Star Federation |
Звездная Федерация - глобальная космическая браузерная стратегия в реальном времени для ценителей жанра. Звездная Федерация – глобальная браузерная космическая стратегия в реальном времени, в которой Вам предстоит построить собственную державу с десятками колоний и звездных баз. Станьте воином, пиратом, торговцем – для Вас открыты все пути: Восемь уникальных рас, тысячи миров в разных галактиках. Застройка планет, переработка астероидов, раскопки артефактов. Война, бомбардировка и уничтожение планет, управление боем в реальном времени, пиратство, диверсии и шпионаж. Собственные проекты кораблей, миллионы вариантов комплектаций. Развитые экономика и дипломатия, неограниченные уровни исследований. | |
Legal notice:
Copyrights Owner and Game Licensor:
ООО "ZF Games""
ITN/IEC 9715250728/771501001
PSRN 1167746301370
The Affiliate Program was developed & implemented by this project’s Administration to engage new and support active players.
Any player can become a Project Partner.
The Partner receives bonuses for each engaged player (Referral). The bonus is the in-game currency (IG), which the Referral receives as a bonus also.
To become the Project Partner, it is enough for a new player to indicate other player’s nickname when signing in or follow other player’s Referral Link. (read “Affiliate Program” – ”Referral Link” - “Account Settings” section).
The amount of bonuses paid depends on a certain rating achievement by the Referral in rockie sttus only:
Rating | Partner | Referral |
100 |
500 |
1000 |
5000 |
10000 |
25000 |
50000 |
100000 |
When your Referral reaches 100 000 pts. rating:
You will receive
Your Referral will receive
Besides, as a Partner, you will receive 5% as a bonus from the IG amount donated to the project by your Referral.
All your Referrals are listed in “Referrals” - “Account Settings” section. Thus, you can always stay in touch with Referrals and help them in the complex space exploration mission.
Star Federation
online space real-time strategy game for all genre fans
The Star Federation (hereinafter referred to as the SF) is an online space real-time strategy game. It is a browser-based MMO with enormous, often unique capabilities. Sure, this statement is a bit bold, but soon you will be ensured that it is valid. Let's highlight the main points first:
Star Federation Races
This is your only and main choice before starting the game. We recommend that you pay special attention to it. There are only seven races. Besides, there is another mysterious, sometimes vicious but an indifferent race of Borg, which is controlled by AI. The Borg have the very best spaceships, hull components, weapons, defenses, mining & archeology modules. They have very complex and difficult to predict battle tactics. They are used to sending in reinforcements if the player gets too carried away with putting their forces into battle. They know how to find the optimal position for a shot and possess other features that make this race a real treasure trove of pleasures for PVE battles fans (human vs. computer). But there is also a drawback - the battle with the Borg except individual missions is not for rookies.
As for the other seven races, each has its own pros and cons. Let's briefly describe each:
Each race breathes own type of atmosphere and can easily colonize a suitable planet. Energy-consuming domes are needed to live on a planet with an alien atmosphere. The exception is Maroon. They can live on any planet.
Choose your race consciously. But remember, choosing a too peaceful race will not prevent from becoming the best warrior in the Star Federation Universe. In addition, many other factors can lead to better spaceship production. You should not forget about own battle tactics. We also recommend that you take into account that belonging to rarer races makes you a desirable member of the leading Alliances (Clans), where the needs for the components produced by your race may exceed the possibilities of your own production.
As mentioned earlier, the economy in this Universe is very complex, which makes the development process more interesting. As in most games, there are no 3-4 types of resources: 4 types of fuel for spaceships and power plants, 19 types of mined resources, from which 13 types of materials are produced! Most of the resources are mined on planets and asteroids. However, there are unique resources that are present on asteroids only or are produced at Orbital stations. For mining on asteroids, you need to build a mining fleet. This requires additional research - an Orbital Station with a Command Center, Dock, and Hangar. By the way, your first planet and its Orbital Station are inviolable as well as all fleets located in its orbit. This is a great way to save spaceships without the need for constant space travel.
The colonization process is quite simple. You need to research the Colonies Congress, build a fleet with a building and housing module, build an Orbital Station on the planet of your choice. The next step is the construction of the Colony and the further development of the planet for the benefit of your own empire. But keep in mind, the Orbital Station can be destroyed, and all buildings on the planet can be vanished by bombing or sabotage. Bombing is a very difficult and expensive pleasure even for very advanced players, and sabotage can be countered with countermeasures. At the same time, the protection of a rookie player is extended to your Star System until the milestone of 3000 rating pts. is reached.
Sure, any free strategy has its own in-game currency, which can be replenished by donations. IG is the main currency of the Star Federation. But there is one peculiarity - you can sell resources and Federation materials for IG. However, this option is for the laziest or leading players with overstuffed warehouses. There are tremendous opportunities for trading. You can sell everything to other players - from ore to planets and populations. But this requires a well-developed Trade Center.
War and Spaceships
Let's move on to the game’s "highlights" - spaceships and military ops. You are a creator and designer who makes a project to solve specific issues. In SF, there is no such thing as “the best spacecraft”. For every action in this universe, there is always a reaction. The whole point is in the variety of components, in the firing range, combat speed, and signature. Without digging deeper into details, we can say that you should not fire a cannon at the sparrows. Almost every weapon has a signature parameter, and a spaceship has its volume. For successful firing, the signature must be less than or equal to the spacecraft volume, and the spaceship itself must be within the weapon's reach. For example, you have a powerful spaceship, but the weapon is not suitable against a specific enemy. In this case, you will be shot with impunity. And if you have a suitable weapon but a low combat speed, then you will be shot from afar. So think, experiment, develop projects. All is in your hands!
What are your opportunities? For all races, only the spaceship hulls’ types with a certain number of slots for modules are the same. However, the modules and characteristics of the housings (capacity, durability, etc.) differ. There are over 50 components in total - engines, reactors, mining modules, scanners, radars, masking devices, weapons and protection, and many others. Thus it is possible to design a spaceship with a module of any race of any level (incl. Borg). The following principle does not apply here - the higher the level, the better. If you need to create a certain volume, capacity, reach a certain speed, then a low-level module is more valuable than the highest in the Star Federation universe.
The modules are manufactured in component factories. Moreover, each player can produce only modules of his race, most of which have far from the best indicators. There is only one conclusion – you need to cooperate with other players, buying, ordering modules from players of other races that have bonuses in their production. If you play as Glarg, then when building a simple vehicle, you will only have a Reactor and a Gravity Computer to jump into another galaxy. You will have to order engines from Helion and bays from Thormal, unless, of course, you want to get a deliberately slow and small spaceship.
Borg components that AI plays are special. They are especially good and noticeably superior to the best representatives of other races. They can also be used in the spacecraft construction but for this, you need to collect fragments in battle, explore after the battle with Borg ends, research artifacts, complete tasks, and buy or receive components from other players as a gift.
Now let's talk about combat. This is a separate mode, which consists of 1 to 30 (max) cycles of 5 minutes each. In online mode, you can move the spaceships to the desired position, taking into account the range of weapons and the recent situation. You can also choose a target for spaceships of the same project in the fleet, bring in reinforcements or withdraw the fleet from combat. At the same time, during the battle, reinforcements can come from other players. In offline mode, the player can set automatic settings for the fleet behavior - the number of cycles, behavior patterns, etc. The battlefield is divided into 30 positions. Each measures the combat speed per cycle and the range of weapons and missiles. In fact, in this game, there are far from two control buttons as in some games and this is the pure well for strategic thinking.
Science and Diplomacy
There are 8 types of in-game agreements that allow conducting trade relations, combat, sharing Hypergates, etc. At the same time, you can buy a Guild membership that gives several advantages in combat, flight, trade, and other aspects. The first time you build certain buildings, you receive a free monthly membership, which can then be renewed. The Alliance (Clan) system deserves special mentioning. An Alliance member automatically enters into some treaties with the Feds, and also gains access to Map overview and research. He can build buildings and produce components of the max studied level by other players in your Alliance.
Finally, about science. Research is not limited by levels and does not require the consumption of materials. All that is needed are scientific buildings, modestly consuming energy, and loans for their maintenance. Buildings generate scientific potential and add the number of queues that contribute your empire. Research is not tied to the resources of a single planet, and this is a great advantage. The same is true for the design potential generated by the Construction Office, which is required for the spaceships’ design. The third potential is archaeological. It depends on the level of the planetary Archaeological Center in which a particular artifact is being researched.
It is worth mentioning the main Game drawback (or advantage !!!) – it’s rather complex and stands apart in the horoscope of other genre representatives, whose developers are afraid to pose too complex tasks for gamers. Sure, there are not three resources and not two battle-buttons but this approach is valuable for many players. The complexity and versatility of the game are important to them, especially since the tasks for which the Federation pays remuneration help to understand the main nuances. As practice shows, on average, one evening of careful study of this game is enough to understand its main aspects. By the way, the in-game chat is always active for any questions from the rookies!
Planet Management
Universe Map
Fleet Management
Spacecraft Design
In the address bar, go to “about:config” and make sure that the flag is “webgl.disabled = false”. Then set the following flags true: “webgl.force-enabled=true” “layers.acceleration.force-enabled=true” Reload the page with WebGL content
In the address bar, go to chrome://settings. Next move to “Show advanced settings” option under “System” - “Set flag” - “Use hardware acceleration” section. Restart your browser.
In the address bar, go to chrome://flags.
Make sure the “Disable WebGL” flag is not active. Otherwise, this flag can be removed.
Restart your browser.
For advanced players:
If all else fails
try launching Chrome with the following parameters:
"--ignore-gpu-blacklist" и "--enable-webgl"
Galaxies in the Star Federation
Galaxies are deep space objects, sprawling space systems consisting of dust, gas and many stars.
Galaxies in the Star Federation are distinguished by the presence of a large number of star systems and asteroid fields.
The development and expansion of galaxies can occur constantly. Every day new stars are born in each of them. Models of the development of galaxies vary, for example, the last of the found galaxies are spiral.
There is a black hole in the center of each galaxy. With the presence of special equipment on board the ships of the fleet (gravity calculator), fleets can overcome enormous distances between different galaxies in one jump. In each galaxy, at the center, a black hole, there is always a certain number of asteroid fields that have the property of constantly appearing (but only as the previously appeared ones are fully developed).
Galaxy types
1. Ethnogalactics - new stars are born (or were born) in these galaxies, as objects of colonization by new Overlords. At remote boundaries (from 1000 sv.l. and more) from the center of these galaxies are macroplanets, the so-called "bonus", characterized by the presence of bonuses to some planetary indicators, for example, production or science.
The ethno-galaxy in which newcomers appear is called open. The ethno-galaxy, in which newcomers no longer appear, is called closed.
Ethno-galaxies in which newcomers are currently being born are marked with a newcomer icon. - In such galaxies, it is impossible to excavate and recycle asteroid fields around black holes for players whose home systems are located in other galaxies.
In free quadrants in open ethno-galaxies, it is forbidden for players with a home system in another ethno-galaxy to use the commands `Excavation`, 'Recycling', 'Construction of an orbital base', `Destroy the planet`, `Patrol with the option to attack everyone`.
It is forbidden to build orbital bases on remote planets in open ethno-galaxies for players whose `home` system is located in another galaxy.
Security restrictions:
Main Features:
Currently, there are seven ethno-galaxies in the Star Federation:
2. Eleutherogalaxy - free, independent galaxies in which parity is maintained between the races of the Federation and the Borg. The spaces of these galaxies are considered to be shared, none of the races has an indisputable advantage of ownership and colonization.
A slower development cycle relative to Ethno-galaxies. New star systems appear relatively infrequently.
Main Features:
There are currently five eleutherogalactics in the Star Federation:
3. Xenogalactics are galaxies belonging to an essentially hostile Borg race. The Federation races in them are just guests, and uninvited. In these galaxies, the Overlords are constantly attacked by their masters, although, definitely, the advantages of being in them are indisputable and outweigh the possible anxiety. However, this is available only to the Lords who are extremely firmly on their feet, or who have the tangible support of the alliance behind them.
Main Features:
Currently, there is two xeno galaxy in the Star Federation:
- It is forbidden to generate a star system for players who do not have a colony in the quadrant where the star system is located.
- The bombing of planets is prohibited.
- The use of saboteurs and spies is prohibited.
- In battles, players with a military rank difference of more than 3 remain neutral to each other.
- Resource content
- average.
- Maximum planet size
- 2000 (+25% for phosphorous planets, +25% for planets in remote systems). For a "home" planet, the maximum size is 20,000 sites.
- The maximum size of the orbital base is 25,000 sites. (+25% for phosphorus planets, +25% for planets in remote systems) For a "home" planet, the size of the orbital base is unlimited.
- The predominant planets are medium-sized, with different atmospheres.
- The behavior of Borg (NPC) is the least aggressive.
- The maximum possible level of artifacts is 500.
- Security status - 1.5 times increased security status change during attack.
- Resource content
- high content of rare earth minerals and crystals in asteroid fields.
- Maximum planet size
- 3000 (+25% for phosphorous planets, +25% for planets in remote systems).
- The maximum size of the orbital base is 37500 sites (+25% for phosphorus planets, +25% for planets in remote systems)
- Predominant planets - asteroid fields and large phosphorous planets predominate. In the Neokora and Demetra galaxy, there are also large racial planets in addition to phosphoric ones. There are remote "bonus" planets.
- Borg (NPC) behavior is moderately aggressive.
- The maximum possible level of artifacts is 1000.
- Security status - reduced by 2 times the change in the security status during the attack.
- Resource content
-high content of ores, minerals and rare earth minerals, no crystals.
- Maximum planet size
- 5000 (+50% for phosphorous planets).
- The maximum size of the orbital base is 62500 sites. (+25% for phosphorus planets, +25% for planets in remote systems)
- Predominant planets - Phosphorous planets ranging in size from 2000 to 5000 sites, mainly inhabited by Borg, predominate. Asteroid fields, with the exception of those located near a black hole, tend to recover.
- The behavior of Borg (NPC) is extremely aggressive.
- The maximum possible level of artifacts is 5000.
- Federation rules related to security status and pirate rating do not apply in the galaxy.
Nebulae in the Star Federation
A nebula is a cosmic cloud of dust and gas floating in the universe.
Nebulae in the Star Federation are distinguished by the presence of star systems and free asteroid fields.
New nebulae become available to the Overlords as they are discovered by the Deep Space Exploration Service of the Star Federation.
The average size of the nebula is several dozen star systems and several free asteroid fields. Nebulae don't expand.
Main characteristics and difference of nebulae from galaxies:
- Black holes
- missing. It is impossible to jump directly into the center of the nebula.
- Hypertransference - cannot be performed. It is also impossible to build a Hypergate in the nebula zone. Due to the strong distortion of the gravitational field in the nebula, it also becomes impossible to use the device of the ancients "Transition point Generator", a fleet equipped with this device will not be able to make the transition directly into or out of the nebula. Rapid movement into the nebula can only be provided by the use of the device of the ancients "Singularity Generator".
- Dark matter (NPC) is a resource that can be mined only in the space of nebulae.
Types of nebulae
1. Eleuthero-nebula (type I) is the most peaceful object. A large number of unoccupied Borg planets, including racial (non-phosphoric) ones. The maximum size of artifacts is 5000, the maximum size of the planet is 6000 (+25% for phosphorous planets), the maximum size of the orbital base is 75000 sites (+25% for phosphorous planets) .
2. Eleuthero-nebula (type II) - the prevalence of Borg is average, a small number of racial planets. The maximum level of artifacts is 10000, the maximum size of the planet is 7000 (+25% for phosphorous planets), the maximum size of the orbital base is 87500 sites (+25% for phosphorous planets)
3. Xeno-nebula - The actual property of the Borg, the predominance of huge phosphorous planets already colonized by the Borg. The maximum level of artifacts is 20,000, the maximum size of the planet is 10,000 (+50% for phosphorous planets), the maximum size of the orbital base is 125,000 sites (+50% for phosphorous planets). Just like in Xenogalactics, the Overlords are attacked by fleets of the HORROR class (P, R, X).
To detect a previously unknown nebula, use the command to the fleet: Search operation.
Structure and coordinates
Star Systems are objects consisting of a Star with multiple orbits. The min number of orbits is 1, and the max number of orbits is 10. Planets and asteroid fields are located in orbits in random order.
The Star coordinates are always recorded as the coordinate at which they are located in the Universe, and the sub-coordinate "0". For example, [xxxxxxx - xxxxxxx]:0 . The sub-coordinate is the orbit number. That is, the Star is always located at the zero coordinate of the Star System.
The sub coordinate value from "1" to "10" indicates in which orbit any planet or asteroid field is located from the Star. If the planet is located in the third orbit from the Star, then its digital coordinates will be written as [xxxxxx - xxxxxx]:3.
Free asteroid fields and Spacebases in the technical sense are Star Systems, too. In the first case the Star is absent, and in the second (at the Spacebases) the zero coordinate is only a designation of the "System" location. The base is identified by the ":1" coordinate. That is, when drawing up a flight sheet for a flight to Spacebases, you should always use [xxxxx - xxxxx]:1 coordinates. Otherwise, you will find yourself not at the base, but in an open space. The number of orbits of the Star System, its planets and fields are generated randomly.
New Star Systems Appearance
New Star Systems are born in two cases. When a new Lord comes to the Star Federation, his Mother Planet and System are created. Moreover, there is a possibility of the disappearance of existing systems.
Star System Annihilation
Star systems can be destroyed. The destruction of the Star system occurs if all planets and asteroid fields in it are destroyed.
Some Star Systems can be destroyed automatically in the following cases: When a player is removed due to inactivity (with a 50% probability) if the player's rating is less than 500 pts. When a player is removed due to inactivity (with a 100% probability) if the player's rating is less than 1 pts. When a player is removed due to inactivity (with a probability of 100%), if the removal occurred at the player's request. In the Mother Star Systems, the Mother Planet explodes, turning into an asteroid field. Besides, all banned players’ planets turn into asteroid fields.
Planets in the Star Federation are the main object for colonization. Colony infrastructure is being created on the surface of planets and in their orbits. Planets are also an inexhaustible source of a small amount of resources. There are not a lot of resources on the planets, but they are renewable, unlike asteroid fields.
Planetary atmospheres
Dimensions of planets
The maximum possible size of a planet is limited by its location (see the section `Galaxies'). The number of sites on the planet can be increased by examining artifacts (one of the random results of opening an artifact is the addition of sites to the planet on which it was examined), as well as in the form of random bonuses when converting a bonus certificate. At the same time, the larger the initial size of the planet, the faster it can be increased with artifacts. At the same time, the number of sites may exceed the maximum possible for the planet (with the exception of the "home" planet), but not by more than 5%. After the maximum number of sites for the planet is exceeded, it will be impossible to increase the number of sites.
Types of planets
Planet Improvements (Bonuses)
Each planet can increase the characteristics of buildings built on it in the following directions:
The maximum value by which a planet can increase productivity in each direction is
You can increase the values of the planet's bonuses by examining artifacts (one of the random results of opening an artifact is adding improvements to the planet on which it was examined), as well as in the form of random bonuses when converting a bonus certificate. At the same time, the value of each bonus can exceed the maximum values for the type of planet, but not by more than 10%. After the maximum bonus value for the planet is exceeded, it will not be possible to increase it.
Destruction of planets
Any planet on which there are no objects (bases, colonies) can be destroyed by turning it into an asteroid field. Destruction is carried out by a ship (ships) with the "Planetary Destroyer" combat module installed in the project by the "Destruction of the Planet" command in the fleet's flight list. This module is capable of carrying only a ship in the "Leviathan" hull. The duration of the destruction of a planet depends on its size and the power of the planetary destroyer used. After the destruction, an asteroid field remains in place of the planet, ready for development. The composition and amount of resources of such a field will be identical to the composition and amount of resources that were on the planet before the destruction. The set of artifacts will remain the same. Destroyed planets are not subject to restoration.
Asteroid fields
Asteroid fields are the main source of resources in the Star Federation universe.
Asteroid fields contain all the main resources - from the simplest ores to crystals. Moreover, there are more minerals in the fields than on the planets, and crystals are contained only in the fields and are completely absent on the planets. The amount and composition of resources in the asteroid field can be found out by conducting geological exploration. Geological exploration is carried out by a fleet with geological exploration modules installed on ships with the selection of the appropriate "Geological Exploration" team.
Directly mining is carried out by fleets of specialized ships, with drilling modules of various types, depending on the tasks of mining. The command to the fleet for extraction: "Processing".
Asteroid field types
Destruction of asteroid fields
After complete processing (extraction of all resources), the asteroid field disappears. Moreover, artifacts are not added to the mass of the field. That is, even if artifacts were present on the field, but they were not extracted before all the resources were processed, then such a field will still disappear. If a player destroys an asteroid field marked with a special "bonuses" icon, then the Federation gives such a player a reward for clearing space from debris. Bonuses in ethno-galaxies, in which newcomers appear, are given only to those players whose home system is located in this galaxy.
The amount of bonuses depends on the distance of the star system from the center of the galaxy:
Planet size varies from 10,000 to 15,000 sites for non-phosphorous planets and from 15,000 to 20,000 sites for phosphorus planets. The maximum size of the orbital base is unlimited.
About 50% of the planets are inhabited by Borg.
Each planet and asteroid field in Intergalactic Star Systems (exclude system created from Gase Cloud) contains a huge amount of artifacts (Level 0 to 20,000 pts.). Besides, on each planet or asteroid field, there is one Ancients' Device.
New System appears no more than once a week.
Intergalactic space operates under the rules set for the Eleutherogalaxies.
To locate such a System, use the fleet command: Search Ops.
The new Star System is generated using the “Generate Star System” fleet’s command.
To detect a Gas-and-dust cloud, use the following fleet’s command: Search Ops.
Gas-and-dust cloud lifespan varies from one day to a week. After the expiration of its lifespan, the Gas and Dust Cloud disappears or a new star system appears in its place, if the Gas and Dust Cloud is located in one of the galaxies.
If the process of generating a Star System was initiated, then the Cloud will not disappear until the Star System is created or the process of creating this System is stopped.
In the intergalactic space, a Gas-and-dust cloud can be found not more than once a week and not less than once a month.
The Federation Space Fleet conducted a study of anomalies. At the moment, it is known that due to the instability of the space-time continuum in the center of anomalies, flights there lead to unpredictable consequences for fleets. Most of the fleets that went on an expedition to the anomaly center did not return. Therefore, the sending of expeditions to the anomaly center has been temporarily suspended until the completion of work on a way to stabilize the space-time continuum.
It is known that the period of existence of anomalies varies from one hour to a day. It is impossible to predict the disappearance and appearance of anomalies. Also, when the anomaly disappears, temporary changes in the structures of the planets that fell within the anomaly's range are recorded. But scientists do not rule out that there may be other consequences after the anomaly disappears.
Fleets equipped with the ancient "Gravity Shield" device are able to ignore the gravity funnel of the anomaly. The gravitational anomaly is also ignored by Merchant Fleets, since the federation equips them with a "Gravity Screen" during the flight.
Fleets equipped with the device of the ancients "Hyperspace Analyzer" or fleets arriving at Federation bases because their hyperwarts are equipped with a drive signal amplifier when calculating the exit point from hyperspace are able to ignore interference caused by an anomaly and do not lose the coordinates of the exit from hyperspace. Also, the interference is ignored by merchant fleets, because they do not need to calculate the exit point, but use pre-calculated coordinates.
Other players are prohibited from flying to uninhabited planets and asteroid fields located in Rookie’s Mother System.
Each day, the Federation pays a bonus to three Rookies that have not reached the 100 000 rating and have gained the highest rating points amount the day before. The amount of the bonus depends on the number of added rating points. Payments and settlement take place on 18:00 Moscow time and are published in the in-game chat. Besides, preliminary results are published every hour in the in-game chat.
Rookies have several minor advantages in their quadrants. The Rookie’s quadrant is the quadrant in which more than a half Mother Systems are Rookie’s Mother Systems whose lifespan is less than 90 days. These calculations do not include Rookie's Mother Systems whose Accounts are frozen.
Rookie status is automatically removed 180 days after Account activation. The Activation date can be viewed in the tooltip by moving the cursor over the login in the Account settings. The date when the rookie status will be disabled can be viewed in the tooltip by moving the cursor over the rookie icon in the Account settings.
The Federation prohibits Rookies declaring wars on other players and prohibits other players from declaring wars on rookies, attacking their planets & bases in their Home Galaxy, and attacking fleets in rookies' quadrants. Rookies cannot use the “Attack” command. Rookies’ fleets can be attacked in planetary orbits and other players' bases.
The Federation prohibits unloading goods on rookies’ planets (incl. cases when the player is in a Trade Guild or a Trade Agreement is effective). All transactions are carried out through the Trade Center.
The Federation prohibits rookies’ unloading goods on other player planets (incl. cases when the player is in a Trade Guild or a Trade Agreement is effective). All transactions are carried out through the Trade Center.
The account is frozen 24 hours after clicking the "Freeze" button in the account settings. or immediately, if no more than one hour has passed since the account was unfrozen.
Frozen Accounts are automatically deleted 6 months later.
Players with more than 100 pts. rating can freeze Account.
- with a lack of energy for the Colonies Congress’ normal operation on the main planet;
- if the number of Orbital bases, Space bases, and Colonies is higher than the max number available that stimulates revolutionary mood on the planet;
- if the player has a negative Security Status.
- when used by the Alliance in which the player is a member and where are some paradigms take place.
Capital (Mother Planet) adds 100% to loyalty.
If the loyalty is above 100%, then for every 1% above, 0.01% is added to the planet's (base) productivity, but not more than 10%.
With less than 90% loyalty, the free planet’s population reduces the birth rate, the production of currency, and scientific potential.
With the loyalty of less than 50%, the population embraces revolutionary sentiments. When 100% of the population is captured by revolutionary sentiments, a revolution occurs.
With a loyalty of more than 50%, revolutionary sentiments decrease down to 0%.
Loyalty decreases when:
When calculating loyalty, the maximum number of people in the colony (base) during the day is used.
The alliance controlling the quadrant receives bonuses in this quadrant. The composition and number of bonuses are determined by the paradigms of the alliance. The longer the alliance controls the quadrant, the greater its influence in this quadrant will be, with other parameters unchanged.
Regardless of which alliance controls the quadrant, all alliances or players without alliances who have influence in the quadrant receive a bonus in the form of an increase in productivity by a percentage equal to the ratio of the level of culture of the colonies of the alliance (Federation) to the number of population in the colonies of the alliance (Federation) and proportional to the level of influence, but no less and no more established for this alliance paradigm. For the Federation, the maximum performance boost bonus is 150%.
The maximum possible performance increase increases depending on the location of the quadrant:
Improving productivity affects work:
In quadrants that are considered Federation territory, players who are not members of any alliance receive the following bonuses:
Regardless of the prevailing influence of a particular alliance or Federation and in parallel with it, the quadrant can also be the Beginner quadrant. The novices quadrant is a square in which more than half of the home systems are made up of novices' home systems with a life span of less than 90 days. The calculations do not take into account the home systems of newcomers whose accounts are frozen. Such quadrants have some distinctive features:
Fereration also returns part of the trade tax to players who are not members of alliances for trading operations in the Federation quadrants, for completing player tasks, for trading operations in free quadrants within galaxies. The percentage of tax refund in the Federation quadrants is equal to the increase in the productivity of the quadrant, but can not be less than 1% and not more than 50%. The percentage of tax refund in the free quadrants within the galaxies for completing tasks is equal to the weighted average of the productivity of the federation quadrants in which the player's colonies are located.
You can calculate the current amount and the recipient of the trade fee, depending on the location in "Organizer".
The attack protection mode is activated automatically in cases when the player leaves the alliance or the player is excluded from the alliance, the action of the Guild of Independent Worlds ends. The regime is valid for one day. At the same time, if the player was not online at the time of exclusion from the alliance or the end of the Guild of Independent Worlds, then the protection begins to take effect immediately, and the expiration date of the protection is counted from the moment the player enters the game, but only if less than a month has passed since the player's last activity.
The attack protection mode is automatically disabled if the player joins an alliance or guild of independent worlds. The player can also disable the protection mode himself.
These Terms are indicated without taking into account the extension of the Account validity period when purchasing in-game currency.
