital bases and spacebases recover all the damage caused to them during the battle, including the defense fleet, after the battle. If the battle platform was deactivated during the battle, it is not restored.
Borg patrols01.10.2022
Changes have been made to the description of Borg patrols (Reference Book - Description of the game - Borg - Borg in various galaxies), the changes will take effect tomorrow 02.09.2022.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 421 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Frigate - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 2pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 2pcs.
Battlecruiser - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 203pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 209pcs.
Flagship - 1pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 16 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Strike Fighter - 1pcs.
Frigate - 1pcs.
Destroyer - 1pcs.
Battlecruiser - 3pcs.
Battleship - 2pcs.
Leviathan - 3pcs.
Flagship - 5pcs.
Pacifism 28.09.2022
Changes have been made to the military doctrine of "Pacifism"

Members of the alliance with the doctrine of "Pacifism" are prohibited:

Use the command of the fleet "Boarding" (with the exception of Federation tasks), "Setting the grave. interference", "Hyper trap generation".
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 585 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Battlecruiser - 585pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 975 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Heavy Cruiser - 975pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 1289 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Frigate - 2pcs.
Destroyer - 691pcs.
Battlecruiser - 395pcs.
Battleship - 198pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Flagship - 2pcs.
Technical works24.09.2022
Today, on 09/24/2022 at 11:30, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.

When installing multiple Rocket Launchers in a ship, each new Rocket Launcher increases the accuracy of each Rocket Launcher by 1% of the basic accuracy

When installing several Anti-Missile Systems in a ship, each new Anti-Missile System increases the missile deflection parameter for each Anti-Missile System by 1% of the base value

The parameters of the PRS for all projects have been recalculated.
Combat ratings for all projects have been recalculated.

Bonuses for digging fields and systems.

Bonuses for digging out `AN_*` systems are no longer awarded (Instead, for beginners, the amount for which they can sell resources, materials, components to the Federation has been increased by 25,000 IG).

It is forbidden to transfer CR from the alliance cash register to newcomers.

For digging out fields, bonuses are no longer issued in the form of a certain amount, which is credited to the bonus certificate. Bonuses are given only for fields and planets marked with the "bonuses" sign in the star system window. As a rule, in order for bonuses to be accrued for the excavation of such fields, it should take at least a month from the moment the system is created.

Sale of Resources and Materials to the Federation.

The amount for which resources, materials and components of the CC can be sold to the Federation no longer depends on the pirate rating and is 5000IG + (50IG for each positive security status unit or -500IG for each negative security status unit)

Deflectors & Anti-laser coating24.09.2022
Fixed a bug as a result of which the deflectors and the laser coating of the bogra were superior to similar racial components. The parameters of ships with these components are automatically recalculated.
Borg Spaceships23.09.2022
Federation got 11 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Bonus certificate23.09.2022
Added the ability to pay with a bonus certificate to accelerate production, accelerate the study of artifacts.
Technical Works22.09.2022
Today, on 09/22/2022 at 10:00, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of work is up to 2 hours.
Reduced requirements for materials and for production (construction), depending on the level for all components of the CC, ship hulls.

Cost of ships, Ratings of ships, Combat ratings of ships

Torpedo tube:
Increased the basic accuracy of the torpedo tube depending on the level

Attention! due to the change in the combat ratings of ships, be careful when attacking Borg.
Technical works22.09.2022
Today at 17:00 on 09/22/2022, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of work is up to 1 hour.
Fixed errors in the calculation of combat ratings.
The combat ratings of the ships have been recalculated.
The cost of maintaining the ships has been recalculated.
Missiles & Torpedoes21.09.2022
Changed damage bonuses for class missiles
X2, Arrow X1, Hurricane X1.

Reduced requirements for materials for the production of ammunition, depending on the level.

Adjustments have been made to the formula for calculating the accuracy of a rocket and torpedo shot.

When calculating the accuracy of the rocket launcher, the distance of the shot and the difference between the level of the rocket launcher and the level of the Rocket are taken into account. How much the accuracy will change, based on the parameters, can be viewed in the organizer.

Torpedo tubes and torpedoes:

The range of the shot has been changed, and now ranges from 1 to 5.
The signatures of torpedoes have been reduced to 200,000, 300,000, 400,000, respectively.
The power of torpedoes has been reduced by about 2 times. The calculation of the accuracy of the torpedo attack has changed. The accuracy, based on the parameters, can be viewed in the organizer.
Safety rules21.09.2022
The difference in military ranks, in which players remain neutral to each other in battles in ethno-galaxies, has been increased to 3.

The ban on attacking fleets of members of the Guild of Independent Worlds and members of alliances with the Pacifism paradigm in the free quadrants will apply only to the free quadrants within the galaxies.
Borg Military Patrols20.09.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 2 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Flagship - 1pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Borg military patrols19.09.2022
After 00:00 on 09/20/2022 Moscow time, military patrols and military Borg miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
The mechanism of payment of the Trade fee has been changed - the part of the trade tax paid to players or by the alliance, see the description of the "Game Description" - "Glossary" -"Trade fee" in the reference

The minimum and maximum limits of the alliance's trade fee for economic paradigms have been changed.

Added the ability for alliances to configure automatic payment of the trade fee to alliance members, which was credited to the alliance account from their transactions in the alliance quadrants.

Added a new right for alliance posts: "Making financial transactions with CR"

The functionality of the organizer has been supplemented: The calculation of the amount of the trade fee has been added.

Information about the percentage of quadrants controlled by the alliance from the total number of quadrants that are under someone's control has been added to the alliance information window.

The value of the trading rate must be higher than the tax, all trading rates are brought into line with this rule.
Safety rules16.09.2022
From 09/21/2022, changes will be made to the safety rules:

The difference in military ranks at which players remain neutral to each other in battles in ethno-galaxies will be increased to 3.

The ban on attacking fleets of members of the Guild of Independent Worlds and members of alliances with the paradigm of Pacifism in the free quadrants will apply only to the free quadrants within the galaxies.
Information about general fleet damage has been added to the Fleet Information window. The information is available provided that the radar power allows you to fully assess the combat rating of the fleet.
The order of loading the collected wreckage in battle into the hold of the fleet has been changed. Now the wreckage is loaded into the holds starting from the last ship, and not from the first, as it was before.
Changed the description of the Borg military fleets.

In fleets of the WAR class, RAIDER can be from 1 to 5 ancient Devices, depending on the combat rating and attack coordinates.
The fleet of HORROR-R, RAIDER can attack the fleets of players who are on the colonies and bases of the Borg, including in a state of battle (bombing).

Adjusted the parameters of the RPU:

RPU-X2 - The basic accuracy was reduced by about 10% (it was 45 became 40 with 100% espionage), the increase was not significantly increased depending on the level.
RPU-X3 - Not significantly increased accuracy gain depending on the level

The description of the RPU has been changed

From 09/21/2002, when calculating the accuracy of the rocket launcher, the distance of the shot and the difference between the level of the rocket launcher and the level of the Rocket will be taken into account. How much the accuracy will change based on the parameters can be viewed in the organizer.

Torpedo tubes and torpedoes

09/20/2002 there will be a radical change in torpedo tubes and torpedoes. The range of the shot will be changed from 1 to 5, the signatures of the torpedoes will decrease to 200,000, 300,000, 400,000, respectively, the power of the torpedoes will decrease. The calculation of the accuracy of the torpedo attack will change. , And, like missiles, the dependence of accuracy on the difference between the levels of the apparatus and the torpedo will be introduced.

In the near future, the combat ratings of missile ships will be recalculated.
Expanded functionality of the organizer
Buying IG13.09.2022
Added the ability to select the currency for the purchase of IG. The currency can be set in the account settings.
Buying IG13.09.2022
Added currency: Euro
Fleet groups11.09.2022
The number of fleets in a group that can be assigned group commands has been increased to 50.
Buying IG10.09.2022
Due to the restriction of some payment systems of the systems on the maximum amount of the transaction, the maximum purchase amounts of IG have been changed. The cost of 1 IG has not changed.
Since today, the Federation has been selling ships at a 90% discount on a permanent basis.
Buying IG09.09.2022
The purchase price of IG has been changed.

With each purchase, 25% of the amount of IG purchased will be added to the bonus account.

There will be no more "Bonuses", "Bonuses x3", "Bonuses x2", "+100% IG", "+50% IG" promotions from today.

Changed, description of the HORROR type fleet.

In the HORROR-X fleet, it is possible to find from 1 to 5 non-personal devices of the ancients.

Fleets can fly to the coordinates where the battle is taking place.

Borg Spaceships07.09.2022
Federation got 18 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Technical works07.09.2022
Today 07.09.2022 at 18:00, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
Bonus certificate07.09.2022
We apologize for the prolonged technical work.

A "Bonus Certificate" has been added to all players.

You can use the certificate to purchase ancient devices from the Federation, including non-personal ships of the Borg race, resources and materials, accelerate research, design, construction, and pay for guild membership.

A detailed description of the certificate can be found in the account settings.

At the moment, the certificate is automatically replenished with the purchase of IG in the amount of 10% of the purchased amount.

In the near future, other ways of automatic replenishment through gaming "activities" will be added.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 406 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Frigate - 200pcs.
Flagship - 206pcs.
Devices of the Ancients04.09.2022
Until 05.09.2022 23:59, you can purchase non-personal devices of the Ancients from the Federation for IG. Starting from 06.09.2022, it will be possible to purchase non-personal UDS only with the help of a bonus certificate. Follow the news.
In the search for fields and planets, the alien fleets tab of the fleet management window no longer displays planets, bases and fleets of frozen accounts.
Devices of the Ancients 01.09.2022
The mechanism of generation of UD in new systems has been improved:

The minimum price of the UD, which is generated in the new system depending on the galaxy, has been introduced.
The mechanism of ancient devices falling out during the bombardment of the planet has been improved.

Fixed a bug where remote systems have not been generated since February. In the near future, all non-generated remote systems will be created.

The probability of the appearance of devices of the ancients on phosphorus planets in ethno-galaxies has been increased. Also, the devices of the ancients can be found on planets with any atmosphere in remote systems in ethno-galaxies.

We apologize for the unscheduled technical work.

The requirements for the scientific potential of high-level research have been reduced.

Added correction of the time of current studies, depending on the average level, at the end of any study.

Borg ships29.08.2022
The names of projects in the Borg fleets are ordered.
Technical works29.08.2022
Today, on 29.08.2022 at 18:30, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.

The parameters "Decrease in efficiency (%)" for the anti-laser coating, energy deflector will be changed. The combat ratings of ships with these components will also be recalculated.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 300 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Strike Fighter - 104pcs.
Leviathan - 196pcs.
We apologize for the prolonged work, the promotion will be valid until the end of the day (+100%).

The parameters "Efficiency reduction (%)" for anti-laser coating, Energy deflector have been changed. Combat ratings of ships with these components have been recalculated.

Added a racial bonus to the Borg outpost (for all other races, the parameters of the outpost have not changed), Reduced the level of the Borg outpost by approximately 2.5.

The research and construction requirements for Laser, Gun, Missile and Heavy Combat Platforms have been reduced.
A large-scale reform of the Borg bases has been carried out:

The level of Borg bases in intergalactic systems, xeno-galaxies, nebulae and remote systems in eleutherogalachnihs has been significantly reduced by 2-4 times.
The level of bases in eleutherogalactics has been reduced.

The level of bases during the restructuring may vary +-10% of the base. The basic level of existing Borg bases will not be increased under any circumstances.

Statistical information about Borg bases can be viewed in the section of the handbook "Description of the game - Borg Colonies and bases". The information is updated once a day.

The composition of non-personal devices of the ancients in colonies and Borg bases has been changed, see the reference.

Changes to the bases will take effect after their restructuring. To speed up the rebuilding of all Borg bases, the rebuilding time was changed. Be careful when attacking bases, it can be rebuilt earlier and its combat rating will drop significantly. On all bases attacked after the publication of this message, the time of restructuring is relevant.

We thank the players for the long wait and patience, waiting for these reforms. Special thanks to the players UberKranen, Muciteli, Bariton and other players who, despite the harsh conditions, continued to destroy the Borg colonies and allowed us to develop, as it seems to us, the optimal scheme.

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 99 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 99pcs.
Borg's projects25.08.2022
Borg ships sold by the Federation based on player designs that were removed due to a glitch have been restored.

The deletion rules have been adjusted, if the project has never been purchased within 30 days from the moment of creation or more than 365 days have passed since the last purchase, it is deleted.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 280 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Strike Fighter - 280pcs.
Messages about the entry of player fleets into battle with Borg and players are divided.
After 12:00 p.m. on 08/21/2022 Moscow time, military patrols and military Borg miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
In the battle logs, tooltips have been added to the weapon icons with a description of the parameters of the shot.
Borg Military Miners21.08.2022
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols21.08.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Miners19.08.2022
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols19.08.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
After 00:00 hours on 08/19/2022 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 280 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Corvette - 140pcs.
Frigate - 140pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 1092 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 552pcs.
Flagship - 435pcs.
Raider - 105pcs.
Assembling the wreckage17.08.2022
Adjusted the mechanism of collecting debris in battle: First of all, the fallen devices of the ancients are collected.
Geological exploration17.08.2022
The time of geological exploration by the fleet has been significantly reduced.

The mechanism of operation of the "Geological Exploration Station" has been changed :

1. The station allows you to increase the replenishment of resources on the planet.
2. The station always displays an up-to-date resource report

see the description of the station.
Borg colonies and bases15.08.2022
Changes have been made to the description of Borg colonies, see the reference book "Description of the game - Borg Colonies and bases"

The level of the base, during the restructuring, changes in the range of + -20%, from the level at which the base was created, i.e. previously created bases do not increase combat power with the growth of technology.

The probability of getting each of the ancient devices into archaeological values is 50%. (Please do not need to besiege the umbrella if something does not "fall out" to you. The probability of loss is the same as it was before the changes began.)