If the player bought the in-game currency (IG), then the permissible period of inactivity increases by the amount purchased:
The Accounts that purchased the in-game currency become inactive after 30 days + (Currency purchase amount (IG)/1000) days.
The Frozen accounts from which the IG in-game currency was purchased become inactive after 180 days + (Currency purchase amount (IG)/1000) days.
When the player switches Account Status to “Inactive”, registration data (login, password, e-mail, nickname) is saved. That is, if the player decides to start the game after a significant break, then re-registration will not be required. It will be enough to enter login and password when entering the game, and then activate an Account.
When a player switches Account Status to “Inactive”, he is removed from the in-game process as well as:
When the Account switches to the “Inactive” status, the in-game currency (IG) in the player's balance is reset to the following values:
If the Account should be switched to the “Inactive” status in less than 14 days, the corresponding icon will be displayed in the player's information section. When moving the cursor over it, the Account status' change date will be indicated.
Accounts will switch to the "Inactive" status gradually during the day corresponding to the Account status' change date.
- Colonies, Orbital bases, and Space bases occupied by an inactive player are removed. At the same time, the Mother System of such a player can be completely removed from the Star Map (with a 50% probability for Accounts with a rating of fewer than 500 pts.); or the System will remain on the map, but the Mother Planet will be turned into an asteroid field. Planets and Systems of inactive Accounts are completely deleted;
- all planets, except Mother Planet, will become free and available for colonization by other players;
- all fleets belonging to the Account are deleted;
- all Trade bids are deleted;
- all personal Ancients’ Devices are deleted;
- all warehouses' content except Ancients’ Devices are partially transferred to archaeological values in 10%-40% of the warehouses’ cargo amount;
- Ancients' Devices (not personal), which are stored in warehouses and the planet management section become archaeological treasures with a 50% probability;
1. If the player did not purchase the in-game currency during the game, it is reset to 0.
2 If a player purchased in-game currency during the game, it is reset to one of the following values:
- the amount of purchased in-game currency for the entire Account validity period;
- the current IG amount stored on the Account.
When revolutionary sentiments cover 100% of the population of the colony (base), what happens in the colony (base) Revolution.
In colonies and bases located in ethno-galaxies, revolutionary sentiments cannot be more than 99.99%.
The consequences of the revolution depend on the number of people who were in the colony (base) at the time of the beginning of the spread of revolutionary sentiments.
There can be no revolution in colonies and bases located in ethno-galaxies.
"Home" planets
Fight with Borg
The following points define the security rules for newcomers who are not members of any alliance or members of the Guild of Independent Worlds and do not have a positive pirate rating.
Members of the Guild of Independent Worlds
Alliance members with the "Pacifism" paradigm
Divesants and spies
Restrictions on military ranks
Base attack
Fleet Attack
Gravitational anomalies and Hyperspace traps
Patrol with the `Attack all` option and Bases with the `Attack all` option
Colony bombing
In cases where two hostile fleets intersect at the same coordinates, but the battle is impossible due to security restrictions, the fleet that would be in the "Attack" position in battle leaves the coordinates in the "Flight from the battlefield" mode.
To colonize another planet, you need to build an Orbital Base above it first. In this case, it is necessary to build or improve the "Colony Congress" on the main planet (read the Manual - "Buildings" - "Planetary buildings" section). The Orbital base is being built using a spacecraft with the "Building Module" installed. An example of a colonized spaceship can be found in the “Trade Operations” - “The Federation” - “Buy Borg Spaceships” section. In addition to the Construction Module, the fleet in which the spaceship with this module is located must be loaded with all materials necessary for the Orbital Base construction. The Orbital base is being built with the help of the "Build" fleet command. The command parameters indicate the level of the Orbital base that you want to build. The amount of materials must correspond to the level of the Orbital Base (read the Manual “Buildings” - “Orbital Modules” section). When the “Construction” command is interrupted, some of the materials will be lost.
After the Orbital Base is built, it is necessary to bring in the population and materials for the Colony construction. After you bring in the population, do not forget to set the percentages on the building and orbital potential in the Orbital Base control window. If you have enough materials, you can start building the Colony.
If the planet’s atmosphere does not match the atmosphere of your race, then before building the Colony, you need to build and activate the "Energy Dome". Warning! The Energy Dome requires a lot of energy (read the Manual “Buildings” - “Orbital Modules” section).
There is no limit to the number of Colonies a player can build.
Each player is added hourly 0.05 / ( 1.0 + W ) units to the Security Status, where W is the number of players and alliances with which the player or his alliance is at war.
The security status does not change:
Security status decreases:
The number of units deducted from the player's Security Status depends on:
The coefficient. The galaxy depends on the type of galaxy in which the battle takes place. Coefficients are applied for each galaxy:
The coefficient. The 'type of attack' depends on how the battle was started:
The military rating is awarded only for destroyed ships in battles with Borg fleets, quasars, in battles with players with whom the war is actively related, or in battles activated with the `attack` command.
The Pirate Rating can be hidden from other players (in the Account settings).
Rookies that obtained Pirate Rating can be attacked using the “Attack” command.
For each new Federation rank the player receives a + 10% discount when purchasing resources and spaceships from the Federation. E.g., the "Settler" rank gives a 10% discount, the "Chief" rank - 20%, etc.
Players with the "Prefect" rank and above may order Borg spaceships from the Federation according to their own designs. Spaceship design should include technologies known to the player only (Hulls, Components (SC)). When the Federation sells such spaceships to other players, they receive a royalty of 1% of the transaction amount.
If fleets of hostile players meet at the coordinates, but none of the fleets can be attacked by another fleet, due to security restrictions, then the battle does not begin, and the fleets that should have been in the battle in the "attack" position switch to the "Escape from the battlefield" mode. No more than 50 fleets of one player can participate in the battle at the same time. If 250 or more fleets are involved in the battle, then only one fleet and only a player who is not participating in the battle can join the battle.
Cases when the battle starts
If your fleet, Space Base, or Orbital Base was attacked by the "Attack" command on the flight list, or you attacked someone in the same way. In this case, the equipment and devices of the player who owns the attacking fleet (base) must "see" your fleet (base).
If you crossed (ended up on the same coordinates) with a foreign fleet, which was on patrol with the "Attack All" command activated, or another player crossed with your patrolling fleet, which had the same command activated. In this case, the equipment and devices of the player who owns the patrolling fleet must "see" the attacked fleet.
If you crossed (ended up on the same coordinates) with another Orbital Base or a Spacebase with an “Attack All" mode activated. In this case, the equipment and devices of the player who owns the base should "see" the attacked fleet.
If you crossed (ended up on the same coordinates) with another fleet or base whose owner is the player with whom you are at war. At the same time, for the battle to begin, one of the fleets must "see" the other fleet, and "Join the battle" option must be enabled in this fleet’s settings (in cases considering the base, this option is enabled by default).
If you have arrived at the coordinates where the battle is already underway. In this case, your fleet will automatically be drawn into battle. However, if your fleet has no opponents in a given battle, it will leave the battle on the next cycle.
A battle is considered a battle with the Borg if it was started by the player and the Borg, (if a god joins the current battle, then such a battle is not considered a battle with the Borg). Only players with whom the player who started the battle or his allies participating in the battle have an active mutual assistance agreement can join such a battle (excluding xeno-galaxies and xeno-fogs). In xeno-galaxies, xeno-nebulies, any players can join the battle and can attack both the participants of the battle and the Borg.
Borg studies
The Borg conduct research independently of the players. The speed of Borg research depends on the number of Borg colonies. The more colonies there are, the faster the research is carried out.
Levels of Borg ships
The maximum levels of Borg ships are calculated as the average value from the studied hull level and the following levels of components used in the ship design. Therefore, the housing level and component levels may exceed the investigated value. As a rule, the levels of components used in ship designs correspond to the hull level. Borg base levels The maximum level of Borg bases corresponds to the level of the orbital base (spacebase) studied by Borg. As a rule, the levels of buildings on the base and components used in combat platforms correspond to the base level.
Borg are a mysterious, at times very vicious but mostly indifferent race, controlled by AI. Borg has the very best spaceships, hull components, weapons, defense, mining & archeology modules. They have very complex and difficult to predict battle tactics; the unique tactics of sending reinforcements. If the player is too carried away by putting his forces into battle, then the Borg's ability to find the optimal position for an attack and other features make them just a treasure trove for PVE battles’ fans (human vs. computer). But there is also a drawback - the battle with the Borg is not for rookies (with the exception of several missions).
The Federation has effective treaties with the most peaceful Borg clans due to which it became possible to trade with them. In the Trading bids, you can find spaceship components manufactured and sold by Borg. In Federation Services section, you can purchase a ready-made spaceship, completely assembled from such components right down to the hull. Besides, you can order a spacecraft according to your design. However, this becomes available upon reaching a Federation Rating equal to the title of "Prefect" (1000 rating pts.).
Clans with which it was not possible to sign Peace Treaty can be conditionally divided into several following subtypes:
Thus, the Borg provides Lords with the opportunity to diversify the construction of their Empire with battles and wars without compromising general diplomacy (relations with other Lords). Borg is fairly predictable, and his anger has fairly well-defined boundaries.
Besides, Borg fleets are the source of high-level components for spaceships. What you have to buy on the market for in-game currency, if you have some skills and abilities, you can honestly get by winning the battle with Borg. In addition to components, some Ancients' Devices can be found in the high-class Borg fleets.
Borg are not friends but they are not enemies either unless Lord makes them so. Whether or not to associate with this mysterious race, each Lord decides for himself since Borg never conflict first. If you do not touch them, then they will not touch you!
Behavior of Borg fleets in various ga
Behavior of Borg fleets in various galaxies
At the moment there are three types of galaxies:
Depending on the type of galaxy, the behavior of patrols and other Borg fleets in them differs.
Patrols Borg do not fly to free planets and fields where player fleets are located.
Patrols Borg fly to any free planets and fields, regardless of player fleets.
If the sum of the combat ratings of ALL fleets (at the time of their entry into battle) attacking in the battle of Borg (Borg enemies) exceeds the sum of the combat ratings of ALL Borg fleets (at the time of their entry into battle) by two times and the combat rating of Borg fleets is more than 100, then the Borg will use a tachyon interference generator blocking the control systems of fleets participating in the battle and hostile to the Borg. The effectiveness of the fleets in this case will be significantly reduced, depending on how many times the BR of the Borg fleets is exceeded.
For the destruction of patrols and fleets of classes WAR, RAIDER, HORROR-R, HORROR-P, HORROR-X and Borg orbital bases, the Federation charges players an amount in IG for a bonus certificate. Accrual occurs at the end of the battle if all Borg fleets that participated in the battle are destroyed. The amount of bonus IG depends on the difference between the doubled sum of the combat ratings of the Borg fleets and the sum of the combat ratings of the player fleets and their military ratings (the higher the military rating, the lower the amount of bonuses), who participated in the battle against the Borg, but can not be less than
Borg behavior in Ethno-Galaxies
Borg patrols do not fly to inhabited planets and planets with orbital bases or space bases.
Miners and archaeologists Borg do not fly to the fields where the fleets of players are on patrol.
Outpost Borg military fleets (WAR, RADER, HORROR etc.) in battles use an outpost that is in subspace, the outpost level currently is:
0 - if the battle takes place in the novice quadrant
and 1 800 000 - if the battle takes place in other quadrants.
Borg behavior in Eleutherogalactics, Eleutherotumannies, Intergalactic systems
Patrols Borg fly to Borg orbital bases with or without a colony, Borg space bases, even if there is a battle (bombing) at the coordinates.
Patrols The Borg do not fly to the coordinates where the Borg patrol is already located.
Miners and archaeologists Borg fly to any fields, regardless of player fleets.
Outpost Borg military fleets (WAR, RADER, HORROR etc.) in battles use an outpost that is located in subspace, the level of the outpost currently is:
4 500 000 - if the battle is within the galaxy (excluding remote systems), 8 900 000 - if the battle is in a remote system and 18 000 000 - if the battle is in an intergalactic system or nebula.
Borg behavior in Xeno-Galaxies, Xeno-Fogs
Patrols Borg fly to any free planets and fields, regardless of player fleets.
Patrols Borg fly to Borg orbital bases with or without a colony, Borg space bases, even if there is a battle at the coordinates.
Patrols The Borg do not fly to the coordinates where the Borg patrol is already located.
Patrols Borg fly to inhabited planets of players without orbital bases (excluding colonies with the activated device of the ancients "Zero field Generator"). Even if there is a battle (bombing) at the coordinates.
Miners and archaeologists Borg fly to any fields, regardless of player fleets.
Player fleets are attacked by a fleet HORROR-R.
The orbital bases of the players are attacked by the fleets HORROR-P and HORROR-X .
Outpost Borg military fleets (WAR, RADER, HORROR etc.) in battles use an outpost that is located in subspace, the level of the outpost currently is:
14 000 000 - if the battle is within the galaxy (excluding remote systems), 16 000 000 - if the battle is in a remote system or nebula.
Exceeding the combat rating of Borg fleets in battle.
Bonuses for destroying Borg fleets
At the moment there are three types of galaxies:
Depending on the type of galaxy, the behavior of patrols and other Borg fleets in them differs.
Borg behavior in Ethno-Galaxies
Patrols Borg do not fly to free planets and fields where player fleets are located.
Borg patrols do not fly to inhabited planets and planets with orbital bases or space bases.
Miners and archaeologists Borg do not fly to the fields where the fleets of players are on patrol.
Outpost Borg military fleets (WAR, RADER, HORROR etc.) in battles use an outpost that is in subspace, the outpost level currently is:
0 - if the battle takes place in the novice quadrant
and 1 800 000 - if the battle takes place in other quadrants.
Borg behavior in Eleutherogalactics, Eleutherotumannies, Intergalactic systems
Patrols Borg fly to any free planets and fields, regardless of player fleets.
Patrols Borg fly to Borg orbital bases with or without a colony, Borg space bases, even if there is a battle (bombing) at the coordinates.
Patrols The Borg do not fly to the coordinates where the Borg patrol is already located.
Miners and archaeologists Borg fly to any fields, regardless of player fleets.
Outpost Borg military fleets (WAR, RADER, HORROR etc.) in battles use an outpost that is located in subspace, the level of the outpost currently is:
4 500 000 - if the battle is within the galaxy (excluding remote systems), 8 900 000 - if the battle is in a remote system and 18 000 000 - if the battle is in an intergalactic system or nebula.
Borg behavior in Xeno-Galaxies, Xeno-Fogs
Patrols Borg fly to any free planets and fields, regardless of player fleets.
Patrols Borg fly to Borg orbital bases with or without a colony, Borg space bases, even if there is a battle at the coordinates.
Patrols The Borg do not fly to the coordinates where the Borg patrol is already located.
Patrols Borg fly to inhabited planets of players without orbital bases (excluding colonies with the activated device of the ancients "Zero field Generator"). Even if there is a battle (bombing) at the coordinates.
Miners and archaeologists Borg fly to any fields, regardless of player fleets.
Player fleets are attacked by a fleet HORROR-R.
The orbital bases of the players are attacked by the fleets HORROR-P and HORROR-X .
Outpost Borg military fleets (WAR, RADER, HORROR etc.) in battles use an outpost that is located in subspace, the level of the outpost currently is:
14 000 000 - if the battle is within the galaxy (excluding remote systems), 16 000 000 - if the battle is in a remote system or nebula.
Exceeding the combat rating of Borg fleets in battle.
If the sum of the combat ratings of ALL fleets (at the time of their entry into battle) attacking in the battle of Borg (Borg enemies) exceeds the sum of the combat ratings of ALL Borg fleets (at the time of their entry into battle) by two times and the combat rating of Borg fleets is more than 100, then the Borg will use a tachyon interference generator blocking the control systems of fleets participating in the battle and hostile to the Borg. The effectiveness of the fleets in this case will be significantly reduced, depending on how many times the BR of the Borg fleets is exceeded.
Bonuses for destroying Borg fleets
For the destruction of patrols and fleets of classes WAR, RAIDER, HORROR-R, HORROR-P, HORROR-X and Borg orbital bases, the Federation charges players an amount in IG for a bonus certificate. Accrual occurs at the end of the battle if all Borg fleets that participated in the battle are destroyed. The amount of bonus IG depends on the difference between the doubled sum of the combat ratings of the Borg fleets and the sum of the combat ratings of the player fleets and their military ratings (the higher the military rating, the lower the amount of bonuses), who participated in the battle against the Borg, but can not be less than
The frequency of declaring war depends on the rating and the number of ships, bases and colonies destroyed by the lord of the Borg during the absence of war. When concluding a peace treaty, Borg 'forgets' about the damage done to him by the Overlord.
The war with the Borg can be stopped by offering him a peace treaty. And if the Borg accepts it, then a peace treaty will be concluded between the lord and the Borg, and the war will be stopped.
HORROR class fleets
These fleets attack the Overlords who have settled in xenogalactics or xeno-fogs.
< span class='title text14 bold'> Fleet Commander in HORROR-X fleets: in fleets with a high combat rating (the higher the combat rating, the higher the apostasy), the military commander of the Borg fleet can assign. If the fleet is humiliated with a small degree of apostasy, the commander can transfer to the service of one of the players who participated in the battle.
Devices of the ancients in HORROR-X fleets:
With a combat rating of more than 1000, there are UDS in the fleet. All devices of the ancients are personal. Devices installed in the fleet are active. Fleets with a combat rating of more than 5000 also have from 1 to 4 non-personal devices of the ancients, depending on the combat rating of the fleet. The higher the combat rating of the fleet, the greater the number of non-personal devices.
For more information about the number of ancient devices, depending on the position and combat rating, you can get in "Organizer".
The presence of non-personal devices of the ancients in the Borg fleet does not guarantee that these devices will fall into the wreckage when it is destroyed. The probability of each device falling into the wreckage ranges from 5% to 50%, depending on the value of the device.
Main Features:
The composition of the fleet, within the specified BR, may change without notifying the players.
In a battle with a HORROR-type fleet, if there are no other Borg fleets in the battle, the Borg does not use tachyon interference, provided that there is only one fleet of this type in the battle.
After the battle is over, the fleet departs.
RAIDER class fleets
Targets to attack
Coordinates or orbits where the fleet (fleets) of players at war with the Borg are present. The fleet can fly to the orbital bases, spacebases and colonies of other players, but only the fleets of the attacked player and his allies will attack.
Arrival period
Main Features:
Power and number of fleets
There can be as many fleets arriving as you like, but all fleets arrive in the first cycle.
The power of fleets depends on the sum of the BR fleets and bases located at the attacked coordinates (regardless of their affiliation) further BRK and varies within 0.5 * BRK - 2 * BRK, but not less than the minimum.
The minimum BR of the attacking fleet depends on the maximum military rating of the player and is approximately the square root of his military rating, but not less than 100 units.
For more information about the combat rating, you can get in "Organizer".
In battle, the fleet uses an outpost.
The composition of the fleet, within the specified BR, may change without notifying the players.
Fleet Commander:span>
In fleets with a high combat rating (the higher the combat rating, the higher the probability), a military commander of the Borg fleet may be present. With the destruction of the fleet, with a small degree of probability, the commander can enter the service of one of the players who participated in the e.
Ancient devices:
With a combat rating of more than 1000, there are Devices of the ancients in the fleet. All devices of the ancients are personal.
With a combat rating of more than 5000, there are also non-personal Devices of the ancients in the fleet. The number of non-personal Devices of the ancients depends on the combat rating of the fleet and the location of the coordinates that the fleet attacks.
For more information about the number of ancient devices, depending on the position and combat rating, you can get in "Organizer".
The presence of non-personal devices of the ancients in the Borg fleet does not guarantee that these devices will fall into the wreckage when it is destroyed. The probability of each device falling into the wreckage ranges from 5% to 50%, depending on the value of the device.
WAR class fleets
Targets to attack
Any colonies, orbital bases or spacebases of players who are at war with the Borg.
Arrival period
The fleet arrives only when the player is online.
The first arrival of the WAR and/or RAIDER fleet takes place no earlier than 12 hours after the declaration of war.
The arrival of the subsequent fleet takes place no earlier than 18 hours after the last arrival.
Main Features:
Power and number of fleets
There can be as many fleets arriving as you like, but all fleets arrive in the first cycle.
The total capacity of fleets (fleet) depends on the sum of the BR fleets and bases located at the attacked coordinates (regardless of their affiliation) further DBK and varies within 0.5 * DBK - 2 * DBK, but not less than the minimum.
The minimum BR of the attacking fleet depends on the maximum military rating of the player (BP) and varies from 0.5 * √BP up to 2 * √BP, but not less than 100 units.
You can get more detailed information about the combat rating in "Organizer".
The composition of the fleet, within the specified BR, may change without notifying the players.
After the destruction of the base and all fleets that were at the coordinates of the planet where the fleet arrived, the bombing of the planet will begin. If there were no fleets and bases on the planet, then the fleet will begin bombing the planet immediately after arrival. The duration of the bombing is 5-15 cycles.
In battle, the fleet uses an outpost
The composition of the fleet, within the specified BR, may change without notifying the players.
After the battle, if the fleet is not destroyed and all the fleets (bases) of the players are destroyed or have left the battle, the fleet flies away.
Fleet Commander:span>
In fleets with a high combat rating (the higher the combat rating, the higher the probability), a military commander of the Borg fleet may be present. With the destruction of the fleet, with a small degree of probability, the commander can enter the service of one of the players who participated in the e.
Ancient devices:
With a combat rating of more than 1000, there are Devices of the ancients in the fleet. All devices of the ancients are personal.
With a combat rating of more than 5000, there are also non-personal Devices of the ancients in the fleet. The number of non-personal Devices of the ancients depends on the combat rating of the fleet and the location of the coordinates that the fleet attacks.
For more information about the number of ancient devices, depending on the position and combat rating, you can get in "Organizer".
The presence of non-personal devices of the ancients in the Borg fleet does not guarantee that these devices will fall into the wreckage when it is destroyed. The probability of each device falling into the wreckage ranges from 5% to 50%, depending on the value of the device.
Colonies and bases with a shopping center, regardless of their location in the universe, have heavy combat platforms and a defense fleet as part of the defense
There are only Borg orbital bases above planets with phosphorous atmospheres. The level of the base depends on the size of the planet and the current average level of research "Orbital base" The defense of such bases consists of simple, laser, missile and gun combat platforms with various weapons.
Currently in ethnogalactics:
There are Borg orbital bases on phosphorous planets if the planet size is less than or equal to 2000 and colonies with orbital bases on phosphorous planets if the planet size is more than 2000. The level of the base depends on the size of the planet and the current average level of research "Orbital base" The defense of such bases consists of simple or, in 50% of cases, heavy combat platforms and other types of combat platforms with various weapons, in 50% of cases there is a defense fleet. On planets in remote systems, Borg uses heavy combat platforms instead of simple combat platforms. There is also a defense fleet on planets in remote systems.
Currently in eleutherogalactics:
There are colonies with orbital bases on phosphorous planets, the base level depends on the size of the planet. The level of the base depends on the size of the planet and the current average level of the "Orbital Base" research. The defense of such bases consists of heavy combat platforms and other types of combat platforms with various weapons and a defense fleet.
Currently in xenogalactics:
There are colonies with orbital bases on planets with any atmosphere. The level of the base depends on the size of the planet and the current average level of the "Orbital Base" research. The defense of such bases consists of heavy combat platforms and other types of combat platforms with various weapons. On all colonies, there is a defense fleet.
Currently in the nebulae:
Intergalactic systems
There are colonies with orbital bases on planets with any atmosphere. The level of the base depends on the size of the planet and the current average level of the "Orbital Base" research. The defense of such bases consists of heavy combat platforms and other types of combat platforms with various weapons. At all bases, there is a defense fleet.
Currently in Intergalactic systems:
Borg orbital bases and Borg colonies are rebuilt no more than once every 36 hours. The level of the base, during the restructuring, changes in the range of + -20%, from the level at which the base was created, i.e. previously created bases do not increase combat power with the growth of technology. The time after which the base can be rebuilt is indicated in the information about the base, which can be obtained during the battle by clicking on the base icon in the battle log. If the orbital base is destroyed, but the planet belongs to the Borg, the base will be rebuilt no earlier than the time specified in the base settings, regardless of any factors. During the reconstruction of the base, Borg collects all the archaeological values that are on the planet, except for artifacts and the device of the ancients, which was there immediately after the creation of the system.
The composition of the Borg defense fleet changes during the restructuring of the base or colony and may contain new ships, so before the attack you should not rely on the fact that it will be the same as other colonies and bases.
In the battle, the base and the defense fleet uses an outpost
Devices of the ancients:
On each orbital base there is one non-personal Device of the ancients that can be installed in the planet. If, in addition to the orbital base, there is a colony on the planet, then the colony also contains additional non-personal devices of the ancients. The composition and number of non-personal devices of the ancients is determined by the location of the colony.
The presence of non-personal devices of the ancients on the colonies (bases) of the Borg does not guarantee that these devices will fall into archaeological values when the planet is destroyed. The probability of getting each of the ancient devices into archaeological values is 50%
All the colonies have all the military devices of the ancients, a phase accelerator and a gravity beam.
All installed devices are active.
Consecutive evolution was the key element in the first stages when the Universe was born. Each race tent to develop every field and activities simultaneously. Even dispersant evolution was the main concept to adhere to those times. Helions are not an exception, becoming the third after Velids and Borgs with advanced science, mining industry, and tremendous success in military technologies. However, due to this race's evolutional patterns - irregularity and unevenness - this concept's practical application was questioned a lot and was not always a successful one.
Though, in the industrial production field, their significant progress was recorded. Owing to narrowed capabilities and inability to expand industrial complexes both on the native planet and the first colonies territories, Helions were forced to intensify own production capacities, putting out more goods and materials inside smaller areas. On the other hand, among Helions still thriving several tendencies: limited population growth, espionage, and trading caused by both objective and subjective reasons. Biostructure that limits fertility and complicates espionage missions' accomplishment in other worlds is the first one. Moreover, Helions still remember harsh policy in times of expansion waves. Such flashbacks preclude the usual trading process even today, forcing sellers to contact with in-betweens.
Powerful engines are Helions one of the main technological and military advantages. This technology surpasses all other SF races' analogs. In terms of power, it is the second to Borg technologies. The inauspicious location of the mother system on the outskirts of the galaxy and the need to overcome huge interstellar distances in the early stages of expansion are the key reasons for such success, which allowed Helions to achieve a huge technological breakthrough. They were able to reach not only the central galaxy sectors, but also ensured the high maneuverability of their own warships, gaining an advantage in battles with Velids despite the lack of combat power.
Main race characteristics | |
Atmosphere | oxygen |
Resources Extraction | 100% |
Trading | 75% |
Production | 150% |
Population | 75% |
Science | 100% |
Espionage | 75% |
War | 125% |
Thormals origin is the main reason for success. For the sake of their survival, they had to adapt to the conditions of a total lack of resources, the prerequisites for which were: the clan structure of society, high population growth rates, and a planet poor in minerals. Initially, they had a choice – a total war or developed trade relations. They opted for the second one and, through trading, created a surprisingly efficient scarce goods allocation system.
Such an evolution scenario determined the further history of this race in an interstellar expansion. Thormals were never able to overcome the lag in resource extraction, production, and military technology. In turn, they have become consummate traders, focusing on technology and information exchange. Considering that these are the most expensive goods in the universe, they excelled greatly in scientific research and espionage, which allowed them to achieve tremendous success in the expansion. By the way, other races achieved the same at the cost of bloody battles, and the Thormals were able to achieve the same by successful deals, rarely entering military conflicts, being useful to all warring parties same time.
Cargo bays and hangars produced by Thormal are the best in the SF. Moreover, this race is excellent at directing the Council’s economic policy. They managed to establish trade relations between the Federation and the Borgs, but this episode is one of the darkest pages of history and the subject of inexhaustible jokes from other Council members. The main reason is that by establishing trade between Borg and the Federation, Thormals hoped to get more useful information about the mysterious race, and then make a better deal with it. Alas, this turned out to be impossible. Borgs did not want to contact anyone other than those within SF, which was a fatal mistake for Thormal who outwitted themselves.
Main race characteristics | |
Atmosphere | carbon dioxide |
Resources Extraction | 75% |
Trading | 150% |
Production | 75% |
Population | 100% |
Science | 125% |
Espionage | 100% |
War | 75% |
Since Maroon are an ordinary bunch of energy freely flowing through planets devoid of atmosphere, they used their abilities in a rather specific way. Desire to get as much information as possible about the world around them did not lead to noticeable success in scientific activities. However, they were able to achieve excellent success in resource production and extraction. In terms of resources, there is nothing unusual, though. Interaction with minerals is the only way to obtain the energy needed for their viability.
The passion for obtaining information and the overpopulation of the home planet led to the beginning of the space expansion era for Maroon. They have a high reproductive ability as they are immortal creatures. To maintain the vital activity of one creature a place of no more than 1 m3 is required. However, in terms of food and other needs, much more free space is needed. This fact facilitated Maroon to master close and distant space systems, contact with other races, and start first military clashes.
This race did not have even the slightest experience in combat conflicts and espionage activities. So, Maroon were doomed to destruction in wars with more aggressive opponents. Their unique ability to empathize was their salvation. It is an opportunity to perceive other races’ thoughts and feelings better allowing Maroon to understand the philosophy of war and partially catch up with the lag in military technologies. With its help, they were also able to catch other races’ needs and become good merchants valuable to all parties. They failed to reach Thormal level, though.
At times when Star Federation formed, Maroon suddenly became the richest, which was a complete surprise. They were known as the main Universe’s "money bags" and were able to take a rightful place in the Council mainly due to trade skills, ability to self-replicate, and the Federation economic system that made it possible to receive income from each unemployed member of society.
Main race characteristics | |
Atmosphere | vacuum |
Resources Extraction | 100% |
Trading | 125% |
Production | 100% |
Population | 150% |
Science | 75% |
Espionage | 75% |
War | 75% |
Their further fate was determined by the next century after the Holocaust. Trapped under the planet's surface, they had to make major changes to all aspects of existence. They were able to create a new culture based on worshiping underground beauties. Having already had excellent knowledge in mining, Zect evolved this skill to the max level, having learned to understand the deep processes that took place in the planets bowels (asteroids after). They also became unsurpassed miners of ores, minerals, and others.
Production intensification is another result of the Holocaust. The reasons were the same as for Helion - the need to produce more products in a minimum space. Zect were able to achieve good results in this aspect, indeed. But still lost to Helion.
Zect had hard times in the early centuries of space expansion when technological advances allowed them to leave an inhospitable planet. After all, they were originally a peaceful race. Insufficient attention to scientific research has exacerbated this problem. The salvation lied the in good ability to trade and the presence of one of the most valuable goods in the Universe - ship modules that allowed to extract scarce resources as efficiently as possible. This fact helped Zect to create military fleet by combining existing tech with the acquired military technologies and weapons. They are also known for their successful diplomatic skills and commercial activities. These allowed them to become winners in the harsh world as well as to become economic leaders in the entire Star Federation universe.
Main race characteristics | |
Atmosphere | methane |
Resources Extraction | 150% |
Trading | 100% |
Production | 125% |
Population | 100% |
Science | 75% |
Espionage | 75% |
War | 75% |
Velid adopted strict medical birth control and paid special attention to genetic research. The reason is simple - they always strived to achieve excellence in wars. As a result, they almost created the "perfect soldier" but sacrificed the already low level of population growth due to wars. Their knowledge of trading and resource extraction is insufficient since there have always been merchants and miners in the lower castes of Velid society.
Velid were able to achieve much greater success in the science and industrial technology needed to effectively wage wars. It is quite natural that they are excellent spies. In this aspect, they are inferior to Astox.
Sure, in times of space expansion Velid were almost always movers of many wars. However, other races retained a much more respectful attitude towards them than towards Helion - their main rivals. This race has never set itself the goal of complete destruction or other races’ subjugation. Velid are war romantics not pure pragmatists like Helions. Despite (or rather thanks to) an endless series of major and minor wars, Helion and Borg are the most respected races among the Velid.
For a long time, the Velid opposed the Star Federation and the Military Code development. Only after a series of defeats from the SF combined fleet they were forced to recognize its powers, and became its member then. Velid are a valuable ally. They have effective weapons, defenses, a powerful navy, and weapon components that surpass those of any race. On the other hand, the very fact of endless internal military conflicts and clashes between Velid and the Borg gives rise to many problems affecting the existence of the entire Star Federation universe.
Main race characteristics | |
Atmosphere | sulfur |
Resources Extraction | 75% |
Trading | 75% |
Production | 100% |
Population | 75% |
Science | 100% |
Espionage | 125% |
War | 150% |
The isolation from practical realities is one of the amazing phenomena of Glarg scientific thinking. While all the scientific potential of other races was aimed at solving specific problems, most of Glarg inventions were far from practical application. They paid insufficient attention to extractive and industrial production which resulted in a significant lag in these industries. Also, not much attention was paid to the economy. This severely limited the race's ability to trade but was partially offset by its increased reproductive ability that allowed fine financial returns.
From a practical point of view, not all of the Glarg technologies and inventions were of little use. They managed to create the most powerful and economical propulsion systems for ships, which are second only to Borg technologies. Their important advantage is also a huge scientific potential, which allows solving the most complex and serious issues in a short time.
Glarg had their start of a space expansion half a millennium earlier than the others but they did it without haste. For decades they studied new planets and sent out new expeditions with a frequency of 40-50 years. As a result, they failed to strengthen their positions. By the time of the first clashes with other races, they did not have a large number of rich colonies nor a powerful military fleet. When the issue of preserving independence and physical survival became acute in society, they had to make up for all this ASAP. With great difficulties, Glarg withstood clashes with Helions who wished to seize their scientific potential through partial destruction and the creation of reservations with controlled scientific centers. They had lots to argue with Velids and other races within the Universe.
Glarg scientific potential allowed them to survive, preserve their culture and independence. In the shortest possible time, they evolved along the path of military technologies and surveillance systems evolution. They managed to create a powerful fleet. However, it is inferior to Velid and Helion in terms of combat indicators but it may well protect own planets and complicate the enemy's life.
Glarg took charge of almost all science projects immediately after the Star Federation formed. Today, members of this race are the most respected of the Council. They know how to deal with the inhuman initiatives of Helion and the military ambitions of Velid.
Main race characteristics | |
Atmosphere | hydrogen |
Resources Extraction | 75% |
Trading | 75% |
Production | 75% |
Population | 125% |
Science | 150% |
Espionage | 100% |
War | 100% |
The initial Astox social structure is clan. Historically, thousands of alliances of this race have fought for a few territories with resources not forgetting the traditional ways of waging war. This allowed them to develop military technologies at a completely acceptable level for they preferred a very original way of resolving conflicts - information battles. Often, the clan that obtained more information about the rival was declared the winner occupying the territory with valuable resources. Valuable information extraction, ensuring own information protection as well as the most intensive extraction of resources in a short period while there is a valuable territory have become the survival criterion of each clan. For this reason, the Astox have become unsurpassed spies and good resource miners second only to the Zect. They are good traders but pay little attention to science and industrial technology.
Astox were able to provide decent resistance to other races due to their abilities. They successfully resisted Helions and Velids and pushed ‘em out in certain episodes of endless space wars due to an acceptable level of military technologies evolution, possession of valuable information, and active sabotage activities. Astox interest in artifacts is a key reason for their success, which has led to the most advanced archaeological modules development. They were second only to Borg. It's no surprise that the Astox became the most significant artifact owners. This allowed them to effectively reinforce the fleet with combat and defense modules found at Borg.
The Astox are effective allies, valuable information traders, and the key cloaking and fleet detection systems shippers in the whole Star Federation. However, they did not receive much honor due to an endless series of spy scandals in which the Federation leaders were also involved. Some politicians called for tough sanctions on the Astox but they gained cheap popularity in return. Such an issue has never been on the Council agenda.
Main race characteristics | |
Atmosphere | ammonia |
Resources Extraction | 125% |
Trading | 100% |
Production | 75% |
Population | 75% |
Science | 75% |
Espionage | 150% |
War | 100% |
There are several theories related to Borg origin. Only two are most popular in the scientific community. According to the first, they are artificial intelligence created by the Forerunners - a pre-existing race of superintelligent beings. After their distinction, Borg continued self-evolution. This theory arose due to the buildings’ remains found, spaceship hulls, and other artifacts, whose technological level surpassed Borg achievements but had the similar basis to Forerunners. The weak point of this theory is Borg commitment to phosphorus planets, which indicates their biological origin. However, no one saw a living or dead Borg even in the remnants of ships destroyed in battles, which is one of the main proofs of the authenticity of this theory.
According to the second theory, Borg are Forerunners’ degenerate descendants who partially preserved the achievements of the Ancients. However, among the proponents of this theory, there are discrepancies regarding the location of the main economic and technological centers of this race. Some believe that all or most of the centers are located in a known part of the Universe. Others think that there are one or more Borg galaxies - the famous mining and military fleets are just a few, small representatives. Thanks to the military-industrial complex tacit support, using the concept of an impending Borg global invasion to intimidate governments and increase the defense budget, the image of the distant "Borg Galaxy" is actively promoted in the media. Despite the protests of many scientists, philosophers, and cultural figures who proved the impossibility of higher intelligence and wild unmotivated aggression coexistence, the concept of "global invasion" takes the leading place in the military minds and plans.
Political structure and diplomacy
Almost nothing is known about Borg political structure except for the fact of its clan structure. However, only a few clans have made contact with the Star Federation and maintained trade bonds. They completely refuse contact with representatives of individual races and alliances for an unknown reason. This fact is actively used by the theory of artificial intelligence’ supporters as evidence of the existence of some kind of program. All contacts with Borg are carried out through coded radio messages; trade operations are carried out through automatic flights.
Borg rarely engage in military conflicts despite their overwhelming advantage in military technologies. They clearly distinguish the political affiliation of the opposing side, do not transfer aggression to their neighbors or the entire Federation. If one follows relatively simple rules, then can eliminate the likelihood of a conflict with the Borg. Unfortunately, some aggressive states deliberately come into conflict with ‘em to increase combat experience and obtain valuable components despite numerous calls for peaceful coexistence from many cultural and public organizations.
History knows several long periods of unmotivated aggression and intensified hostilities initiated by Borg. However, the reasons for these conflicts are unknown and it is unclear whether they will recur again.
Main race characteristics | |
Atmosphere | phosphorus |
Resources Extraction | 250% |
Trading | 250% |
Production | 250% |
Population | 250% |
Science | 250% |
Espionage | 250% |
War | 250% |
No one has seen this race. It is believed that they hide in the space between dimensions and remain unnoticed, for the same reason, they are credited with creating a zero-field generator, however, unlike the zero-field generator, they have not been detected by current technologies.
Sometimes inexplicable things happen in space, and the responsibility for these acts rests with the Quasars. They are able to provoke the Borg into military action, as well as protect buildings from them by covering orbits or space bases with a force field in battle. They also know how to put fleets in temporary funnels and store them there forever. They change the accuracy of devices in different conditions and much more. Their activities are not visible, but the consequences of their intervention are visible. Quite recently, they have become active again. This time they decided to change the structure of crystals called Levium, thereby changing their properties, as a result of which, jump engines and gravity calculators began to behave unpredictably. Also, one of their developments was a ship hangar, with the help of quantum entanglement, they ensured that the hangar contained a volume larger than the volume of the hangar itself, unfortunately, now this technology is lost.
No one knows if they exist to this day or not, but the echoes of their deeds still resound in the vacuum of space. They left behind many devices, the nature and functions of which we sometimes cannot fully comprehend. One of these artifacts is a torpedo tube. It was found by one of the space travelers, other races learned to reproduce it, but they could not comprehend its whole essence. In ancient writings found later, a property was described that increases the damage from this weapon, and indeed, according to the calculations of scientists, this device should have similar properties, but at the moment it has not been possible to unlock its full potential. Perhaps we don't know everything about this device yet.... And such echoes are found in all corners of space… Their motives are unclear. One can only guess at their goals. Who are they really? No one knows the answers to these questions, there are only guesses and assumptions. According to the most well-founded theories, they are trying to destroy all life in the universe.
Main race characteristics | |
Atmosphere | nitrogen |
Resources Extraction | 500% |
Trading | 500% |
Production | 500% |
Population | 500% |
Science | 500% |
Espionage | 500% |
War | 500% |
Parameters | |
Inter-Alliance Relations | YES |
Terminates relations | |
![]() | Trade Agreement |
Parameters | |
Min Term | 30 days |
Registration cost | 30 days - |
Terminates relations | |
![]() | Commercial Embargo |
Parameters | |
Min Term | 1 days |
Min Rating | 500 |
Parameters | |
Min Term | 30 days |
Registration cost | 30 days - |
When no military or combat operations between parties took place for seven days, an Act of War terminates by default. In such a scenario, the effective Peace Treaty is not required.
When an Act of War among aliiances is declared, all personal links between alliance members related to the Peace Treaty become null and void.
During the alliance war, members’ Security rate does not reduce on an hourly basis.
Parameters | |
Inter-Alliance Relations | YES |
Blocked by active relations | |
![]() | Peace Treaty |
Terminates relations | |
![]() | Trade Agreement |
![]() | Opened Frontiers Treaty |
![]() | Information Treaty |
![]() | Endorsement Pact |
![]() | Hypergate Agreement |
Parameters | |
Inter-Alliance Relations | YES |
Min Term | 1 days |
Terminates relations | |
![]() | Act of War |
Parameters | |
Min Term | 1 days |
Active relations required | |
![]() | Peace Treaty |
Blocked by active relations | |
![]() | Act of War |
Parameters | |
Min Term | 1 days |
Active relations required | |
![]() | Peace Treaty |
Blocked by active relations | |
![]() | Act of War |
Rank | Rating | Additional Bonuses | ||
1 | ![]() | Warrant Officer | 100 | +1% To any in-battle weapons power. +1% To all in-battle spacecraft speed. +1% To all Repair Shops production power. +1% To all Deflector Stations power. +5 To max number of spacecraft in defense fleet. |
2 | ![]() | Lieutenant | 500 | +2% To any in-battle weapons power. +2% To all in-battle spacecraft speed. +2% To all Repair Shops production power. +2% To all Deflector Stations power. +10 To max number of spacecraft in defense fleet. |
3 | ![]() | Lieutenant Commander | 1 000 | +3% To any in-battle weapons power. +3% To all in-battle spacecraft speed. +3% To all Repair Shops production power. +3% To all Deflector Stations power. +15 To max number of spacecraft in defense fleet. |
4 | ![]() | Captain 3rd Class | 5 000 | +4% To any in-battle weapons power. +4% To all in-battle spacecraft speed. +4% To all Repair Shops production power. +4% To all Deflector Stations power. +20 To max number of spacecraft in defense fleet. |
5 | ![]() | Captain 2nd Class | 10 000 | +5% To any in-battle weapons power. +5% To all in-battle spacecraft speed. +5% To all Repair Shops production power. +5% To all Deflector Stations power. +25 To max number of spacecraft in defense fleet. |
6 | ![]() | Captain 1st Class | 25 000 | +6% To any in-battle weapons power. +6% To all in-battle spacecraft speed. +6% To all Repair Shops production power. +6% To all Deflector Stations power. +30 To max number of spacecraft in defense fleet. |
7 | ![]() | Counter Admiral | 50 000 | +7% To any in-battle weapons power. +7% To all in-battle spacecraft speed. +7% To all Repair Shops production power. +7% To all Deflector Stations power. +35 To max number of spacecraft in defense fleet. |
8 | ![]() | Vice Admiral | 100 000 | +8% To any in-battle weapons power. +8% To all in-battle spacecraft speed. +8% To all Repair Shops production power. +8% To all Deflector Stations power. +40 To max number of spacecraft in defense fleet. |
9 | ![]() | Admiral | 250 000 | +9% To any in-battle weapons power. +9% To all in-battle spacecraft speed. +9% To all Repair Shops production power. +9% To all Deflector Stations power. +45 To max number of spacecraft in defense fleet. |
10 | ![]() | Fleet Admiral | 500 000 | +10% To any in-battle weapons power. +10% To all in-battle spacecraft speed. +10% To all Repair Shops production power. +10% To all Deflector Stations power. +50 To max number of spacecraft in defense fleet. |
11 | ![]() | Marshal | 1 000 000 | +11% To any in-battle weapons power. +11% To all in-battle spacecraft speed. +11% To all Repair Shops production power. +11% To all Deflector Stations power. +55 To max number of spacecraft in defense fleet. |
Rank | Rating | Additional Bonuses | ||
1 | ![]() | Spaceship boy 3rd Rank | 100 | +1% To all Radar Stations power. +1% To Masking Field Generator power. +1% To Colonies, Orbital Bases, Spacebases, Observatories and Orbital Observatories visibility. +1% To fleets visibility. +1% To fleet masking ability. +1% To Counterintelligence Centers performance. +1% To Agents power. +1% To fleets' archaeological power at times of excavation. |
2 | ![]() | Spaceship boy 2nd Rank | 500 | +2% To all Radar Stations power. +2% To Masking Field Generator power. +2% To Colonies, Orbital Bases, Spacebases, Observatories and Orbital Observatories visibility. +2% To fleets visibility. +2% To fleet masking ability. +2% To Counterintelligence Centers performance. +2% To Agents power. +2% To fleets' archaeological power at times of excavation. |
3 | ![]() | Spaceship boy 1st Rank | 1 000 | +3% To all Radar Stations power. +3% To Masking Field Generator power. +3% To Colonies, Orbital Bases, Spacebases, Observatories and Orbital Observatories visibility. +3% To fleets visibility. +3% To fleet masking ability. +3% To Counterintelligence Centers performance. +3% To Agents power. +3% To fleets' archaeological power at times of excavation. |
4 | ![]() | Lad Pirate | 5 000 | +4% To all Radar Stations power. +4% To Masking Field Generator power. +4% To Colonies, Orbital Bases, Spacebases, Observatories and Orbital Observatories visibility. +4% To fleets visibility. +4% To fleet masking ability. +4% To Counterintelligence Centers performance. +4% To Agents power. +4% To fleets' archaeological power at times of excavation. |
5 | ![]() | Warrior Pirate | 10 000 | +5% To all Radar Stations power. +5% To Masking Field Generator power. +5% To Colonies, Orbital Bases, Spacebases, Observatories and Orbital Observatories visibility. +5% To fleets visibility. +5% To fleet masking ability. +5% To Counterintelligence Centers performance. +5% To Agents power. +5% To fleets' archaeological power at times of excavation. |
6 | ![]() | Berserker Pirate | 25 000 | +6% To all Radar Stations power. +6% To Masking Field Generator power. +6% To Colonies, Orbital Bases, Spacebases, Observatories and Orbital Observatories visibility. +6% To fleets visibility. +6% To fleet masking ability. +6% To Counterintelligence Centers performance. +6% To Agents power. +6% To fleets' archaeological power at times of excavation. |
7 | ![]() | Gentleman of Fortune | 50 000 | +7% To all Radar Stations power. +7% To Masking Field Generator power. +7% To Colonies, Orbital Bases, Spacebases, Observatories and Orbital Observatories visibility. +7% To fleets visibility. +7% To fleet masking ability. +7% To Counterintelligence Centers performance. +7% To Agents power. +7% To fleets' archaeological power at times of excavation. |
8 | ![]() | Corsair 3rd Rank | 100 000 | +8% To all Radar Stations power. +8% To Masking Field Generator power. +8% To Colonies, Orbital Bases, Spacebases, Observatories and Orbital Observatories visibility. +8% To fleets visibility. +8% To fleet masking ability. +8% To Counterintelligence Centers performance. +8% To Agents power. +8% To fleets' archaeological power at times of excavation. |
9 | ![]() | Corsair 2nd Rank | 250 000 | +9% To all Radar Stations power. +9% To Masking Field Generator power. +9% To Colonies, Orbital Bases, Spacebases, Observatories and Orbital Observatories visibility. +9% To fleets visibility. +9% To fleet masking ability. +9% To Counterintelligence Centers performance. +9% To Agents power. +9% To fleets' archaeological power at times of excavation. |
10 | ![]() | Corsair 1st Rank | 500 000 | +10% To all Radar Stations power. +10% To Masking Field Generator power. +10% To Colonies, Orbital Bases, Spacebases, Observatories and Orbital Observatories visibility. +10% To fleets visibility. +10% To fleet masking ability. +10% To Counterintelligence Centers performance. +10% To Agents power. +10% To fleets' archaeological power at times of excavation. |
11 | ![]() | Corsair | 1 000 000 | +11% To all Radar Stations power. +11% To Masking Field Generator power. +11% To Colonies, Orbital Bases, Spacebases, Observatories and Orbital Observatories visibility. +11% To fleets visibility. +11% To fleet masking ability. +11% To Counterintelligence Centers performance. +11% To Agents power. +11% To fleets' archaeological power at times of excavation. |
Rank | Rating | Additional Bonuses | ||
1 | ![]() | Commercial Traveler | 100 | +1% To Warehouses capacity. +1% To Trading Warehouses and Residential Premises capacity. +1% To Orbital Hangars capacity. +1% To Trading Fleets speed. +1% To loading fleets' power in battle and fleet' unloading potential. +1 To max number of rates in Trade Centers. +1 To max number of spaceships in Trade Centers. |
2 | ![]() | Merchant 3rd Rank | 500 | +2% To Warehouses capacity. +2% To Trading Warehouses and Residential Premises capacity. +2% To Orbital Hangars capacity. +2% To Trading Fleets speed. +2% To loading fleets' power in battle and fleet' unloading potential. +2 To max number of rates in Trade Centers. +2 To max number of spaceships in Trade Centers. |
3 | ![]() | Merchant 2nd Rank | 1 000 | +3% To Warehouses capacity. +3% To Trading Warehouses and Residential Premises capacity. +3% To Orbital Hangars capacity. +3% To Trading Fleets speed. +3% To loading fleets' power in battle and fleet' unloading potential. +3 To max number of rates in Trade Centers. +3 To max number of spaceships in Trade Centers. |
4 | ![]() | Merchant 1st Rank | 5 000 | +4% To Warehouses capacity. +4% To Trading Warehouses and Residential Premises capacity. +4% To Orbital Hangars capacity. +4% To Trading Fleets speed. +4% To loading fleets' power in battle and fleet' unloading potential. +4 To max number of rates in Trade Centers. +4 To max number of spaceships in Trade Centers. |
5 | ![]() | Rogue Merchant | 10 000 | +5% To Warehouses capacity. +5% To Trading Warehouses and Residential Premises capacity. +5% To Orbital Hangars capacity. +5% To Trading Fleets speed. +5% To loading fleets' power in battle and fleet' unloading potential. +5 To max number of rates in Trade Centers. +5 To max number of spaceships in Trade Centers. |
6 | ![]() | Guild Scholar 3rd Degree | 25 000 | +6% To Warehouses capacity. +6% To Trading Warehouses and Residential Premises capacity. +6% To Orbital Hangars capacity. +6% To Trading Fleets speed. +6% To loading fleets' power in battle and fleet' unloading potential. +6 To max number of rates in Trade Centers. +6 To max number of spaceships in Trade Centers. |
7 | ![]() | Guild Scholar 2nd Degree | 50 000 | +7% To Warehouses capacity. +7% To Trading Warehouses and Residential Premises capacity. +7% To Orbital Hangars capacity. +7% To Trading Fleets speed. +7% To loading fleets' power in battle and fleet' unloading potential. +7 To max number of rates in Trade Centers. +7 To max number of spaceships in Trade Centers. |
8 | ![]() | Guild Scholar 1st Degree | 100 000 | +8% To Warehouses capacity. +8% To Trading Warehouses and Residential Premises capacity. +8% To Orbital Hangars capacity. +8% To Trading Fleets speed. +8% To loading fleets' power in battle and fleet' unloading potential. +8 To max number of rates in Trade Centers. +8 To max number of spaceships in Trade Centers. |
9 | ![]() | Guild Master | 250 000 | +9% To Warehouses capacity. +9% To Trading Warehouses and Residential Premises capacity. +9% To Orbital Hangars capacity. +9% To Trading Fleets speed. +9% To loading fleets' power in battle and fleet' unloading potential. +9 To max number of rates in Trade Centers. +9 To max number of spaceships in Trade Centers. |
10 | ![]() | Guild Counselor | 500 000 | +10% To Warehouses capacity. +10% To Trading Warehouses and Residential Premises capacity. +10% To Orbital Hangars capacity. +10% To Trading Fleets speed. +10% To loading fleets' power in battle and fleet' unloading potential. +10 To max number of rates in Trade Centers. +10 To max number of spaceships in Trade Centers. |
11 | ![]() | Guild Head | 1 000 000 | +11% To Warehouses capacity. +11% To Trading Warehouses and Residential Premises capacity. +11% To Orbital Hangars capacity. +11% To Trading Fleets speed. +11% To loading fleets' power in battle and fleet' unloading potential. +11 To max number of rates in Trade Centers. +11 To max number of spaceships in Trade Centers. |
Rank | Rating | Additional Bonuses | ||
1 | ![]() | Master's Apprentice | 100 | +1% To all planetary structures and Spacebase modules resource extraction potential. +1% To Geological Exploration Station and fleets exploration potential. +1% To fleets' resource extraction potential in recycling mode. +1% To planetary structures, Orbital Base modules and Spacebase materials production. +1% To Factories and Plants that produce spaceship components (incl. Borg centers) production power. +1% To Orbital Docks' shipbuilding power. +1% To Matter Converter performance. |
2 | ![]() | Master Candidate | 500 | +2% To all planetary structures and Spacebase modules resource extraction potential. +2% To Geological Exploration Station and fleets exploration potential. +2% To fleets' resource extraction potential in recycling mode. +2% To planetary structures, Orbital Base modules and Spacebase materials production. +2% To Factories and Plants that produce spaceship components (incl. Borg centers) production power. +2% To Orbital Docks' shipbuilding power. +2% To Matter Converter performance. |
3 | ![]() | Master 3rd Degree | 1 000 | +3% To all planetary structures and Spacebase modules resource extraction potential. +3% To Geological Exploration Station and fleets exploration potential. +3% To fleets' resource extraction potential in recycling mode. +3% To planetary structures, Orbital Base modules and Spacebase materials production. +3% To Factories and Plants that produce spaceship components (incl. Borg centers) production power. +3% To Orbital Docks' shipbuilding power. +3% To Matter Converter performance. |
4 | ![]() | Master 2nd Degree | 5 000 | +4% To all planetary structures and Spacebase modules resource extraction potential. +4% To Geological Exploration Station and fleets exploration potential. +4% To fleets' resource extraction potential in recycling mode. +4% To planetary structures, Orbital Base modules and Spacebase materials production. +4% To Factories and Plants that produce spaceship components (incl. Borg centers) production power. +4% To Orbital Docks' shipbuilding power. +4% To Matter Converter performance. |
5 | ![]() | Master 1st Degree | 10 000 | +5% To all planetary structures and Spacebase modules resource extraction potential. +5% To Geological Exploration Station and fleets exploration potential. +5% To fleets' resource extraction potential in recycling mode. +5% To planetary structures, Orbital Base modules and Spacebase materials production. +5% To Factories and Plants that produce spaceship components (incl. Borg centers) production power. +5% To Orbital Docks' shipbuilding power. +5% To Matter Converter performance. |
6 | ![]() | Engineer 3rd Rank | 25 000 | +6% To all planetary structures and Spacebase modules resource extraction potential. +6% To Geological Exploration Station and fleets exploration potential. +6% To fleets' resource extraction potential in recycling mode. +6% To planetary structures, Orbital Base modules and Spacebase materials production. +6% To Factories and Plants that produce spaceship components (incl. Borg centers) production power. +6% To Orbital Docks' shipbuilding power. +6% To Matter Converter performance. |
7 | ![]() | Engineer 2nd Rank | 50 000 | +7% To all planetary structures and Spacebase modules resource extraction potential. +7% To Geological Exploration Station and fleets exploration potential. +7% To fleets' resource extraction potential in recycling mode. +7% To planetary structures, Orbital Base modules and Spacebase materials production. +7% To Factories and Plants that produce spaceship components (incl. Borg centers) production power. +7% To Orbital Docks' shipbuilding power. +7% To Matter Converter performance. |
8 | ![]() | Engineer 1st Rank | 100 000 | +8% To all planetary structures and Spacebase modules resource extraction potential. +8% To Geological Exploration Station and fleets exploration potential. +8% To fleets' resource extraction potential in recycling mode. +8% To planetary structures, Orbital Base modules and Spacebase materials production. +8% To Factories and Plants that produce spaceship components (incl. Borg centers) production power. +8% To Orbital Docks' shipbuilding power. +8% To Matter Converter performance. |
9 | ![]() | Chief Engineer | 250 000 | +9% To all planetary structures and Spacebase modules resource extraction potential. +9% To Geological Exploration Station and fleets exploration potential. +9% To fleets' resource extraction potential in recycling mode. +9% To planetary structures, Orbital Base modules and Spacebase materials production. +9% To Factories and Plants that produce spaceship components (incl. Borg centers) production power. +9% To Orbital Docks' shipbuilding power. +9% To Matter Converter performance. |
10 | ![]() | Industrialist | 500 000 | +10% To all planetary structures and Spacebase modules resource extraction potential. +10% To Geological Exploration Station and fleets exploration potential. +10% To fleets' resource extraction potential in recycling mode. +10% To planetary structures, Orbital Base modules and Spacebase materials production. +10% To Factories and Plants that produce spaceship components (incl. Borg centers) production power. +10% To Orbital Docks' shipbuilding power. +10% To Matter Converter performance. |
11 | ![]() | Industrial Baron | 1 000 000 | +11% To all planetary structures and Spacebase modules resource extraction potential. +11% To Geological Exploration Station and fleets exploration potential. +11% To fleets' resource extraction potential in recycling mode. +11% To planetary structures, Orbital Base modules and Spacebase materials production. +11% To Factories and Plants that produce spaceship components (incl. Borg centers) production power. +11% To Orbital Docks' shipbuilding power. +11% To Matter Converter performance. |
Rank | Rating | Additional Bonuses | ||
1 | ![]() | Entrant | 100 | +1% To Archaeological Centers power and potential. +1% To Design Bureau project capacity. +1% To power generation potential produced by all kinds of Power Plants. |
2 | ![]() | Student | 500 | +2% To Archaeological Centers power and potential. +2% To Design Bureau project capacity. +2% To power generation potential produced by all kinds of Power Plants. |
3 | ![]() | Bachelor | 1 000 | +3% To Archaeological Centers power and potential. +3% To Design Bureau project capacity. +3% To power generation potential produced by all kinds of Power Plants. |
4 | ![]() | Master | 5 000 | +4% To Archaeological Centers power and potential. +4% To Design Bureau project capacity. +4% To power generation potential produced by all kinds of Power Plants. |
5 | ![]() | Graduate | 10 000 | +5% To Archaeological Centers power and potential. +5% To Design Bureau project capacity. +5% To power generation potential produced by all kinds of Power Plants. |
6 | ![]() | Science Candidate | 25 000 | +6% To Archaeological Centers power and potential. +6% To Design Bureau project capacity. +6% To power generation potential produced by all kinds of Power Plants. |
7 | ![]() | Science Doctor | 50 000 | +7% To Archaeological Centers power and potential. +7% To Design Bureau project capacity. +7% To power generation potential produced by all kinds of Power Plants. |
8 | ![]() | Professor | 100 000 | +8% To Archaeological Centers power and potential. +8% To Design Bureau project capacity. +8% To power generation potential produced by all kinds of Power Plants. |
9 | ![]() | Academic | 250 000 | +9% To Archaeological Centers power and potential. +9% To Design Bureau project capacity. +9% To power generation potential produced by all kinds of Power Plants. |
10 | ![]() | Academy Counselor | 500 000 | +10% To Archaeological Centers power and potential. +10% To Design Bureau project capacity. +10% To power generation potential produced by all kinds of Power Plants. |
11 | ![]() | Academy President | 1 000 000 | +11% To Archaeological Centers power and potential. +11% To Design Bureau project capacity. +11% To power generation potential produced by all kinds of Power Plants. |
Rank | Rating | Additional Bonuses | ||
1 | ![]() | Settler | 100 | Discount 10% when buying spaceships, resources, materials, and some Fed services from the Federation. +1% To all structures' housing stock. +1% To all structures' cultural development. +1% To all Colonies and Spacebases performance. |
2 | ![]() | Chief | 500 | Discount 20% when buying spaceships, resources, materials, and some Fed services from the Federation. +2% To all structures' housing stock. +2% To all structures' cultural development. +2% To all Colonies and Spacebases performance. |
3 | ![]() | Prefect | 1 000 | Discount 30% when buying spaceships, resources, materials, and some Fed services from the Federation. +3% To all structures' housing stock. +3% To all structures' cultural development. +3% To all Colonies and Spacebases performance. |
4 | ![]() | Counselor | 5 000 | Discount 40% when buying spaceships, resources, materials, and some Fed services from the Federation. +4% To all structures' housing stock. +4% To all structures' cultural development. +4% To all Colonies and Spacebases performance. |
5 | ![]() | Senator | 10 000 | Discount 50% when buying spaceships, resources, materials, and some Fed services from the Federation. +5% To all structures' housing stock. +5% To all structures' cultural development. +5% To all Colonies and Spacebases performance. |
6 | ![]() | Consul | 25 000 | Discount 60% when buying spaceships, resources, materials, and some Fed services from the Federation. +6% To all structures' housing stock. +6% To all structures' cultural development. +6% To all Colonies and Spacebases performance. |
7 | ![]() | Emperor | 50 000 | Discount 70% when buying spaceships, resources, materials, and some Fed services from the Federation. +7% To all structures' housing stock. +7% To all structures' cultural development. +7% To all Colonies and Spacebases performance. |
This field studies tech capabilities of Borg race through archaeological excavations and systematization of the data obtained. Studying this tech allows building Borg Industrial Center, which allows recreating and producing all the components of this race. However, research in this direction is impossible without the capture of at least one Borg Colony.