As a result of the changes initiated in the spring of this year:
1. The number of non-personal UDS on Borg bases has increased by 1.
2. Even on the "simplest" base in ethnogalactics, there is a possibility of finding an expensive "Device of the ancients".
3. The combat power of the Borg bases is fixed, depending on its location. If this had not been done, due to the triple leap in technology in the first half of the year, it would not have been realistic to destroy the Borg bases at all: the level of the bases directly depended on the maximum studied.
4. The number of Borg bases in ethno-galaxies has been increased. Unfortunately, in this regard, the number of free phosphorus planets on which "Devices of the ancients" can be found has decreased, so the "old" players have the impression that only cheap UD "Devices of the Ancients" appear there. The administration sees this problem and will try to solve it.
5. Fixed a bug that led to the fact that there were only cheap "Devices of the ancients" on the Borg colonies.

Lasers and rockets12.08.2022
Adjusted the parameter "% efficiency increase" for missiles, torpedoes, lasers.

Light laser - the initial value is reduced, the growth of the value is reduced depending on the level.

Heavy laser - the initial value is reduced, the growth of the value is significantly increased depending on the level.

Inertial laser - significantly increased value growth depending on the level.

Lightning-X1, Hurricane-X1, Tornado-X2, Needle-X2, Valkyrie X3 - reduced value growth depending on the level.

Harpy-X3, Gorgon-X3 - significantly increased value growth depending on the level.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 3 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Ghost - 1pcs.
Torpedo Bomber - 2pcs.
Next week, the parameters will be adjusted to increase the efficiency of lasers and rockets
Frozen accounts do not pay salaries to commanders during the freeze. Salary payment is carried out at the time of account defrosting, if at least one day of salary payment was missed during the period when the account was frozen. At the same time, the salary is deducted only for one month.
Salary for commanders27.07.2022
Last night, due to an error in the accounting software of the Federation, the salaries of fleet commanders were written off.
The paid patches have been refunded.
The commanders who, as a result of the night failure, switched to the service of the Federation have been returned to their owners.

Each owner of such commanders, as compensation for the inconvenience, was issued a certificate at the rate of 2500IG for each commander.
Updated the interface of the diplomacy window.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 12 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Ghost - 2pcs.
Torpedo Bomber - 4pcs.
Raider - 6pcs.
Fleet Management14.07.2022
Updated the hold tab, fleet management windows.
Added tabs "Fleet ships", "Fleet Projects".

The "Ships of the Fleet" tab displays the holds of all ships of the fleet. Loading is carried out in each of the selected ships.

The "Fleet Projects" tab displays the holds of all projects that are part of the fleet. Loading is carried out in each of the selected projects, while the cargo is evenly distributed across all ships of the project.
Battles with the Borg11.07.2022
A battle is considered a battle with the Borg if it was started by the player and the Borg, (if the Borg joins the current battle, then such a battle is not considered a battle with the Borg). Borg's opponents in such a battle can only be players with whom the player who started the battle or his allies participating in the battle have an active mutual assistance agreement. All other players joining the battle will be neutral to the Borg.
Federation Day10.07.2022
All players registered before 07.07.2022 inclusive and who have been active in the game for the last six months and are not blocked at the time of issue, the Federation has issued certificates for the purchase of technologies, resources and materials, devices of the ancients, ships of the Borg race from the Federation. The amount of certificates issued is 100,000 IG for each full year that has passed since its registration in the game until 07.07.2022 inclusive, but not less than 100,000 IG. Certificates are valid for 30 days from the date of issue.
The Borg Hunt09.07.2022
The Federation announces the action "Hunting for Borg"

In the period from 19:00 09.07.2022 to 19:00 10.07.2022, it is necessary to destroy ships of the "Fighter" class, "Heavy Fighter" in Borg patrols. Players who have destroyed the most ships of these classes will receive prizes in the following categories:

Players with a maximum rating of up to 100,000 units receive prizes for destroying ships of these classes in ethno-galaxies.

Players with a maximum rating of 100,000
up to 1,000,000 units receive prizes for destroying ships of these classes in Eleutherogalactics.

Players with a maximum rating of 1,000,000 units receive prizes for destroying ships of these classes in xenogalactics and nebulae.

Prizes in each of the nominations:

I place - 5000 IG for each destroyed ship of the specified classes, but not more than 500,000 IG

ISH place - 2500 IG for each destroyed ship of the specified classes, but not more than 250,000 IG

ISH place - 1000 IG for each destroyed ship of the specified classes, but not more than 100,000 IG

Interim results will be published in the chat hourly.

If several players participated in the battle with the Borg, in which the above ships were destroyed, then the number of destroyed ships by each player is distributed in proportion to the combat ratings of their fleets that participated in the battle.
Borg Military Miners07.07.2022
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols07.07.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Federation Day07.07.2022
The Star Federation has another anniversary today - 8 years!
Eight years ago, a grandiose event took place, on this day, the seventh day, the seventh month, its first user breathed life into the game, who registered in the game and gave the beginning of the 8-year-old world of the Star Federation, whether it is much or little to judge you, dear residents of the federation.
With gratitude and respect, we say a huge thank you to the founding fathers of the game, to all those who were with us from the very beginning and, of course, to those who sat down later and quite recently!
With your direct participation, support, comments and advice, the game has become what it is, it has become a huge, inhabited universe with its own characters, goals and dreams.
The world of the Star Federation is not just a universe, it is a huge international universe that has gathered players from all over the world.
Thank you all for your huge contribution, patience, attention, for everything that makes the game better, more perfect, for staying in our boundless Star Federation.
We wish that the time spent on building and expanding the game universe brings you joy, pleasure and satisfaction, may there always be new ambitious goals in your life!

We are the Star Federation!

And, according to the established tradition, wait for surprises and announcements!
The ratings race07.07.2022
The maximum reward in the rating race is "The best... for the week" next Sunday increases in 100 times.
The maximum number of saved flight sheets for members of the Pilots Guild has been increased to 500.
After 00:00 hours 07.07.2022 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
The ratings race06.07.2022
In the period from 07.07.2022 to 09.07.2022, daily prizes for development leaders among newcomers increase by 100 times.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 10 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Torpedo Bomber - 10pcs.
Changes have been made and descriptions have been added for the fleet commands "Load into the hold", "Load everything".
Deflector station28.06.2022
The mechanism of operation of the deflector station has been changed (see description)

Reduced the increase in the efficiency of the defense fleet depending on the station level

The value of the parameter `Increase in fleet parameters` has been reduced depending on the level of the flagship.
The distribution of combat platforms and defense fleets at Borg bases has been changed depending on the location of bases (colonies).
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 48 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 48pcs.
Zero Field Generator25.06.2022
The Borg fleets no longer ignore the "Zero Field Generator", i.e. the Fleets remain invisible to the Borg if the "Zero Field Detector" does not work at the point in the universe where the Borg fleet is located
It is forbidden to patrol with the option to attack everyone in the orbits of planets (bases) belonging to players that the fleet owner cannot attack.
Added a description of the distribution of the parameters of increasing shields and PRS on the ships of the fleet.
Added the ability to edit trading rates.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 13 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Flagship - 13pcs.
Borg Military Patrols16.06.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
After 00:00 on 06/16/2022 Moscow time, military patrols and military Borg miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Spaceships14.06.2022
Federation got 37 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Asteroid systems14.06.2022
The lifetime of asteroid systems has been increased, see the reference guide.
Adjusted the levels of ammunition used by the Borg in combat, now the level of ammunition depends not only on the level of the Borg project hull, but also on the average level studied by the server.
Borg Military Miners11.06.2022
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols11.06.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Devices of the Ancients11.06.2022
Added the device of the ancients `Quantum Screen'.

Spreads the effect of the deflector station in battle (increased shield power, increased missile deflection) to all friendly fleets (fleets with which the owner of the deflector station has an active mutual assistance agreement) that are in the "Defense" position.
A parameter has been added to the Flagship body:

Increase in fleet parameters (%) - Missile deflection (%)
Increase in fleet parameters (%) - Shield power

The presence of a Flagship in the fleet will increase these parameters for each ship of the fleet. The maximum values for the fleet are used for calculations.

These parameters will be used in calculations from 06/20/2022

You can view how much the parameters of shields and missile deflection increase in the fleet settings in the tooltip to the parameters of shields and missile evasion.
After 00:00 hours on 11.06.2022 Moscow time, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Asteroid systems08.06.2022
The content of resources on asteroid systems has been doubled.

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 158 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 21pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Leviathan - 90pcs.
Hephaestus - 28pcs.
Mercury - 7pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 8pcs.
According to the intelligence service of the Federation, combat platforms on orbital bases and space bases can be placed at positions 25-30. The positions on which the platforms are placed remain unchanged until the base is rebuilt.
Borg Spaceships05.06.2022
Federation got 23 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 636 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 8pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 75pcs.
Strike Fighter - 121pcs.
Corvette - 55pcs.
Frigate - 55pcs.
Destroyer - 55pcs.
Light Cruiser - 44pcs.
Cruiser - 33pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 40pcs.
Battlecruiser - 66pcs.
Battleship - 33pcs.
Leviathan - 21pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 20pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Revolutionary sentiments02.06.2022
In colonies and bases located in ethno-galaxies, revolutionary sentiments cannot be more than 99.99%.
Archaeological Center30.05.2022
Added the ability to limit the levels of the studied artifacts.
During the improvement of the archaeological center, the study of artifacts is suspended.
Technical works28.05.2022
We apologize for the unscheduled technical work.

All players have been issued a certificate for 10,000 IG
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 6 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Raider - 6pcs.
The level of Borg outposts has been changed, now it depends on the average studied level. The current value of the Borg outpost level is displayed in the directory.

The levels of Borg orbital bases have changed, now they depend on the average studied level of the orbital base, the size of the planet on which they are located and the galaxy in which the planet is located.
Added tooltips to the table headers in the planet's warehouse, showing the total values of quantity and mass.
Borg Spaceships19.05.2022
Federation got 9 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
The science19.05.2022
The method of calculating the average value for studies has been changed. The average value at the moment is only informative.
Fixed a bug that dramatically reduced the probability of finding expensive devices of the ancients on Borg colonies.

The description of the location of the devices of the ancients on the Borg colonies has been supplemented.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 13 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Flagship - 13pcs.
Borg Military Miners09.05.2022
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols09.05.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Spaceships08.05.2022
Federation got 5 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Spaceships08.05.2022
Federation got 1 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Spaceships08.05.2022
Federation got 1 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
After 00:00 on 09.05.2022, military patrols and military Borg miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 437 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter - 5pcs.
Strike Fighter - 321pcs.
Corvette - 5pcs.
Frigate - 5pcs.
Destroyer - 5pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Battlecruiser - 18pcs.
Battleship - 3pcs.
Leviathan - 8pcs.
Hephaestus - 8pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 16pcs.
Torpedo Bomber - 32pcs.
Borg Spaceships05.05.2022
Federation got 17 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 243 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 16pcs.
HT-3 - 12pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 15pcs.
Strike Fighter - 26pcs.
Corvette - 10pcs.
Frigate - 10pcs.
Destroyer - 10pcs.
Light Cruiser - 8pcs.
Cruiser - 9pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 8pcs.
Battleship - 12pcs.
Leviathan - 52pcs.
Hephaestus - 8pcs.
Mercury - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 44pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 39 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Strike Fighter - 38pcs.
Leviathan - 1pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 646 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 40pcs.
HT-3 - 39pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 40pcs.
Strike Fighter - 120pcs.
Corvette - 30pcs.
Frigate - 30pcs.
Destroyer - 45pcs.
Light Cruiser - 24pcs.
Cruiser - 15pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 24pcs.
Battlecruiser - 36pcs.
Battleship - 12pcs.
Leviathan - 78pcs.
Hephaestus - 52pcs.
Mercury - 14pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 47pcs.
Tachyon storm03.05.2022
Tonight, when a new nebula appeared, a tachyon storm occurred in the universe, which led to the malfunction of communication and control systems. There was no communication with most colonies, fleets and bases.

As compensation, the Federation issued each overlord a certificate for 25,000 IG.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 507 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 52pcs.
HT-3 - 6pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 50pcs.
Strike Fighter - 72pcs.
Corvette - 35pcs.
Frigate - 35pcs.
Destroyer - 20pcs.
Light Cruiser - 28pcs.
Cruiser - 24pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 32pcs.
Battlecruiser - 48pcs.
Battleship - 24pcs.
Leviathan - 56pcs.
Hephaestus - 8pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 15pcs.
The interface of the information window about the star system has been updated.
Updated the interface of the fleet information window.
The Altar25.04.2022
The culture parameter has been increased. The values of the colony culture and culture parameters have been adjusted depending on the level.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 146 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 4pcs.
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Strike Fighter - 12pcs.
Corvette - 5pcs.
Frigate - 5pcs.
Destroyer - 5pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 8pcs.
Battleship - 15pcs.
Leviathan - 42pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 3pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 21pcs.
Ghost - 15pcs.
Star Map23.04.2022
Updated the star map interface.
Added a context menu by right-clicking.

Added the ability to zoom out the selected map fragment (selection is performed by holding the right mouse button and moving the pointer down - to the right)

Added the ability to zoom in on the selected map fragment (selection is performed by holding the right mouse button and moving the pointer up - to the left)
Borg Spaceships21.04.2022
Federation got 13 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Archaeological Center21.04.2022
Added the setting "Automatically investigate when appearing in stock". With this option set, the Archaeological Center will begin to examine the artifacts as soon as they appear in the warehouse.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 683 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 36pcs.
HT-3 - 9pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 40pcs.
Strike Fighter - 84pcs.
Corvette - 35pcs.
Frigate - 35pcs.
Destroyer - 40pcs.
Light Cruiser - 32pcs.
Cruiser - 24pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 24pcs.
Battlecruiser - 42pcs.
Battleship - 6pcs.
Hephaestus - 28pcs.
Mercury - 5pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Flagship - 209pcs.
Ghost - 31pcs.
Borg Spaceships13.04.2022
Federation got 37 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Military Miners12.04.2022
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols12.04.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 93 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Hephaestus - 8pcs.
Mercury - 2pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Flagship - 66pcs.
Ghost - 14pcs.
Repair work11.04.2022
The commander's `construction` skill also affects the production capacity during repair work.
After 00:00 hours on 12.04.2022, the appearance of military patrols and military Borg miners is expected.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Adjusted the interface of the planet management window to display correctly refresh the page (F5)
Borg Spaceships07.04.2022
Federation got 4 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 53 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Destroyer - 5pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 36pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
The interface of the fleet management window has been adjusted.
The interface of the design window has been adjusted. For the changes to take effect, press F5.
The interface of the "Messages" window has been adjusted
The appearance of the New messages window and the new Federation tasks window has been adjusted.