Scientific research in this field is based on the study of discovered biotechnological systems. However, they break down very quickly when disconnected from the power and control lines. Therefore, in the very first days after the Borg planet seizure and the destruction of its energy system, the Federation Science Center scientists capture all the surviving samples for further study. As compensation, the owner of the planet gets access to the Science Center information system where he can request the data obtained by scientists needed for conducting research at the Industrial Center. First minutes after the shutdown most of the biomaterials perish, so the more Borg Colonies the State can capture, the more data it gets access to.
Borg technology Nonproliferation Agreement being signed prohibits sharing this data with anyone other than members of their own Alliance. Therefore, the states of the same Alliance can combine data and conduct research more effectively. According to the agreement, after the loss of the colony, access to such data and the ability to conduct research is terminated, regardless of the reasons. Such reasons could be the sale, destruction by Borg or other member States of the Federation.
Science Laboratory.
It conducts scientific research that makes possible to increase the planet’s scientific potential. The scientific potential generated by each laboratory increases with each laboratory built and is calculated using the formula: SP * ( x * p )0.8, where SP is the scientific potential of the laboratory, x is the number of laboratories, p is the number of sites occupied by each laboratory.
Research Center.
Research Center involves the unemployed population for scientific research. Each Research Center level increases the scientific potential per population unit.
Science Academy.
Science Academy increases the Colony’ scientific potential and adds one slot to the research queue.
Design Office.
Allows designing ships, using a part of the planet's scientific potential, which is generated by the Scientific Laboratories. The max possible number of projects, the speed of project creation, and the number of simultaneously designed projects depend on the Design Office (DO) level. The DOs’ design potential built on different planets is summed up.
Archaeological Center.
It researches artifacts using some of the planet's scientific potential generated by the Science Laboratories. The result of such research is unpredictable. Research time and results depend on the artifact level and the Archaeological Center level. The minimum research time for an artifact is 1 min.
Colonies Congress.
This is the Colonies’ and Orbital bases’ Control center. Increasing the level of Congress allows building another Colony and Orbital base. The max number of Colonies equals to 1 + (Congress Colony level + 1). The max number of Orbital bases equals to 1 + (Congress Colony level + 1) + (Number of colonies equipped with a Spaceport and Orbital Base).
It also increases the loyalty of the population of nearby colonies, significantly reducing the number of people dissatisfied with the remoteness from the control centers. Within 200 St.L. the influence of the colonial congress on all colonies does not depend on the distance to the colony and the population of the colonies has no dissatisfaction with the distance from the congress. At a distance over 200 influence decreases inversely with distance and discontent grows from the distance to the nearest colonial administration.
The max number of Colonies and Orbital bases depends on the Colonies Congress power.
Cultural Center.
Increases the planet’s cultural level and Planetary buildings efficiency. The performance of the Cultural Center itself is equal to half of the percentage of the Federation's productivity increase in the quadrant where the colony is located, if the player is not a member of any alliance. If the player is a member of an alliance, then the performance of the cultural center is determined by the paradigms of the alliance.
Control Center.
This is the Planetary computing complex that simultaneously serves as an educational and cultural center. It is adapted to the Forerunners’ Devices. Control Center is equipped with modern systems for managing and optimizing production, improving logistics & other economic processes. This ensures an increase in the efficiency of all planetary production complexes. At the same time, in the Control Center projects for the control and management of mass consciousness, patriotic youth training, and other loyalty programs are being implemented as well as cultural events.
The "Heart" of this Center is considered to be the Adapter. This is a replica of the Planetary Device, recreated by scientists, found during excavations on phosphorus planets. It made it possible to use the Ancients’ devices on the planets. Moreover, it can be both purely "planetary" devices and "dual-purpose" devices installed in the spacecraft command module. In the course of the research, a significant increase in the effect of the operation of such devices was observed with the simultaneous installation of some combinations.
The performance of the Control Center itself is equal to half of the percentage of the Federation's performance increase in the quadrant where the colony is located, if the player is not a member of any alliance. If the player is a member of an alliance, then the performance of the Control Center is determined by the paradigms of the alliance.
Security Center.
It reduces the number of disloyal population and negative security status.
A complex of buildings that reduces bomb damage. The "Efficiency reduction" parameter is based on the calculation of 2000 sites. If there are more sites on the planet, then the parameter is calculated using the formula: min("Decrease in efficiency", "Decrease in efficiency" * B * 2000 / S ), where B is the number of buildings "Bunker", S is the number of sites on the planet.
Power Dome.
Allows generating planets with a non-native atmosphere. It consumes a lot of energy. With a lack of energy, the production of the planetary buildings is significantly reduced.
Colonial Administration.
This is your representative office in remote colonies. It is the control center that increases the nearby colonies’ population loyalty and reduces the number of the population dissatisfied with the remoteness from the Control centers.
The Federation forbade its members to build Colonial Administrations of one civilization 200 light-years apart. The reason are frequent disputes between officials about certain territories’ jurisdiction, which in the past led to large conflicts.
Within 200 St.L. the influence of colonial administration on all colonies does not depend on the distance to the colony with colonial administration and the population of the colonies has no dissatisfaction with the distance from colonial administration. At a distance over 200 the effect decreases inversely with the distance.
This is a set of buildings that make possible storing manufactured products. The more Warehouses on the planet, the more goods can be stored.
If there is not enough room in the Warehouse, the production stops.
If the warehouse is full, then the surplus products may be stolen or become unusable over time.
Construction Plant.
This plant increases the planet’s building potential. Each factory built adds 1 slot to the construction queue. The player who builds the Building Plant first receives a bonus from the Federation - a free monthly Builders Guild Guild membership.
Cities provide your planet’s population with housing and living needs. The more cities on the planet, the more population.
Entertainment Center.
Increases the part of the colony’s population loyalty. Loyalty increase percentage is the ratio of the loyal population to the planet's total population.
Police Department.
Reduces the percentage of rebel mood spread but by no more than 90%. The percentage reduction in the spread rate of rebel mood is the ratio of the protected population to the planet's total population. It also makes loyal a part of the colony’s population. Loyalty increase percentage is the ratio of the loyal population to the total population of the planet. It makes a part of the planet's population not subject to corruption and reduces corruption by a percentage equal to 100*“Corruption reduction (pop.)”/ “Population”.
Health Care Center.
It improves the life-quality of the population and the birth rate on the planet.
The Bank increases income from each unemployed colony’ resident.
This is a profile scientific structure that is used to observe astronomical phenomena. The Star Map range depends on the Observatory level.
Spaceport allows building an Orbital Base and Orbital Base Modules. The speed of the Orbital Module building process depends on its level.
Intelligence Agency.
Trains agents for intelligence activities on other planets. The number of agents that can be simultaneously produced is equal to the number of corresponding Intelligence Agencies on the planet but not more than the number of agent types that can be controlled.
Counterintelligence Center.
Interferes with the intelligence activities of another player’s agents. The "Agents’ Disclosure" parameter depends on the planet’s population. The larger the population, the less its total value will be. It interferes with the intelligence activities of foreign agents. The total value is calculated as C/max(p1, p2, p3, p4), where “C” is the number of Counterintelligence officers and the Counterintelligence Center agents’ disclosed; “p1” is the max population for the current day; “p2” is the housing stock; “p3” - the need for workers; "p4" - the housing stock max value per day.
Solar Power Plant.
The Solar Power Plant extracts energy from the Starlight. This is the cheapest and eco-friendliest way to generate energy. The need for huge areas on the planet's surface is the main Solar Power Plant’ disadvantage. Its productivity depends on the planet’s remoteness from the Star. The closer the planet, the more energy Solar Power Plant produces. The table below shows energy production rates for a planet located in Orbit-5.
Thermal Power Plant.
Thermal Power Plant generates energy by burning hydrocarbons. The production process is very polluting for the environment. The main advantage of this power generation method is that the raw ore can be used as a raw material.
Nuclear Power Plant.
It produces energy from nuclear fuel. In the energy production process, it practically does not pollute the environment but radiation leaks are possible, which have a detrimental effect on the planet’s population. The higher the Nuclear Power Plant level, the less the radiation leakage probability.
Thermonuclear Power Plant.
In the thermonuclear fusion process, this power plant produces energy from thermonuclear fuel. It is an eco-friendly, efficient way to generate energy. However, it is not cheap. Due to the thermonuclear reaction complex control system, power plants can malfunction that may lead to an explosion.
Exploration Station.
Allows you to get information about the composition and quantity of resources on the planet. Also, with the help of geological surveys, it increases the recovery of each resource on the planet, but not by more than half of the maximum possible amount of resource for the planet. The coefficient of increase in resource replenishment depends on the size of the planet, the geological exploration potential of the station and on the planet itself.
Also, the station, through the introduction of new technologies for the search for minerals, increases the current level of resource extraction.
No more than once every 12 hours and no less than once a week (the interval depends on the parameters of the planet and the level of the Exploration Station), geological exploration of the planet can be carried out at the exploration station using ancient devices (Ore Cleaner, Mineral Detector, Particle Catcher and Spectral Analyzer), increasing the maximum reserve of resources and their replenishability. The field of geological exploration used devices of the ancients become unusable and are destroyed.
Resource Base.
This complex extracts main ores from the planet’s subsurface.
Mining and Processing Plant.
This plant extracts basic minerals from rocks.
Rare minerals are collected in the mines. These mineral’ deposits are located deep below the planet’s surface.
Metallurgical Plant.
Produces metals & alloys needed for the buildings’, spaceships’ construction, and the production of the components. The production process is highly polluting.
Construction Materials Factory.
This factory produces materials and goods needed for the buildings’ construction.
Tech Center.
Tech center produces high-tech materials.
Chemical Plant.
This plant produces materials based on chemical technology. The production process is very polluting for the environment.
Fuel Plant.
It produces the fuel needed for Power Plants and spacecraft.
Borg Industrial Center.
This huge structure is larger and more expensive than any other component. At its production facilities, the Borg production line has been partially recreated and the possibility of producing components for spacecraft of this race has been established. The level of produced components does not exceed the level of "Borg Technologies" research and the available level of tech needed for production.
The construction and operation of this Industrial Center is possible if two important conditions are met. The first one is the Energy Foundation construction (a massive underground structure made of unknown material, extending tens of kilometers under the planet). The Energy foundation can be connected to the planet's energy grid, and it will become a converter and distributor of energy between all central systems. Unfortunately, with the current level of tech development, it is impossible to implement. Without energy, this structure quickly decays and therefore can only be used on planets recently captured from the Borg.
The second condition is the program code. At irregular intervals, it is required by the Center's Control system, which is based on Borg biotechnological material. This code is transmitted from the Federation Science Center. In its absence, the activity of all control systems ceases. This is a condition for securing the Borg Technology Nonproliferation Treaty, which is concluded by the planet's owner and the Federation. The state that has conquered the planet from the Borgs has the right to use this Center. The Industrial Center management system stops working when the owner changes (due to conquest or sale).
The Borg Industrial Center can only be built on a planet in xenogalaxies, a xenonebulies, on which there was a Borg colony before and only by players who were the first to build a colony on it after the destruction of the Borg colony. If such a colony is sold, the buyer will not be able to build on it The Borg Industrial Center, but can use an already built center.
Borg Standardization Center.
It allows the production of components of the Borg race of the same type and the same level made from Borg race components of the same type but of different levels.
This is the max level Borg Standardization Center can produce. It is equal to the arithmetic mean of all components that are involved in production but cannot exceed the level of research for this type of component.
The number of components produced depends on the selected level but cannot exceed the number of components that are involved in production divided by Standardization Quotient.
The Borg Standardization Center can only be built on a planet in Xenogalaxies, Xenonebulies, on which there was previously a Borg colony and only by players who were the first to build a colony on it after the destruction of the Borg colony. If such a colony is sold, the buyer will not be able to build a Borg Standardization Center on it , but can use an already built center. Component production cannot be canceled.
Standardization Center.
Allows you to produce components of the same type from different races, components of the same type.
The maximum level that the Standardization Center can produce cannot exceed the level of research of this type of component.
The number of components produced depends on the selected level, but cannot exceed the number of components involved in production / The coefficient of standardization.
Recycling Factory.
Allows recycling unneeded or obsolete modules into materials. The number of materials returned depends on the Recycling Factory level and is determined by the "Return of materials (%)" parameter.
Engine Factory (SC).
This factory produces spacecraft engines. The number of engines simultaneously produced corresponds to the number of factories built on the planet. This indicator cannot be higher than the number of module types that a factory can produce. The higher the factory level, the faster the production process.
The minimum production time for each SC component is 1 minute.
Power Reactor Plant.
It produces spacecraft reactors. The number of reactors that can be simultaneously produced corresponds to the number of factories on the planet. This number cannot exceed the number of modules that this plant can produce. The higher the level of the plant, the faster the products are produced.
The minimum production time for each SC component is 1 minute.
Industrial Complex.
It manufactures SC modules. The number of simultaneously produced modules corresponds to the number of complexes located on the planet. This number cannot exceed the number of modules this complex produces. The higher the Plant level; the faster the production process.
The minimum production time for each SC component is 1 minute.
Drilling Rig Factory.
It produces installations intended for minerals search & extraction in Asteroid Fields. The number of simultaneously produced modules corresponds to the number of factories located on the planet. This number cannot exceed the number of module types that a factory can produce. The higher the Factory level, the faster the production process.
The minimum production time for each SC component is 1 minute.
Precision Instrument Plant.
It produces high-tech spacecraft modules. The number of simultaneously produced modules corresponds to the number of factories located on the planet. This number cannot exceed the number of module types that this Plant can produce. The higher the Plant’s level, the faster the production rate.
The min production time for each SC component is 1 minute.
Manufactures energy spaceship weapons. The number of simultaneously produced components corresponds to the number of factories located on the planet. This number cannot exceed the number of component types that an Armoury can produce.
The min production time for each SC component is 1 minute.
Manufactures spaceship armor plates. The number of simultaneously produced components corresponds to the number of factories located on the planet. This number cannot exceed the number of component types that a Foundry can produce.
The min production time for each SC component is 1 minute.
Power Panel Plant.
Manufactures spacecraft shields. The number of simultaneously produced components is equal to the number of factories on the planet. This number cannot exceed the number of component types that a Power Panel Plant can produce.
The min production time for each SC component is 1 minute.
Ammo Factory.
Produces spacecraft ammo. The number of simultaneously produced components is equal to the number of factories located on the planet. This number cannot exceed the number of kinds of components that Ammo Factory can produce.
The min production time for each SC component is 1 minute.
Missile Plant.
Produces spacecraft missile launchers. The number of simultaneously produced components is equal to the number of factories located on the planet. This number cannot exceed the number of component types that Missile Plant can produce.
The min production time for each SC component is 1 minute.
Orbital Base.
The hull of the orbital base is equipped with a minimum life support system and creates favorable conditions for carrying out all necessary work on the installation and modernization of its modules. With each level, the installation sites for the construction of modules increase and the efficiency of the base itself improves. The planet and the orbital base share a common warehouse and energy space. A week after the creation of the orbital base, with a shortage of workers to maintain the orbital base, the orbital base is gradually damaged until its complete destruction. To reduce the rate of such damage, you can use the spaceport. Within a week after the construction of the base, the population at the base does not feel dissatisfaction with the distance from the colonial centers (Congress of Colonies, Colonial Administration).
It allows Hyperspace transitions via Hyper Engines. Hyper-transition is carried out from any point in space to the point where the Hypergates are installed. During the Hypertransition process, it is impossible to order the fleet any commands. Due to the hyperspace nature, it is impossible to build Hypergates at a distance closer than 30 light-years.
Hypergates can be disabled, preventing other players from using them. In this case, owners and those players with whom the owner has the “Sharing Hypergates” agreement can use Hypergates only.
If the Radar Power is less than the planet’s (base’s) masking level, then the disabled Hypergates are not visible on the Star Map and in the Star System information section.
Visible but disabled Hypergates are shown on the Star Map in red squares around the Star System. Activated Hypergates are indicated by a blue square.
Orbital Warehouse.
This orbital module provides storage of goods produced in the planet's orbit. The more Warehouses on the planet, the more goods can be stored.
If there is not enough room in the warehouse, then the production stops.
When the Warehouse is full, surplus products stolen or become unusable in time.
Residential Module.
This Orbital Base Residential Module allows a large population to be moved to the planet's orbit.
Orbital Casino.
Increases the loyalty of the Planet's and the Orbital Base’s population.
Orbital Observatory.
It increases by a certain percentage the Planetary observatory’ or Space base’ Star Map viewing range.
Radar Station.
It allows receiving information on fleets, colonies, and bases that are within the planet's Observatory Range. The quality of information gathered about fleets depends on the Radar Power. The information quality is determined by the following formula: Ml/Rp = Q, where "Ml" is the min in-fleet spaceships’ masking level, “Rp” - radar power, “Q” - information quotient:
Considering fleets:
The Radar Station will report information on fleets that flyby close to the planet.
Considering Colonies and Bases:
Masking Field Generator.
The masking level depends on the planet’s size and is calculated by the following formula: ml*ml / s, where “ml” is the module masking level, “s” is the planet’s size (the number of built platforms in the Orbital Base (in case of the colony’ absence) or the number of built platforms on the Spacebase). If the planet has a Colony and an Orbital Base, then the planet’s size ("s") required for the calculation is determined by their max size. If the masking level exceeds another player's Radar Station power at the planet's location, then the planet's owner name and the presence of a Colony or an Orbital base will not be visible to the other player. In addition, regardless of the current fleet’s state, the Masking Field Generator generates an additional masking field around all of the planet owner's spaceships in orbit.
Phase Amp.
It increases Radar station and Masking Field power.
Anomaly Detector.
It detects the gravitational anomalies and Hypertraps' appearance within its range. When an anomaly or Hypertrap is located, the Detector owner receives a message.
Logistics Center.
It increases Warehouses and Trade Warehouses capacity.
Commander School.
It allows to train and educate Fleet Commanders. The number of simultaneously trained and training commanders cannot exceed the number specified in the "Training queue" parameter.
The Fleet Commander's training cannot be canceled.
Commander training can be canceled at any time. When the training is canceled, skills learned are saved.
Rescue Service.
Rescue Service is engaged in the rescue of commanders, whose fleet was destroyed in battle.
For the commander to be saved, the battle must take place within the Rescue Service viewing range. The rescued commander moves to the Commander Rescue Service closest to the battlefield.
The rescued commander can be redeemed by the player (owner) within 30 days of the rescue. The ransom is paid to the Federation. In turn, the Federation pays the owner of the Rescue Service a certain percentage of the ransom amount, which depends on the Rescue Service level.
If the commander was not ransomed, then he moves to the Rescue Service owner.
If the rescued commander belongs to the Rescue Service owner, then he is automatically transferred to the planet's Warehouse where the Rescue Service is located.
For each commander level, the ransom amount is equal to
Orbital Gravity Reactor.
It generates energy from gravitational fuel. This is the wreath of energy evolution.
Orbital PSS.
Orbital Power Supply System (PSS) is located outside the planet's atmosphere, so its efficiency surpasses the Planetary PSS. Its performance depends on the planet's distance from the Star. The closer the planet is; the more energy is generated. The table shows the energy production rate of the planet located in Orbit-5.
Orbital Thermonuclear Reactor.
It generates energy from fusion fuel. At the same time, it does not possess the disadvantages of planetary Thermonuclear Power Plants.
Deflector Station.
adds to each type of combat platforms the parameters of shields and missile deflections in proportion to the number of combat platforms of each type and inversely proportional to the base volume of the combat platform, the smaller the volume, the smaller the added values (the values for a heavy combat platform are given in the reference). Also increases the parameters of shields and missile deflections for the defense fleet.
Defense Center.
When the battle starts, it allows creating a defense fleet from spaceships previously placed in the Defense Center with a signature of at least 40,000 pts. During the battle, spaceships take fuel and ammunition from the planet's Warehouse. The fragments collected during the battle are also placed in the planet's Warehouse. In such cases, Ancient's devices and commander cannot be installed or moved into the fleet. When the battle ends, the fleet returns to the Hangars of the Defense Center.
A commander can be placed in the Defense Center, who during the battle will control the defense fleet.When a base is destroyed, such a commander dies along with the base.
The player can specify the starting position of spaceships in the Defense fleet between “30” and “25”.
The Defense fleet cannot leave the battle.
Damaged spaceships of the Defense Fleet together with the Orbital Base are repaired at the Repair Workshops. Besides, damaged spaceships cannot be removed from the hangars of the Defense Center and placed in the Orbital Hangar.
Ancients' devices installed in the planetary administration increase the weapon power, in-battle speed, and fuel consumption. They also reduce damage and affect the defense fleet just like any other fleet.
Laser Combat Platform.
Engages in combat when attacking the Orbital Base. Any player cannot fire the Orbital base until all Combat Platforms have been destroyed. No additional energy is required. Besides, no workers are required to ensure the operability of the installed components in the slots. Such significant optimization is possible due to the latest military developments in the cybernetics field and neural networks evolution. The platform's personnel are capable of servicing even the most complex modules and the most powerful weapons without the involvement of an additional crew, whose presence is mandatory to service these components on spacecraft. Fully autonomous power plants can dispense with the export of energy from the Orbital Base or planet. The min power needed is required for the platform life support, its technicians, and personnel only. Unfortunately, such technologies can only be used on platforms associated with planets’ natural magnetic fields. They are not available today.
The max number of combat platforms that can be built on a base cannot exceed 10% of the base' Orbital sites number.
When a Combat Platform deals with 100% damage in battle, it is deactivated. In this case, from 50% to 90% of its components installed will be destroyed, and some of them will fall into fragments. If the Orbital Base was not destroyed during the battle, the Combat Platform can be repaired.
Gun Combat Platform.
Engages in combat when attacking the Orbital Base. Any player cannot fire the Orbital base until all Combat Platforms have been destroyed. No additional energy is required. Besides, no workers are required to ensure the operability of the installed components in the slots. Such significant optimization is possible due to the latest military developments in the cybernetics field and neural networks evolution. The platform's personnel are capable of servicing even the most complex modules and the most powerful weapons without the involvement of an additional crew, whose presence is mandatory to service these components on spacecraft. Fully autonomous power plants can dispense with the export of energy from the Orbital Base or planet. The min required power supply is required only for the platform life support, its technicians, and personnel. Unfortunately, such technologies can only be used on platforms associated with planets’ natural magnetic fields. They are not available today.
The max number of combat platforms that can be built on a base cannot exceed 10% of the base' Orbital sites number.
When a Combat Platform deals with 100% damage in battle, it is deactivated. In this case, from 50% to 90% of its components installed will be destroyed, and some of them will fall into fragments. If the Orbital Base was not destroyed during the battle, the Combat Platform can be repaired.
Missile Combat Platform.
Engages in combat when attacking the Orbital Base. Any player cannot fire the Orbital base until all Combat Platforms have been destroyed. No additional energy is required. Besides, no workers are required to ensure the operability of the installed components in the slots. Such significant optimization is possible due to the latest military developments in the cybernetics field and neural networks evolution. The platform's personnel are capable of servicing even the most complex modules and the most powerful weapons without the involvement of an additional crew, whose presence is mandatory to service these components on spacecraft. Fully autonomous power plants can dispense with the export of energy from the Orbital Base or planet. The min required power supply is required only for the platform life support, its technicians, and personnel. Unfortunately, such technologies can only be used on platforms associated with planets’ natural magnetic fields. They are not available today.
The max number of combat platforms that can be built on a base cannot exceed 10% of the base' Orbital sites number.
When a Combat Platform deals with 100% damage in battle, it is deactivated. In this case, from 50% to 90% of its components installed will be destroyed, and some of them will fall into fragments. If the Orbital Base was not destroyed during the battle, the Combat Platform can be repaired.
Heavy Combat Platform.
Engages in combat when attacking the Orbital Base. Any player cannot fire on the Orbital base until all Combat Platforms have been destroyed. No additional energy is required. Besides, no workers are required to ensure the operability of the installed components in the slots. Such significant optimization is possible due to the latest military developments in the cybernetics field and neural networks evolution. The platform's personnel are capable of servicing even the most complex modules and the most powerful weapons without the involvement of an additional crew, whose presence is mandatory to service these components on spacecraft. Fully autonomous power plants can dispense with the export of energy from the Orbital Base or planet. The min required power supply is required only for the platform life support, its technicians, and personnel. Unfortunately, such technologies can only be used on platforms associated with planets’ natural magnetic fields. They are not available today.
The max number of combat platforms that can be built on a base cannot exceed 10% of the base' Orbital sites number.
When a Combat Platform deals with 100% damage in battle, it is deactivated. In this case, from 50% to 90% of its components installed will be destroyed, and some of them will fall into fragments. If the Orbital Base was not destroyed during the battle, the Combat Platform can be repaired.
Combat Platform.
Engages in combat when attacking the Orbital Base. Any player cannot fire on the Orbital base until all combat platforms have been destroyed. It has two slots for modules, weapons, and protection. No additional energy is required. Besides, no workers are required to ensure the operability of the installed components. Such significant optimization is possible due to the latest military developments in the cybernetics field and neural networks evolution. The platform's personnel are capable of servicing even the most complex modules and the most powerful weapons without the involvement of an additional crew, whose presence is mandatory to service these components on spacecraft. Fully autonomous power plants can dispense with the export of energy from the Orbital Base or planet. The min power supply needed is required only for the platform life support, its technicians, and personnel. Unfortunately, such technologies can only be used on platforms associated with planets’ natural magnetic fields. They are not available today.
The max number of combat platforms that can be built on a base cannot exceed 10% of the base' Orbital sites number.
When a Combat Platform deals with 100% damage in battle, it is deactivated. In this case, from 50% to 90% of its components installed will be destroyed, and some of them will fall into fragments. If the Orbital Base was not destroyed during the battle, the Combat Platform can be repaired.
Orbital Hangar.
This orbital module stores spaceships that are not used in fleets. The number of spaceships is limited by the Hangar’s size. By improving automation technologies, raising the Hangar level reduces the cost of maintaining preserved spaceships. All spaceships built in the Orbital Dock are automatically moved in the Hangar. When the Orbital base with the Hangar is destroyed, all stored spaceships are destroyed too.
Orbital Dock.
This orbital module allows building spaceships. The number of spaceships under construction at the same time is equal to the Orbital docks’ number. Each unit built will automatically move to the Spaceship Hangar. If there is not enough room, the built ship will remain in the Dock until this problem is fixed.
Repair Shops.
Repairs damaged spaceships. The amount of materials required for repairs depends on the spacecraft damage level, the number of materials required to build the spaceship's hull, and all the component materials that increase durability. The higher the level of the Repair Shops, the fewer materials are needed for repairs. The production capacity of each Repair Shop indicates how much durability will be restored per hour.
Command Center.
Command Center manages fleets. The higher the Command Center level, the more fleets it can manage.
In case of a lack of energy on the planet, the power of the controlled fleet is reduced.
The first player to build the Command Center will receive a bonus from the Federation - a free monthly Pilots Guild Guild membership.
Trade Center.
Trade Center provides trading with other players. The number of planets (Influence range) that will know your trade offers (Rates) depends on the Trade Center level; the number of trade offers (Bids) that can be made from the planet; the number of spaceships in the merchant fleet.
The player who builds the Trade Center first receives a bonus from the Federation - a free monthly Traders Guild membership.
Trade Warehouse.
Trade Warehouse stores products and goods that have been put up for auction or awaiting shipment.
Navigation Center.
Increases the speed of merchant fleets and the maximum number of merchant ships.
Dark Matter Extractor.
It produces dark matter. It is being built at Orbital bases located in Nebulae. Its total production rate depends on the number of extractors the player (Alliance) has located in one Nebula, and on the planet's size. The larger the planet, the greater the output (according to the Manual, the planet’s size needed is 5000 pts.).
Helium Isotope Enricher.
Extracts Helium isotopes in the planet’s orbit. Its performance depends on the planet's remoteness from the Star and on the number of planets equipped with Enrichers belonging to one player in one Star system. The further the planet is from the Star; the more Helium-3 is produced. The more planets with Enricher in one Star system, the greater the production. Manual contains parameters of the Enricher located in the Orbit-5, provided that it is the only one in the whole Star System.
Jump Thruster.
It allows the Spacebase to jump to any point in space along with the fleets that are in the Spacebase orbit.
The Space Jump can only be done when the Jump Thruster has accumulated enough energy for a Space Jump. The "Jump Thruster Сharge" parameter indicates the Spacebase’ Jump module charge hourly rate. When this number becomes greater than or equal to the Spacebase volume, the player can perform a Space Jump. The min Jump Thruster charging time is 10 days.
The Space Jump can be done without waiting for the Jump Thruster to charge via the Singularity Generator, which is located in the Spacebase Warehouse. When Space Jump is done, the Singularity Generator will vanish. Fuel consumption during such a jump will decrease by 2 times, and its accuracy will increase to 2 light-years (the coordinates of the nearest exit will be less than 2 light-years from the target point). Jump module charge will not be interrupted.
Fleets that are in orbit can jump along with the Spacebase. The total number of fleets (incl. fleets located in spaceship hangars) should not exceed the free volume of the base Hangars.
If the Spacebase has enabled Hypergates, Outpost, Citadel, then they should be disabled before the Space Jump is done.
The Space Jump cannot be performed if the Spacebase merchant fleets are in space or if there are incompleted trade orders or other merchant fleets are flying to the Spacebase.
It increases the Colonies’ culture by a certain percentage to the Colonies located in the quadrant. If an altar is built on the spacebase and it is not active and there is another active altar of the player or alliance in the quadrant, then the culture of altars with an inactive altar develops. There may be several altars of one player or alliance in one quadrant, while a particular colony (cosmobase) takes into account only the altar closest to it.
In order for the altar to increase the culture of the colonies, it needs to be activated. An inactive Altar increases the culture only at the cosmobase where it is built.
There can be several Altars of the same player or Alliance in one quadrant. In this case, a specific Colony (Spacebase) takes into account only the Altar closest to it.
An active altar increases the parameters of other nearby active Altars of the same player or alliance located in neighboring quadrants by 25% of its own parameters, provided that the Altar is located in a quadrant controlled by the alliance in which the player is a member or a Federation, if the player is not a member of any alliance.
Science Center.
Increases the efficiency of scientific buildings on the colonies of the owner of the Scientific Center, located in the same quadrant as the scientific center, by a certain percentage. It also increases by a certain percentage the efficiency of scientific buildings on the colonies of the alliance members, which includes the owner of the Scientific Center located in the same quadrant as the scientific center.
There may be several Scientific Centers of the same player or alliance in one quadrant, while a particular colony (cosmobase) takes into account only the scientific center closest to it.
An Active Science Center increases the parameters of other nearby active Science centers of the same player or alliance located in neighboring quadrants by 25% of its own parameters, provided that the Science Center is located in a quadrant controlled by the alliance in which the player is a member or a Federation, if the player is not a member of any alliance.
It is built on unoccupied arbitrary space coordinates no closer than 50 light-years from Black Holes. Construction is carried out via spaceships with a building module (similar to the Orbital Base) installed. Remoteness from Colonial centers does not affect the Spacebase population loyalty.
During battles, Spacebase may be destroyed.
All Orbital Modules perform worse when dealing with damage to the Spacebase. The quality of their work is proportional to the damage done.
Alliance Warehouse.
It adds storage room to the Spacebase and allows Alliance members who own it to use the spaceship's hold commands the same way as from their planets. If the Spacebase owner leaves the Alliance, then the added storage room will be zero.
Increases the power of weapons in the quadrant where the battle takes place, at the fleets and bases of the owner of the Outpost and members of the alliance in which the owner is.
There may be several outposts of the same player in one quadrant, while only the active outpost closest to the battle site is taken into account in the battle.
An active Outpost increases the parameters of other nearby active Outposts of the same player or alliance located in neighboring quadrants by 25% of their own parameters, provided that the Outpost is located in a quadrant controlled by the alliance in which the player is a member or a Federation, if the player is not a member of any alliance.
In order for the outpost to increase the power of the player's weapons, fleets and bases in battle, it must be active at the time the player's fleets enter the battle.
Borg military fleets (WAR,RAIDER,HORROR) and bases use outposts located in subspace. The level of such outposts depends on the average studied level and currently ranges from 0 before 17 613 647, depending on the location in the universe ( for more information about the levels of Borg outposts, see Borg in various galaxies ).
An active outpost blocks the operation of the cosmobase masking and the Masking field Generator. Also, the space base cannot make a jump from an active outpost.
Increases the survivability and effectiveness of the defense modules of the orbital bases and space bases of the player or members of his alliance located in the quadrant.
There may be several citadels of the same player or alliance in one quadrant, while a specific base takes into account only the citadel closest to it.
An active citadel increases the parameters of other nearby active Citadels of the same player or alliance located in neighboring quadrants by 25% of its own parameters, provided that the Citadel is located in a quadrant controlled by the alliance in which the player is a member or a Federation, if the player is not a member of any alliance.
If any base using the citadel is in battle, then the parameters of the citadel cannot be changed.
In order for the citadel to increase the survivability and effectiveness of defense modules, it must be active at the time of their entry into battle.
The active citadel blocks the operation of the cosmobase masking and the Masking field Generator. Also, the cosmobase cannot make a jump from an active citadel.
Space Pier.
It expands the Orbital Hangar volume at the Spacebase.
Without an Orbital Hangar, it doesn't operate.
Trade Station.
It allows all Lords of a Colony or a Spacebase (that fall under the influence of a Trade Center located on a Spacebase with an established Trade Station) to place Trade Bids in the Trade Center. Trade Bids are made using the "Place a Trade Bid" command. The Trade Station owner receives a commission when selling a bid. If the bid is canceled (if it has not been sold within 7 days), the goods will be automatically disposed of. The player cannot pick up a bid.
Gravity Accumulator.
It produces gravitational fuel.
Processing Center.
Processing Center is built at the Spacebase. It produces all kinds of materials & goods. Besides, it increases storage capacity to ensure continuous production.
Matter Converter.
It converts some natural resources (ore and minerals) into other natural resources (ore and minerals). Mass conversion quotient indicates how many resource units of one kind are needed to make conversion to a resource unit of another kind.
Conversion of rare minerals requires an Ancients' "Magnetic Capacitor" device installed.
To convert crystals, the Ancients' "Quantum press" device installation is required..
Small Engine Bay lv.0.
This bay adds two slots to store two jets or nuclear engines.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in small engine compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of small engine compartments.
Produced at the Engine Factory (SC).
Engine Bay lv.0.
This bay adds two slots to store two gravity, photon, or hyper engines.
Increases the efficiency of the components that are installed in the engine compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of engine compartments.
Produced at the Engine Factory (SC).
Jump Thruster lv.0.
It allows the spaceship to jump to any point in space in the presence of a gravity computer. To perform a jump, all fleet’s spaceships must be equipped with Jump Thruster. To jump, the Jump Thruster must be charged. The charging time depends on the “Jump Thruster charging (volume/h)” parameter and the volume of the spaceship. Before jumping, the fleet needs to be prepared. The preparation time depends on the “Prepare to jump (mass/h)” parameter and on the spaceship’s mass.
Gravity fuel consumption depends on the fleet’s size. Any changes will reset the jump-ready timer.
When several jump-engines are installed in a spaceship, all engine parameters are summed up. The column "Fuel consumption" indicates the fuel consumption per 1 unit of volume.
If there is a Singularity Generator in all fleet’s spaceships, then Jump Thrusters work independently.
It makes no sense to use spaceships with Jump Thrusters installed in merchant fleets.
Produced at the Engine Factory (SC).
Electromagnetic Sail lv.0.
Electromagnetic Sail converts stream of photons emitted by the Star into kinetic energy. The advantage of spaceships that use E-sails is that there is no need for fuel which allows an increase in payload compared to a jet-powered spacecraft. The disadvantage of the Electromagnetic Sail is that outside the Star System its power drops significantly.
Electromagnetic Sail is produced at Engine Factory (SC).
Jet Engine lv.0.
Jet Engine provides the necessary thrust for propulsion by converting the fuel internal energy into the kinetic energy of the jet stream.
Produced in Engine Factory (SC).
Nuclear Engine lv.0.
The built-in nuclear generator brings nuclear fuel atoms together as well as brings the atomic mass to a critical level and releases the stored energy in the working nozzle of the nuclear engine.
Produced in Engine Factory (SC).
Gravity Engine lv.0.
This engine uses the Star’s gravitational fields to provide the spaceship with kinetic energy. Outside the Star System, it significantly loses its effectiveness.
Produced at the Engine Factory (SC).
Photon Engine lv.0.
Light-emitting heat is the source of energy for the Photon Engine. Flux of photons escaping from the engine creates jet thrust. Photon engine can develop max thrust per mass expended allowing speeds close to the speed of light in interstellar travels. However, when flying inside stellar systems, the star radiation prevents the max thrust.
Produced at the Engine Factory (SC).
Hyper Engine lv.0.
Allows using hyper transitions. A hyper transition is performed from any point in space to the point where the hyper gate is located.
Produced at Engine Factory (SC).
Drilling Platform MD-1 lv.0.
This platform adds two slots to store two MD-1 rigs.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in MD-1 drilling platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of MD-1 drilling platforms.
Produced at the Rig Factory.
Drilling Platform MD-2 lv.0.
This platform adds two slots to store two MD-2 rigs.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in MD-2 drilling platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of drilling platforms MD-2.
Produced at the Rig Factory.
Heavy Drilling Platform lv.0.
This platform adds two slots to store two laser or plasma drills.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in heavy drilling platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platforms is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of heavy drilling platforms.
Produced at the Rig Factory.
Geological exploration module lv.0.
Using this module, the player can conduct geological exploration of planets and asteroid fields. When it is carried out, the spaceships’ geological exploration potential is summed up.
In addition to geological exploration, the presence of this module in a spaceship with installed drills increases their productivity. However, the installation of more than one module in such a spaceship does not make sense since the productivity will increase only once.
Produced at Rig Factory.
Drilling rig MD-1 lv.0.
Drilling Rig of this type uses conventional drilling technologies and extracts the main ores from the rocks of the asteroid fields. Its parameters show the indicators of ore extraction, provided that all of its capacity is 100% spent on ore extraction.
Produced at Rig Factory.
Drilling rig MD-2 lv.0.
Drilling Rig of this type uses conventional drilling techniques to extract basic minerals from the asteroid fields. Its parameters show the indicators of the minerals extraction provided that all of its capacity is spent on the extraction of these minerals.
Produced at Rig Factory.
Laser Drill lv.0.
Laser Drill uses laser technology to extract rare minerals from the rocks in the asteroid fields. Its parameters show the indicators for the extraction of minerals provided that all of its power is spent on the extraction of this mineral.
Produced at Rig Factory.
Plasma Drill lv.0.
Drill of this type uses plasma technology to extract crystals from the rocks on the asteroid fields. The parameters show the extraction of crystals indicators provided that all of its power is spent on their extraction.
Produced at the Rig Factory.
Small Reactor Bay lv.0.
This is the Federation Miniaturization Laboratory technology that allows connecting two chemical reactors to one body and a fuel line power connector. It makes it possible to place two chemical reactors in one modular slot of the spaceship's hull as well.
The Small Reactor Bay development was made possible by the use of a "Power Communicator" (Power communications bandwidth extender) discovered during excavations in the Minax galaxy.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in small reactor compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of small reactor compartments.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
Large Reactor Bay lv.0.
This is the Federation Science Center Fusion Laboratory technology that allows installing two fusion or gravity reactors in one slot of the ship's hull.
It is considered the most significant scientists’ achievement in the energy field due to several difficulties with connecting two devices to one supply system because of the large amounts of energy passing through one power channel. The latter was solved with the help of the Ancients’ "Power Communicator". However, techs used to solve a large number of other issues remained the Federation secret.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in large reactor compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of large reactor compartments.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
Reactor Bay lv.0.
This is the Federation Nuclear Research Center technology that allows using support systems for one module of the ship's hull to operate two nuclear reactors at once. When attaching the Reactor bay, it becomes possible to install two nuclear reactors in place of one, expanding the spaceship’s energy potential.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in reactor compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of reactor compartments.
An important condition for the development was the discovery of a "Power Communicator" in the Minax galaxy, which greatly increases energy communications throughput.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
Gravity reactor lv.0.
This device uses gravitational fuel to generate energy.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
Radiation Converter lv.0.
Converts a stream of photons into energy emitted by stars. It does not require fuel to generate energy.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
Chemical Reactor lv.0.
This reactor converts chemical reaction energy into electrical energy. The main advantage of this type of reactor is its small volume and mass.
Produced at Power Reactor Factory.
Nuclear Reactor lv.0.
Generates energy using nuclear reactions. It runs on nuclear fuel. If there is too much energy required in the spaceship design, then the required amount of fuel is consumed only.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
Thermonuclear Reactor lv.0.
This reactor uses a fusion reaction to generate energy.
Produced at the Power Reactor Plant.
Shield Restorer lv.0.
At the beginning of each combat cycle, this device restores the shields power level on the spaceship by a certain number of units (provided that the shields are damaged by less than 90%). However, more than 50% of damage is not restored. When a spaceship leaves combat, this device will restore shields, provided that the ship and its shields are less than 90% damaged.
Shield Restorer increases the effectiveness of shields that are installed in defense slots and on shield platforms but no more than 100%. The efficiency percentage is evenly distributed among all installed shields.
Produced at the Energy Shield Factory
Command Module lv.0.
This command module is one of the most important achievements of the Federation Science Center. It was created thanks to the huge contribution of Glarg scientists. The uniqueness of this achievement lies in the operation principle of this module. Once installed on a single spaceship, it coordinates the work of the entire fleet. It:
The history of this module is unique. The first fragments and later entire prototypes were discovered in Borg ships and became available for study in the scientific centers of the Federation thousands of years ago. At that time, the first clashes with the Borg began. However, despite all efforts, scientists have failed to understand their structure and activate the work of this module. Scientists for a long time could not provide a reasonable explanation for the Borg fleets’ efficiency, which exceed their theoretical capabilities. Both problems were resolved after the devices of the Ancients (Forerunners) discovery on the phosphorus planets. Scientists drew attention to the interface compatibility of old command modules and found devices. After assembling them, they were able to activate the millennial finds for the first time. This allowed getting closer to the answers to many questions, including identifying the source of the Borg's amazing effectiveness in maneuvers on the battlefield. It also made it possible to develop our analogs and set up the production of command modules at the Federation’s Precision Instrument Plants. Unfortunately, Glarg did not share part of the production technologies for this module, solving their selfish goals. It should be noted that it was not possible to install two identical Forerunner devices in the command module.
When ships with an installed command module are destroyed in battle, Ancients’ Devices are disabled but remain in the fleet until it is destroyed. When a fleet with Ancients’ Devices is destroyed, they can randomly drop out in the loot.
While own planets in ‘Drift’ mode only, you can add and activate Ancients’ Devices installed in the fleet with this command module. It should be noted that they are not for sale in the Trade Center.
If spaceships with a command module are removed from the fleet when re-forming, then the installed Ancients’ Devices become inactive.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Repair Module lv.0.
This module restores part of the damage inflicted on a spaceship during a combat cycle if its durability is more than 10%. Damaged hull and armor elements are used to restore durability. The amount of durability restored corresponds to the `Recover Durability` stat and cannot exceed 50% of the damage inflicted on the spaceship. Damage inflicted in a specific combat cycle is restored only. If the spaceship does not receive damage in the next cycle, then durability is not restored.
A fleet with spaceships with this repair module attached can use the "Repair" command which increases the Workshops "Production Capacity".
When repairing a fleet, repair modules installed in spaceships increase the repair speed.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Cargo Platform lv.0.
This is a Thormal' tech that allows installing two cargo compartments or hangars in one spaceship's hull slot.
Its effect is ensured through the use of special technologies for the miniaturization of all support systems and ultra-thin, durable materials for cargo modules. These developments have long been known to Thormals and are used in the manufacture of bays and hangars. However, due to access to Forerunners’ space compression technology, it was possible to make a breakthrough in research and create a Cargo Platform.
Currently, the Trade Guild has acquired all rights to the Cargo Platform. This technology is only provided to experienced traders.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in cargo platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of cargo platforms.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Control Bay lv.0.
This is a special module that allows installing three components used in intelligence spaceships (masking systems, radars, astroscanners, as well as a gravity calculator).
It is a special adapter with additional energy and information communication systems, which doubles the max power and information signal.
Such a solution for the spaceship’s hull modern architecture was considered impossible for a long time due to the limited amount of information transmitted through communication systems. This problem was solved in pirate laboratories based on the Borg technology - an "Information communicator" captured by corsairs in the Minax galaxy. Its secret is one of the most guarded in the Star Federation and is only available to experienced pirates.
Increases the efficiency of the components that are installed in the control compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of control compartments.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Loading Platform lv.0.
This platform adds two additional slots to the spaceship’s design in which Loading modules or Fragments collector modules can be installed.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in loading platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of loading platforms.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Boarding Platform lv.0.
This is an unknown Pirate Laboratory technology that makes it possible to additionally attach three boarding modules to the spaceship's hull.
In the Federation Scientific Center, there is never been the operating Boarding Platform prototype. However, the pirates managed to steal one of the samples of the Forerunners’ "Matter Sealant" and ensure the transshipment of three times large volumes of goods through the existing cargo communications. Until now, it has not been possible to find out exactly where the pirates managed to buy or steal the "Matter Sealant". There is a version that they independently discovered in the Minax galaxy. The Heads of the pirate fleets decided to keep this technology as secret as possible. Only renowned pirate powers have access to the Boarding Platform production. It is forbidden to provide this tech to Alliance members.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in boarding platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of boarding platforms.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Weapons Bay lv.0.
This is a famous Federation scientists’ achievement in the IT-communications field that allows implementing the idea of installing three on-board computers or missile defense systems in one slot of the hull without losing their combat characteristics.
This solution made it possible to double the communication lines’ capacity and reduce the data transmission time and its processing in standard spaceships’ hulls. There is an opinion that for this the Ancients’ "Information Communicator" was bought from the pirates. It is a communications device discovered by the Federation scientists and stolen by pirates while digging in the Minax galaxy. Scientists deny any connection with the pirates claiming that they used exclusively their developments in the Weapon Bay.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in weapon compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of weapon compartments.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Hyperspace Trap lv.0.
The fleet with spaceships in which a hyperspace trap module is installed can generate one. All fleets that exit hyperspace within the trap's range are transferred to the coordinates of the fleet that generated the trap's exit point. They drift after. Hyperspace Traps do not affect merchant fleets.
The fleet can generate a trap no earlier than in 15:00. after stopping the generation of the previous trap. The maximum generation time of a hyper trap is 1 hour. You cannot use the hyper trap generation command when executing cyclically. The fleet command sheet cannot contain more than 1 command `Hyper Trap Generation'. It is impossible to generate a hyper trap in planetary orbits and space bases. In the Novices' quadrants and in the Federation quadrants (excluding xeno-galaxies and xeno-fogs) The hyper trap does not work in the Novices' quadrants and in the Federation quadrants (excluding xeno-galaxies and xeno-fogs)
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Mass Generator lv.0.
It allows generating a new planet from the asteroid field. To generate a planet, an Ancients' 'Planetary Initiator' device is required in the fleet’s hold, which vanishes after the planet is generated. The number of sites on the generated planet will be approximately equal to (√m)/CPM, where “m” is the mass of the asteroid field, which cannot be larger than the max size available for the planets of that corner in the Universe (galaxy, nebula, intergalactic systems) where the asteroid field is located. In this case, the atmosphere on the generated planet will be absent (vacuum). The time to generate a planet depends on the level and the number of modules in the fleet but cannot be less than 12 hours.
It also allows generating an atmosphere on planets where there is a complete vacuum. To generate the atmosphere, the Ancient's "Climate Processor" device must be in the fleet's hold, which vanishes after the atmosphere is generated. The time needed to generate an atmosphere depends on the level and number of modules in the fleet but cannot be less than 12 hours.
Besides, it allows generating a new Star system from a gas-dust cloud. To generate a Star System, the Ancient's "Gravity Initiator" device must be in the fleet's hold, which vanishes after its generation. The time to create a Star System depends on the level and number of modules in the fleet but cannot be less than 12 hours.
It also allows you to create a new asteroid field in a free orbit in a star system. To create a field of the system, the presence of an ancient "Gravity Converter" device in the hold of the fleet is required, which disappears after creation. The time to create an asteroid field depends on the level and number of modules in the fleet, but it cannot be less than 6 hours.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Operating Bay lv.0.
This bay adds three more slots to move Building Modules, Living Bays, Archeology Modules, or Repair Modules.
Increases the efficiency of the components that are installed in the work compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of working compartments.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Mine lock lv.0.
Allows the fleet, which includes ships with a mine lock, to produce mines. The control of the installed minefields is carried out in the espionage center.
Produced in Industrial complex.
Tachyon field generator lv.0.
Generates a tachyon field. Which causes failures in the electronic systems of ships, affecting the calculation of the exit point from subspace when performing jumps using a jump engine or a singularity generator.
Any fleet with a volume greater than the parameter 'Tachyon field (fleet volume)', which falls into the field area when jumping using a jump engine or a singularity generator, incorrectly calculates the exit point from subspace and turns out to be at random coordinates in the range (R * 25, R * 100 ), where R is the radius of the tachyon field (parameter 'Tachyon field (fleet volume)'), from the center of the tachyon field. and continues to execute the command sheet. If there are several ships with a tachyon field generator in the fleet, the generator with the highest parameter `Tachyon field of St. L.` is used.
Fleets of the fleet owner who generates the tachyon field can also get into the field generated by it.span
The fleet can generate the field no earlier than in 15:00. after the generation of the previous field has stopped.
The maximum field generation time is 1 hour. You cannot use the field generation command during cyclic execution. The fleet command sheet cannot contain more than 1 command `Tachyon Field Generation'.>
Produced on =help_link('Precision Instrument Factory','Buildings'>.
Exploration module lv.0.
A module for space exploration and anomalies. If there are ships with a exploration module in the fleet, the command Expedition. The speed of exploration depends on the research potential. The exploration potential of several modules installed in the ship is being added up.
Produced in Industrial complex.
Gravity Computer lv.0.
It creates an anti-gravity field around the spaceship and calculates the exit point from the gravity funnel. This allows controlled gravitational jumps from one black hole to another. The "Fuel consumption" column indicates how much fuel is consumed per 1 unit of volume. This jump can only be done while in the coordinates of the black hole. It makes no sense to install more than one module in a spaceship.
If the fleet stops near the black hole, it will fall into a gravitational anomaly, and will be thrown out in any galaxy at random coordinates.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
On-board Computer lv.0.