Added the ability to change the location binding of these windows in the account settings.
The interface of the organizer window has been updated, the appearance of interface elements has been adjusted. In order for the changes to take effect, refresh the browser window F5
The color scheme has been adjusted. To update, press ctrl+F5
Borg Spaceships29.03.2022
Federation got 2 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 3 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Technical works28.03.2022
Today at 09:00 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of work is up to 30 minutes.

Radical changes will be made to the game interface, there will be no gameplay changes.

We apologize for the prolonged technical work, the +100% promotion will be valid until the end of the day.

The appearance of the game interface has been changed.
Added the ability to change the color scheme to display values. You can change the color scheme in the account settings - advanced- interface
The appearance of windows has been changed.
The appearance of some interface elements has been changed
Technical works24.03.2022
Today at 16:00 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of work is up to two hours.

The following changes will be made:

Efficiency coefficients have been added to the components used on trading buildings.

Planetary bonuses will be applied to orbital buildings.

The following changes have been made:

Efficiency coefficients have been added to the components used on trading buildings.

Planetary bonuses apply to orbital structures, including a Helium Isotope Concentrator and a Dark Matter Extractor.

Increased capacity for Hephaestus, Mercury, BT3 hulls
Added "Cargo Platforms" slots to the Mercury case

Reduced requirements for scientific potential for the Flagship hull.


The technology "Increase of Scientific Potential (%)"
increases the Scientific potential of colonies + Scientific potential obtained from the Guild of Independent Worlds or the alliance paradigm.

The technology "Project Potential Increase (%)"
increases the Project Potential of colonies + Project Potential received from the Guild of Independent Worlds or the alliance paradigm.

Added the ability to buy all technologies of the same type at once.
Changes have been made to the account freezing process. see (Reference Book - Game Description - Reference Book - Account Freeze)
Changed the mode of operation of the Altar - the parameters `Culture` and 'Culture of colonies (+%)` they are no longer distributed, but are set to the maximum values specified in the reference book, and the dependence on the distance of colonies for the altar is also removed.

Changed the mode of operation of the Scientific Center - parameters 'Efficiency of buildings (+%)` are no longer distributed but are set to the maximum values specified in the directory.
Fixed an error in calculating the cost formula for accelerating the study of artifacts, which led to a significant increase in cost.
Commercial warehouses20.03.2022
The base volume of the commercial warehouse has been increased by 2.5 times and the number of retail premises has been increased by 10 times.
New domain20.03.2022
Due to complaints from some players about the lack of access to the game without using a VPN connection. We have made access to the game at :

Scientific laboratories19.03.2022
The basic productivity of scientific laboratories has been increased 7.5 times,
The productivity of scientific laboratories has been increased depending on their number on the planet (see description).
The consumption of energy and working credits by laboratories has been increased.

Check out the planets where many laboratories are built.

The task "To increase the scientific potential to 100,000" has been transformed into the task "Increase the scientific potential to 1,000,000"

The task "To increase the scientific potential to 1,000,000" has been transformed into the task "Increase the scientific potential to 5,000,000"

Borg Military Miners18.03.2022
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols18.03.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Technical works17.03.2022
Today at 9:00 on 03/17/2022, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of work is up to 2 hours.
Rounded levels of artifacts in warehouses, planets, fields according to the following rule:

level less than 100 - without rounding

level less than 1,000 - rounding up to 10 in a big way
level less than 10,000 - rounding up to 100
level less than 100,000 - rounding up to 1000
level less than 1,000,000 - rounding to 10000
level less than 10,000,000 - rounding to 100,000

For example:
an artifact with level 856 - became with level 860.
artifact with level 1856 - became with level 1,900
artifact with level 11856 - became with level 12,000
artifact with level 111856 - became with level 120,000
artifact with level 1111856 - became with level 1,200,000

Combat platforms17.03.2022
It is possible to set the initial position (25-30) on the battlefield and the method of firing guns and RPGs by default for combat platforms. Platforms will be statically located in battle at the specified position. During the battle, the position cannot be changed. It is also impossible to change the position of damaged platforms.

Borg bases will start using this opportunity after April 1.
After 00:00 hours on 03/18/2022, military patrols and military Borg miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Changed maximum artifact levels for galaxies and nebulae (see help)
Fixed an error in which the devices of the ancients installed in Borg planets were missing from the archaeological values on phosphorus planets inhabited by Borg.

Adjusted the algorithm for calculating the probability of loss of UD from the colonies and fleets of Borg. at the moment, the probability is from 1% to 50%, depending on the cost of the UD and the total number of UDS that were "knocked out" of the borg.

The probability of "falling out" of the UD from the player fleets is 50%.

Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 6 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Cruiser - 6pcs.
Adjusted the availability of resources on new planets and asteroid fields.

Reduced the cost of devices: Planetary Initiator, Gravity Initiator.
The "Research" tab in the "Statistics" window has been returned.
Reduced cost in IG cultural centers.
The requirements for venues for cultural centers have been reduced.
The threshold for increasing productivity from culture to 100% has been increased.
The method of calculating non-personal devices of the ancients on Borg bases and colonies has been changed (see the reference book - description of the game - Borg colonies and bases).

Expect the appearance of non-personal devices of the ancients in the military fleets of the Borg.
Asteroid systems07.03.2022
Bonuses for digging up asteroid systems near a black hole will no longer be awarded.
Bonuses for digging fields07.03.2022
In bonuses for digging up fields, the possibility of dropping Borg components, Borg ships has been added.
A new technology has been added - increasing the power of the matter converter.
It is forbidden to attack fleets of members of the Guild of Independent Worlds, members of the alliance with the pacifism paradigm in the free quadrants (Excluding xeno-galaxies, xeno-fogs)
A limit on the number of ships in one fleet has been introduced. There cannot be more than 2500 ships in the fleet.
The procedure for calculating the cost of building colonies has been changed now the cost of construction is 10IG per site but not more than 50,000 IG

The number of asteroid systems in the area of black holes in the entnogalactics has been increased.
Mass generator27.02.2022
The resource requirements for Mass Generator production have been reduced by an order of magnitude. The cost and ratings of ships with mass generators have been recalculated.
Borg Military Miners23.02.2022
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols23.02.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Bombs and mines23.02.2022
Reduced resource requirements for the production of neutron, bunker bombs. The power of neutron and bunker bombs has been increased.

Reduced resource requirements for the production of all types of mines . The power of all types of mines has been increased.

The mechanism of arrival of the Borg military fleets and the procedure for making peace with the Borg has been changed (see the corresponding help section)

All players who were at war with the Borg and who have already been visited by military fleets, the war with the Borg has been canceled.
Due to the inability of the server to correctly handle large fleets, a limit on the size of the fleet of 2000 ships will be introduced from 01.03.2022.
After 00:00 on 02/23/2022, military patrols and military Borg miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Jump module18.02.2022
The minimum charging time of the jump module has been reduced to 7 days
The algorithm for calculating the minimum time has been changed, now the minimum time is not added to the calculated time, but is taken as the maximum value from the calculated and minimum.
At the end of the module upgrade, the charging time is reset.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 7 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Buying IG 11.02.2022
Due to the revocation of the license from the settlement bank Paymaster, the purchase of IG was temporarily unavailable. At the moment, all methods of buying IG have been restored through another payment system.
when an enemy fleet is in orbit, it is prohibited to:
perform construction operations on an orbital base, manage orbital buildings, change the composition (turn on, turn off) of ancient devices
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 36 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Cruiser - 12pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 24pcs.
The power of all shipboard reactors has been increased by approximately 20%.
Borg Spaceships07.02.2022
Federation got 12 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 15 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Cruiser - 15pcs.
Borg Spaceships21.01.2022
Federation got 17 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Congratulations to all the lords on the past holidays.

The administration informs that it has returned to normal operating mode again.

in connection with the end of the holidays, all players were given a small New Year's certificate
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 207 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Destroyer - 15pcs.
Light Cruiser - 16pcs.
Hephaestus - 4pcs.
Mercury - 1pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 45pcs.
Ghost - 6pcs.
Raider - 120pcs.
Borg Military Miners15.01.2022
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols15.01.2022
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Spaceships02.01.2022
Federation got 2 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Military Miners28.12.2021
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols28.12.2021
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
After 00:00 on 12/28/2021, military patrols and military Borg miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Spaceships26.12.2021
Federation got 4 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 217 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 217pcs.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 1 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Ghost - 1pcs.
The safety rules for ethno-galaxies have been updated.
Security status06.12.2021
Updated the description of the security status.
The rescue expedition of the Federation, which flew to the coordinates from which the SOS signal was received, combed the space for a long time and unsuccessfully in search of the wreckage of the ship and the source of the mysterious radiation. When the crews of the ships were already desperate to find traces of the disaster, the tachyon sensors on the flagship of the expedition were able to identify a weak but steady signal of an unknown nature, the source of which is in subspace. Unfortunately, only paramilitary Borg clans that use this technology to hide outposts have devices that allow the transition to subspace and back. The Federation sent a request to the head of one of these clans with a request to provide a ship with equipment to identify the source of the signal and, if possible, move it to normal space for research.

Information about what was happening could not be unnoticed. A new wave of conspiracy theory has swept through the Federation Galaxies, provoking hysteria among the population. The Federation's innovations concerning security are fueling rumors about the total and mass destruction of the population by infection with a Zombie virus.
Change of race06.12.2021
The mechanism for calculating the cost of changing the race has been changed. For beginners, race change is free. For all other players, the cost of changing the race is equal to the square root of the maximum rating multiplied by 100 and does not depend on the number of times the player changed the race.
The algorithm for calculating the military rating has been changed. reduction of the security status (see the corresponding descriptions of the directory).

The time of the first arrival of the Borg war fleets has been changed.

At 00:00 on 05.12.2021, security restrictions for ethnohalactics will come into force (see the description of ethnohalactics in the handbook).
Added videos (in the Russian version) to some training tasks.
You can view the list and the videos themselves in the reference book in the Description of the game - Video section as well as in the task information window.

Videos will be added to the rest of the tasks in the near future.

To display correctly, press the F5 button.
Federation Expedition29.11.2021
An expedition of the Federation for the Study of Deep Space, sent to objects of unknown nature in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole, sent SOS signals. In the communication sessions with the ship, unexplained actions of the crew similar to the behavior of zombies were noticed. Incomprehensible substances sitting on the heads of the crew speak of ominous events taking place on the ship. No damage to the ship was detected. The coordinates of the ships are hidden. The Federation is preparing a rescue operation.
All negative values of all ratings except pirate and security status are reset to zero.
All ratings can no longer be negative.
Mine lock29.11.2021
Increased mine lock performance
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 2 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Ghost - 2pcs.
Increased weapon power coefficients of the flagship's hull.
Technical works24.11.2021
Today, on 11/24/2021 at 10:30 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of work is up to 2 hours.
We apologize for the prolonged technical work. The promotion +100% will be valid until the end of the day.

The `Volume` parameter for the components of the CC and ship hulls has been reduced by approximately 25%. Modules of orbital bases and cosmobases.

The racial bonus 'Espionage' now affects the `Volume` parameter
components of CC, ship hulls. Modules of orbital bases and cosmobases. The higher the bonus, the lower this parameter.

Borg ship designs are automatically recalculated.

Added the ability to recalculate the current projects of players' ships. You can do this in the project information window. Before recalculating, make sure that the project parameters with the new parameters satisfy you by creating a project based on the current one.

Signature of guns24.11.2021
The signature of lasers and guns has been reduced by 25%.
Attention this change will entail an increase in the combat rating of ships.
Borg Spaceships22.11.2021
Federation got 9 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Added the ability to disable the fleet based on the general overview of the players with whom an information exchange agreement has been concluded. You can disable it in the `Fleet Management` - `Settings' window.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 3 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Ghost - 3pcs.
Added the ability to choose the priority of the attack in the battle.
Borg Spaceships16.11.2021
Federation got 2 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Affiliate program11.11.2021
Updated the 'Referral links' section in the account settings
The ratings race08.11.2021
The conditions of the weekly ratings race have been changed:

Only players with a maximum rating of less than 1,000,000 take part in the race
Borg Spaceships07.11.2021
Federation got 2 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Fixed a bug with the visibility of trading rates, allowing you to see all trading rates regardless of the trade guild and the radius of influence of the shopping center
In free quadrants in open ethno-galaxies, it is forbidden for players with a home system in another ethno-galaxy to use the commands 'Excavation`, 'Processing', 'Construction of an orbital base', 'Patrol with the option to attack everyone'.

The Jerenfar and Sigvantra ethno-galaxies are closed (newcomers will no longer appear in them). New empty star systems will appear depending on the growth of new ethno-galaxies.

New ethno-galaxies have been created: Infinity, Radiance.
Borg Military Miners04.11.2021
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols04.11.2021
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
The Nexus galaxy has been transformed into an Eleutherogalaxy.

In the near future, the Jerenfar and Sigvantra galaxies will be closed and two new ethno-galaxies will appear.

Due to the fact that some unscrupulous players generate accounts in order to obtain UDS in novice systems, all UDS on phosphorus planets in novice systems will be personal.