Decreases the number of crew members of the spaceship, reduces the cost of its maintenance. Can replace no more than 50% of the crew. The Onboard computer increases the accuracy of the beam weapon. The increased percentage is divided evenly between all weapons of the same type, and it is summed up when several computers are installed.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Loading Module lv.0.
This module allows fleets with spaceships with a loading module to transfer fuel and goods to any drifting fleet that is located at the same coordinates. The loading speed depends on the fleet’s loading potential which is the sum of the loading potential of the ships with the Loading Module installed.
Only guild membersTraders Guild or players who have entered into a Trade Agreement can transfer goods (other than fuel) to other players.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Spaceship Hangar lv.0.
This hangar allows spaceship fleet equipped with a hangar to store other fleets in it.
In the hangar, you can place fleets that belong to the owner of a fleet equipped with hangars, or fleets of players with whom an Endorsement Pact or an Agreement with the Federation has been concluded.
You cannot place fleets in the hangar where other fleets located.
The total fleet volume placed in the hangar must not exceed the total volume of the hangars. The fleet placed in the hangar must not include ships whose volume exceeds the 'Max. spaceship volume' parameter.
To place the fleet in the hangar, use the [Move in hangar] command. You can remove the fleet from the hangar using the [Remove from hangar] command. It can also be done using the "Hold" tab in the Fleet management section.
The total mass of the fleet placed in the hangar must not exceed the total capacity of the hangars.
No more than 20 other fleets can be placed in the hangar of one fleet!
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Residential Bay lv.0.
Residential Bay allows to transport residents in a spaceship to other planets and Orbital Bases.
Produced at Industrial Complex.
Large Spaceship Hangar lv.0.
This hangar allows a fleet, which consists of ships with a hangar, to move other fleets into them.
In the hangar, you can place fleets that belong to the owner of the fleet with hangars as well as fleets of players with whom the Endorsement Pact or an Agreement with the Federation is concluded.
You cannot place fleets in the hangar where other fleets are located.
The total fleet number placed in the hangar must not exceed the total volume of the hangars. A fleet placed in a hangar must not include ships whose volume exceeds the 'Max. spaceship volume' parameter.
The total mass of the fleet placed in the hangar must not exceed the total capacity of the hangars.
To place the fleet in the hangar, use the [Move in hangar] command. You can remove the fleet from the hangar using the [Remove from hangar] command. It can also be done using the ""Hold"" tab in the Fleet management section.
No more than 20 other fleets can be placed in the hangar of one fleet!
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Construction Module lv.0.
This module allows the spaceship fleet to build Orbital Bases in the orbits of unpopulated planets as well as Spacebases. The fleet can carry out installation works on the orbital base, increasing the planet’s orbital potential. All materials necessary for the construction of an orbital base must be carried in the fleet’s hold.
During the construction works in open space, unexpected situations are possible! Try to load a bit more materials than stated in the Manual and necessary for building the base.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Fragments Collector Module lv.0.
It gathers fragments of destroyed spaceships during the battle. The total gathered mass should not exceed the total fleet spaceships’ loading potential with the installed Fragments collector module.
Fleets that retreat in the battle (or when all fleet spaceships move to position 0 or 30) do not gather fragments unless the fleet’s owner is a member of the guild = getGuild(Guilds::MERCENARY)->getTitle()?>
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Small Cargo Bay lv.0.
This bay increases the spacecraft's capacity while slightly increasing its volume and mass. It is mainly used for small ships.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Cargo Bay lv.0.
This bay increases the spacecraft's capacity and increases its volume and mass. Mainly used for medium-class spaceships.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Missile Defense System lv.0.
MDS reduces the chances of a missile hitting a spacecraft. The resulting probability is the difference between the MDS's "Accuracy (%)" parameter from which the missile was fired and the "Missile deflection (%)" parameter of the spacecraft. At the same time, one anti-missile launcher can, in one combat cycle, reduce the probability of hitting to zero for several missiles at once. When installing several modules on a spacecraft, the deflection probability raises.When installing several MDS in a ship, each new MDS increases the missile deflection parameter for each MDS by 1% from the base value, but not more than 100%.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Large Cargo Bay lv.0.
This bay increases the spaceship's capacity as well as significantly increases its volume and mass. Mainly used for heavy spacecraft.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Gravity Jammer lv.0.
This device allows the fleet to generate a gravity vortex at its location. Any fleet that gets into the funnel is transferred to random coordinates within 5 light-years from its center and spends all the fuel to fight the anomaly and it drifts while the funnel generation stops. In the funnel can be captured: the fleet, flying through in the interstellar mode; a fleet that has completed an interstellar flight inside a gravity funnel. The fleet mass that can get into the funnel must exceed the parameter `Gravity funnel (fleet mass)`. Generating a gravity funnel requires a colossal amount of thermonuclear fuel. To start the generator, an amount of fuel is required that is equal to the fuel consumed by this device on an hourly basis. It is impossible to run the generator inside the Star Systems, or in cases where the gravitational funnels intersect. Gravity anomalies do not affect merchant fleets.
Fleets of the fleet owner that generates the anomaly may also fall into the gravity funnel
The fleet may generate a funnel no earlier than 10:00 after stopping the previous funnel generation.
The maximum anomaly generation time is 1 hour. You cannot use the anomaly generation command during cyclic execution. The fleet command sheet may not contain more than 1 command `Supply of gravitational interference'.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Neutron Modulator lv.0.
It increases the power of radars and spacecraft masking shield. It also increases "Reduce spaceship signature" for "Neutron masking", "Deflection of missiles increase" for "Radio-optical masking", and "Anti-radar installation' accuracy increase" for the spaceship's radar parameters.
It also reduces the ship signature for the listed hulls in the parameter `Reducing the ship signature (max)` in combat by the percentage specified in the parameters (but not less than the parameter `Reducing the ship signature (max)`). The final signature is calculated as: min('Ship volume', max(`Decrease in ship signature (max)`, 'Ship volume' * 'Ship signature reduction (%) ))' - max( min('Ship volume', max( `Decrease in ship signature (max)`, 'Ship volume' * 'Ship signature reduction (%) )) / 2 - `Ship signature reduction').
If this module is installed in the fleet, "Search Ops" command becomes available.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
AstroScanner lv.0.
Allows a patrolling fleet with spaceships equipped with AstroScanner to view the Star Chart. Star Chart range is equal to max range of all AstroScanners installed on the fleet’s spaceships.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Archaeological Module lv.0.
This is a module for archaeological excavations on planets and asteroid fields.
As an excavation result, artifacts, modules from destroyed or crashed spaceships, resources, and materials can be found.
The total mass of archaeological values found by the fleet in one cycle of excavations cannot exceed the total fleet’s archaeological potential (the sum of the archaeological potentials of the ships included in its composition). The fleet will not be able to discover archaeological values, the mass of which exceeds the total fleet’s archaeological potential.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Spaceship Radar lv.0.
The radar allows receiving information about fleets in the range of the spaceship's observatory while on patrol. The contents and quality of the information gathered is determined by the formula: Ml/Rp = Q, where "Ml" is the min masking level of the spacecraft in the fleet, "Rp" is the radar power, "Q" is the information content quotient:
If the fleet you are interested in is within a 1-light-year radius of the patrol site, you can get additional information on the projects of spacecraft in that fleet. The quality of information is determined by the formula: Ml/Rp = Q, where "Ml" is the min masking level of the spacecraft in the fleet, "Rp" is the radar power, "Q" is the information content quotient.
The fleet on patrol will provide information on fleets passing through the patrol point.
Bonus 'Accuracy increase %'. It is distributed evenly over all RD installed in projects with a radar. That is if 5 RD devices are installed in the spacecraft project, and the bonus to the accuracy of the radar installed in this project is equal to 120%, then the accuracy of each installation will be increased by 20% (120%/(5 installations +1)). The settings accuracy cannot be increased by more than 100%.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Radio-optical Masking lv.0.
The spaceship masking field level depends on its volume and is calculated by the following formula: ml* ml/v, where “ml” is the module masking level, “v” is the spaceship volume.
If at the location of a spaceship its masking level exceeds the Radar Power of another player, then this spaceship will not be visible to this player. If no spaceship is visible to the player, then the player can only learn the title of the fleet and the owner (see the Radar station, Masking level, Radar power, Spaceship radar description).
The masking level is summed up when several modules are installed on a spaceship.
Also, the Radio-optical masking field increases the "Missiles deflection" parameter but by no more than 100%. The max increase in this parameter depends on the number of Anti-Missile Systems (AMS) installed in the spaceship's design and is calculated using the formula: Missile deflection (%)/(Number of AMS + 1).
When the fleet drifts, the masking field does not work.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Boarding Module lv.0.
This module allows to loot fleets that are drifting in open space, in the orbits of the uninhabited planets or asteroid fields.
If the boarding is successful and depending on the value of the stolen property, then the pirate's rating increases for the pirate fleet’s owner.
In the boarding process, the victim fleet is damaged but not more than up to 50%.
Also, during the boarding, the stolen cargo loss occurs in an arbitrary amount. The max cargo loss during boarding is: 50%. This condition does not apply to quests.
The minimum boarding time is 1 minute.
The “Boarding” command cannot be used when looping through the Command sheet.
When the command "Boarding" starts, the fleet owner is awarded 0.001 pirate rating points.
The “Boarding” command cannot be canceled.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Neutron Masking lv.0.
It is used as a means of masking and reducing the in-battle spaceship’s signature for larger spaceships. The spaceship masking level depends on the spaceship volume and is calculated by the formula: ml*ml/v, where “mp” is the module masking level, “v” is the spaceship volume.
If the masking level at the spaceship’s location exceeds the radar power of another player, then this spaceship will not be visible to the other player. If no ship is visible to the player, then the player can only see the fleet’s name and the owner (see the Radar station, Masking level, Radar power, Spaceship radar description).
When installing several modules on a spaceship, the masking level is summed up.
The masking field does not work when the fleet is drifting.
Also, neutron masking reduces the spaceship’s volume (signature) visible through enemy weapons and missiles guidance but not more than 50% of the spaceship’s volume. If there is a Neutron modulator listed in the spaceship's design, the signature calculation formula changes (see the Neutron modulator description) by no more than 100 units.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Torpedo Launcher lv.0.
A device that allows the ship to launch torpedoes to destroy super-large ships. Unlike missiles with a torpedo salvo from all torpedo tubes of each type, accuracy affects the entire salvo, i.e. all torpedoes from the salvo will hit the target or none. The final accuracy of a torpedo hit depends on the ratio of speeds during the attack of the attacking and attacked fleet, the ratio of the signatures of the torpedo and the attacked ship, the difference in the levels of the torpedo and torpedo and the firing distance, but cannot be more than 50% or less than 0.01%. You can calculate the accuracy with which the Torpedo Tube will release a torpedo in "Organizer".
The anti-missile system does not affect the accuracy of the torpedo attack
Produced on Rocket Launcher Factory.
Inertial Laser lv.0.
This laser power depends on the attacked spacecraft speed. The lower the speed of the attacked spacecraft, the lower the laser power. The higher the speed, the more power. The power increase factor is equal to the square root of the attacked spaceship speed in a specific combat cycle. Quotient cannot be less than 1.
Produced at the Armory.
Light Laser lv.0.
Light Laser creates a directional energy beam that strikes the target.
It is produced at the Armory.
Heavy Laser lv.0.
This laser focuses the beams of many small fiber-optic lasers that have slightly different wavelengths. This leads to the fact that, like white color, the final beam has a wide spectrum, which determines its high efficiency and a large amount of transferred energy.
Produced at the Armory.
Plasma Gun lv.0.
This weapon fires very short pulses. The emitted beam begins to “evaporate” an object in its path. Plasma appears in the zone of the beam's impact, which heats the atmosphere inside the ship so quickly that it explodes. The final damage inflicted by the Plasma Cannon depends on the attacking and attacked spaceships’ speed in battle. Organizer allows to estimate the final damage.
Produced at the Armory.
Kinetic Cannon lv.0.
Kinetic Cannon uses cluster rounds. They burst near the target and inflict damage over a wide area with a combat filling. This type of weapon is unable to damage medium spaceships. The total damage inflicted by the Kinetic Cannon depends on the attacking spaceship speed, its speed, and the volume of a spaceship being attacked in battle. The player can calculate the total damage in the organizer.
Produced at the Armory.
Ion Cannon lv.0.
This cannon fires beams of neutral ions. It has a high range since the beams of neutral particles are hardly scattered. The total damage inflicted by the Ion Cannon depends on the volume of the spaceship being attacked in battle. The player can calculate the total damage in the Organizer.
Produced at the Armory.
MPC-X1 lv.0.
It is an X1-class missile launcher for long-range light missiles. The “Accuracy” parameter specifies the probability of each missile hitting the target provided that the enemy's spacecraft has no anti-missile systems. The missile launcher uses X1-class ammunition (missiles) of any race and any level to fire. The missiles must be stored in the spaceship’s hold. The accuracy of the rocket launcher in a particular battle depends on the distance of the shot, and the level of the missile being fired. The closer the distance, the higher the accuracy, the parameters indicate the accuracy at the maximum distance. When installing several RPUs in a ship, each new RPU increases the accuracy of all RPUs by 1% of the basic accuracy, but not more than 100%.. The higher the level of the rocket released from the RPU relative to the RPU level, the lower the accuracy. You can calculate the accuracy with which the ROC will launch a rocket in "Organizer".
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
MPC-X2 lv.0.
This is an X2-class missile launcher designed for medium long-range missiles. Its "Accuracy" parameter specifies the probability of each missile hitting the target, provided that the enemy spacecraft does not have anti-missile systems. The missile launcher uses X2-class ammo (missiles) of any race and any level to fire. Missiles must be stored in the spaceship’s hold. The accuracy of the rocket launcher in a particular battle depends on the distance of the shot, and the level of the missile being fired. The closer the distance, the higher the accuracy, the parameters indicate the accuracy at the maximum distance. When installing multiple rocket launchers in a ship, each new rocket launcher increases the accuracy of all RPUs by 1% of the basic accuracy, but not more than 100%. The higher the level of the rocket released from the RPU relative to the RPU level, the lower the accuracy. You can calculate the accuracy with which the ROC will launch a rocket in "Organizer".
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
MPC-X3 lv.0.
This X3-class missile launcher is designed for heavy ultra-long-range missiles. Its "Accuracy" parameter specifies the probability of each missile hitting the target provided that the enemy spacecraft does not have anti-missile systems installed. It uses X3-class ammo (missiles) of any race and any level to fire. Missiles must be stored in the spaceship’s hold. The accuracy of the rocket launcher in a particular battle depends on the distance of the shot, and the level of the missile being fired. The closer the distance, the higher the accuracy, the parameters indicate the accuracy at the maximum distance. When installing multiple rocket launchers in a ship, each new rocket launcher increases the accuracy of all RPUs by 1% of the basic accuracy, but not more than 100%. The higher the level of the rocket released from the RPU relative to the RPU level, the lower the accuracy. You can calculate the accuracy with which the ROC will launch a rocket in "Organizer".
Produced at the Missile Launcher Factory.
Bombing Device lv.0.
This device allows spaceships to bombard planets with various types of bombs. Bombs must be stored in the hold of the spaceship that is bombing. The bombing is carried out according to the same principle as the battle. It comes in cycles. The cycle duration is 5 minutes. The number of cycles is set in the command specified in the flight list. If there are no fleets of other players or the bombing object has not been destroyed earlier, then the bombardment ends at the specified cycle. The number of bombs released by this device per cycle depends on the number of bombing devices installed on the spacecraft.
It is possible to bombard the planets of players while being in the current 'War' relationship only.
If there are fleets of other players in the battle, the bombardment will continue until the fleets of such players leave the battle or are destroyed.
The max bombing efficiency is achieved when bombing takes place from 29-30 positions and decreases when distancing from it.
"Bombing accuracy (%)" parameter affects the total calculated attack power in the same way as the Beam weapon does.
Produced at the Missile Launcher Factory.
Laser Turret lv.0.
This is the Federation Science Center development that allows to additionally place two lasers (light or heavy).
The main problem was a double increase in the energy supply through the existing power communications. It was solved thanks to the discovery of "Force communicators" in the Minax galaxy. Unfortunately, the "Information communicator" discovered along was stolen by pirates during an attack on a scientific expedition. Today it is used to design pirate control rooms.
This tech is recognized by the Federation Council as dangerous. To protect against pirates, it is provided to military powers that have taken an oath of nondisclosure only, regardless of all other agreements (incl. agreements concluded between Alliance members).
Adds two slots for the installation of a light, heavy and inertial laser and increases the attack power of lasers that are installed in turrets. The power increase factor of the installed lasers in each turret is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of turrets. If the same component (type, race, level) is installed both in the turret and in a simple slot, then the magnification factor is distributed evenly among all components, as an arithmetic mean.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Planetary Destroyer lv.0.
It allows a spaceship equipped with a Planetary destroyer to annihilate unpopulated planets turning them into asteroid fields. The planet annihilation rate depends on the destroyer’s level. It can only be installed in the Leviathan hull or the Battle Platform at the Orbital Base.
In battle, the Planetary destroyer shoots evenly at all spaceships at the selected target range.
Produced at the Armory.
Gun Tower lv.0.
This is a Federation Science Center' military laboratory unique development intended for light and heavy spaceships. It makes it possible to place two additional weapons (plasma, kinetic, or ionic).
It is based on the Forerunner's "Power communicator", which doubled the capabilities of the spaceship’s hull weapon systems.
The noticeable increase in the firepower of spacecraft has generated interest from pirates and forced the Federation Council to pass a law limiting this technology. Access to this tech is provided only to the leading military powers, whose heads have taken an oath of nondisclosure. Many protests from the Alliance was sparked by the fact that this oath does not allow this technology to be made available to all members.
Adds two slots for installing plasma weapons, kinetic and ion guns and increases the attack power of the guns that are installed in the towers. The coefficient of increase in the power of installed guns in each tower is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of towers. If the same component (type, race, level) is installed both in the tower and in a simple slot, then the magnification factor is distributed evenly among all components, as an arithmetic mean.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Missile Turret lv.0.
This combat module is based on Forerunners’ technology. It can accommodate two additional missile installations of any type.
It was developed in the Federation Science Center military laboratories and is based on the "Force communicator" discovered in the Minax galaxy. It doubles the energy supply to the missile slot, providing everything needed for target detection and launch.
The missile turret has significantly increased the spacecraft's firepower. Therefore, for security reasons, the Federation Council limited its use, making it available to states with high experience in resolving military conflicts only. The adopted law prohibits the transfer of this technology to any other states, including Alliance members.
Adds two slots for the installation of rocket launchers and increases the accuracy of installations that are installed in turrets. The coefficient of increase in accuracy of installed rocket launchers in each turret is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of turrets. If the same component (type, race, level) is installed both in the turret and in a simple slot, then the magnification factor is distributed evenly among all components, as an arithmetic mean.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Panel Platform lv.0.
This is one of the most amazing Alliance military laboratories devs allowing to add three slots to the spaceship’s hull to accommodate any type of shields (magnetic, gravitational, and neutron). Since the beginning of the space war era, the hull's capabilities have made it possible to install multiple shields in existing slots. However, the problem was to ensure the supply of the required energy from the reactor to the device. With the advent of the Forerunners’ “Power Communicator” this problem was solved. This technology is also provided exclusively to highly militarized states.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in panel platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of panel platforms.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Energy Deflector lv.0.
This is the Velid scientists’ achievement that allowed to significantly increase spaceship's hull durability and reduce damage from the Planetary Destroyer. The Energy Deflector has long been a closely hidden Velids secret, owing to the efforts of one of the genius scientists who managed to combine Glarg technology with Velid armor.
Glarg’s advantage in building energy shields has long been for the Velids, as one leading military leader put it, "A disgrace to the race." An attempt to create something similar to the Glargs’ shields over centuries has not brought noticeable success. In the end, it was decided to curtail development in this area and start implementing an ambitious and adventurous project proposed by one of the young engineers. It is about generating protection from the Planetary Destroyer. The main difficulty was to generate counteraction to the powerful plasma flow created in the destroyer using a controlled thermonuclear reaction and directed to the target (planet or spacecraft). Unlike the Plasma Cannon, which emits energy pulses and forms plasma at the end-point, the Planetary Destroyer forms a plasma clot in its energy field and directs it to the target. The existing protective equipment could not properly counteract the plasma clot. Therefore, the main development issue was to disperse part of this clot and prevent it from reaching the spaceship’s hull.
This goal was achieved thanks to the "Magnetic Armor" - a protective layer that combines the technologies of nanoplates, titanium sheets, and some other protection components equipped with Glargs’ magnetic shields. Due to the presence of energy and a directed magnetic field, deflector armor deflects part of the plasma flow and takes a significant part of the damage. It also increases the overall hull's durability, providing resistance to other types of weapons.
Unfortunately, the Velid scientist himself tragically died while testing the first Deflector samples. His work for many years was completed by his students. According to the scientist's testament, the Energy Deflector tech should be provided only to the Star Federation states "that proved their military prowess and gained glory in battles”.
When installing multiple deflectors in a ship (combat platform), the `efficiency reduction` parameter is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the `efficiency reduction` parameter each installed deflector.
Produced at the Energy Shield Factory.
Steel Plate lv.0.
This plate is made of steel. It is perfect for light and medium spacecraft.
Produced at the Foundry.
Anti-laser Coating lv.0.
Anti-laser Coating reduces the damage done by laser weapons. It increases the mass and volume of the entire spacecraft.
When multiple coatings are installed in a ship (combat platform), the `reduced efficiency` parameter is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the `reduced efficiency` parameter of each installed coating.
Produced at the Foundry.
Composite Armor lv.0.
This is a composite armor. Its protection is provided by several layers of composite materials that evenly scatter damage over the entire area. It is lightweight and not expensive. Great for small spaceships. “Hurricane-X1” missiles were able to significantly reduce its effectiveness.
Produced at the Foundry.
Titanium Plate lv.0.
This plate has a special structure of weighted titanium, and with plastic deformation, it hardens. It is vulnerable to “Hurrican-X1” missiles, though.
Produced at the Foundry.
Nanoplate lv.0.
This is the latest achievement in the nanotechnology field. Properly placed nano-fibers can evenly distribute damage throughout the spacecraft’s hull and absorb the most damage. It is quite expensive to manufacture, but it can save your spaceship in the most extreme conditions. Moreover, it is very compact.
Produced at the Foundry.
Fiberconcrete lv.0.
This is high tech armor. When in development, a particularly strong solution of concrete and titanium fiber is used. This armor is very heavy, bulky but provides the spaceship with amazing durability. It is perfect for heavy spaceships as well as for orbital fortresses. This type of armor has poor defenses against Harp-X3 class missiles. Due to their reinforced warhead, they easily penetrate fiber-reinforced concrete and cause extensive hull deformation.
Produced at the Foundry.
Magnetic Shield lv.0.
This shield creates a magnetic field around the spacecraft that absorbs the energy from the plasma cannons. The spacecraft is not damaged. The amount of energy absorbed depends on the level and number of installed shields and the damage level of the spacecraft. Shields are restored instantly when the fleet enters the Repair Shops. It should be borne in mind that when there is a lack of fuel in battle, shields stop absorbing the shot energy.
Produced by the Energy Shield Factory.
Gravity Shield lv.0.
Gravity Shield is specially designed for battles against Kinetic Cannons. Thanks to its long-wave protective field, it is capable of breaking and reflecting cluster projectiles at a sufficient distance.
Produced at the Energy Shield Factory.
Neutron Shield lv.0.
Due to the anti-ionization of space inside the field, this shield effectively absorbs the ionized clots of matter scattered around the spacecraft (released by the Ion Cannon). The protective field transformation generator has a large supply of energy and allows to multiply the spaceship’s protection.
Produced at the Energy Shield Factory.
Thermonuclear Torpedo lv.0.
This torpedo perfectly fits against super-heavy spaceships.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Proton Torpedo lv.0.
This torpedo perfectly fits large spaceships and has an advantage against Leviathan-class spacecraft.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Gravity Torpedo lv.0.
This torpedo is a super powerful weapon against Orbital Fortresses.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Thermonuclear mine lv.0.
Mines installed at coordinates in space or in the orbits of planets cause damage to the fleet that arrives at the coordinates, flies away from the coordinates or finishes (starts) executing a command on coordinates and the total volume of the fleet is greater than the mine signature parameter. Cannot damage the fleet by more than 90%. At the same time, all mines that meet the conditions explode, regardless of whether they cause damage or not.
It can be installed in the orbits of planets or in outer space with the help of ships equipped with a mine lock. The time during which mines are active is 24 hours for the orbits of planets (asteroid fields), for open space, the time of activity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance to the nearest star. If the mine activity time is less than a minute, then the mine cannot be installed.
The Federation prohibits the installation of mines in the orbits of inhabited planets (bases). After the expiration of the activity time, the mines disappear.
Mines can be set to explode when any fleet of the fleet with the specified number, the fleet of the specified player, the fleet of the specified alliance appears. At the same time, the surveillance means should allow determining the presence of the fleet, the number of the fleet, the owner of the fleet, respectively, at the coordinates on which the mines are installed. And the signature of the mine should be less than the volume of the fleet.
Produced on Ammo Factory.
Tachyon mine lv.0.
Installed at coordinates in space or in orbits, they activate a stream of tachyons directed at a fleet that arrives at the coordinates, flies away from the coordinates or finishes (starts) executing a command at the coordinates and the total volume of the fleet is greater than the mine signature parameter. The flow of tachyons blocks the control of the fleet, and the fleet enters a stasis state for a certain time, but not more than 24 hours at the coordinates where the mines were activated.
In a state of stasis:
It can be installed in the orbits of planets or in outer space with the help of ships equipped with a mine lock. The time during which mines are active is 24 hours for the orbits of planets (asteroid fields), for open space, the time of activity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance to the nearest star. If the mine activity time is less than a minute, then the mine cannot be installed.
The Federation prohibits the installation of mines in the orbits of inhabited planets (bases). After the expiration of the activity time, the mines disappear.
Mines can be set to explode when any fleet of the fleet with the specified number, the fleet of the specified player, the fleet of the specified alliance appears. At the same time, the surveillance means should allow determining the presence of the fleet, the number of the fleet, the owner of the fleet, respectively, at the coordinates on which the mines are installed. And the signature of the mine should be less than the volume of the fleet.
Produced on Ammo Factory.
Gravity mine lv.0.
Installed at coordinates in space or in orbits activate a gravitational funnel, for a fleet that arrives at the coordinates, flies away from the coordinates or finishes (starts) executing a command at the coordinates and the total volume of the fleet is greater than the mine signature parameter. The activated gravity funnel throws the fleet in a state of drift to a certain distance from the activation point but no further than the weighted average distance of the anomaly of activated mines. When entering the funnel, the fleet does not consume fuel. The minimum distance to which a fleet can be thrown depends on the parameter Mine attack power and the mass of the fleet.
It can be installed in the orbits of planets or in outer space with the help of ships equipped with a mine lock. The time during which mines are active is 24 hours for the orbits of planets (asteroid fields), for open space, the time of activity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance to the nearest star. If the mine activity time is less than a minute, then the mine cannot be installed.
The Federation prohibits the installation of mines in the orbits of inhabited planets (bases). After the expiration of the activity time, the mines disappear.
Mines can be set to explode when any fleet of the fleet with the specified number, the fleet of the specified player, the fleet of the specified alliance appears. At the same time, the surveillance means should allow determining the presence of the fleet, the number of the fleet, the owner of the fleet, respectively, at the coordinates on which the mines are installed. And the signature of the mine should be less than the volume of the fleet.
Produced on Ammo Factory.
Arrow-X1 lv.0.
This is a lightweight, versatile X1-class missile designed to destroy small ships from long range.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Lightning-X1 lv.0.
This missile has a special warhead designed to destroy ships with anti-laser masking shield.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Hurricane-X1 lv.0.
This is a heavy X1-class missile designed to destroy ships protected by steel plates.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Storm-X2 lv.0.
This is a medium all-purpose missile of the X2-class, designed to destroy medium spaceships from long range.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Tornado-X2 lv.0.
This is an X2-class medium missile designed to destroy medium spaceships from long range. It has a reinforced warhead capable of breaking composite armor.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Quill-X2 lv.0.