Added a new ethno-galaxy: Nexus
After 00:00 on 04.11.2021, military patrols and military Borg miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg Spaceships02.11.2021
Federation got 2 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Added the ability to change the image of the planet. You can change the image in the Management-Other-Summary tab of the planet management window.
Algorithms for calculating theft and destruction of technologies have been changed.
Now technologists can be stolen or destroyed on several levels at once.
When agents are destroyed, the owner of the agents will remain anonymous.
Zero Field Detector27.10.2021
The object detection radius for the zero field detector has been doubled.
Support Service20.10.2021
Restored, after a failure, applications in the "umbrella"
Support Service20.10.2021
Restored, after a failure, applications in the "umbrella"
Borg Spaceships14.10.2021
Federation got 4 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
The Federation apologizes for the recent failures in the game and issues each player a certificate for 100,000 IG
Federation Failure07.10.2021
In connection with the latest failures in the work of the Federation, certificates will be issued to everyone in the near future. The issue of the amounts and composition of certificates is being resolved now.
Borg Military Miners04.10.2021
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols04.10.2021
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
A new mine has been added - a gravity mine.
Borg Military Miners20.09.2021
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols20.09.2021
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
After 00:00 on 20.09.2021, military patrols and military Borg miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
A new ammunition has been added: a Tachyon mine.

The search radius of the Commander's Rescue Service.
The radius of detection of anomalies at the Anomaly Detector


Requirements for materials for the production of Thermonuclear mines.
Commander Rescue Service18.09.2021
We apologize for this. The search radius in the commander rescue service was shortened by mistake.
Technical works12.09.2021
Today, on 12.09.2021 at 8:00, technical work will be carried out on the server. the duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
The ship design window has been upgraded. In the account settings, you can return the old view of the design window.

The characters 'k`,` k ` - replace`000' when entering values.
The production of culture by scientific laboratories has been increased by 2 times
The viewing radius of the cosmobase has been increased
Devices of the ancients09.09.2021
Added a new device of the ancients: Tachyon detector
A new munition has been added: a thermonuclear mine.
A new module has been added: Mine Gateway.
The description of the Peace Treaty and the mutual assistance Treaty has been updated.
The interface of the espionage center window has been changed.
Game Chat04.09.2021
Added a game chat for beginners. Beginners and moderators have access to this chat.
Zero field Detector03.09.2021
The radius at which it is possible to detect objects hidden by a zero field using a zero field detector is equal to the square root of the radius of the fleet, planet survey.

The previous change was found to be erroneous.
Viewing radius03.09.2021
Increasing the productivity of colonies, affects the viewing radius.

The previous decision to cancel this option was found to be erroneous.

Technical works02.09.2021
Today, at 02.09.2021 at 9:00, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
Viewing radius02.09.2021
The viewing radius of the astroscanner, colony, observatory, and orbital observatory has been significantly reduced.

All active Galaxy Exploration tasks are counted.

The parameters of the viewing radius for all ship projects have been recalculated.
Viewing radius02.09.2021
Increasing the productivity of colonies and bases no longer affects the viewing radius.
Tasks of the Lords02.09.2021
For tasks
'Destroy the cosmobase`,
'Destroy the orbital base`,
'Destroy the colony` trading rating is not awarded.
Added the ability to add commands to the fleet from the search window for planets and asteroid systems.
To make the changes take effect, press F5.
In the near future, the viewing radius of the astroscanner and the viewing radius of the observatories will be significantly reduced.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 6 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Raider - 6pcs.
Borg Military Miners19.08.2021
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols19.08.2021
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
The execution time of the `Load into the hold` command is set to 1 sec.
Borg Spaceships15.08.2021
Federation got 32 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Technologies07.08.2021
Adjusted the cost and values of Federation technologies:
Increase in scientific potential ( + )
Increase in construction potential ( + )
Increase in the research queue ( + )
Increase in the orbital potential ( + )
Increase in the orbital queue ( + )
Increase in the design potential ( + )
Increase in the design queue (+)
Combat platforms06.08.2021
Changes have been made in the consumption requirements for all types of combat platforms:

the requirements for workers have been reduced by 2-6 times
the requirements for CR consumption have been increased by 2-6 times
Borg Spaceships06.08.2021
Federation got 5 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Combat platforms05.08.2021
Today, changes will be made to the consumption requirements for all types of combat platforms:

the requirements for workers have been reduced by 2-6 times
the requirements for CR consumption have been increased by 2-6 times
The calculation of the novice status has been changed:

The player will be considered a beginner:

1. Less than 180 days have passed since the player's activation.
2. The maximum pirate rating of a player is less than 1000.
3. The maximum rating is less than 100,000.
4. A beginner can independently remove himself from the novice status after he has scored 50,000 ratings.

All players who activated their account before 31.07.2021 inclusive and whose parameters meet the specified conditions will be able to regain their novice status, but only once and without the possibility to withdraw it.

All players who activated their account before 31.07.2021 inclusive and are newbies will be able to remove the newbie status after 10000 rating, but only once and without the possibility of returning it.

The newbie status is returned (removed in the account settings)

Changes have also been made to the payments under the partner program. Payments are made only if the player is a beginner.
Processing Center31.07.2021
Increased performance gain depending on the level by approximately 30%.
The requirements for materials have been increased by about 30%, depending on the level.

Standardization Center31.07.2021
Increased productivity of the Borg standardization center depending on the level

The requirements for materials for the construction of the Borg standardization center have been increased, depending on the level.

Federation Tasks29.07.2021
The conditions of new and current tasks have been adjusted:
The requirements for the level of the space base have been reduced
The task execution time has been increased.
Borg Spaceships21.07.2021
Federation got 9 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
The interface of the fleet list has been updated, now 20 fleets are displayed on one page. To display the fleet management window correctly, press F5.
The parameters tab of the fleet management window has been updated. Added the ability to configure messages for each fleet separately. To display it correctly, refresh the browser window (F5).
Federation Tasks15.07.2021
Federation missions to destroy Borg fleets and bases will not be issued while the peace treaty with the Borg is in effect.
Colonial administration10.07.2021
Added the ability to disable the colonial administration.
Updated the interface for searching for planets in trading bets.
Added the ability to top up the certificate account from the IG account.
Borg Spaceships10.07.2021
Federation got 5 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Day09.07.2021
To the seventh anniversary of the " Star of the Federation"

All players registered before 07.07.2021 inclusive and who have been active in the game for the last six months, the Federation has issued certificates for the purchase of technologies, resources and materials, devices of the ancients, ships of the Borg race from the Federation. The amount of certificates issued is 10,000 IG for each month that has passed since the registration in the game, but not less than 10,000 IG. The certificates are valid for 30 days from the date of issue.
The Star Federation invites to join the Star Federation group on Facebook.

On the pages you will see the news of the game world, interesting facts from the world of space, tips for beginners, contests, quizzes.
Let's start chatting!

Help us make the Star Federation better!
Borg Military Miners07.07.2021
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols07.07.2021
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
We are 7 years old07.07.2021
Today the Star Federation has another anniversary 7.7.7!

On the seventh day, the seventh month, seven years ago, the first user was registered, who gave life and the beginning of the grandiose world of the Star Federation.

We are glad to all those who have been with us in the game from the very beginning - you can rightly be called the founding fathers. You, like no one else, have gone through all the difficulties with us in the development and improvement of our Universe.

Thank you to those who have recently joined the game, you will definitely not be disappointed in the huge, amazing world that you have to explore and test yourself and your intuition.

We are glad to welcome new players from other countries, our Universe is becoming really international.

Thank you for making the game better and more perfect with your wishes and advice, for experiencing difficulties together with us, bringing a part of yourself into the world of the Star Federation.
We wish you to immerse yourself in our endless universe of the Star Federation, achieve new goals and always be on the front line!

We&I the Star Federation!
Purchase of IG (Bonuses)07.07.2021
The calculation of bonuses for the purchase of IG for the breakthrough of scientific research has been changed. Now a breakthrough in research can be on several levels at once.
The science06.07.2021
A reduction coefficient has been introduced for the study time, depending on the number of players who studied it earlier. The more players have studied this study, the less time it will take other players to study this study.
After 00:00 on 07.07.2021, military patrols and military Borg miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Technical works05.07.2021
Today at 9:00 05.07.2021 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server., the duration of work is up to 2 hours.
The science05.07.2021
Reduced research time for levels that are lower than the weighted average of the level for a particular study.
Increased research time for levels that are higher than the weighted average of the level for a particular study.

The weighted average value can be viewed in the research statistics. You can also see how much the level has changed during the day.
The procedure for calculating the population loss has been changed if the result of the artifact study was the finding of a virus. The number of people dying from the virus now depends on both the level of the artifact and the number of people on the planet. The virus cannot destroy more than 10% of the population at a time.
The research of artifacts is suspended when there is a shortage of workers on the planet.
The values of bonuses (penalties) for production, construction and design have been added to the alliance research window, depending on the technologies studied. Also added the value of the level of the component, housing, building, for which there are no penalties during production, construction or design.
CR losses were reduced by 10-20 times during the study of artifacts. CR losses no longer depend on the current CR balance.

The study of artifacts stops when the CR or IG balance is negative.

When examining artifacts of more than 20,000 levels, it is possible to detect the device of the ancients.

Due to the change in resource prices, the number of materials, dropouts and artifacts increased 10 times. This error was fixed today.
Federation Tasks02.07.2021
Adjusted the cost and period of issuing Federation tasks (increased the cost and reward for players with a lower rating, reduced the cost and reward and reduced the issue period for players with a high rating ).
The interface of the Federation tasks window has been changed.
Added statistics on Federation tasks with an indication of the date and time after which a new task will be issued.
Added the ability to suspend the issuance of certain tasks.
The interface of the research window has been adjusted. Refresh the game page (F5).
Search operation25.06.2021
Expanded the capabilities of the `Search Operation`command

Using the search operation, you can now also detect high-level artifacts (see the description of the command in the reference).
Search operation25.06.2021
Updated the description of the `Search operation`command
Orbital dock23.06.2021
Changes have been made to the operation of the orbital dock.
The minimum time for the construction of ships is set at 1 minute (similar to factories and factories for the production of spacecraft components).
Borg Spaceships22.06.2021
Federation got 12 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Added the ability to set non-declining balances in the warehouse of the planet, base. When using the `load` and `load all ' commands to the fleet, the fleet will always leave the specified quantity of goods at the colony base.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 375 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 40pcs.
HT-3 - 33pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 35pcs.
Strike Fighter - 60pcs.
Corvette - 35pcs.
Frigate - 25pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Battlecruiser - 30pcs.
Battleship - 24pcs.
Leviathan - 65pcs.
Ghost - 5pcs.
Torpedo Bomber - 20pcs.
Trading operations18.06.2021
Fixed a bug in the filter of trading rates for all ships and all colonies.
Changed the interface for selling the Federation of Resources and Components.
Added the ability to sell artifacts to the Federation.
Reduced the price of the Federation of Artifacts
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 45 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Light Cruiser - 8pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Torpedo Bomber - 28pcs.
Borg Military Miners11.06.2021
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols11.06.2021
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
Economic paradigms.

Adjusted calculation formulas for the speed of CC production, the speed of construction and design of ships, the speed of construction of orbital modules and planetary structures, depending on the level of technology studied by the alliance member and the level of production (construction). (see the reference guide)
Due to the latest changes in the Federation's prices, the pirate and trade rating has been adjusted.

Attention! When boarding a fleet, the owner of the fleet that has been boarded has a reduced security status.
We apologize.

The boarding SB is reduced for the fleet owner who uses the boarding command. This rule does not apply to quest fleets.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 5 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Ghost - 2pcs.
Technical works05.06.2021
Today at 15:00 05.06.2021 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of work is up to 3 hours.
Reduced, approximately 10 times, the price of the Federation for resources, components of ships, ships.

Economic paradigms
Changed the calculation of the increase (penalty) to the speed of production of CC, the speed of construction and design of ships, the speed of construction of orbital modules and planetary buildings, depending on the level of technology studied by the alliance member and the level of production (construction) (see the reference).

Each player has a free technology + 500% added to their scientific potential.

Each player has a free technology added +500% to the project potential.

The +100 promotion will be valid until the end of the day%
Federation tasks03.06.2021
Added a new Federation task - ' Destroy the Borg War Patrol`
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 290 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter - 290pcs.
Destroy the Borg Spacebase01.06.2021
Changed the conditions of the task "Destroy the Borg Space Base", be careful when accepting this task.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 7 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
HT-3 - 3pcs.
Cruiser - 3pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Destroy the Borg anomaly. 26.05.2021
Significantly increased the reward for the mission to destroy the Borg anomaly. The power of the anomaly-generating fleet has also been increased.
Borg Spaceships26.05.2021
Federation got 1 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 250 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 24pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 20pcs.
Strike Fighter - 36pcs.
Corvette - 21pcs.
Frigate - 15pcs.
Destroyer - 15pcs.
Light Cruiser - 16pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 12pcs.
Battlecruiser - 18pcs.
Leviathan - 42pcs.
Hephaestus - 20pcs.
Mercury - 5pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3pcs.
Ghost - 3pcs.
Borg Spaceships21.05.2021
Federation got 7 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 9 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Federation missions15.05.2021
Federation is currently reviewing terms for completing & issuing missions. Do not accept any mission prior to reading its terms.

Missions will be issued according to different principles. The higher the reward for a completed one, the less often it will be issued. The smaller the reward, the more often it will be given out.

Rejected or not accepted missions will be re-issued one week after they are rejected.

Failed missions will be issued no earlier than in a month.

It is also planned to add new missions. If you have any ideas for some, post them on the forum.

In the future, it is also planned to introduce common missions for all players and (or) alliances with a reward only for those who complete them one of the first.
Today 13.05.2021 11: 00 Moscow time suddenly all Borg fleets disappeared in all Galaxies for a short time. Some fleets (military patrols, military miners, patrols, etc.) appeared after a while. But some involved in Federation missions never returned to initial positions. In this regard, Federation set all tasks related to Borg fleets as completed.
Federation missions12.05.2021
"Geological Exploration" mission terms changed. Before accepting this mission, read terms. Please note that terms of all missions given after 12.05.2021 12:00 are changed.
Borg Military Miners09.05.2021
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols09.05.2021
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
IG Purchase09.05.2021
Sberbank online payment method available now.
After 00: 00 hours on 09.05.2021, military patrols and Borg military miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 250 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Light Cruiser - 8pcs.
Leviathan - 187pcs.
Ghost - 1pcs.
Raider - 54pcs.
Structure of Patrols located in Ethnogalaxies is updated.
Range of Borg trading bets is updated.
No more restrictions on researched hulls & components use when creating Borg spaceship projects intented for purchase from Federation.
Trade Rating01.05.2021
Trade Rating is added to Players who purchase goods at Trade Center too!
Technical works30.04.2021
30.04.2021 at 15:00 tech server works for up to 2 hours are expected.
Deflector station

Increased shield parameters.
Increased missile deflection parameter
Added parameters:
Restoring Shields
Defense Fleet shields power increase.
Defense Fleet missiles deflection increase.
Construction resources & materials requirements are updated.