This is an X2-class medium missile designed to destroy medium spaceships from long range. It has a reinforced warhead capable of breaking titanium plates.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Valkyrie-X3 lv.0.
It is a heavy, versatile X3-class missile designed to destroy large spaceships from ultra-long range. It has a reinforced warhead against ships with nanoplates installed.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Harp-X3 lv.0.
It is a heavy, versatile X3-class missile designed to destroy large spaceships from ultra-long range. It has a concrete warhead effective against fiber-reinforced spaceships.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Gorgon-X3 lv.0.
This is a heavy, versatile X3-class missile designed to destroy ultra-large spaceships from ultra-long range. It has a reinforced warhead against ships equipped with energy deflectors.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Neutron Bomb lv.0.
This bomb is capable of destroying the entire planet’s population. Also, when bombarded, it can reduce the number of planetary sites but by no more than 100 units per cycle. Population annihilation does not affect security status.
The total estimated attack power of this bomb is influenced by "Bombing accuracy (%)" parameter with which the bombing is carried out as well as the specific in-battle location.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Bunker Bomb lv.0.
This bomb is capable of destroying the contents of the planet's warehouses. The destruction of the warehouses’ contents does not affect the security status. Some of the contents destroyed during the bombardment may drop out as fragments and, at the end of the battle, be collected by spaceships with Fragments Collector module installed or by an archaeological spaceship.
The total estimated attack power of this bomb is influenced by "Bombing accuracy (%)" parameter with which the bombing is carried out as well as the specific in-battle location.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Thermonuclear Bomb lv.0.
This bomb is capable of destroying all planetary structures, even colonies. When the colony is destroyed, the planet becomes uninhabited, and all the warehouse contents are destroyed.
When the player's buildings are destroyed, the player who started the planetary bombardment the security status and Federation rating are reduced proportionally to the destroyed building’s rating regardless of the security status and pirate rating of the planet’s owner. This rule does not apply to the Borg planets bombardment.
The total estimated attack power of this bomb is influenced by "Bombing accuracy (%)" parameter with which the bombing is carried out as well as the specific in-battle location.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Lightweight and perfect intelligence spacecraft. Capacity: minimal.
Next step in light aircraft evolution: increased capacity with two engines installed. Perfect for intelligent interstellar flights and small batches transportation.
This is a modified third-class spacecraft. In time advanced shipbuilding allowed to improve its efficiency by mounting an additional module.
With nuclear engines invented, spaceflight efficiency significantly improved. Large spaceships gained popularity for their capacity in comparison with light spacecraft. Though, more cargo demanded another engine mounted. On the other hand, issues of transport and cargo security has arisen. The solution allowing to prevent attacks was to mount additional safety modules and a small gun that can blast weak single targets.
In time the need to extract more resources on asteroid fields tremendously raised. Next came a necessity to mount a new processing module. With four identical modules, this spaceship is perfect for gathering resources on fields located nearby from Colonies. Moreover, engineers solved protection issues by adding two platforms intended for safety modules on spaceships of this class.
This spacecraft is the latest in series. With an improved safety systems, increased cargo delivery speed, and another engine added, it is perfect for extracting resources from distant fields.
A first-class heavy transporter with a large hold, increased efficiency, and improved armor. Perfect for asteroid field' cultivation and research on enemy territories.
A second class heavy transporter is the next step in spaceship building evolution. This mammoth can handle the universe's hostile environment and extract lots of raw materials.
A third class heavy transporter produced to deliver cargo over long distances. Such a decision made for safety measures - long-distance flights make any fleet vulnerable to space pirates. This lightweight spacecraft provides double reinforced base armor and the ability to mount additional modules that turn it into an independent combat unit able to stand in any battle.
Space Carrier.
This spacecraft is capable of transporting heavy spaceships over long distances. If a hangar is installed in its hull, then larger spaceships can be carried there. It is also possible to place fleets with hangars belonging to the owner or a player with whom an Endorsement Pact or an agreement with the Federation has been signed. Fleets that got other fleets in their hangars cannot be placed in the Space carrier's hangar. The [Move in hangar] command is used to place the fleet in the hangar, while the [Remove from hangar] command allows to remove the fleet. It can also be done using the "Hold" tab in the Fleet management section.
Hephaestus's hold is truly enormous and its hull has been specially designed and optimized for mining in asteroid fields full of minerals or for archaeological excavations. The large payload turns it into a monster, indispensable for resource extraction or archaeological research.
Mercury’s hull has been specially designed and optimized to carry heavy cargo. This spaceship is a monster of trade, it has a huge hold and a large number of engines.
The Flagship is the supreme achievement of the Federation scientists. Its hull combines all modern techs with the unique techs of the Forerunners. The Flagship is an amazing combination of power and agility. Its combat maneuver capabilities exceed Light cruiser capabilities, and its hull armor and the ability to install additional engines, modules, and protection elements exceed the capabilities of a Battleship of a similar level and are only slightly inferior to the Leviathan. Taking into account the presence of integrated shield platforms and weapon bays, Flagship significantly surpasses the previous space warships’ capabilities. Flagship’s hull has its own command module which increases the speed of other spaceships in the fleet and allows Forerunner' Devices installation. In addition to the built-in command module, a combat computing system is integrated into the Flagship, which increases the efficiency of shields and PRS of fleet ships. The increase in efficiency is calculated using the formula S / pow( N, 0.9 ), where S is the sum of the increase in efficiency of all flagships in the fleet, N is the number of ships in the fleet According to unverified data, quantum computer elements that were found in the Minax galaxy on the former Forerunner planets were used to create Flagship. This spacecraft' architecture includes special closed blocks that optimize the protection and control systems. At the last stage of construction, the Federation's scientists delivered and installed these blocks. However, in order to maintain secrecy, access to this technology opened only to states with solid combat experience that are able to resist theft and seizure attempts. It is also prohibited to transfer this technology to third parties, including Alliance members.
Between the supporters of the «maneuverable combat» and «firestorm» theorists, there are still some disputes over whether it is worth paying more attention to the engine compartment. The reason is the further expansion of the controlled part of the Universe and the gradual increase in the range of routes. The «heavy» series of space warships announced in 7042 put an end to these. It was pioneered by a Battlecruiser with increased protection, versatility, and an extended engine compartment. In the Third Helion-Velid War, these cruisers proved the enormous capabilities of the new corps and forced designers of all races to continue Heavy Cruiser series evolution.
The predatory cigar-shaped form of this spaceship has long been a symbol of the Space Fleet of all races. It is the epitome of immense power and efficiency. Developing the battle cruiser project, designers tried not to forget about its engine, weapons, and auxiliary equipment, paying max attention to protection. They doubled its durability and number of compartments intended for additional protective systems. However, speed and initiative of this spaceship suffered. But this was a small sacrifice compared to all the advantages of the new project which was able to successfully resist Borg and exclude from the agenda some issues with those pirates who remained loyal to the "romance" of small speed vessels.
Intensive battles and clashes with Borg demonstrated that fleets of all races got lack of firepower. This fact made scientists speculate on creating a more powerful spacecraft. After years of research and heated debates, Leviathan was created. It is a real monster of the heavy fleet. Its hull has tremendous durability, while designers decided to pay more attention to weapon systems and its engine compartment. Moreover, protective and support systems have been slightly expanded. The result is a super-powerful and super-heavy spacecraft with good speed capable of performing any tasks. It can be both a carrier and a strike ship. Theorists are still debating whether Leviathan is an end of a heavy series or a bright start to produce a new line of super-heavy spaceships.
Orbital Fortress.
It was Leviathan spacecraft that proved the inconsistency of the existing protective systems defending inhabited planets and asteroid fields. Therefore, scientists had to search for an adequate answer in a hurry. Rumors has that not only Borg contributed to this but also pirates of the "new wave" who began to actively use Leviathans in their missions. The result was the Orbital Fortress development. It is powerful, clumsy, has min speed and max protection but its firepower and versatility indicators clearly suffered. In terms of the weapons number, Orbital Fortress is almost twice as low as the Leviathan and almost 4 times surpasses it in durability, has its own protective fields and anti-missile defense systems. It is impractical to use the Orbital Fortress for long-range and short-range raids since the power of all engine compartments do not allow it to move fast.
Torpedo Bomber.
This spacecraft is perfect for torpedo attacks.
This airfighter is transferred to the battlefield by carriers. Its lightweight unprotected construction without any additional upgrades provide reaching max speed fast in battle and an ability to perform opening volley before major enemy forces' appearance. Its small size allows escaping heavy enemy weaponry hits. It is vulnerable to light weapons, though.
Heavy Fighter.
This type of spacecraft is the most common and effective against heavy weaponry. It is able to instantly catch any enemy in battle and cope with encirclement with minimal losses. Its minimal capacity makes it better protected from light weapons and effective against enemy heavy spaceships in battle.
Strike Fighter.
This space warship intended to strike and assault. Perfect for fleet support and targeting heavy fire on the battlefield. With correct calibration, it is invulnerable to enemy missiles. You may equip it with first-class missile launchers.
Ghost is the pirate laboratory' technology. This spaceship was developed on the basis of the legendary analogous Forerunner spaceship which was used many millennia ago for intelligence means and enemy communications sabotage. During excavations, Federation scientists discovered a relatively solid body of the original sample but, unfortunately, during transportation, the Carrier with the Ghost aboard was intercepted by pirates, and subsequently became the object of research by pirate research centers. The result of these events is the appearance of the Ghost, a spaceship with a "smart" hull, capable of self-camouflage, and possessing a unique communications system that allow mounting a huge number of boarding modules, additional camouflage & detection systems, and universal modular compartments. Among others, Ghost has a spacious hold, high maneuverability, and excellent armor that any spacecraft of this class can envy. However, for all these advantages, it was necessary to abandon the universal weapons module characteristic of traditional combat spaceships. In fact, Ghost's capabilities are limited by lasers and missile systems installation. It is not surprising that pirates keep the secret of Ghost development and allow access to this tech to trusted members of the criminal community only. These tech owners are prohibited from sharing it with anyone, even members of their Alliances under the threat of their own planets’ complete annihilation.
The decrease in accuracy for each fleet ship is calculated by the formula: S / (N 0.9 ), where S is the sum of the parameters of the decrease in accuracy of all the ghosts entering the fleet, N is the number of ships in the fleet. The accuracy of hits cannot be reduced by more than 25%
The masking increase for each fleet ship is calculated by the formula: S / (N 0.9 ), where S is the sum of the masking increase parameters of all the ghosts in the fleet, N is the number of ships in the fleet. Мasking increases for all fleet modes
The first light spacecraft carrier providing good combat performance and protection. Most popular among space pirates. Can cover fighter units on the battlefield. Its practicality and ability to mount three engines with different thrust at once provide ultra speed in any corner of the Universe.
In comparison with Corvette spacecraft, it is heavier and slower. In addition to major equipment, the masking device that provides invisible fighters' transfer to your fleet's destination may be easily mounted aboard. Extremely popular among space pirates that mask frigates as boarding stealths able to escape any enemy forces.
Heavy missile fire of this spacecraft can effectively reduce enemy numbers when the battle starts. If the planet is under siege, it may play the role of a bomber. It is lightfast in defense to enemy forces appearance providing suppressing fire and destroying those who want to retreat. In time scientists started to combine its equipment. Still, there are lots of missile destroyers furrow the Universe.
Fast cruiser, for missile and torpedo attacks. Increases the accuracy of the RPU and torpedo tubes of ships that are part of the fleet.
The increase in accuracy for each missile launcher and torpedo tube is calculated by the formula: S / (N 0.9 ), where S is the sum of the parameters of the increase in accuracy of all raiders included in the fleet, N is the number of ships in the fleet.
Light Cruiser.
The first in middle-class space cruiser series. It provides perfect speed, Destroyers' initiative, and heavy spaceship' combat performance ratio. It's survivability, mass, dimensions, on-board weaponry, and security systems characteristics may be upgraded. The additional engine may be mounted as well. Its initiative rate is much to be desired, though. On the other hand, the light cruiser is still popular among space pirates and fleet commanders of all races due to its speed.
Here is the next step in weaponry evolution that was marked by defense systems and firepower enhancements. In an attempt to solve advance issues engineers had to decrease speed and initiative indicators. The first such "victim" was the Cruiser's hull. For the sake of 2 weapon modules and a protection module, scientists had to abandon the installation of an additional engine. All this was more than offset by durability, protection and enormous combat power, which were first experienced by pirates and other fans of small maneuverable ships. In time, the appearance of the Cruisers overturned all warfare principles, led to pirate fleets' enlargement in numbers and forced many filibusters to reconsider their old concepts of "hulking trough".
Heavy Cruiser.
The successful experience of creating space Cruisers boosted further spaceship evolution. The Heavy Cruiser put a logical point in this series. Designers were able to significantly improve its firepower and protection indicators as well as increase its size and hull's vitality. The large size of the latter made it possible to install two additional modules for weapons, protection, and auxiliary equipment. However, despite these tricks, it was not possible to add more than one engine compartment. The result is a relatively slow but very powerful multipurpose spaceship that is capable of performing many tasks in the farthest corners of the Universe.
Saboteur lv.0.
This is an agent who carries out sabotage missions on another planet. An agent or a group of agents must be landed on the planet to complete missions. All planted agents are controlled at the espionage center. The higher the "Stealth" indicator, the longer the agent will not be able to detect the enemy counterintelligence. The higher the "Agent's potential" parameter, the faster missions are completed and the higher the probability of their successful completion.
It is forbidden to carry out sabotage missions on rookie’s planets, if the owner of the spy is not a rookie, too. It is also forbidden to carry out sabotage missions on non-rookies’ planets if the spy owner is a rookie, too.
Saboteurs cannot destroy Orbital bases, Spacebases as well as buildings, structures the improvement of which requires in-game currency (IG).
Counterspy lv.0.
This is an agent who allows to counter enemy agents or hinder the work of the counterintelligence service after he has become abandoned. For the counterintelligence officer to be able to carry out work to counter enemy agents, he must be located in the planet’s warehouse. The total indicators are displayed in the Counterintelligence Center (if this center exists on the planet); or in the Colony or Orbital Base (if there is no Colony) or in the Spacebase management center.
Agent lv.0.
This is an agent who carries out major reconnaissance missions on another planet. An agent or a group of agents must be landed on the planet to complete missions. All planted agents are controlled at the espionage center. The higher the "Stealth" indicator, the longer the agent will not be able to detect enemy counterintelligence. The higher the "Agent's potential" parameter, the faster missions are completed and the higher the probability of their successful completion.
Spy lv.0.
This is an agent who carries out espionage missions on another planet. An agent or a group of agents must be landed on the planet to complete missions. All planted agents are controlled at the espionage center. The higher the "Stealth" parameter, the longer the agent will not be able to detect enemy counterintelligence. The higher the “Agent's potential” parameter, the faster missions are completed and the higher the probability of their successful completion.
It is forbidden to perform spy missions on rookie’s planets, unless the spy owner is a rookie, too. It is also forbidden to perform spy missions on non-rookies’ planets if the spy owner is a rookie, too.
Fleet Commander.
Increases some parameters of fleets. Each fleet commander requires the payment of a daily salary, which is paid automatically every day. With a daily payment, the salary of each commander is divided by 30 and rounded up. In case of a shortage of IG for the maintenance of the commander, the commander stops working. To resume the normal work of the commander, it is necessary to pay the entire debt for his maintenance. Frozen accounts do not pay salaries to commanders.
Basic skills of commanders After creating a commander in the school of commanders, the commander has seven basic skills that can be developed. At the same time, the skills that correspond to the 125% and 150% racial bonuses are developed by 5% and 10%, respectively. You can develop these and other skills both in the process of fleet management and by teaching the commander at the school of commanders. The following are the basic skills:
Skill | Maintenance Lv. per month | per level | Bonus |
![]() | Speed | 5% | Production | |
Increases fleet speed in all modes except battle. |
![]() | In-battle Speed | 5% | War | |
Increases the speed of each fleet ship in battle.battles. |
![]() | Resources Extraction | 5% | Resources Extraction | |
Increases the power of drills when extracting resources on asteroid fields. |
![]() | Fuel Consumption | 5% | Science | |
Reduces fleet fuel consumption in all modes. The consumption is calculated according to the formula: R / ( 1 + P / 100 ), where R is the fuel consumption of the fleet, P is the percentage of reduction in consumption. |
![]() | Excavations | 5% | Espionage | |
Increases the archaeological, exploration and boarding potential of the fleet. |
![]() | Building | 5% | Population | |
Increases the potential of the fleet in the construction of bases, installation and repair work, the creation of planets, star systems, asteroid fields. |
![]() | Loading Works | 5% | Trading | |
Increases the loading capacity of the fleet during loading operations and collecting debris in battle. Increases the speed of instalation mines . |
Additional skills of commanders
The commander can be trained in additional skills using psi implants. You can add a new additional skill for every 50 commander levels. To add the first additional skill, the psi-implant 0ur is used, the second psi-implant 1ur. etc. The maximum number of additional skills is limited and is 6 * (arithmetic mean of race bonuses / 100). I.e., for a racial commander no more than 6, for a Federation commander - 9, for a Borg commander - 15. You can develop additional skills with the help of psi implants of any level, adding them to an additional skill. At the same time, the commander must be in the warehouse of the planet (base) belonging to the owner of the commander, or in the management of the fleet, which is in orbit of the base belonging to the player (planet), and the added psi implants must be in the warehouse of the planet. As soon as the sum of the psi-factors of the implants added exceeds the amount needed to level up, the commander's skill will improve and the commander's level will increase. The maximum value of the skill improvement corresponds to the racial bonus or, if there is no bonus, the arithmetic mean of the race bonuses. Additional skills are listed below:
Skill | Maintenance Lv. per month | per level | Bonus |
Atack power | 1% | - | |
Increases the attack power of the selected weapon. |
Accuracy of launchers | 1% | - | |
Increases the accuracy of selected launchers. |
Ships MDS | 1% | - | |
Increases the parameter `Missile Deflection %` for each ship of the fleet that has a MDS. |
Masking, Radar, Overview Range | 1% | - | |
Increasing the parameters of surveillance and fleet stealth. |
Range of traps | 1% | - | |
Increases the radius of action of hyperspace traps and the director of gravitational interference. |
Сconstruction time | 1% | - | |
Reduces the construction time, the creation of star systems, the creation of planets, the creation of the atmosphere. |
Shield power | 1% | - | |
Reduces the time of construction, creation of star systems, creation of planets, creation of the atmosphere. The minimum time is calculated by the formula min / (1 + S / 100), where min is the minimum time, S is the skill level as a percentage |
Jump accuracy | 1% | - | |
Reduces the deviation from the jump point when jumping with Jump engines. The final accuracy is calculated by the formula: J / (1 + S / 100), where J is the maximum deviation from the jump point, S is the skill level as a percentage. |
Scaning range | 10% | - | |
Increases the radius of scanning ships with radar and tachyon scanner to obtain complete information about ships (composition of projects, availability of devices, contents of holds, etc.) as a percentage of the base (1 St.) |
Marauder | 1% | - | |
Increases the probability of falling debris and ancient devices in battle. If there are several fleets of collectors, the probability is calculated as a weighted average of the skills of the commanders and the loading capacity of the fleets. Also, a fleet with a commander who has this skill has priority when collecting debris, the higher the skill level, the higher the priority. The probability of falling debris is calculated by the formula: 100 - 100 * ( 100 - F ) / ( 100 + N ) , where F is the probability of loss, N is the weighted average value of Marauder skills in fleets with loading potential. In battles involving Borg, the Marauder skill does not affect the collection of debris and devices of the ancients. |
Pilot | 1% | - | |
Allows you to detect mines and avoid undermining the fleet by maneuvering. The probability of detecting an explosion is calculated by the formula ( 100 - 100 / ( 1 + N / 100) ) %, where N is the commander's skill as a percentage. When mines are detected, the fleet sends a corresponding message and continues to execute the command sheet. |
Master of Logistics | 1% | - | |
Increases the capacity of holds, the number of cabins, the volume of hangars and the capacity of fleet hangars. |
The rate of improvement of skills and the requirements for the psi factor for the skills of each commander are different and may vary significantly.
All IG operations take place in the Trade section.
Produced in Engine Factory (SC).
Electromagnetic Sail is produced at Engine Factory (SC).
Produced in Engine Factory (SC).
Produced at the Engine Factory (SC).
Produced at the Engine Factory (SC).
Produced at Engine Factory (SC).
Gravity fuel consumption depends on the fleet’s size. Any changes will reset the jump-ready timer.
When several jump-engines are installed in a spaceship, all engine parameters are summed up. The column "Fuel consumption" indicates the fuel consumption per 1 unit of volume.
If there is a Singularity Generator in all fleet’s spaceships, then Jump Thrusters work independently.
It makes no sense to use spaceships with Jump Thrusters installed in merchant fleets.
Produced at the Engine Factory (SC).
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in small engine compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of small engine compartments.
Produced at the Engine Factory (SC).
Increases the efficiency of the components that are installed in the engine compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of engine compartments.
Produced at the Engine Factory (SC).
Produced at Power Reactor Factory.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
Produced at the Power Reactor Plant.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
The Small Reactor Bay development was made possible by the use of a "Power Communicator" (Power communications bandwidth extender) discovered during excavations in the Minax galaxy.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in small reactor compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of small reactor compartments.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in reactor compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of reactor compartments.
An important condition for the development was the discovery of a "Power Communicator" in the Minax galaxy, which greatly increases energy communications throughput.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
It is considered the most significant scientists’ achievement in the energy field due to several difficulties with connecting two devices to one supply system because of the large amounts of energy passing through one power channel. The latter was solved with the help of the Ancients’ "Power Communicator". However, techs used to solve a large number of other issues remained the Federation secret.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in large reactor compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of large reactor compartments.
Produced at the Power Reactor Factory.
In addition to geological exploration, the presence of this module in a spaceship with installed drills increases their productivity. However, the installation of more than one module in such a spaceship does not make sense since the productivity will increase only once.
Produced at Rig Factory.
Produced at Rig Factory.
Produced at Rig Factory.
Produced at Rig Factory.
Produced at the Rig Factory.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in MD-1 drilling platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of MD-1 drilling platforms.
Produced at the Rig Factory.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in MD-2 drilling platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of drilling platforms MD-2.
Produced at the Rig Factory.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in heavy drilling platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platforms is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of heavy drilling platforms.
Produced at the Rig Factory.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
If the fleet stops near the black hole, it will fall into a gravitational anomaly, and will be thrown out in any galaxy at random coordinates.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
The fleet can generate a trap no earlier than in 15:00. after stopping the generation of the previous trap. The maximum generation time of a hyper trap is 1 hour. You cannot use the hyper trap generation command when executing cyclically. The fleet command sheet cannot contain more than 1 command `Hyper Trap Generation'. It is impossible to generate a hyper trap in planetary orbits and space bases. In the Novices' quadrants and in the Federation quadrants (excluding xeno-galaxies and xeno-fogs) The hyper trap does not work in the Novices' quadrants and in the Federation quadrants (excluding xeno-galaxies and xeno-fogs)
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Any fleet with a volume greater than the parameter 'Tachyon field (fleet volume)', which falls into the field area when jumping using a jump engine or a singularity generator, incorrectly calculates the exit point from subspace and turns out to be at random coordinates in the range (R * 25, R * 100 ), where R is the radius of the tachyon field (parameter 'Tachyon field (fleet volume)'), from the center of the tachyon field. and continues to execute the command sheet. If there are several ships with a tachyon field generator in the fleet, the generator with the highest parameter `Tachyon field of St. L.` is used.
Fleets of the fleet owner who generates the tachyon field can also get into the field generated by it.span
The fleet can generate the field no earlier than in 15:00. after the generation of the previous field has stopped.
The maximum field generation time is 1 hour. You cannot use the field generation command during cyclic execution. The fleet command sheet cannot contain more than 1 command `Tachyon Field Generation'.>
Produced on =help_link('Precision Instrument Factory','Buildings'>.
Only guild membersTraders Guild or players who have entered into a Trade Agreement can transfer goods (other than fuel) to other players.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Produced at Industrial Complex.
During the construction works in open space, unexpected situations are possible! Try to load a bit more materials than stated in the Manual and necessary for building the base.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
In the hangar, you can place fleets that belong to the owner of a fleet equipped with hangars, or fleets of players with whom an Endorsement Pact or an Agreement with the Federation has been concluded.
You cannot place fleets in the hangar where other fleets located.
The total fleet volume placed in the hangar must not exceed the total volume of the hangars. The fleet placed in the hangar must not include ships whose volume exceeds the 'Max. spaceship volume' parameter.
To place the fleet in the hangar, use the [Move in hangar] command. You can remove the fleet from the hangar using the [Remove from hangar] command. It can also be done using the "Hold" tab in the Fleet management section.
The total mass of the fleet placed in the hangar must not exceed the total capacity of the hangars.
No more than 20 other fleets can be placed in the hangar of one fleet!
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
In the hangar, you can place fleets that belong to the owner of the fleet with hangars as well as fleets of players with whom the Endorsement Pact or an Agreement with the Federation is concluded.
You cannot place fleets in the hangar where other fleets are located.
The total fleet number placed in the hangar must not exceed the total volume of the hangars. A fleet placed in a hangar must not include ships whose volume exceeds the 'Max. spaceship volume' parameter.
The total mass of the fleet placed in the hangar must not exceed the total capacity of the hangars.
To place the fleet in the hangar, use the [Move in hangar] command. You can remove the fleet from the hangar using the [Remove from hangar] command. It can also be done using the ""Hold"" tab in the Fleet management section.
No more than 20 other fleets can be placed in the hangar of one fleet!
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Fleets that retreat in the battle (or when all fleet spaceships move to position 0 or 30) do not gather fragments unless the fleet’s owner is a member of the guild = getGuild(Guilds::MERCENARY)->getTitle()?>
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
It also allows generating an atmosphere on planets where there is a complete vacuum. To generate the atmosphere, the Ancient's "Climate Processor" device must be in the fleet's hold, which vanishes after the atmosphere is generated. The time needed to generate an atmosphere depends on the level and number of modules in the fleet but cannot be less than 12 hours.
Besides, it allows generating a new Star system from a gas-dust cloud. To generate a Star System, the Ancient's "Gravity Initiator" device must be in the fleet's hold, which vanishes after its generation. The time to create a Star System depends on the level and number of modules in the fleet but cannot be less than 12 hours.
It also allows you to create a new asteroid field in a free orbit in a star system. To create a field of the system, the presence of an ancient "Gravity Converter" device in the hold of the fleet is required, which disappears after creation. The time to create an asteroid field depends on the level and number of modules in the fleet, but it cannot be less than 6 hours.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
Produced in Industrial complex.
Its effect is ensured through the use of special technologies for the miniaturization of all support systems and ultra-thin, durable materials for cargo modules. These developments have long been known to Thormals and are used in the manufacture of bays and hangars. However, due to access to Forerunners’ space compression technology, it was possible to make a breakthrough in research and create a Cargo Platform.
Currently, the Trade Guild has acquired all rights to the Cargo Platform. This technology is only provided to experienced traders.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in cargo platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of cargo platforms.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
It is a special adapter with additional energy and information communication systems, which doubles the max power and information signal.
Such a solution for the spaceship’s hull modern architecture was considered impossible for a long time due to the limited amount of information transmitted through communication systems. This problem was solved in pirate laboratories based on the Borg technology - an "Information communicator" captured by corsairs in the Minax galaxy. Its secret is one of the most guarded in the Star Federation and is only available to experienced pirates.
Increases the efficiency of the components that are installed in the control compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of control compartments.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in loading platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of loading platforms.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Increases the efficiency of the components that are installed in the work compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of working compartments.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
In the Federation Scientific Center, there is never been the operating Boarding Platform prototype. However, the pirates managed to steal one of the samples of the Forerunners’ "Matter Sealant" and ensure the transshipment of three times large volumes of goods through the existing cargo communications. Until now, it has not been possible to find out exactly where the pirates managed to buy or steal the "Matter Sealant". There is a version that they independently discovered in the Minax galaxy. The Heads of the pirate fleets decided to keep this technology as secret as possible. Only renowned pirate powers have access to the Boarding Platform production. It is forbidden to provide this tech to Alliance members.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in boarding platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of boarding platforms.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
This solution made it possible to double the communication lines’ capacity and reduce the data transmission time and its processing in standard spaceships’ hulls. There is an opinion that for this the Ancients’ "Information Communicator" was bought from the pirates. It is a communications device discovered by the Federation scientists and stolen by pirates while digging in the Minax galaxy. Scientists deny any connection with the pirates claiming that they used exclusively their developments in the Weapon Bay.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in weapon compartments. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each compartment is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of weapon compartments.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
Shield Restorer increases the effectiveness of shields that are installed in defense slots and on shield platforms but no more than 100%. The efficiency percentage is evenly distributed among all installed shields.
Produced at the Energy Shield Factory
The history of this module is unique. The first fragments and later entire prototypes were discovered in Borg ships and became available for study in the scientific centers of the Federation thousands of years ago. At that time, the first clashes with the Borg began. However, despite all efforts, scientists have failed to understand their structure and activate the work of this module. Scientists for a long time could not provide a reasonable explanation for the Borg fleets’ efficiency, which exceed their theoretical capabilities. Both problems were resolved after the devices of the Ancients (Forerunners) discovery on the phosphorus planets. Scientists drew attention to the interface compatibility of old command modules and found devices. After assembling them, they were able to activate the millennial finds for the first time. This allowed getting closer to the answers to many questions, including identifying the source of the Borg's amazing effectiveness in maneuvers on the battlefield. It also made it possible to develop our analogs and set up the production of command modules at the Federation’s Precision Instrument Plants. Unfortunately, Glarg did not share part of the production technologies for this module, solving their selfish goals. It should be noted that it was not possible to install two identical Forerunner devices in the command module.
When ships with an installed command module are destroyed in battle, Ancients’ Devices are disabled but remain in the fleet until it is destroyed. When a fleet with Ancients’ Devices is destroyed, they can randomly drop out in the loot.
While own planets in ‘Drift’ mode only, you can add and activate Ancients’ Devices installed in the fleet with this command module. It should be noted that they are not for sale in the Trade Center.
If spaceships with a command module are removed from the fleet when re-forming, then the installed Ancients’ Devices become inactive.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
A fleet with spaceships with this repair module attached can use the "Repair" command which increases the Workshops "Production Capacity".
When repairing a fleet, repair modules installed in spaceships increase the repair speed.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Produced in Industrial complex.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
If the boarding is successful and depending on the value of the stolen property, then the pirate's rating increases for the pirate fleet’s owner.
In the boarding process, the victim fleet is damaged but not more than up to 50%.
Also, during the boarding, the stolen cargo loss occurs in an arbitrary amount. The max cargo loss during boarding is: 50%. This condition does not apply to quests.
The minimum boarding time is 1 minute.
The “Boarding” command cannot be used when looping through the Command sheet.
When the command "Boarding" starts, the fleet owner is awarded 0.001 pirate rating points.
The “Boarding” command cannot be canceled.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
It also reduces the ship signature for the listed hulls in the parameter `Reducing the ship signature (max)` in combat by the percentage specified in the parameters (but not less than the parameter `Reducing the ship signature (max)`). The final signature is calculated as: min('Ship volume', max(`Decrease in ship signature (max)`, 'Ship volume' * 'Ship signature reduction (%) ))' - max( min('Ship volume', max( `Decrease in ship signature (max)`, 'Ship volume' * 'Ship signature reduction (%) )) / 2 - `Ship signature reduction').
If this module is installed in the fleet, "Search Ops" command becomes available.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
As an excavation result, artifacts, modules from destroyed or crashed spaceships, resources, and materials can be found.
The total mass of archaeological values found by the fleet in one cycle of excavations cannot exceed the total fleet’s archaeological potential (the sum of the archaeological potentials of the ships included in its composition). The fleet will not be able to discover archaeological values, the mass of which exceeds the total fleet’s archaeological potential.
Produced in the Industrial Complex.
If the fleet you are interested in is within a 1-light-year radius of the patrol site, you can get additional information on the projects of spacecraft in that fleet. The quality of information is determined by the formula: Ml/Rp = Q, where "Ml" is the min masking level of the spacecraft in the fleet, "Rp" is the radar power, "Q" is the information content quotient.
The fleet on patrol will provide information on fleets passing through the patrol point.
Bonus 'Accuracy increase %'. It is distributed evenly over all RD installed in projects with a radar. That is if 5 RD devices are installed in the spacecraft project, and the bonus to the accuracy of the radar installed in this project is equal to 120%, then the accuracy of each installation will be increased by 20% (120%/(5 installations +1)). The settings accuracy cannot be increased by more than 100%.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
If at the location of a spaceship its masking level exceeds the Radar Power of another player, then this spaceship will not be visible to this player. If no spaceship is visible to the player, then the player can only learn the title of the fleet and the owner (see the Radar station, Masking level, Radar power, Spaceship radar description).
The masking level is summed up when several modules are installed on a spaceship.
Also, the Radio-optical masking field increases the "Missiles deflection" parameter but by no more than 100%. The max increase in this parameter depends on the number of Anti-Missile Systems (AMS) installed in the spaceship's design and is calculated using the formula: Missile deflection (%)/(Number of AMS + 1).
When the fleet drifts, the masking field does not work.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
If the masking level at the spaceship’s location exceeds the radar power of another player, then this spaceship will not be visible to the other player. If no ship is visible to the player, then the player can only see the fleet’s name and the owner (see the Radar station, Masking level, Radar power, Spaceship radar description).
When installing several modules on a spaceship, the masking level is summed up.
The masking field does not work when the fleet is drifting.
Also, neutron masking reduces the spaceship’s volume (signature) visible through enemy weapons and missiles guidance but not more than 50% of the spaceship’s volume. If there is a Neutron modulator listed in the spaceship's design, the signature calculation formula changes (see the Neutron modulator description) by no more than 100 units.
Produced at the Precision Instrument Plant.
It is produced at the Armory.
Produced at the Armory.
Produced at the Armory.
Produced at the Armory.
Produced at the Armory.
Produced at the Armory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Missile Launcher Factory.
The anti-missile system does not affect the accuracy of the torpedo attack
Produced on Rocket Launcher Factory.
In battle, the Planetary destroyer shoots evenly at all spaceships at the selected target range.
Produced at the Armory.
It is possible to bombard the planets of players while being in the current 'War' relationship only.
If there are fleets of other players in the battle, the bombardment will continue until the fleets of such players leave the battle or are destroyed.
The max bombing efficiency is achieved when bombing takes place from 29-30 positions and decreases when distancing from it.
"Bombing accuracy (%)" parameter affects the total calculated attack power in the same way as the Beam weapon does.
Produced at the Missile Launcher Factory.
The main problem was a double increase in the energy supply through the existing power communications. It was solved thanks to the discovery of "Force communicators" in the Minax galaxy. Unfortunately, the "Information communicator" discovered along was stolen by pirates during an attack on a scientific expedition. Today it is used to design pirate control rooms.
This tech is recognized by the Federation Council as dangerous. To protect against pirates, it is provided to military powers that have taken an oath of nondisclosure only, regardless of all other agreements (incl. agreements concluded between Alliance members).
Adds two slots for the installation of a light, heavy and inertial laser and increases the attack power of lasers that are installed in turrets. The power increase factor of the installed lasers in each turret is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of turrets. If the same component (type, race, level) is installed both in the turret and in a simple slot, then the magnification factor is distributed evenly among all components, as an arithmetic mean.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
It is based on the Forerunner's "Power communicator", which doubled the capabilities of the spaceship’s hull weapon systems.
The noticeable increase in the firepower of spacecraft has generated interest from pirates and forced the Federation Council to pass a law limiting this technology. Access to this tech is provided only to the leading military powers, whose heads have taken an oath of nondisclosure. Many protests from the Alliance was sparked by the fact that this oath does not allow this technology to be made available to all members.
Adds two slots for installing plasma weapons, kinetic and ion guns and increases the attack power of the guns that are installed in the towers. The coefficient of increase in the power of installed guns in each tower is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of towers. If the same component (type, race, level) is installed both in the tower and in a simple slot, then the magnification factor is distributed evenly among all components, as an arithmetic mean.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
It was developed in the Federation Science Center military laboratories and is based on the "Force communicator" discovered in the Minax galaxy. It doubles the energy supply to the missile slot, providing everything needed for target detection and launch.
The missile turret has significantly increased the spacecraft's firepower. Therefore, for security reasons, the Federation Council limited its use, making it available to states with high experience in resolving military conflicts only. The adopted law prohibits the transfer of this technology to any other states, including Alliance members.
Adds two slots for the installation of rocket launchers and increases the accuracy of installations that are installed in turrets. The coefficient of increase in accuracy of installed rocket launchers in each turret is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of turrets. If the same component (type, race, level) is installed both in the turret and in a simple slot, then the magnification factor is distributed evenly among all components, as an arithmetic mean.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Produced at the Foundry.
When multiple coatings are installed in a ship (combat platform), the `reduced efficiency` parameter is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the `reduced efficiency` parameter of each installed coating.
Produced at the Foundry.
Produced at the Foundry.
Produced at the Foundry.
Produced at the Foundry.
Produced at the Foundry.
Produced by the Energy Shield Factory.
Produced at the Energy Shield Factory.
Produced at the Energy Shield Factory.
Glarg’s advantage in building energy shields has long been for the Velids, as one leading military leader put it, "A disgrace to the race." An attempt to create something similar to the Glargs’ shields over centuries has not brought noticeable success. In the end, it was decided to curtail development in this area and start implementing an ambitious and adventurous project proposed by one of the young engineers. It is about generating protection from the Planetary Destroyer. The main difficulty was to generate counteraction to the powerful plasma flow created in the destroyer using a controlled thermonuclear reaction and directed to the target (planet or spacecraft). Unlike the Plasma Cannon, which emits energy pulses and forms plasma at the end-point, the Planetary Destroyer forms a plasma clot in its energy field and directs it to the target. The existing protective equipment could not properly counteract the plasma clot. Therefore, the main development issue was to disperse part of this clot and prevent it from reaching the spaceship’s hull.
This goal was achieved thanks to the "Magnetic Armor" - a protective layer that combines the technologies of nanoplates, titanium sheets, and some other protection components equipped with Glargs’ magnetic shields. Due to the presence of energy and a directed magnetic field, deflector armor deflects part of the plasma flow and takes a significant part of the damage. It also increases the overall hull's durability, providing resistance to other types of weapons.
Unfortunately, the Velid scientist himself tragically died while testing the first Deflector samples. His work for many years was completed by his students. According to the scientist's testament, the Energy Deflector tech should be provided only to the Star Federation states "that proved their military prowess and gained glory in battles”.
When installing multiple deflectors in a ship (combat platform), the `efficiency reduction` parameter is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the `efficiency reduction` parameter each installed deflector.
Produced at the Energy Shield Factory.
Increases the efficiency of components that are installed in panel platforms. The efficiency coefficient of installed components in each platform is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the parameter "Efficiency of installed components (+%)" to the number of panel platforms.
Produced in Industrial Complex.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
It can be installed in the orbits of planets or in outer space with the help of ships equipped with a mine lock. The time during which mines are active is 24 hours for the orbits of planets (asteroid fields), for open space, the time of activity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance to the nearest star. If the mine activity time is less than a minute, then the mine cannot be installed.
The Federation prohibits the installation of mines in the orbits of inhabited planets (bases). After the expiration of the activity time, the mines disappear.
Mines can be set to explode when any fleet of the fleet with the specified number, the fleet of the specified player, the fleet of the specified alliance appears. At the same time, the surveillance means should allow determining the presence of the fleet, the number of the fleet, the owner of the fleet, respectively, at the coordinates on which the mines are installed. And the signature of the mine should be less than the volume of the fleet.
Produced on Ammo Factory.
In a state of stasis:
It can be installed in the orbits of planets or in outer space with the help of ships equipped with a mine lock. The time during which mines are active is 24 hours for the orbits of planets (asteroid fields), for open space, the time of activity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance to the nearest star. If the mine activity time is less than a minute, then the mine cannot be installed.
The Federation prohibits the installation of mines in the orbits of inhabited planets (bases). After the expiration of the activity time, the mines disappear.
Mines can be set to explode when any fleet of the fleet with the specified number, the fleet of the specified player, the fleet of the specified alliance appears. At the same time, the surveillance means should allow determining the presence of the fleet, the number of the fleet, the owner of the fleet, respectively, at the coordinates on which the mines are installed. And the signature of the mine should be less than the volume of the fleet.
Produced on Ammo Factory.
It can be installed in the orbits of planets or in outer space with the help of ships equipped with a mine lock. The time during which mines are active is 24 hours for the orbits of planets (asteroid fields), for open space, the time of activity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance to the nearest star. If the mine activity time is less than a minute, then the mine cannot be installed.
The Federation prohibits the installation of mines in the orbits of inhabited planets (bases). After the expiration of the activity time, the mines disappear.
Mines can be set to explode when any fleet of the fleet with the specified number, the fleet of the specified player, the fleet of the specified alliance appears. At the same time, the surveillance means should allow determining the presence of the fleet, the number of the fleet, the owner of the fleet, respectively, at the coordinates on which the mines are installed. And the signature of the mine should be less than the volume of the fleet.
Produced on Ammo Factory.
The total estimated attack power of this bomb is influenced by "Bombing accuracy (%)" parameter with which the bombing is carried out as well as the specific in-battle location.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
The total estimated attack power of this bomb is influenced by "Bombing accuracy (%)" parameter with which the bombing is carried out as well as the specific in-battle location.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
When the player's buildings are destroyed, the player who started the planetary bombardment the security status and Federation rating are reduced proportionally to the destroyed building’s rating regardless of the security status and pirate rating of the planet’s owner. This rule does not apply to the Borg planets bombardment.
The total estimated attack power of this bomb is influenced by "Bombing accuracy (%)" parameter with which the bombing is carried out as well as the specific in-battle location.
Produced at the Ammo Factory.
You can connect the robot robot to planet management in the Management - Other - Advanced tab, in the planet management window.
Neural robot skills
Using psi implants, you can teach the robot certain skills. A level 0 robot can be trained in 7 skills. You can add 8 and subsequent skills for every 50 levels of the robot. To add the first skill, the psi implant 0ur is used, the second psi implant 1ur. etc. The maximum number of skills is 22. You can develop skills with the help of psi implants of any level, adding them to the skill. In this case, the robot must be located in a warehouse or in the management of the planet (base) owned by the owner of the robot and the added psi implants must be located in the warehouse of the planet. As soon as the sum of the psi-factors of the added implants exceeds the necessary to increase the level, the robot's skill will improve and its level will increase. The maximum value of skill improvement is 250% Below are the skills:
Skill | Maintenance Lv. per month | per level | Bonus |
Efficiency of planetary buildings | 1% | - | |
Increases the efficiency of the selected planetary construction ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Efficiency of orbital modules | 1% | - | |
Increases the efficiency of the selected orbital module ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Efficiency of spacebase modules | 1% | - | |
Increases the efficiency of the selected spacebase module ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
With significant energy shortages on Colonies with Energy Domes built, a crisis is possible. Further survival is possible if the capacity of Power Plants supplying energy from orbit constantly increases only.
You can increase the number of Research Queues by building Science Academy on each new Colony or by purchasing the "Increase the Research Queue"
This parameter increases via Design Office.
You can increase the number of Design Queues by building or improving Design Office on each new colony or by purchasing the "Increase Design Queue" technology in section^ Trade Operations - The Federation - Buy Technologies
It depends on Design Office level.
It is forbidden to perform spy missions on rookie’s planets, unless the spy owner is a rookie, too. It is also forbidden to perform spy missions on non-rookies’ planets if the spy owner is a rookie, too.
It is forbidden to carry out sabotage missions on rookie’s planets, if the owner of the spy is not a rookie, too. It is also forbidden to carry out sabotage missions on non-rookies’ planets if the spy owner is a rookie, too.
Saboteurs cannot destroy Orbital bases, Spacebases as well as buildings, structures the improvement of which requires in-game currency (IG).
Basic skills of commanders After creating a commander in the school of commanders, the commander has seven basic skills that can be developed. At the same time, the skills that correspond to the 125% and 150% racial bonuses are developed by 5% and 10%, respectively. You can develop these and other skills both in the process of fleet management and by teaching the commander at the school of commanders. The following are the basic skills:
Skill | Maintenance Lv. per month | per level | Bonus |
![]() | Speed | 5% | Production | |
Increases fleet speed in all modes except battle. |
![]() | In-battle Speed | 5% | War | |
Increases the speed of each fleet ship in battle.battles. |
![]() | Resources Extraction | 5% | Resources Extraction | |
Increases the power of drills when extracting resources on asteroid fields. |
![]() | Fuel Consumption | 5% | Science | |
Reduces fleet fuel consumption in all modes. The consumption is calculated according to the formula: R / ( 1 + P / 100 ), where R is the fuel consumption of the fleet, P is the percentage of reduction in consumption. |
![]() | Excavations | 5% | Espionage | |
Increases the archaeological, exploration and boarding potential of the fleet. |
![]() | Building | 5% | Population | |
Increases the potential of the fleet in the construction of bases, installation and repair work, the creation of planets, star systems, asteroid fields. |
![]() | Loading Works | 5% | Trading | |
Increases the loading capacity of the fleet during loading operations and collecting debris in battle. Increases the speed of instalation mines . |
Additional skills of commanders
The commander can be trained in additional skills using psi implants. You can add a new additional skill for every 50 commander levels. To add the first additional skill, the psi-implant 0ur is used, the second psi-implant 1ur. etc. The maximum number of additional skills is limited and is 6 * (arithmetic mean of race bonuses / 100). I.e., for a racial commander no more than 6, for a Federation commander - 9, for a Borg commander - 15. You can develop additional skills with the help of psi implants of any level, adding them to an additional skill. At the same time, the commander must be in the warehouse of the planet (base) belonging to the owner of the commander, or in the management of the fleet, which is in orbit of the base belonging to the player (planet), and the added psi implants must be in the warehouse of the planet. As soon as the sum of the psi-factors of the implants added exceeds the amount needed to level up, the commander's skill will improve and the commander's level will increase. The maximum value of the skill improvement corresponds to the racial bonus or, if there is no bonus, the arithmetic mean of the race bonuses. Additional skills are listed below:
Skill | Maintenance Lv. per month | per level | Bonus |
Atack power | 1% | - | |
Increases the attack power of the selected weapon. |
Accuracy of launchers | 1% | - | |
Increases the accuracy of selected launchers. |
Ships MDS | 1% | - | |
Increases the parameter `Missile Deflection %` for each ship of the fleet that has a MDS. |
Masking, Radar, Overview Range | 1% | - | |
Increasing the parameters of surveillance and fleet stealth. |
Range of traps | 1% | - | |
Increases the radius of action of hyperspace traps and the director of gravitational interference. |
Сconstruction time | 1% | - | |
Reduces the construction time, the creation of star systems, the creation of planets, the creation of the atmosphere. |
Shield power | 1% | - | |
Reduces the time of construction, creation of star systems, creation of planets, creation of the atmosphere. The minimum time is calculated by the formula min / (1 + S / 100), where min is the minimum time, S is the skill level as a percentage |
Jump accuracy | 1% | - | |
Reduces the deviation from the jump point when jumping with Jump engines. The final accuracy is calculated by the formula: J / (1 + S / 100), where J is the maximum deviation from the jump point, S is the skill level as a percentage. |
Scaning range | 10% | - | |
Increases the radius of scanning ships with radar and tachyon scanner to obtain complete information about ships (composition of projects, availability of devices, contents of holds, etc.) as a percentage of the base (1 St.) |
Marauder | 1% | - | |
Increases the probability of falling debris and ancient devices in battle. If there are several fleets of collectors, the probability is calculated as a weighted average of the skills of the commanders and the loading capacity of the fleets. Also, a fleet with a commander who has this skill has priority when collecting debris, the higher the skill level, the higher the priority. The probability of falling debris is calculated by the formula: 100 - 100 * ( 100 - F ) / ( 100 + N ) , where F is the probability of loss, N is the weighted average value of Marauder skills in fleets with loading potential. In battles involving Borg, the Marauder skill does not affect the collection of debris and devices of the ancients. |
Pilot | 1% | - | |
Allows you to detect mines and avoid undermining the fleet by maneuvering. The probability of detecting an explosion is calculated by the formula ( 100 - 100 / ( 1 + N / 100) ) %, where N is the commander's skill as a percentage. When mines are detected, the fleet sends a corresponding message and continues to execute the command sheet. |
Master of Logistics | 1% | - | |
Increases the capacity of holds, the number of cabins, the volume of hangars and the capacity of fleet hangars. |
The rate of improvement of skills and the requirements for the psi factor for the skills of each commander are different and may vary significantly.
Can be used |
On Planets |
Can be used |
In Fleet |
On Planets |
Can be used |
In Fleet |
On Planets |
This device combines in a single information cluster the Design Office computer technology and the unused capacities of other planetary systems, freely bypassing all modern defenses. These can be computers of enterprises, medical institutions, and even personal computers connected to the planetary network. At the same time, the optimal distribution of functions takes place in such a way that the use of capacities is practically invisible for users of forcedly connected information systems and is not recorded by any of the protocols.
Can be used |
On Planets |
Can be used |
On Planets |
The question remains unclear - what prevents the receipt of detailed information contained in the Storage? There are versions that the reason is incompatibility with the modern computing centers architecture, a restraining program, or complete data format incompatibility contained in the Storage. However, this device partially fulfills its functions, providing "tips" to archaeologists, adjusting the research program in the right direction.
Can be used |
On Planets |
This Ancients' device allows generating an entire Star System. After its birth, this device disappears even if it is owned.
Can be used |
In the event of automatic combat, the fleet is selected at random.
Can be used |
In Fleet |
On Planets |
Can be used |
Can be used |
In Fleet |
This hypothesis explains the amazing Borg fleets’ speed that can send reinforcements to the coordinates of battles almost instantly. However, the fact that the Borgs use conventional, albeit more efficient, hyperdrives leads to the assumption that existing power devices are capable of moving the spaceship in another space. The only problem is setting them up. When other devices of the group (Navigation processor, Velocity transducer, and Molecular transducer) are installed in the command module together, the hyperspace accelerator efficiency increases by 250%.
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It analyzes hyperbeacon signals allowing to detect in 50% cases false signals that are generated by the Hypertrap.
When combined with Zero Field Generator, the fleet ignores Hypertraps entirely.
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Using this device increases the planet’s or base’s loyalty by 100%. Since the value of the “Loyalty” parameter cannot be negative, it will always be at least 100% on a planet with an influence matrix.
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This device’s operational principle is to optimize the assembly process logistics - planning, management, and control of the micro and macro components of future modules movement in the production system. In particular, the input control unit software is being re-flashed. This speeds up the verification and screening process of microchips. However, according to reports from IT specialists, this device downloads programs that cannot be run on modern equipment. Scientists hope this will bring them closer to understanding the process of assembling the components of Borg modules and reveal the secret of their amazing efficiency.
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The effect of productivity increase is achieved by re-flashing the control systems of technological lines as well as by reducing the percentage of rejects at the suitable product output. However, the loading of unique programs for the materials’ production unknown to modern science was also noted. The only question is what equipment and resources the Forerunners used. It is speculated that these materials provide the amazing durability of Borg hulls.
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In the course of the research, it was established that the Mineral Detector reflashes the MD-2 drilling module rock analyzer blocks, which increases the accuracy and efficiency of sampling the useful rock from the total volume. Particularly remarkable and inexplicable is the fact that this device loads the optimal drill trajectory even before the scanners provide information about the power and direction of the veins. Accordingly, the time for the formation analysis is reduced, which is even more noticeable when the Detector combines with the Spectral Analyzer. According to some scientists, the Detector repeats the functions of modern geological exploration modules but significantly exceeds their capabilities. The problem is that the information received by this device is not transmitted to external devices and is used exclusively for organizing the drill.
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As a result, it was found that the Molecular Converter reflashes the control unit systems for the fuel preparation process in engines and reactors, using the existing systems for converting the molecular fuel structure. Due to this, a completely different fuel material is obtained, which is suitable for use in Power plants, but with higher efficiency. As a result, power control units are forced to reduce the consumption of more energy-intensive fuel. There is a hypothesis that the Molecular Converter is designed to work with another type of fuel and can create it from crude ore, replacing the need in the Fuel Plant. At this stage, it was not possible to experimentally prove this due to the lack of data on what type of fuel the Forerunners’ Converter was originally oriented to.
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The principle of this device is based on improving the operation of molecular filters used in industrial plants for the separation of elements from crude ores. Same time, Helium-3 is saved due to the reduction in the consumption of poly element ore in the production of fusion fuel. With the help of the communication system of the Control Center, this device re-flashes the control units of molecular filters of all industrial enterprises and increases their efficiency. However, the capabilities of this device are limited by modern equipment capabilities, which follows from the hypothesis of one of the leading Zect scientist that the Molecular Filter is used for other purposes. It is designed to ensure the system operation for changing the matter molecular structure and its synthesis.
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The main Navigation Processor mystery is its almost complete non-susceptibility to the physical phenomena of three-dimensional space while achieving a very noticeable effect. It is not known how it can accelerate the spacecraft movement in the environmental absence or non-physical environment. According to the hypothesis, this processor uses the physics of other space-time continua. It is much simpler and cheaper to operate than the expensive “brain-computer” interface. Combined with other devices in the group (Hyperspace Accelerator, Speed Synchronizer, and Molecular Transducer), it doubles its efficiency.
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It is known that the operation of the existing laser module intended for rare minerals extraction is based on the evaporation and filtration of rocks, with the release and crystallization of the required components. The effect of the Particle detection device's provides three actions at once:
1. Re-flashing the laser drill rock analyzer unit. This increases the drill precision and the efficiency of the laser beam path.
2. Obtaining a higher elimination percentage of the evaporated rock and, accordingly, the yield of the final resource.
3. Increases the laser beam power.
The most surprising is the fact that the laser power is increased while maintaining its original power consumption parameters. It is hypothesized that the Particle detection device takes additional energy from sources that are outside of our space-time continuum.
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Allows the fleet to leave the battlefield from any position, provided that the gravity beam does not act on the fleet. To do this, it is enough to set the position to which the fleet should move to 0 for Attacking fleets and 30 for fleets in Defense.
Neutralizes the effect of the Gravitational beam. If a gravity beam acts on the fleet, then the fleet speed does not change, but the fleet will be able to leave the battle only from 0 positions for Attacking fleets and 30 for fleets in Defense.
When used in an Orbital Base, it is active for every planet owner's fleet in the “Defense” position.
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This is an unusual Ancients' Device. Its operation principle has not yet been understood. Initially, it was not known what it does, since connecting to different systems did not provide tangible benefits. However, in the course of experiments, it was found that it can absorb very large amounts of energy, and therefore it was integrated into the general energy of the planet. The result amazed the Federation scientists since this device began to use excess energy, regulate and redirect its flows between consumers, repaying losses, responding promptly to the slightest changes in the network, which significantly increased most industries efficiency. Some scientists suggest that its reaction rate is based on the quantum information transfer between consumers and this device. However, this theory has not yet been confirmed.
Power Converter performance boost does not affect the planet's energy complex.
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Such an effect of increasing productivity is provided by greater accuracy when performing delicate operations (eq, when spinning nanofibers or in the process of thermonuclear fuel fusion). It was noticed that this effect exceeds the physical capabilities of the available control devices (eq, the dosage of additives when melting steel or aluminum alloys is performed with an accuracy of less than one gram per thousand tons of melting). All this speeds up the production process, but it raises the question - what materials are produced with such high precision, and isn't this the secret of the amazing qualities of the Borg hulls, such as initiative in battle or increased mining potential.
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If the fleet has flagships in its composition, then the maximum value of the parameters `Increase in fleet parameters (%) is used`, `Increase in the parameters of the defense fleet(%)`.
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This device re-flashes the mineral ore purification system quantum filters increasing the yield of pure substances. However, such a high cleaning effect remains incomprehensible when the extraction exceeds the volume of extracted substances in minerals. Also, the increase in production by 300% is not clear if it is combined with other devices. It is hypothesized that the Quantum Filter uses the existing production capacity to molecularly convert individual substances into pure material like the Ore Purifier and some other devices. The capabilities of this device are limited by the modern equipment capabilities. If properly maintained, it is capable of a larger matter synthesis.
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