Increased parameters (all types of shields): power, durability, mass, volume. Production resources & materials requirements are updated..

Orbital Fortress
Shield power & missile deflection parameters updated.

Shield parameters, durability, and shield recovery for all projects are updated.

Beware when attacking Borg! Spaceships & Spacebases Combat rating is updated!
Tomorrow (30.04.2021) the following updates will be available:

Deflector station

Shields parameters to be increased by 5-10 times (approximately).
Missile deflection parameter to be increased 100 times (approximately).
Following options will also be available:
Restoring Shields
Increased Battle platform shields power.
Increased missiles deflection.
Requirements for Resources & Materials needed for construction will be increased.


Shields power and durability parameters will be increased for all types of Shields. Requirements for Resources & Materials needed for production will be increased.

Parameters of Shields and Shield restorers mounted on spaceship projects will be updated.

Beware attacking Borg! Spaceships & Spacebases Combat Rating may change.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 193 new Spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 7 pcs.
Mercury - 5 pcs.
Ghost - 1 pcs.
Torpedo Bomber - 12 pcs.
Raider - 168 pcs.
IG Purchase via Tinkoff Online Banking system is available now.

A bug that destroys spaceships in Hangars during battle is fixed.
Bit by bit Borg trading rates are updated. Structure of Borg Colonies' defenses & spacebases where a Trade Center is located is updated.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 22 new spaceship projects are in Borg fleets:
Light Cruiser - 4 pcs.
Ghost - 2 pcs.
Torpedo Bomber - 16 pcs.
Archaeological Center21.04.2021
Speeding up simultaneous 10, 25, 50 Artifacts' research is available now.
Borg Spacecraft19.04.2021
Federation got 11 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Recycling Factory19.04.2021
Recycling Factory parameter `Return of materials (%s)' is updated.
New Ancient's Device added: 'Quantum Analyzer'. It disposes of any Artifacts.

Changed the IG purchase interface.
Added group ops (Destroy, Add
`Load Hold` command, Add to Disposal queue) for items stored in Planet's Warehouse.
From now on English-Russian & Russian-English autotranslation feature is available. It relates to chat messages, in-game ads, Players' & Alliances' mottoes.
Borg Spacecraft13.04.2021
Federation got 4 new Borg Spaceship(s) on Sale.
From now on you can tie your Account to IP. This option is available in: Account Settings - Optional - Misc.
Borg Military Miners12.04.2021
Borg military Miners invaded all Galaxies now. Miners' Fleets will stay until it digs up all Asteroid Fields. Stay alert when entering such Star Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravitational Beam.
Borg Military Patrols12.04.2021
Borg Military Patrols appeared in all Galaxies now. Estimated patrolling time is 10 days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they are located. Most Fleets are equipped with Gravitational Beam.
Orbital Hangar12.04.2021
Option 'Max number of spaceships' is added. It indicates max possible number of spaceships that can be stored in Hangar. If amount of spaceships exceeds, then maintenance cost of each increases.

If this parameter exceeds then there'll be penalties that will take effect 15.04.2021.
Military Rating12.04.2021
Starting from 15.04.2021 Military Rating for destroyed spacecraft will be awarded if destroyed spaceships belong to Borg Fleets or Players with whom Player who destroyed them is at war only.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 209 new Spaceship projects are in Borg Fleets available:
Heavy Fighter - 5 pcs.
Destroyer - 40 pcs.
Battlecruiser - 12 pcs.
Battleship - 6 pcs.
Leviathan - 143 pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 3 pcs.
Mother Star Systems11.04.2021
Ability to transfer Mother Systems to other quadrants is available now.

Transfer is available to rookies rated over 1000 pts. only.
Gas-and-Dust Clouds11.04.2021
When Gas-and-Dust Cloud lifespan expires it disappears. If Gas-and-Dust Cloud is located in one of the Galaxies then a new Star System appears instead.
12.04.2021 12 AM: Borg military patrols & miners are expected to appear.

Most Fleets may be equipped by Gravitational Beam! Stay alert when excavating & processing Fields.
IG Purchase06.04.2021
Error related to IG Purchase via Xsolla is fixed now.
Homepage design is updated.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 7 new Spaceship projects available in Borg Fleets:
Cruiser - 3 pcs.
Heavy Cruiser - 4 pcs.
Alliance Rating calculation method updated. Now Alliance Rating equals to square root of Alliance Members' ratings arithmetic average multiplication by number of controlled quadrants.
Time needed for Agents to accomplish Missions is updated.
Mission "Steal Technology & Destroy Tech Data" time from now on depends on Science Ratings' difference also.

Error related to bonuses & fines charged to Agents' potental from Alliance's paradigms is fixed.
Since 4.00 pm tommorow (24/03/2021) Planetary Destroyer damage bonus will be increased when it attacks combat platforms, laser combat platforms, missile combat platforms, and gun combat platforms.
Artifact research time is updated.
From now on High-level Artifacts are researched faster.
Bonuses (Penalties) during Artifact research are increased.
Borg Spaceships19.03.2021
Federation got 24 new Borg spaceship(s) on Sale
Borg Military Miners18.03.2021
Borg Military Miners are in all Galaxies now. Miners Fleet will stay within System until all Asteroid Fields will be mined. Stay alert when flying to such Systems! Some patrols may be equipped with Gravity Beam.
Borg Military Patrols18.03.2021
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is %s days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
From now on you may disable Gravity Fuel production.

Min Artifact research time is 1 min.

Borg Fleets' Fragments drop chance is reduced by 50%.
After 00:00 hours on 18.03.2021, military patrols and Borg military miners are expected to appear.

Most fleets may have a gravity beam, so be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Federation Deep Space Intelligence Service reports that more than 882 new spaceship projects in Borg fleets:
Airfighter - 28pcs.
HT-3 - 18pcs.
Heavy Fighter - 20pcs.
Strike Fighter - 48pcs.
Corvette - 28pcs.
Frigate - 20pcs.
Light Cruiser - 4pcs.
Cruiser - 6pcs.
Battle Cruiser- 24pcs.
Battleship - 39pcs.
Leviathan - 176pcs.
Orbital Fortress - 12pcs.
Flagship - 407pcs.
Torpedo bomber- 16pcs.
Changed the execution of the `Load All ' command. With this command, you can upload no more than 1000 items.
The command execution time is 10 seconds.
Borg ships10.03.2021
The Federation has 7 new Borg ships on sale.
The Borg09.03.2021
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports on the appearance of more than 22 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
BT-3-3 pcs.
Destroyer - 5 pcs.
Light cruiser - 4 pieces.
Ghost - 10 pcs.
Upgraded the Ancients' fleet device settings interface.
The Borg28.02.2021
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 27 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
Frigate - 5 pcs.
Destroyer - 5 pcs.
Light cruiser - 4 pieces.
Cruiser - 3 pieces.
Ghost - 10 pcs.
Working otsei27.02.2021
Working compartments, now provide 3 slots from level 0.
The interface of the star system information window has been upgraded.
Borg War Miners23.02.2021
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg war patrols23.02.2021
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
The Borg22.02.2021
After 00: 00 hours on 23.02.2021, military patrols and Borg military miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
The Borg19.02.2021
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 201 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 16pcs.
Heavy fighter - 35pcs.
Stormtrooper - 60pcs.
Corvette - 42pcs.
Destroyer - 10 pieces.
Light cruiser - 8pcs.
Cruiser - 3 pieces.
Heavy cruiser - 12pcs.
Battleship - 9pcs.
The Borg19.02.2021
The Borg's performance has been restored. Everyone who was at war with the Borg automatically made peace treaties.
The Borg24.01.2021
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 111 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 36pcs.
Heavy fighter - 35pcs.
Stormtrooper - 12pcs.
Corvette - 7pcs.
Heavy cruiser - 8pcs.
Battleship-3 pieces.
Ghost - 10 pcs.
You can put up for sale or transfer a colony (base) to another player no earlier than one day after the purchase, receipt, construction of a base on an uninhabited planet or construction of a space base.
The minimum construction time for an orbital base or a space base is 1 minute.
The Borg17.01.2021
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 61 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Stormtrooper - 48pcs.
Battleship-3 pieces.
Ghost - 10 pcs.
Borg ships16.01.2021
The Federation Borg fleet has 19 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Borg War Miners15.01.2021
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg war patrols15.01.2021
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
The Borg14.01.2021
After 00: 00 hours on 15.01.2021, military patrols and Borg military miners are expected to appear.

Most fleets may have a gravity beam, so be careful when excavating and processing fields.
The Borg09.01.2021
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 343 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 24pcs.
Corvette - 21pcs.
Frigate - 40pcs.
Heavy cruiser - 4 pcs.
Battlecruiser - 54pcs.
Leviathan - 134pcs.
Orbital fortress - 66pcs.
Borg ships07.01.2021
The Federation Borg fleet has 15 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Technical works05.01.2021
We apologize for the prolonged technical work, until the end of the day the promotion will be valid +100%.
If you disband an alliance and exclude a player from the alliance, you must confirm it with an access code (activation).
Technical works04.01.2021
Due to scheduled maintenance work in the data center for equipment maintenance, on January 5, 2021, starting at 9: 30 Moscow Time (UTC+3), the Server will be unavailable for 60-80 minutes.

The Borg01.01.2021
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 240 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 12pcs.
Heavy fighter - 10 pcs.
Stormtrooper - 48pcs.
Corvette - 7pcs.
Frigate - 5 pcs.
Destroyer - 5 pcs.
Light cruiser - 4 pieces.
Leviathan - 72pcs.
Flagship - 77pcs.
Race change31.12.2020
Changed the method for calculating the cost of race change. The cost of changing the race is now calculated not according to the current but according to the maximum rating. Resetting race change counters for all players.
Control Center31.12.2020
Reduced the cost of building a Control Center for the "Home" planet (see the corresponding section of the reference guide).
Borg military miners28.12.2020
Borg military miners have appeared in all galaxies. A fleet of miners will be in the system until all the asteroid fields are dug up. Be careful when flying into such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg Military Patrols28.12.2020
Borg Military Patrols are in all Galaxies now. Patrols duration is %s days. Stay alert when flying to coordinates they located on! Most Fleets are equipped with Gravity Beam.
The Borg27.12.2020
After 00: 00 hours on 28.12.2020, military patrols and Borg military miners are expected to appear.

In most fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Borg ships21.12.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 23 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Borg ships11.12.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 6 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
The Borg09.12.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 594 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Corvette - 21pcs.
Frigate - 30pcs.
Battlecruiser - 36pcs.
Battleship-3 pieces.
Leviathan - 372pcs.
Orbital fortress - 132pcs.
Wreckage collectors will no longer collect materials and resources, all materials and resources will fall on the field (if any).
The probability of falling into the wreckage of the UD is now 50% for player fleets.
Updated rating images.
Mercenary Guild03.12.2020
Added a new option for members of the mercenary guild:
When the fleet retreats in battle, the fleet can collect wreckage.
Increased the cost of the mercenary guild.
Borg ships03.12.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 70 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
The Borg03.12.2020
Changed the composition of the UD on the Borg colonies. see the corresponding section of the reference guide. The changes will take effect gradually as the Borg colonies and bases are rebuilt.
The Borg30.11.2020
Reduced the number of patrols in eleutherogalactics.
The Borg30.11.2020
Changes made to the behavior of the RAIDER Fleet
The fleet does not attack fleets that are rated significantly lower than the Raider fleet rating with a minimum BR (100) of the RAIDER fleet.
The Borg30.11.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 3,759 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 32pcs.
Heavy fighter - 135pcs.
Stormtrooper - 492pcs.
Corvette - 287pcs.
Frigate - 190pcs.
Light cruiser - 208pcs.
Cruiser - 174pcs.
Heavy cruiser - 240pcs.
Battlecruiser - 276pcs.
Battleship - 189pcs.
Leviathan - 397pcs.
Hephaestus - 164pcs.
Orbital fortress - 6pcs.
Flagship - 143pcs.
Torpedo bomber - 228pcs.
Raider - 192pcs.
The Borg25.11.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 46 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Light Cruiser-20pcs.
Cruiser - 18pcs.
Torpedo bomber - 8pcs.
Technical works25.11.2020
Today, on 25.11.2020, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
We apologize for the prolonged technical issues. work, until the end of the day, the promotion will be valid +100%.

Updated parameters and operation mechanism of the Jump engine (see reference).
Updated the cooldown time parameters (the minimum cooldown time is 1 hour) added the jump preparation time parameter for all ship projects.

The parameters of the torpedo tube have been changed, the basic accuracy parameter has been reduced, and this parameter will grow with the increase in the TA level.

Recalculated ratings and battle ratings of all ships containing jump engines and torpedo tubes.

ATTENTION! Anyone who uses Torpedo bombers against WAR fleets with TA level 0, the effectiveness of such ships will be very low.
Jump engines25.11.2020
The increase in the parameters `charging the jump engine` and `Preparing for the jump` for the jump engine has been more than doubled.

Jump engines can now be inserted into the engine compartments.
Increased productivity of the Colonial Congress, the Colonial Administration, and the Cultural Center.
Increased production of culture for Laboratories, control centers, Research centers, and the Academy of Sciences.
The following changes will be introduced tomorrow:

Changed the parameters of the jump engine. The cooldown time will depend on the volume of the ship. The minimum charging time will be one hour. The preparation time for the jump will depend on the mass of the fleet the minimum preparation time will be 5 minutes.

Also, the jump command will have the ability to specify what to use for the jump.

The parameters of the torpedo tube will be radically revised, and the basic accuracy of the TA will be reduced by more than ten times. As the level increases, this parameter will grow.
Changed the order of operation of the team, see the reference guide - commands to the fleet. Before the jump, the fleet needs to prepare for five minutes.
Tomorrow, the order of the team's work will be changed, see the reference guide - commands to the fleet.
Updated agent parameters depending on the level.
The Borg20.11.2020
Borg Borg orbital bases have been reduced in combat power, and the new parameters will take effect as the Borg bases are rebuilt.
We apologize for the prolonged work. Until the end of the day, the promotion will be valid +100%.

Changed all parameters of the hulls and components of the CC, depending on the level, except for parameters that affect the volume, signature of ships and guns, with the exception of platforms and expansion compartments.

Project parameters are automatically recalculated: Survivability, Weapon Power, Shield Power, Missile Deflection, Combat Rating, Cost, and Rating (All parameters are recalculated for Borg ships)

All trading rates whose price is lower than the tax have been canceled.

Added an increase in the bonus to the guns, depending on the level of the hull.

All players who have an NP (excluding `boosts`) below 1,000,000 added the technology to increase the NP +1,000,000. All players who have an NP (excluding `boosts`) below 1,000,000 added the technology to increase the NP +100%.

ATTENTION! For those players who` farm ' the Borg, the warship ratings have increased! Don't try to call up the big Borg fleet at once.
The Borg19.11.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 142 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Frigate - 5 pcs.
Destroyer - 95pcs.
Light cruiser - 36pcs.
Cruiser - 6pcs.
The components and enclosures will be updated tomorrow morning. All players who have an NP of more than 1,000,000 for the inconvenience caused will be given a free technology to increase the NP +100% for a week, who have less than an NP of less than 1,000,000 will be given a free technology to increase the NP +1,000,000 for a week.

Fixed a bug in the performance of Energy domes, increased the cost of the Control Center.
Control Center17.11.2020
The procedure for calculating the cost of the control center has been changed. (see the corresponding section of the reference guide).
Borg ships17.11.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 41 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Technical works16.11.2020
Today, 16.11.2020 at 9:00, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
Technical works16.11.2020
We apologize for the prolonged technical work, until the end of the day the promotion will be valid +100%.

Increased the performance of all buildings, depending on the level. Approximately 1% - 2% for every 1000 urs.

Increased consumption of all buildings, depending on the level. Approximately 0.9% -1.8% for every 1000 ur.

Increased requirements for materials and resources for all buildings, depending on the level. Approximately 1% - 2% for every 1000 urs.

Increased requirements for titanium alloy for all buildings.

The requirements for the sites have not changed.

The effect of the increase will be clearly noticeable at levels over 10,000.

All trading rates that exceed the Federation tax have been canceled.

In the near future, the parameters of the ships and components of the KK will also be changed depending on the level according to the same principle.

Adjusted the IG requirements for some buildings that require IG to be built.
At the beginning of the next week, there will be an increase in the performance of buildings, KK components, ship parameters, and the mass of artifacts, depending on the level. approximately 1% for every 1000 levels.
The requirements for resources and materials for buildings, QC components, and ships will also be increased.

The consumption of buildings and the requirements for sites will remain unchanged.

It will automatically recalculate the survivability of the capacity and power of the engines and some other parameters of the ships.

We strongly recommend that anyone who is at war with the Borg conclude a peace treaty with him before Monday.

Added the ability to adjust the housing stock on the space bases.

In connection with this innovation, there was a failure in the operation of cosmobases (the entire population died on many cosmobases).

The population and housing stock in the colonies have been restored.

We apologize for the unexpected technical work.

Check your spacebases.
The Borg11.11.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 111 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter-5 pcs.
Stormtrooper - 60pcs.
Corvette - 21pcs.
Frigate - 10 pcs.
Destroyer - 15pcs.
Reference guide11.11.2020
Search has been added to the directory. And navigation buttons. To make the changes take effect, press ctrl+F5.
Alliance Tax09.11.2020
Due to the failure, the alliance tax was debited twice today, and the alliance tax will not be debited tomorrow.
The Borg07.11.2020
Borg Borg war fleets attacked the player, and the player did not offer the Borg a peace agreement, then automatically a peace agreement will be concluded with the player for 2 days. And the war will stop.
The Borg06.11.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 5 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter-5 pcs.
Added Federation technologies:
Increased shipbuilding capacity
Increasing the volume of the orbital hangar
Borg War Miners04.11.2020
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg war patrols04.11.2020
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
The Borg31.10.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 718 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 32pcs.
Heavy fighter - 30pcs.
Stormtrooper - 36pcs.
Corvette - 35pcs.
Frigate - 60pcs.
Heavy cruiser - 52pcs.
Battlecruiser - 42pcs.
Battleship - 12pcs.
Leviathan - 44pcs.
Hephaestus - 60pcs.
Flagship - 121pcs.
Ghost - 10 pcs.
Torpedo bomber - 52pcs.
Raider - 102pcs.
Borg ships31.10.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 8 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Borg War Miners04.10.2020
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg war patrols04.10.2020
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
The Borg25.09.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 99 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 28pcs.
Heavy fighter - 10 pcs.
Destroyer - 15pcs.
Light cruiser - 24pcs.
Cruiser - 18pcs.
Hephaestus - 4 pcs.
Borg war patrols20.09.2020
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg War Miners20.09.2020
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Reduced the minimum boarding time to 1 minute. Reduced the pirate rating awarded at the beginning of boarding to 0.001 units.
The Borg19.09.2020
Tomorrow, 20.09.2020 after 00: 00, military patrols and Borg military miners are expected to appear.

Be careful most of these fleets have an active gravity beam.
Borg ships17.09.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 4 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
The Borg16.09.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 100 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 48pcs.
Destroyer - 5 pcs.
Hephaestus - 40pcs.
Torpedo bomber-4 pcs.
Rookie fleets can be attacked if they are in the orbits of planets and bases belonging to other players.
Borg ships07.09.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 10 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
The Borg07.09.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 17 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 4 pieces.
Heavy fighter - 10 pcs.
Cruiser - 3 pieces.
The Borg30.08.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service is reporting more than 260 new ship designs in the Borg fleets.:
Fighter - 8pcs.
BT-3 - 21pcs.
Heavy fighter - 65pcs.
Light cruiser - 24pcs.
Cruiser - 18pcs.
Battleship - 36pcs.
Leviathan - 55pcs.
Orbital fortress - 33pcs.
Borg ships29.08.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 20 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
The Borg24.08.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 1,668 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 24pcs.
BT-3 - 15pcs.
Heavy fighter - 25pcs.
Stormtrooper - 373pcs.
Corvette - 112pcs.
Frigate - 65pcs.
Destroyer - 209pcs.
Heavy cruiser - 192pcs.
Battlecruiser - 150pcs.
Leviathan - 77pcs.
Hephaestus - 40pcs.
Orbital fortress - 15pcs.
Flagship - 341pcs.
Raider - 30pcs.
Borg ships22.08.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 22 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Borg War Miners19.08.2020
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg war patrols19.08.2020
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
The Borg18.08.2020
Tomorrow, 19.08.2020, after 00:00, military patrols and Borg military miners are expected to appear.

Be careful most of these fleets have an active gravity beam.
Borg ships15.08.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 2 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
The Borg14.08.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 26 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
Stormtrooper - 22pcs.
Light cruiser - 4 pieces.
The setting of gravitational interference and the generation of hyper traps in the novice quadrants is prohibited.
The Borg07.08.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 4 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
Destroyer - 4 pieces.
Borg ships05.08.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 24 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Trading operations03.08.2020
A ban on trading operations (purchase in the shopping center, transfer for pickup, unloading goods to planets and bases, reloading to the fleet, completing tasks) for players who have the same IP addresses from which they entered the game over the past month.

In the near future, the function of checking for a match will be added to the organizer.
Added the function of checking for matching ip addresses.
Frozen and blocked players do not affect the alliance's learned technologies, scientific and project potentials.
The Borg31.07.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 347 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 8pcs.
Stormtrooper - 22pcs.
Corvette - 7pcs.
Hephaestus - 40pcs.
Ghost - 10 pcs.
Torpedo bomber - 40pcs.
Borg ships28.07.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 1 new Borg ship(s) on sale.
Put it in the hangar27.07.2020
Introduced a limit on the number of fleets that can be placed in the hangar of one fleet.

No more than 20 other fleets can be placed in the hangar of one fleet.
Updated agent images.
Updated images of basic research.
The Borg23.07.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 93 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 12pcs.
Stormtrooper - 11pcs.
Battlecruiser - 12pcs.
Battleship - 9pcs.
Leviathan - 33pcs.
Orbital fortress - 12pcs.
Torpedo bomber-4 pcs.
Added new alliance paradigm: Ideology.
You can change the ideology paradigm without a revolution until 31.07.2020

From 01.08.2020, the following changes will be made to the Alliances:
Frozen and blocked players will not affect the alliance's learned technologies, scientific and project potentials.

Updated images of ancient devices.
Borg ships18.07.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 4 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
The Borg16.07.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 354 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Heavy Fighter-10 pcs.
Stormtrooper - 11pcs.
Battlecruiser - 24pcs.
Battleship - 9pcs.
Leviathan - 33pcs.
Orbital fortress - 9pcs.
Flagship - 110pcs.
Torpedo bomber-148pcs.
Combat system12.07.2020
The reference book contains an article about the beginning of the battle. Reference-Combat system-The beginning of the battle. These rules will come into force on 13.07.2020 after 8:00.
Reduced requirements for inventory items for ship hulls.
Slightly increased requirements for the necessary research for ship hulls.
Increased resource recovery on planets and fields by 3-15 times .

Increased the parameter increase in production ( % ) at the Exploration Station

The latest planet resource report received by the exploration station is now also displayed in the exploration station management window.
Borg War Miners07.07.2020
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg war patrols07.07.2020
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Updated images of ammunition.
Reduced requirements for scientific potential, depending on the level for all applied research.
Increased requirements for NP and research for basic research.
The Borg06.07.2020
Tomorrow 07.07.2020 after 00: 00, military patrols and Borg military miners are expected to appear.

Be careful most of these fleets have an active gravity beam.
Updated the image of the KK weapon.
The Borg01.07.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports on the appearance of more than 7 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
Corvette - 7pcs.
Updated images of the QC protection components.
Scientific Center28.06.2020
Devices of the ancients: Neural computer, Neural Network, Data Storage, Computing cluster can now be used for scientific centers.
Planet Management28.06.2020
In the Management - Other - Summary tab, the option - Allow the use of the planet when calculating the overview of players with whom an information exchange agreement has been concluded has been added. If this option is disabled, the planet observation tools will not be included in the general overview.
Updated content images
Updated images of ammunition.
Updated image of QC modules
After making the jump, if the next command is flight or hyper-transition in the command sheet, the fleet will execute these commands without checking for hostile fleets or fleets on patrol with the option to attack all at the final coordinates of the jump.
Technical works23.06.2020
Today, at 23.06.200 7:30, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 30 minutes.
The Borg23.06.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 156 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 28pcs.
Heavy fighter - 35pcs.
Corvette - 21pcs.
Frigate - 5 pcs.
Destroyer - 16pcs.
Light cruiser - 8pcs.
Cruiser - 9pcs.
Heavy cruiser - 18pcs.
Battlecruiser - 6pcs.
Ghost - 10 pcs.
The altar22.06.2020
Reduced the cost of the altar, reduced the consumption requirements at low levels.

All players who built the altar are paid the difference in cost.
Cosmobase modules22.06.2020
Added a new cosmobase module-Science Center
The head of the alliance for democracy cannot change the paradigm if his support is less than 50%.
Orbital modules21.06.2020
Added a new orbital module - the Altar.

The Citadel, Outpost modules no longer block the zero-field generator when activated. (see reference)
Cultural artifact21.06.2020
The cultural artifact now also affects the parameters of the Altar.
Alliance paradigms19.06.2020
Added a new `War ' alliance paradigm. The reference book.

Until 26.06.2020, the war paradigm can be set without revolution.
Until 26.06.2020, regardless of the military paradigm, there is a mutual assistance agreement between the members of the alliance.
Borg ships17.06.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 2 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Resetting accounts16.06.2020
All ancient devices and IG accounts have been reset to zero.:

gLaRg (1128624 IG was debited from the KA3uHO_CTPAXA alliance account, which it transferred to the alliance)

For using an error that allows you to " xer " the components of the QC, materials, resources by unloading the unloading of fleets.

The error has been fixed.
If this error is detected by other accounts, these accounts will be permanently blocked.
If the account owners report the use of this error earlier than the administration itself detects such use, they will only be subject to sanctions.
The Borg15.06.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 195 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Stormtrooper - 11pcs.
Hephaestus - 4 pcs.
Raider - 180pcs.
Updated images of some modules
Updated paradigm logos.
Borg War Miners11.06.2020
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg war patrols11.06.2020
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Drawing Contest10.06.2020
Prizes were awarded for the drawing contest:

1st place Murrundiel - commander of the Borg race, with all skills 250%.

2nd place well40000 - commander of the Borg race, with all skills 150%.
The Borg10.06.2020
Tomorrow 11.06.2020 after 00: 00, military patrols and Borg military miners are expected to appear.

Be careful most of these fleets have an active gravity beam.
Borg ships10.06.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 8 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Short Story Contest09.06.2020
Prizes were awarded for the May short story contest.

1st place Alamat (8). - commander of the Borg race, with all skills 250%.

2nd place Han_Solo (7) - commander of the Borg race, with all skills 150%.

3rd place PiON-commander of the Federation race, with all skills 150%.
Orbital Dock 08.06.2020
Fixed a bug in when opening the orbital dock tab.
The Borg05.06.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 60 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Raider - 60pcs.
The Borg05.06.2020
Fixed a bug with the Borg accepting the peace treaty.
The Borg13.05.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 60 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Raider - 60pcs.
Borg ships06.05.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 9 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
The Borg04.05.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 14 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Frigate - 10 pcs.
Light cruiser - 4 pieces.
Borg ships01.05.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 2 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Federation Borg Federation - Buy from the Federation - Ships of the Borg Race-added a filter for new ships in the onke `Trading Operations` window in the `Federation-Buy from the Federation-Ships of the Borg Race` tab. If you select this filter, ships added less than a week ago will be displayed.
Updated images of drilling rigs and drilling platforms.
Working compartment29.04.2020
Expanded the capabilities of the working compartment, now it allows you to install archaeological modules.
Updated images of battle platforms, outposts , and citadels.
Deflector station29.04.2020
The mechanism of distribution of shield parameters and missile deflection has been changed. Now all parameters are distributed evenly between all types of combat platforms.
Added Federation technologies to increase warehouses.
Changed the technology purchase interface.
In the planets window, information about the technologies used on the planet (base) has been added to the summary tab.
Jump module28.04.2020
Changed the mode of using the singularity Generator when jumping spacebase: the amount of fuel required for the jump is required twice less and the accuracy of the jump is less than 2 sv. years. (the spacebase will jump either to the destination point or to neighboring coordinates.)
The Federation has new technologies on sale:

Material Production-Increases the production of materials by a certain percentage on the selected planet.

Component Production-Increases the production of KK components by a certain percentage on the selected planet.

Updated images of ores, minerals, rare minerals, from a jet engine, an electromagnetic sail.
School of Commanders26.04.2020
Added the ability to teach Fleet Commanders skills in the school of commanders.
Deflector station26.04.2020
Significantly increased the efficiency of the Deflector Station shields.
Technical works25.04.2020
Today at 14:30 on 25.04.2020, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 30 minutes.
Fleet Commander25.04.2020
Added the ability to upload a fleet commander image. Added the ability to change the name of the fleet commander.
Borg ships24.04.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 19 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
The Borg24.04.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports on the appearance of more than 111 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Frigate - 25pcs.
Destroyer - 12pcs.
Light cruiser - 32pcs.
Cruiser - 18pcs.
Heavy cruiser - 15pcs.
Updated images of engines and reactors to see new images clear the browser cache.
The Borg22.04.2020
Adjusted, the mechanism for concluding a peace treaty with the Borg.
Borg Borg War mechanism and Borg peace treaty mechanism have been added to the handbook.
Team jump22.04.2020
The minimum radius of a jump through a black hole is 11 sv. l
. The minimum radius of a jump to free coordinates (using jump engines or a singularity generator) is 1 sv. g.
Jump module19.04.2020
The jump of the cosmobase can be performed without waiting for the jump module to be charged, using the singularity generator, which is located in the warehouse of the cosmobase. At the end of the jump, the singularity generator will disappear. Fuel consumption during this jump will be reduced by 10 times. And the charging of the jump module will not be interrupted.
Technical works18.04.2020
Today at 10:00 on 18.04.2020 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
Added a new spacebase module: Citadel.

When deactivated, during the battle, the battle platforms will lose from 50% to 90% of the components installed in them.
Borg ships18.04.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 4 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Borg war patrols 16.04.2020
As a result of a malfunction in the Borg control system, all military patrols left the systems they patrolled. A new appearance of military patrols is expected after 12: 00 on 16.04.2020. More non-personal UDS are expected in the new military patrols.
In the planet control window, an exclamation mark has been added to the radar and masking parameters. If it is in the power of the radar, then it means that a Takion scanner or a zero-field detector is active on the planet (more specifically, in the tooltip). If it is in the masking power, then the zero-field Generator is active.
Borg War Miners16.04.2020
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg war patrols16.04.2020
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
The Borg15.04.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 81 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 81pcs.
Archaeological Center15.04.2020
Changed the algorithm for calculating the research breakthrough, any random science that will allow you to explore the artifact level will be investigated.
Borg War Miners12.04.2020
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg war patrols12.04.2020
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
The Borg12.04.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 393 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 393pcs.
The Borg11.04.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 30 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Battleship - 30pcs.
Bug Fixes11.04.2020
Fixed an issue where it was possible to build more platforms on the bases than allowed by the rules. A lowering coefficient of platform efficiency is introduced if the number of platforms exceeds the maximum possible number.
The Borg11.04.2020
After 00: 00 hours on 12.04.2020, military patrols and Borg military miners are expected to appear.

In fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Newbie status10.04.2020
The ability to remove the status of a novice after 5000 rating is canceled. It is possible to return the status to those who removed it earlier.
Congress of the Colonies09.04.2020
Added the ability to change the power of the 'Colony Congress'
Reduced site requirements for the` Borg Standardization Center ' depending on the level.

Increased the number of slots of all types, except for the gun turrets for the 'Heavy Battle Platform' depending on the level. Increased requirements for resources and materials for the construction of a 'Heavy Combat Platform' depending on the level.
Hog ships05.04.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 7 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
The Borg05.04.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 415 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 131pcs.
Flagship - 284pcs.
The Borg04.04.2020
Adjusted the interval of the first arrival of the WAR and RAIDER fleet , increased the interval of the arrival of the HORROR-X fleet.
The Borg03.04.2020
Changed the algorithm for completing the Borg war fleets, depending on their combat rating.
Added the ability to specify the ship project to load cargo in the commands, `Load to hold`, `Load all`.
The Borg03.04.2020
Changed the description of the arrival interval of the Borg war fleets.
Technical works31.03.2020
Today at 13:00 on 31.03.2020, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of the work is up to one hour.
We apologize for the prolonged technical work. until the end of the day, the promotion will be valid +100%.

Changed the arrival interval of the RAIDER, WAR fleets (see the reference guide). In this regard, the state of war with the Borg has been canceled for all players (without a peace treaty).

Changed the minimum cost of non-personal UDS in Borg military fleets.

Added a new module for the Outpost space base.

New Galaxy26.03.2020
The Federation Deep Space Exploration Service has discovered a new eleutherogalaxy, Demetra, located at coordinates: 59000-3000.
The Borg26.03.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 131 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 131pcs.
The Borg25.03.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 262 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 262pcs.
Borg bases23.03.2020
Fixed a bug when rebuilding Borg quest bases. As a result of this error, the base was constantly strengthened. All the bases have been rebuilt.
Security status22.03.2020
Changes have been made to the accrual of the security status in the " war " state.
Fixed a bug in the boarding command.
Changed the method of calculating the pirate rating: When boarding fleets of the same player, the pirate rating will be reduced for each boarding operation.
Changed the mode of operation of the deflector station: The total value of shields and missile deflection will not depend on the number of types of combat platforms.

Fixed errors in the operation of shield restorers and radio-optical camouflage on combat platforms.

Tomorrow buden introduced an increase in the effectiveness of weapons, depending on the level of BP. 2 panel platforms will also be added to the TBP.

Ship hulls21.03.2020
Battlecruiser added 4 defense slots.
Battleship Cruiser added 3 defense slots.
Leviathan added 3 defense slots.
Orbital Fortress 3 defense slots.
The Borg21.03.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 2,464 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Battlecruiser - 524pcs.
Battleship - 242pcs.
Leviathan - 524pcs.
Orbital fortress - 262pcs.
Flagship - 426pcs.
Raider - 486pcs.
The Borg21.03.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 880 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Corvette - 596pcs.
Frigate - 284pcs.
The Borg21.03.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 1,000 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Stormtrooper - 596pcs.
Torpedo bomber-404pcs.
If there are disabled devices in the fleet, then such fleets will be marked with a yellow exclamation mark in the fleet management window.
Technical works19.03.2020
Today at 9:30 on 19.03.2020, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
Increased the accuracy parameter for all types of RPU
Reduced parameters of volume, mass, and capacity for all types of RPU

Increased the missile deflection parameter for the PRS

Changed the method of calculating the increase in the accuracy of the RPU for ship radars (see reference).

Changed the method for calculating the increase in the missile deflection parameter for radio optical masking (now masking will also increase this parameter for the hull).

Increased the missile deflection parameter in the ORS for the corresponding hulls.

Increased the parameter increase the accuracy of the RPU for the corresponding buildings.

Added the ability to insert the shield restorer into the working compartments.

Changed the method for calculating shield recovery for shield restorers (see reference).

Changed the method for calculating damage recovery for repair modules (see the reference).

Increased production requirements for RPU and PRS.

The parameters were recalculated: Increases in the accuracy of the RPU, missile deflections, Volume, Mass, combat ratings and cost for all ships.

In the project information window, design information is added about the parameters for increasing accuracy. Accuracy information is added to each weapon in the tooltip.

Technical works19.03.2020
We apologize for the prolonged technical work, until the end of the day the promotion will be valid +100%.
Ship hulls19.03.2020
Changed bonuses for light weapons for transport buildings
The Borg17.03.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 150 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 150pcs.
All neutral fleets that are in the battle, in the attack position, leave the battle on the next cycle from any position, provided that there are no opponents.

Added an increasing coefficient to the plasma gun, kinetic gun, ion gun, depending on the speed of the ship, the target speed, and the volume of the attacked ship. You can calculate the final coefficient in the organizer.
Fixed a bug with missile damage.
Technical works14.03.2020
Today, at 13:00 on 14.03.2020 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of work is up to 2 hours.
We apologize for the prolonged technical work. The +100 promotion will be valid until the end of the day%

The following changes have been made:

Increased the survivability parameter for all types of hulls.

Increased the survivability parameter for all types of armor and shields.

Reduced the basic survivability parameter of the energy deflector, but increased the increase in survivability depending on the level.

The volume, mass, and capacity parameters of composite armor, titanium plate, nanoplate, fiber-reinforced concrete, and energy deflector have been reduced.

Recalculated parameters of all ships: survivability, volume, signature, mass, shield power, combat rating, Federation price.

Removed shield damage bonuses for plasma cannon, kinetic cannon, and ion cannon.

Removed the damage bonus for the Gorgon X3 fiber-reinforced concrete
Added Energy Deflector Damage bonus for Gorgon X3

Removed the Nanoplate damage bonus for the Harpy X3
Added a bonus to the damage on the fiber-reinforced concrete for the Harpy X3

Added a bonus to the damage on nanoplates for Valkyrie X3

Adjusted damage bonuses for all types of missiles and torpedoes.

Reduced the signature parameter for the Gravity Torpedo.

The requirements for material and production capacity for all types of missiles have been halved.

Added 1 weapon compartment to the Weapons Compartment.

Hog ships13.03.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 8 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Security status11.03.2020
Security status and pirate rating changes are enabled.
The Borg10.03.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 312 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 242pcs.
Orbital fortress - 70pcs.
Security status10.03.2020
Changes have been made to the calculation of the Security Status (see the reference guide).

Temporarily disabled changing the Security Status and pirate rating for battles.

All rating changes in the battle can be viewed in the log of each battle cycle.
Ship hulls10.03.2020
Changes have been made to the design of the following buildings:

Added weapon slots of 1 pc.

Heavy cruiser:
Added 2 weapon slots.

Added 3 weapon slots.

Added 5 weapon slots.

Orbital Fortress
Added 13 weapon slots.
Added 3 pc protection slots.
Added slots for 2 modules.
The Borg10.03.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 373 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Battleship - 242pcs.
Orbital fortress - 131pcs.
Destroy the spacebase07.03.2020
Changed the parameters for the "Destroy Spacebase" task. Reduced the level and power of spacebases (for players with a military rating of less than 1,000,000). Adjusted the number and level of ammunition on the bases. All databases in active tasks have been rebuilt. The deadline for completing active tasks has been increased.
WAR RAIDER Fleets06.03.2020
Changed the conditions for the arrival of fleets of the WAR, RAIDER class, see the reference guide. The changes will take effect today 06.03.2020 after 12: 00 Moscow time.
The Borg05.03.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 460 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Battleship - 53pcs.
Leviathan - 357pcs.
Orbital fortress - 50pcs.
The Borg05.03.2020
Changed the calculation of ship project levels for RAIDER, WAR, EXCOURT, and HORROR class fleets. The level of ships now depends on the battle rating of the fleet.
Devices of the ancients05.03.2020
Reduced the probability of UD falling out of fleets from 50% to an interval of 10-50%.
The Borg04.03.2020
The Borg war fleets (WAR,RAIDER,HORROR) have been strengthened.

The level of the ships ' projects in the Borg C war fleets will be calculated based on the military rating of the attacked players.
(the change will take effect tomorrow).

To avoid unexpected losses, we recommend making peace with the Borg.
The Borg04.03.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 440 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Destroyer - 4 pieces.
Leviathan - 350pcs.
Orbital fortress - 86pcs.
Personal devices of the ancients03.03.2020
Personal devices of the ancients, in case of their loss during the battle or bombardment, can now be returned to the warehouse of the main planet no earlier than a day after their loss, or by paying 1% of their value ahead of time.

Federation - Federation Services section of the Trade window allows you to view the list of lost personal devices of the ancients and return them to the main planet.

In the fleet information window, you can now see which device is personal and which is not.
Technical works02.03.2020
Today, at 18:00 02.03.2020, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
Battle platforms02.03.2020
The following changes have been made:

Battle Platforms:
Added 1 defense slot 1 weapon slot 1 module slot.

Laser Battle Platform:
Added 2 laser turrets.

Gun Battle Platform:
Added 2 gun turrets

Rocket Battle Platform:
Added 2 rocket turrets.

Heavy Combat Platform:
Added 4 laser turrets.
Added 4 gun turrets.
Added 4 rocket turrets.

Battle platforms in battle will be deactivated when their survivability becomes 0%. At the same time, if the base is not destroyed, they can be repaired.

The composition of battle platforms will change in all galaxies, nebulae and in intergalactic systems. The battle platforms were not rebuilt if there were fleets in orbit.

Increased the production capacity of the Ammunition Factory, depending on the level for each type of ammunition.

Adjusted resource requirements for some types of ammunition type of ammunition.

Increased the maximum range of the RPU-X2 from 24 to 25 positions.

Increased requirements for the construction of an Ammunition Factory.
Technical works02.03.2020
We apologize for the prolonged technical work. The +100 promotion will be valid until the end of the day%
Tasks of the game players01.03.2020
The performer can cancel the task accepted for execution, but the tax paid by them will not be refunded. The trading rating will not be changed when the task is canceled.
The following changes will be made tomorrow:

Battle Platforms:
Added 1 defense slot 1 weapon slot 1 module slot.

Laser Battle Platform:
Added 1 defense slot and 2 laser turrets.

Gun Battle Platform:
Added 1 defense slot and 2 gun turrets. 3 panel platforms.

Missile Battle Platform:
Added 1 defense slot and 2 missile turrets.

Heavy Combat Platform:
Added 4 laser turrets.
Added 4 gun turrets.
Added 4 rocket turrets.

Battle platforms in battle will be deactivated when their survivability becomes 0%. At the same time, if the base is not destroyed, they can be repaired.

The Borg war fleets in Eleutero and the ethno-galactics will be strengthened (within the framework of the BR)

The composition of battle platforms will change in eleutheros and xenogalactics, in nebulae in intergalactic systems.

The Borg29.02.2020
Changes have been made to the composition and number of ancient devices in the Borg fleets and colonies. You can get acquainted with them in the reference book.

Changed the behavior of the RAIDER class fleet after the battle. Now these fleets will fly away after the battle and not stay on patrol at the battle coordinates.
Devices of the ancients29.02.2020
Reduced Federation price for all military units.
Reduced Federation price for Gravity Initiator, Planetary Initiator.
The Borg28.02.2020
Today, changes will be made to the composition and number of ancient devices in the fleets and colonies of the Borg. You can get acquainted with them in the reference book.
The Borg27.02.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 37 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 37pcs.
Battle platforms27.02.2020
An error was found in the calculation of the combat rating of Combat platforms,
which leads to an overestimation of the combat rating.

Today, after 18: 00, it will be corrected. Warning to all who attack Borg bases: do not attack bases after 18: 00 without prior reconnaissance.
Battle platforms27.02.2020
Fixed a bug in calculating the combat rating of combat platforms. On average, Borg's BR platforms decreased by 30% -40%. It is also possible to reduce a larger percentage of players.
Independent Worlds Guild25.02.2020
GNM members can no longer have a `Mutual Assistance Agreement ' relationship with other players. All current (10 contracts) have been canceled.
Removed the rating limit for declaring war between Alliances.
Borg War Miners23.02.2020
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg war patrols23.02.2020
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
The Borg22.02.2020
After 00: 00 hours on 23.02.2020, military patrols and Borg military miners are expected to appear.

In fleets, the presence of a gravity beam is possible, be careful when excavating and processing fields.
Hog ships21.02.2020
The Federation Borg fleet has 10 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Technical works20.02.2020
Today at 18:30 on 20.02.2020, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 30 minutes.
The Borg19.02.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 23 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
Battlecruiser - 13pcs.
Raider - 10 pcs.
The ghost15.02.2020
Reduced science requirements for the`Ghost ' Corps
The Borg14.02.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports on the appearance of more than 9 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
Battleship - 9pcs.
A restriction on the presence of other players ' fleets on home planets has been introduced. Only the fleets of those players who have a peace treaty with the owner of the planet will be able to stay on the planets in the drift or patrol.
Added the 'Warehouse volume increase %'parameter to the cosmobase
Reduced research requirements depending on the level for the following buildings (modules):

Phase amplifier
Anomaly Detector
Jump module
Navigation Center
Matter Converter
Gravity storage device
Recycling Center
Reduced inventory item requirements for the repair module and the command module.
Home Planet12.02.2020
Tomorrow, there will be a restriction on the presence of other players ' fleets on the home planets. Only the fleets of those players who have a peace treaty with the owner of the planet will be able to stay on the planets.
Reduced the trade tax on the transfer of ships for the Protectionism paradigm to -75%, increased the maximum trade fee for the Innovative Economy and Technocracy paradigms to 40% and 75%, respectively.
Managing the Alliance11.02.2020
In the list of alliance members now, you can view information about the latest alliance tax payments of each alliance member.
Reduced cost for each member of the alliance for the Innovative Economy, Technocracy paradigms. Increased the minimum percentage of trading fee and performance in the quadrant for these paradigms.
Reduced requirements for workers, Increased CR consumption for
'Matter Converter', 'Recycling Center', ' Space Berth`

Reduced requirements for sites for Residential modules.

Increased the number of platforms for the space base, depending on the level.

Added the cosmobase parameter `' Increase in housing stock %`

The Ancient Climate Processor device now acts on spacebases and orbital bases.

Added a parameter for the health center `' Increase in housing stock %`

From 14.02.2020, a coefficient will be introduced that increases the mortality rate of the population with a shortage of housing stock and a coefficient that reduces the loyalty of the population with a shortage of housing stock.

The coefficient for the population will be calculated using the formula:
max(1.0, (Number of population / Housing stock) ^ 1.1)

The coefficient for loyalty will be calculated using the formula:
max(1.0, (Number of population / Housing stock))
The Economika paradigm08.02.2020
Changed the percentage values for increasing (decreasing) the speed of construction, the speed of production of CC, the speed of construction and design of ships, the speed of construction of orbital modules and planetary buildings, depending on the level of technologies studied by the alliance member.
The Borg07.02.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 4 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
Hephaestus - 4 pcs.
Technical works07.02.2020
Today, at 12:00 on 07.02.2020, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of the work is up to 1 hour.
Added economic paradigms for alliances.
All alliances have an economic paradigm: `Free Market ' (the Trade Agreement option in this paradigm will be valid until 09.02.2020).
Until 14.02.2020, you can change economic paradigms without revolution.
A new method for calculating the cost of paradigms has been introduced, which will automatically take effect on 01.03.2020. You can find out the new cost by hovering the mouse cursor over the cost of maintaining the paradigms in the alliance settings.
Authorized members of the alliance can switch to the new calculation method independently without waiting for 01.03.2020.

All alliances created after 07.02.2020 12: 00 will automatically use the new calculation system.

Changed the description of the 'Influence Sectors' in the directory.

Significantly increased the mortality rate of the population with a shortage of living quarters on the planet, the base.

In the near future, adjustments will be made to the loyalty of the population when there is a shortage of residential premises.
At the request of the players, the introduction of increased mortality, depending on the lack of housing stock, will be automatically introduced on 10.02.2020.
You can now find new nebulae using the `Search Operation ' command, see the corresponding sections of the reference guide.
Star Map 30.01.2020
In the upper-left corner of the map window, the coordinates of the current quadrant will be displayed next to the distance to the center.

If more than one object is located at the same coordinates, then clicking on any of the objects will display a list of objects.

To apply the changes, press F5.
The Borg29.01.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 316 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Leviathan - 316pcs.
Star Map29.01.2020
Next to the current mouse coordinates, in the upper-left corner of the map window, the distance from the center will be displayed. maps. To apply the changes, press F5.
Technical works28.01.2020
Today at 10:30 on 28.01.2020 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 30 minutes.
Team Sheet28.01.2020
Changes made to saving and loading team sheets:

Added the ability to assign a fleet group to a saved command sheet.
Added the ability to sort and filter team sheets when they are loaded.
Added the ability to delete saved sheets or change the parameters of saving the team sheet in the account settings.
Added the ability to replace existing sheets with new ones.

The maximum number of saved sheets for each player can not be more than 100.

Devices of the ancients28.01.2020
Added new devices of the ancients:

Hyperspace analyzer.
Gravity screen.

see the reference guide.
The Borg25.01.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports on the appearance of more than 4 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
BT-3-4 pcs.
Bug Fixes24.01.2020
Fixed bugs:

Accrual of the expense of credits for agents in the warehouse of the planet.
Accrual of credit consumption during the construction and improvement of tasks and ships.
Technical works23.01.2020
Today, at 18:00, 23.01.2020 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of the work is up to 30 minutes.
Zero-field detector23.01.2020
The mechanism for calculating the radius of action of the zero-field Detector has been changed.
The zero-field detector can be installed on planets and bases.
Zero field generator22.01.2020
Added the ability to insert a zero-field generator in fleets (see the description of the zero-field Generator in the reference).
Added a setting `In the overview` sort planets by groups ' - when the setting is enabled, the planets will be sorted by groups in alphabetical order. With the galaxy setting disabled.
Creating planets and systems20.01.2020
Reduced the minimum time to create planets and star systems to 12 hours.
Reduced the cost of the gravity initiator.
Technical works19.01.2020
Today, at 14:00 on 19.01.2020 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of the work is up to 30 minutes.
Purchase of ships18.01.2020
Fleets that appear when buying ships (TRANSIT-XXXXXX) can now be stopped and picked up by aircraft carriers. When the fleet is stopped, the fleet comes under the control of the main planet.
Technical works16.01.2020
Today, at 18:00, 16.01.2020 Moscow time, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 30 minutes.
Added the ability to assign each planet a group that it belongs to (The Planet Management window - Management - Other - Advanced). In the Planet management window, the list of planets will be divided into groups. You can also filter by group in the Empire Overview window.

Added the "List of planets in a separate window" setting when the setting is set, instead of a drop-down list in the Planet Management Window, there will be a button that opens a list of planets for selection with filtering elements in a separate window.
Due to a crash when updating alliances. Alliances and quadrants have been updated once again. Therefore, the alliance tax was deducted for the second time. In this regard, the alliance tax will not be deducted tomorrow.
Technical works13.01.2020
Today, at 15:00 on 13.01.2020, technical work will be carried out on the server. The duration of the work is up to 30 minutes.
Technical works13.01.2020
We apologize for the prolonged technical work. The +100 promotion will be valid until the end of the day%

Optimized the work of the recycling team.

No changes were made to the gameplay.

The Borg12.01.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 63 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Battlecruiser - 13pcs.
Leviathan - 33pcs.
Hephaestus - 4 pcs.
Orbital fortress - 13pcs.
Technical works12.01.2020
Today at 10:30 on 12.01.2020, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of work is up to 30 minutes.
Fixed a bug in the boarding command that allowed a single ship with low boarding potential to rob a full large fleet in 15 minutes.

Also fixed a bug that allows one small ship to deal up to 50% damage to a large fleet.
Expanded functionality of the Anomaly Detector now it sends messages if a hyper trap is detected within its radius of action.

Gas and dust clouds can now be detected in intergalactic space.
Mass Generator12.01.2020
The matter compression parameter has been doubled.
There is a racial bonus population for fuel consumption when creating a planet, atmosphere, star system the higher it is (bonus), the lower the fuel consumption.
Added a new option to Account Settings-Advanced-Other:

'Install new buildings at maximum capacity`

When this option is enabled, all new buildings on the planet (base) will be
automatically set to maximum power (100%).

This option does not set the production percentage.
Technical works11.01.2020
Today at 9:30 on 11.01.2020, technical work will be carried out on the server, the duration of work is up to 30 minutes.
Added a new device of the ancients - ' Gravity Initiator`

Added a new parameter for the mass generator - ' Matter compression`

Added a new space object - ' Gas and Dust cloud`

Added a new command to the fleet - ' Create a Star System`
An option has been added to your account settings: Remember recycling settings. If the check box is selected, the fleet will remember the resource extraction settings of the last processing command entered. And all new commands will be generated by default with these settings.
Added the ability to assign a color to display the name of the fleet. Fleet Management window - Fleet composition.
Added the ability to save fully visible projects of other players in drafts.
The Borg05.01.2020
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 103 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Cruiser - 3 pieces.
Battlecruiser - 13pcs.
Battleship - 9pcs.
Leviathan - 33pcs.
Torpedo bomber - 45pcs.
The Federation now has Mercury-based search ships and Hephaestus-based planet builders for sale.
Hog ships04.01.2020
The Federation Borg Federation has 141 new Borg ships(s) on sale.
Added a new right for alliance posts-view alliance warehouses.
Added the ability to view the settings of the buildings of the planets of the alliance members.
Bug Fixes02.01.2020
Fixed a ship upgrade bug.
Borg War Miners28.12.2019
Borg war miners have appeared in all the galaxies. The Buden mining fleet is in the system until it digs up all the asteroid fields. Be careful when flying in such systems, some patrols may be equipped with a gravity beam.
Borg war patrols28.12.2019
Borg war patrols have sprung up in all the galaxies. The duration of the patrols is about 10 days. Be careful when flying to the coordinates where they are located, some fleets may be equipped with a gravity beam.
The Borg28.12.2019
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 24 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Destroyer - 4 pieces.
Light cruiser - 5 pcs.
Torpedo bomber - 5 pcs.
Raider - 10 pcs.
The Borg15.12.2019
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports on the appearance of more than 20 new ship projects in the Borg fleets:
Frigate - 10 pcs.
Raider - 10 pcs.
The Borg09.12.2019
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports the appearance of more than 13 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Orbital fortress - 13pcs.
The Borg03.12.2019
The Federation Borg Deep Space Exploration Service reports on the appearance of more than 30 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
BT-3-4 pcs.
Battlecruiser - 13pcs.
Battleship - 9pcs.
Hephaestus - 4 pcs.
The Borg25.11.2019
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports on the appearance of more than 100 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Stormtrooper - 17pcs.
Corvette - 8pcs.
Battlecruiser - 13pcs.
Leviathan - 33pcs.
Hephaestus - 16pcs.
Orbital fortress - 13pcs.
Bug Fixes16.11.2019
Fixed errors in the parameters of the mass generator and the working compartment.
The Borg16.11.2019
The Federation Borg Deep Space Intelligence Service reports the appearance of more than 971 new ship designs in the Borg fleets:
Fighter - 2 pieces.
Battleship - 103pcs.
Leviathan - 192pcs.
Orbital fortress - 97pcs.
Flagship - 567pcs.
Raider - 10 pcs.
Added the ability to change the number of standard slots in the hulls of ships.
QC components10.11.2019
Added a new module - ' Working compartment`
In the "Trading Operations" window, in the "Buy IG" tab, you can view the approximate composition of bonuses that the Federation issues for the purchase of IG.
Creating planets09.11.2019
New modules:

Added a new module ` ' Mass Generator`
Added a new device of the ancients - 'Planetary Initiator'

Added fleet commands:

'Creating a Planet`
'Creating an atmosphere`

For more information, see the help for these commands.
Archaeological Center09.11.2019
Changed the probability of dropping various Borg components from artifacts the more expensive the component, the lower the probability of falling out.
Changed the method of calculating the parameter detection of agents. see reference - ' Counterintelligence Center`, also changed the parameter Effectiveness of counterintelligence agents (%) in the `Counterintelligence Center` and added this parameter for the Space Base.